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Posted by PLANET3, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 9:06:42 PM
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THAT Duelism/thus appears the Problem
[one caNT SErve two..mASters] [please note theY SWORE...sacred serve and protect..HRH/highneSS..Her*/heirs AND Suckceasers its not ROCKET SCIENCE..they MUST protect..her subjects not REVENUE RAISE..FOR STATEHOOD FICTIONS[nor proteCT EXPLOITERs..OR THE RICH..nor their mates..just hrh/and THE common people HER TRust* <<..One is the everyday human being>> THEY ARNT..HUMAN..they have been given special privileges TO CARRY OUT SERVICES..NOT EN-force*..REVENUE RAISING LAWS[nor..CRIMINALIZE KIDS FOR moral crimes[service..nOT FORCE HUMANE..NOT..just human..,,..<<..and the other is to in-force the law as their programmed.>> THAT SENTANCE..ALONE LABELS..thE Two big problems PROGRAMING=Machines....[ROBOTIC THUGS ON Power trips and willing able and wanting..TO USE FORCEE FOR Convenience.or opportunistic oppressions/tO LIMIT FREEDOM..AND GAIN REVENUE/FROM 'clients].. <<..Splitting one’s mind everyday,>> they are empowerd..tO SERVE..AND PROTECT BOTH US AND our and her estates..not follow orders from a CROOKED LAWYER SCAM..TO PROTECT RICH ELITES <<.. most of us do it without being conscience of it.>> WE ARNT ARMED AND DANGEROUS IF WE HUrt other..[or just touch a cop]..we ARE JAILED YET..THEY MANHANDLES US ROUGHLY EVERY DAY[UNDER THREAT OF FORCE..THEY GET US TO FORGET RIGHTS..sign away..rights..FORCED TO PAY COMMERCE LIKE..Fines fees ..[Insurances/WE their 'Clients] meal ticket/meat.. buy/special light bulbs/new digital tvs..ETC PAY pay pay[its commerce] if you dont pay/courts and jail/ENFORCE..payment/regardless [or threat of] obtain LICENSES/[licence is permission TO DO THAT OTHER WISE [FOR A PERSON/UNDER THE ACT]..Ie..unlawful for THEM*..TO DO] or register our possessions like slaves obey obey 0bey..[or WE JAIL YOU OR WE FInd and fine you they induce us INTO FEAR FIGHT..OR Flight..whaT A PLIGHT..TILL ONE DAY..ITS their own kids espri/de gore..[no more] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 9:48:51 PM
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"thuggish, reckless and dangerous" You really don't think the bad guys are "thuggish, reckless and dangerous" Let the magistrates get out there and play in the sandpit with these people you'll soon see them cringing behind the "thuggish, reckless and dangerous" cops. Bye the way I can tell you, from the inside, there will be no charges against police. The union has already indicated it has over a hundred million dollars to defend them. Checkmate. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 10:00:38 PM
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OUG..Thanks once again…but I’d just like to say(without hurting you feels)…you open a new chapter, every time you post….and I thank you for that.
Planet3 Posted by PLANET3, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 10:21:22 PM
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"Bye the way I can tell you, from the inside, there will be no charges against police. The union has already indicated it has over a hundred million dollars to defend them. Checkmate."
Chris, If that was to be the case, as you say, it would be a travesty of justice and it may see criminals getaway Scot free. Never be too cocky it can come back to bit you. A $100,000,000 you say, that is quite a lot of money, where would a union, like the copper union, lay its hands on $100,000,000, legally. Would be as much money as all the bikie gangs in Sydney would have combined. I will drop my mate David Shoebridge a line on the subject and see where things stand there. As the Greens police spokesperson in the NSW Parliament David has taken a keen interest in this case. Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 16 January 2014 6:29:37 AM
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<< [So]The man stole (committed a crime) he refused to stop when called upon to do so (an offense in itself)and he resisted arrest when caught (another offense)>> And yet-- you're out to get the police officer. It's all very reminiscent of that famous case where someone broke into a compound, climbed onto a factory roof with the intent of burgling the joint, but fell through an unprotected panel and then proceeded to sue the factory owner for damages. Heaven help us if the Greens ever get to govern! Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 16 January 2014 7:10:24 AM