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Your throughts

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Hi there ONE UNDER GOD...

You've been pretty busy there my friend, teasing out all those 'links' you've kindly supplied to us all ? I must say, you surely possess an encyclopedic mind to be able to recall many of those sources of information that you've had ?

Personally, I can't remember much of what we did last week, let alone quote ad infinitum material that may prove useful, some time in the future ?

Concerning the dire warnings left for CHRISGAFF1000, by some other incidental and extrinsic correspondent herein, I can only say, CHRISGAFF1000 can well look after himself, be well assured of that, my discourteous and impertinent little friend !

Thanks again ONE UNDER GOD, for another one of your well researched but difficultly deciphered threads. I'm sure all your friends (me included) and your many followers, really appreciate many of your extraordinary efforts, as evidenced hitherto.

As always, please take care of yourself....A N D, Try to stay cool !

Cheers...Sung wu.
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 17 January 2014 1:08:14 PM
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Well I needed that.
Both my spell from the site and the some times castor oil from my opponents and too friends.
O SUNG WO yes we are polls apart in politics but very little in other ways.
You I think are about my age, so we share some common memory's of our country,s past.
I saw and called it, my party fall face down in to a very dirty mud hole.
I feel the pain of what was, and some still is, in NSW and my old home the ALP right.
You will know of a past bashing in Marickivile, one faction of my party against another, both tainted by self interest and yes, criminal actions.
Memory,s may not be as well bought back of Sir Robin Askin,s criminal rule.
My pain came because *not one Liberal/conservative EVER took up my challenge* to tell us about the wrongs on their team, EVER!
I have never seen the degree of open hate aimed squarely at Labor and its supporters , even my car vandalized, named in shouted hate a product of unwed parents because I continue while demanding better consider Labor the best to govern.
Remember my challenge? who will tell of the growing list of Lib/Nats forced out of ministry's in state and federal government.
To refuse to challenge injustice is to except it.
TWO detractors habitually insult others here.
I tried to ignore them.
Will now.
Do not however forget it truly is not Australia,s best interest to have only one party or to generate hate because others follow a different path.
Any one wish to comment about the man who lead the troops in the get slipper case employing his wife but she had no work to do on big salary?
To highlight wrong in Labor but except it in Liberal ranks is a special kind of damning bigoted blindness.
We who find fault should consider we by hiding our sides faults we damage honest government
Posted by Belly, Friday, 17 January 2014 3:02:59 PM
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Hi there BELLY...It's great to see you back after your self-imposed rest.

AS you well know I'm Liberal to the 'bootstraps' BELLY, however if anyone thinks there are NO corrupt members of the Liberal Party, well, they've led a very sheltered life I'm afraid. You cite Robin ASKIN, a great Premier for the coppers, and for the most part, the State and people of NSW. But...he was as bad and bent, as any Labour member has ever been or ever will be !

There're good and bad in every political Party - we're all human. That said, all we can do is identify who they are, and get rid of them, for all eternity !

Great to see you back old friend, and please, don't absent yourself again if you don't mind !
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 17 January 2014 5:16:09 PM
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o sung wo in that post you again prove there is not much difference between us.
And yes I will toughen up.
Here are some of my views on politics.
Both sides have seen some true filth in the past the present and undoubtedly the future.
We are soley to blame for that not them, we keep electing such as Askin and Wrann, obeid and those he owned.
IF we want better we need to get the guts to openly demand better from the side we belong to as well as the other.
We until we know that, get the government we deserve.
I dream,and wait, for true reform from my party and *NAME CURRENT SO CALLED REFORMS A SHAM*
But far worse an insult to the intelligence of the rank and file members.
Yet I must under stand my party is the only one that brings the reforms I value most.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 January 2014 7:42:24 AM
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BELLY old friend...

KEEP THE FAITH ! Just KEEP THE FAITH old chap, that's all !

Corruptive practices will bring these people down eventually. Whether Liberal or Labour Party members. And when they do, they'll come down very hard indeed. Not only with a substantial loss of most of their ill-gotten assets much worse, the public disgrace !

Take it easy old son !
Posted by o sung wu, Saturday, 18 January 2014 1:57:21 PM
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Come please, what can Bill do about it? well the best thing is get into the house and seak a leading role now.
We like our grand fathers can do a great deal, stay in our unions get active in letters to those who impose this crime on us and vote only Labor.
To manufacture a poorer working class is the aim of this dreadfull bill and that alone.
As a unionist prison awaits me that holds no fears are you ready to defend your rights?

Posted by Belly, Monday, 7 November 2005 8:13:15 AM

With your first post, as you are today and that's commitment and your well understood.....As the Anzacs would say..."may our bones grow old, but the sun will come up, thanks to us and the world we made, we shall remember them".... yes my grand war2...but that's another story.....oh and by the way...yowies are real..I sH!t you person, you just have to hear the story and you still wouldn't believe it...gentlemen, the world ,is as it is.......Iam still going green with every thing I do...But that's just me:)

My thoughts go all around the world and bring up 3 teenagers, the heads up is for them, and,is for their world to be as good as you remember.

Iam 47 and male...if that helps and just being open...My first son will be great advantage to the ADF...Iam just a pup:)...

And thankyou all, for your great words.

Posted by PLANET3, Saturday, 18 January 2014 11:06:56 PM
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