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Your throughts

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Thanks foxy…but I don’t think the playgirls mansion could keep up:)

Well what an interesting read, in the small print:)…but I must remind the proper intergraded processes, even if, not the number one on the list, of a governing, with all the facts in place. Australia, as it is, the driest place on earth, with limited resources and people places, not to mention climate change and a changing world even if humanity is not to blame…( in answering Hasbeens question. Ive said to the world..”stop breeding”….but of course that would be stupid factoring in that….Small and smarter…just as equally stupid….and last but not least…the planet its self:)

I back Tony and ADF for looking at the global situation, with the cards the world has to play, with international understandings, concerning of balanced environments, that all world leaders know just too well.

Now whats the threat, if Australia becomes a life-boat?

“You know rats will leave a sinking ship, and where will our sons and daughters go for work..(if they can off their arses)…and maybe with that point, we won’t need any out-siders so to speak” Boat people don’t integrate to well, when given the violence/world the poor/ not our problem/situation…well 1` does begin to wonder, is the planet too full? And should we not consider the possibility, we might just go bankrupted like the utopians of the collective?

I’ve said once and I will say it again…..(with a free democracy as pat Condell points out)….and the biggest question of all time is….How do we stop the world from going bankrupted? Better do we stop Australia from going the same way?....I have a few pointers, but who listens to an opinion:)

Posted by PLANET3, Sunday, 12 January 2014 5:52:07 PM
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Dear Indy,

Most people in the past,
no matter what country they inhabited,
tended simply to accept the system they had
been socialised to believe in. People took the
legitimacy of their particular political system
for granted very early in life, and usually adopted
the political views of their parents. And
they took an overwhelmingly favourable view of their
own country's system and of its national leaders.

However, times are changing - especially
with younger people we're seeing a breakdown of
traditional loyalties in which younger people
are beginning to pick and choose among personalities
and positions,
with less regard for party labels. And, certainly
this trend toward a de-alignment of party loyalties
should not be unexpected in our modern society
whose hallmarks are individualism and choice.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 January 2014 5:58:00 PM
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Foxy I know you can't see it my sweet, perhaps as a result of your history. Let me assure you, these people are nothing like you, & your fellow refugees we took in after WW11. You were refugees through no fault of your own.

These people are destroyers. They have destroyed their homeland at their own hand, now they want to import all that to Oz.

There is nothing more important that stopping the flow of these people to Oz. First we must stop the boats, then we must stop importing the wrong people, as genuine migrants or as refugees.

It is your grand kids & mine that will suffer this stupid practice of letting in people, because they want our life, rather than because they can enhance our life.

Bring in good people has enhanced Oz greatly, bring in bad people will destroy it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 12 January 2014 6:08:59 PM
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The "Usual Suspects" are quick to jettison civil liberties and personal freedoms, all to deal with the looming menace, the national emergency, as portrayed by the arch conservatives in Abbott and co. In Australia we have the classic signs of the beginnings of a totalitarian state in the actions of conservative governments across the nation.
Our conservative brethren can see no harm in giving up a few "privileges" as they seem to think civil liberties are, for the benefit of the common good. The use of nationalistic sloganism, 'Operation Sovereign Boarders' the casting of innocent people, asylum seekers, as the villeins, the control of the military to do their political bidding, the conservative media in unquestioning support of these totalitarian actions. Not just in the area of asylum seekers, these attacks are starting to be far more broad based and sustained, attacks on freedoms within education, the pubic media, in the form of attacks on the ABC, workers rights, the list will grow. These are the classic signs of the formation of a totalitarian state, no less. The statement that Australia is not North Korea should be viewed with alarm, as much of what is happening in the far right conservative ranks, is the foundations for such a state.
Foxy, keep up the good work, you are not alone here, you have the support of the thinking, true believers.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 12 January 2014 6:22:21 PM
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Dear Hassie,

The vast majority of Australians are descendants
of immigrants, yet many often act as though today's
immigrants don't deserve what we do, that we have
something to protect from their encroachment. It
seems paradoxical to me that we often can brag
about our ancestors, yet condemn someone trying to
do the same thing today.

Of course there are immgrants who abuse our system,
just as there are people born here who abuse our
system. However I do believe that the majority of
today's immigrants bring with them an
infusion of the same values that our ancestors
personified. I believe that given a chance most
of these people are willing to work hard for long
hours to make a better life for themselves and their
families. I believe that our children do not stand to
be corrputed by their values, so much as their
children stand to be corrputed by ours.

The scapegoating of today's immigrants makes a mockery
of the Australian "fair-go-for-all" ethic. I find
that this is a national immorality when we collectively
say no to compassion.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 12 January 2014 6:36:03 PM
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No-one here or in politics is as you suggest, scapegoating all immigrants. That is your usual strawman, aimed at poisoning the well by making 'xenophobes'(sic) and 'racists' (sic) out of any who make well founded and constructive criticisms of government policies.

It suits your agenda to divert attention away from economic migrants for example. Or to take another instance, form the community's pleas for consultation on immigration policy and the 'diversity we are obliged to have'.

What about you deal with the criticisms of the Rudd's foolish international socialist idealism that trashed Howard's previous effective Pacific Solution, and justify open door immigration policy with facts and logical argument if that what you want?

As for more of the 'Progressives' interference to 'de-align' our successful democratic system, traditions and social values, the short answer is NO! International socialism is NOT appealing to Australians, any more than Sharia Law. So, NO and we saw you coming. :(
Posted by onthebeach, Sunday, 12 January 2014 6:54:55 PM
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