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how to suceed succesion ..?..[lamb-island]

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Destructive behavior IS instinctual. The instinct for creation is NOT obliterated in
miscreation. That is why it is always invested with reality. One of the chief ways in which
man can correct his magic-miracle confusion is to remember that he did not create himself.
He is apt to forget this when he becomes egocentric, and this places him in a position
where belief in magic is virtually inevitable. His instincts for creation were given him by
his own Creator, who was expressing the same instinct in His Creation. Since the creative
ability rests solely in the mind, everything which man creates is necessarily instinctive.
(This goes after basic conflict theory.) (Dictated without notes by HS)
We have already said that the basic conflict is one between love and fear, and that
the proper organization of the psyche rests on a lack of level confusion. The section on
psychic energy should be re-read very carefully, because it is particularly likely to be
misinterpreted until this section is complete.
It has already been said that man CANNOT control fear, because he himself created
it. His belief in it renders it out of his control by definition. For this reason, any attempt to
resolve the basic conflict thru the concept of mastery of fear is meaningless. In fact, it
asserts the power of fear by the simple assumption that it need be mastered at all.
The essential resolution rests entirely on the mastery of love. In the interim, conflict
is inevitable. The reason for this is the strangely illogical position in which man had
placed himself. Since we have frequently emphasized that correction must be applied
within the level that error occurs, it should be clear that the miracle MUST be illogical
because its purpose is to correct the illogical and restore order.
Two concepts which CANNOT coexist are nothing and everything. To whatever
extent one is believed in, the other HAS BEEN abolished. In the conflict, fear is really
nothing, and love is really everything. (This recognition is really the basis for the castration
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 12:45:41 PM
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complex.) This is because whenever light penetrates darkness, it DOES abolish it. The
unwillingness to be seen, or submit error to light, is spuriously associated with active
doing. In this incarnation, this can take the form of oedipal involvement and concomitant
castration anxiety.
However, in more long range and meaningful terms, the oedipal complex is a
miniature of the true Separation fear, and the castration complex is a way of denying that
it ever occurred.
Like all pseudo-solutions, this kind of distorted thinking is very creative, but false.
The Separation HAS occurred. To deny this is merely to misuse denial. However, to
concentrate on error is merely a further misuse of legitimate psychic mechanisms. The
true corrective procedure, which has already been described as the proper use of the
spiritual eye (or true vision), is to accept the error temporarily, but only as an indication
that immediate correction is mandatory. This establishes a state of mind in which the
Atonement can be accepted without delay.

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 12:46:13 PM
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without delay.

It is worth repeating that ultimately..there is no compromise possible between..everything and nothing...The purpose of time is essentially a device by which all..compromise in this respect can be abolished.

It seems to be abolished by degrees precisely..because time itself involves a concept of intervals which does not really exist.

The faulty/use of creation has made.this necessary as a corrective device...“And God so loved the world..that He gave his only begotten that whosoever..believeth..on Him shall/not perish*

but..have Eternal Life”
needs only one slight be
entirely meaningful in this context...It should read

“And God so loved the world that
he gave it..TO His only begotten Son.”

It should be noted that God
HAS begotten only..*ONE Son.

If you believe.that all of
the Souls..that God created..ARE His Son,..and if you also his Sunship..*is One,..*then every Soul..*MUST be..a Sun/light..of God ,..or an integral part .of the Sonship.

we are
of all..of our immortal/eternal fathers estates


that to..the least..we the most.

You do not..find..the concept
that the greater than its understand.>?

You should..therefore not have..too great difficulty..with this.

The/Son-ship in its Oneness..
DOES transcend..the sum of its parts...However,
it loses this long as..*any of its parts are missing.

This is why..the conflict cannot..ultimately be
resolved..UNTIL..the sum/all..of the individual parts..of the Sonship have returned...*Only then, the/true sense,[spirit-of/the word.. can..the meaning understood.[atonement[at_one_meant]

The concept of..minus numbers
has always a mathematical..rather/than an actual expedient...(This is a major limitation..on presently

Any statement which..implies degrees..of difference
*in essentially..meaningless...
[ your..debt..paid-in-full?]

What..can replace..this negative
approach..*is a recognition..of the fact that.. one part..(which is the same as...a million or ten or eight millions..of thousand parts)..of the..Sonship is missing,..

*!*> is..NOT complete./*!*\

In the..Divine psyche,..the Father.and the Holy Spirit
are not incomplete at all. The..Sonship has..*the unique faculty..of believing in error,..or incompleteness,

\*!*/..if he so selects...\*!*/
he will know..
look at each if..a whole mimd pictures listening..

now what?

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 1:09:15 PM
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However, it is quite apparent that so to elect IS to believe in the existence of nothingness.
The correction of this error is the Atonement.
We have already briefly spoken about readiness. But there are some additional
awareness which might be helpful. Readiness is nothing more than the prerequisite for
accomplishment. The two should not be confused. As soon as a state of readiness occurs,
there is always some will to accomplish, but this is by no means undivided. The state
does not imply more than the potential for a shift of will. Confidence cannot develop
fully until mastery has been accomplished. We began this section with an attempt to
correct the fundamental human error that fear can be mastered. The Correction was that
ONLY love can be mastered. When I told you that you were “ready for Revelation”, I did
not mean that you had in any way mastered this form of communication. However, you
yourself attested to your readiness by insisting that I would not have said so if it had not
been true. This IS an affirmation of readiness. Mastery of love necessarily involves a
much more complete confidence in the ability than either of you has attained. But the
readiness at least is an indication that you believe this is possible. This is only the beginning
of confidence.
In case this be misunderstood as a statement that an enormous amount of time will
be necessary between readiness and mastery, I would again remind you that time and
space are under My control.
(Dictated without notes by HS)
One of the chief ways in which man can correct his magic-miracle confusion is to
remember that he did not create himself. He is apt to forget this when he becomes
egocentric, and this places him in a position where belief in magic is virtually inevitable.
His instincts for creation were given him by his own Creator, who was expressing
the same instinct in His Creation. Since the creative ability rests solely in the mind,
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 7:49:09 AM
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everything which man creates is necessarily instinctive.

It also follows that whatever he creates is real in his own eyes, but not necessarily in..the sight of God. This basic distinction leads us directly into the real meaning of the Last/Judgment.

(I am aware of the fact that you would much rather continue with the parallels..involved in other theories of basic conflict. However, this would merely be a delay which.we will engage in only if you regard it as essential.)

the Final Judgment is one of the..greatest..
the great concepts in man’s perception.

This is only because he does not understand it.

Judgment is not an essential attribute of God.
Man brought judgment into being only
because of the Separation.

God Himself is still the God of mercy.

After the Separation,..however, there WAS a place for justice in the schema, because it was one of the many..learning devices which had to be built into the overall plan.

Just as the Separation occurred,over many millions of years, the Last Judgment will extend over a similarly long period,
and perhaps even longer.

Its length depends, however, on the effectiveness of the present
speed-up. We have frequently noted that the miracle is a device for shortening but not..abolishing time.

If a sufficient number of people become truly miracle-minded quickly,the shortening process can be almost immeasurable.

But it is essential that these individuals
free themselves from fear sooner than would ordinarily be the case, because they MUST
emerge from basic conflict it they are to bring peace to the minds of others.

The Last Judgment is generally thought of as a procedure undertaken by God. Actually,
it will be undertaken solely by man, with My help. It is a Final Healing, rather than a
meting out of punishment, however much man may think punishment is deserved.
Punishment as a concept is in total opposition to Right-Mindedness.

The aim of the Final
Judgment is to RESTORE Right-Mindedness TO man.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 7:54:53 AM
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The Final Judgment..might be..correctly/called..a process of Right-evaluation...
It simply means..that finally.*all men..must come to understand..of..what is worthy..[of/love] not.

After this,..their ability/to..choose can be..reasonably directed. Unless..this distinction..has been made,the vacillations..between free-will..and..imprisoned..will cannot..but continue.

The first step..toward freedom,.then,..MUST entail
a sorting/out..of the false..from the true..This is a
process/of division..only in the..constructive-sense,..and reflects the..true meaning..of the..Apocalypse.

Man will..ultimately..look upon/his..own creations,..and will to preserve..only/what is good,..just as God Himself..once looked upon what..he had created,..and knew WAS good.

At this/point,..the Will/will look..with love..on its creations,..because..of their great/worthiness.

The mind..will inevitably..disown..its hurtful/judgmental..miscreations,..and having withdrawn/belief..from
them,..they longer.exist.

The term..Last frightening,..not only/ has been..[willfully]..falsely projected..*onto God,..but also because of the association..of..“Last”..with.physical-death. an..outstanding
example..of upside-down..inverted-perception.
Actually,..if it is..examined objectively, is quite
apparent..that it/is..really the life.

*No man..who really alive.

His..*own final-judgment..cannot be directed..toward himself,
because not his..own creation...He can apply it..meaningfully, any time, everything..he has ever/created,..and retain in his real-memory..only..what is good...This is..what hiw-own..Right-
Mindedness..cannot but.dictate.

The purpose..of solely to..“give him
the space..of time” achieve..this right-judgment...process.

It is..his/own perfect..judgment..of his/own creation's.
When everything..that he lovable,..[of love]..there is no reason..for..*any him.

This IS his the Atonement.
All learning..involves attention..and study at..some level.

This a MINDTRAINING..course..Good students assign study periods for themselves...However,..since/this obvious step has not occurred to you,.and since we are cooperating in this, I will
make the obvious assignment now. better at understanding..the need to study..the notes than you are,..but neither realizes that many..of the problems you keep being faced...with may ALREADY have been solved there.

YOU do not..think of the this way at all.
B DOES..from time to..time,..but he generally says,

“ the notes,”..
and..then..DOESN’T..even look it up.

HE..believes that,..although..he reads them..over/over,
they..cannot REALLY* him..until..they are/complete.
First of all,..he cannot be sure..of this unless,,he tries.

Second,..they would BE..*
completed..if both..of willed.

nothing/ loki?
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 8:14:00 AM
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