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The Forum > General Discussion > Let no man tell me how I should discipline my children

Let no man tell me how I should discipline my children

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you are free to inhabit this space with those you can discuss matters with
i respect that

you really want to portray me to be so unrestrained and uncaring?
you really think i do not know how to use a light stroke on the young child?

i dont want to go into this argument on what is a vicious smack and what is a medium spank and what is a light stroke of the cane

i cannot remember who is it who says the use of can is a reportable offence... a open spanking is ok ... backslap is not ok...

have you seen a grown man bleed from an open slap?
have you seen a woman tickled to death with a cane?

poirot, i already remarked earlier, enough said
let the matter rest unless you have something more to add other than i am a vicious father

learn to be gracious in Lexi

thks for the very clear statements
you are better with words than me
must learn from you
Posted by platypus1900, Friday, 16 August 2013 9:59:23 PM
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Dear platypus1900,

You appear to be under the misapprehension that we have been engaged in a conversation. Can I disavow you of that notion. I have been set on tearing strips of a person who canes two year old children. Nothing you could say to me would justify your actions so anything you have offered as a reply to my posts is completely and utterly irrelevant.

I have asked my daughter who is doing a childcare placement at the moment what she would do if a two year old in her care told her her father was caning her. She said she would report it immediately.

Why don't you go ask some people who aren't treating you as a customer what they think. Don't make it personal and ask them specifically “Is it okay to cane two year old children?” You in the majority? What rot!

You sir deserve every rebuke, so do your actions. Your children are part of my society and entitled to protection from the likes of yourself. You make me seethe.

You demand “Let no man tell me how I should discipline my children”, well mate this man is telling you just that and so are woman here such as Poirot and Lexi. If you don't like it, get out of the sandpit.
Posted by csteele, Friday, 16 August 2013 10:20:40 PM
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Oh and just as an aside in the other thread of yours you claimed “i find the tv show entitled "A Better Man" to be offensive.”

This was the story about Van Tuong Nguyen who was executed as a drug mule in Singapore in 2005. It appears he was physically disciplined by his father.

“His mother, Kim, is Vietnamese and migrated to Australia shortly after the boys' birth. She married a Vietnamese Australian in 1987, who beat them often, according to Nguyen. His education was at St Ignatious School Richmond, St Joseph's Primary School in Springvale and Mount Waverley Secondary College.”

So much for the claim you seem so keen to make, that those who are not physically disciplined end up 'in and out of prison' of 'doing drugs' while those who are beaten keep to the straight and narrow. Perhaps you believe he should have been beaten more soundly.

On the other hand you could accept that touting individual cases is no way to prove an argument.
Posted by csteele, Friday, 16 August 2013 10:53:34 PM
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On the other hand you could accept that touting individual cases is no way to prove an argument.
you mean like having to resort to an extreme example from a faraway country ? Why not cite an australian example of a kid from a well-off family who has never been disciplined yet getting on the wrong side ? Why not cite millionaire show people who take drugs & then luckily for the rest of us end up on the permanent scarp heap.
Are you saying that the Bali 9 had very harsh upbringing ? The point of discipline is to DISCIPLINE unruly kids with some physical reminder of their wrong doing i.e. a little lingering physical discomfort, be they 2 or 14 years old. A slap or a caning has never proven to be anything but character building, just ask any well adjusted adult. To find a well adjusted adult you need to look at non-academic & bureaucratic institutions.
I can guarantee you that a slap is much easier to remember than a few meaningless harsh words. As I said earlier, just ask any well-adjusted man or woman.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 17 August 2013 6:29:06 AM
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platypus1900, a couple of different issues in this thread. Firstly you demand the right to discipline as you see fit and continue to claim that others should not poke their noses in. Agreed to a point unless the others can demonstrate a credible harm from your actions.

Personally I have some pretty serious concerns about the use of a cane. Very hard to judge force other than when you start to do visible damage. Beyond that I've not seen real evidence that physical punishment is tied to any actual harm when done within sane limits. At best a ban on smacking makes it easier to prosecute the abusers by creating an easy definition to judge on. I suspect that like a lot of laws they won't actually stop the real abusers, just make it easier to remove kids when they are identified.

The other issue is you making unfounded assertions about the choices others make. There have been a number of them
"no wonder graffiti and vandalism and bad behavior is so rampant in our country"

The onus is on you to back it up with credible evidence(not isolated examples) that those who have not been smacked are involed inmore anti-social behaviour than those who have. Without that you are poking your nose into other peoples choices mostly based on your own prejudices and views rather than with good cause.

In regard to the earlier point on the gay marriage, it wasn't an invitationfor a debate on christian morals. The point was about your apparent willingness for the state to poke its nose into other peoples business when it suits your own world views.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 17 August 2013 8:19:09 AM
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"...... a caning has never proven to be anything but character building....."

(Except when it's found to be physical abuse)

What a load of poppycock.

Picking up a weapon to inflict pain and fear on anyone is "character diminishing" (for the caner and the person being caned), especially when it's carried out on those who wield unchallenged power over others.

When it's inflicted on "infants", even more so.

I'll ask again. How is it that children who aren't caned or beaten grow into responsible adults? Did they just get lucky that their parents were more competent and didn't have to resort to using a weapon to instil discipline?
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 17 August 2013 9:26:03 AM
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