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2012 - The So Called 'End Times'
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 19 January 2012 2:09:35 PM
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and 'the catoholic church'... supports evolution... but that wrong [they took that stand on easier to join the clever guys..than prove god did evolve every new genus[so we see the pattern..follow the path god led...[but will never create our own new genus..EVER* but we wont live that long BUT our great grandkiddies..will know we were wrong clearly god alone 'evolves' as we ask him..for bodies better suited to our true lusts if you want to be..a beast there is heaps of beasts/body chose from so far the highest of the default..[material]..incarnations but look...use your mind... apes mutated [lol]..evolved..into apes [monkies into monkies fleas into into dogs for MILLIONS of years then less than 100 milenia [only one hundred thousand years supposedly]...something far abouve the beasts 'evolved'..relitivly overnight but in evolution terms this highest pinacle..will dead end so the devolution begins [mate there is TWO THOUSAND..different mutations..difference.. between ape and you.. thats two thousand..individual changes[lol..eviloootions].. that all need to get filterd past..the 'survival of the fat-test'[lol science survival test] and ya got..*no clue how it could be done overnight..[80/100 thousand years ago] its such a joke...only the faithfull..will swallow the trickery [thats why drummed into kids..before they dare ask too many questions cause if nuthin..your posts reveal ya got nuthin.. so teach/preach..ya faith.. [anti faith..knowing nuthin..of ya alternate [anti=god]..option not even the basic beginnings[first life] let alone the next 'evolution'...into lol..the next *new genus in short by faith [anti-faith in theo..creator].. but by faith *alone.. [welcome to the science-fact free zone] all science no science methodoligy Posted by one under god, Thursday, 19 January 2012 2:28:49 PM
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OUG I respect your right to your views and beliefs, do not share them but as said your rights are clear.
Rather stay near the threads intended path. I admit to researching the end times and predictions on the net for years. Have a feeling we all do, we should look back too, at failed predictions, some are very funny. Humanity has always needed to know if we can predict future and it may be linked to other belief not seemingly linked to reality. But I believe SOME CAN see things others can not. Almost half current predictions about this year,at least, are not related to Christianity. Think we me here, over half the world are not Christians, so all faiths need to be researched about this year. It is likely runner will be insulted but fact is those others are as human as us, every God I ever heard of says so. Most online predictions say no end of the world, those that do are as believable as winning lotto without a ticket. But look at predictions, Christian to Mother Shipton, about earth quakes floods and an end to the Catholic Church. Who knows. Any one recommend a good site? Posted by Belly, Thursday, 19 January 2012 3:31:58 PM
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wiki is always a good starting point Belly and Gotta chuckle at Kasting's prediction given the current mêlée :) Posted by bonmot, Thursday, 19 January 2012 4:05:36 PM
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One Under God
I cannot follow your posts. Many people commenting seem unable to come to grips with the span of time this planet has been in existence and how that time span permits evolution and mutation to cause change. At least 6 million years ago, Australopithecus afarensis existed. Two forces acted over time on afarensis, selection and mutation, and resulted about 4m years ago in A. africanus. Over the next 1.5m years the same processes resulted in Homo habilis, then H. ergaster followed by H. erectus, then H. heidelbergensis and ultimately about 100-150,000 years ago, us, H. sapiens. The fossil records are quite adequate to verify that history. Somewhere well before A. afarensis his forefathers and the other great apes separated from a common ancestral line. Ages before that even earlier ancestors separated from the ancestral line that in time became monkeys. If you have trouble with the time scale then examine the history of the structure of the Green River oil shale beds in the USA. These layered beds of vegetable matter and mud accumulated over 6 million years of continuous history. The coal seams under Sydney, which extent over about 2000km, accumulated over about 30m years either side of 300 million years ago and are separated by various different other bands of deposited material including thick bands of volcanic ash. All of this information is easy to find and to study. Science does not stand on feet of clay; it stands on verified evidence. Posted by Foyle, Thursday, 19 January 2012 8:54:43 PM
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No evolutionist ever claimed that "we came from monkeys" - only that the indications are that we shared a common ancestor.
Like our food crops, every domesticated dog on the planet today for example, was created through deliberate cross-breeding starting from wolves over some centuries so I imagine random combinations plus mutations over millions of years could throw up vast variations on their own. However I must also conclude that the Creationist version means that all the different races of humans were simultaneously "zapped into existence" and are all intentionally independent of each other. A pity then that we are so genetically identical with each other and have interbred. Posted by rache, Thursday, 19 January 2012 9:43:45 PM
or explain the concept
thing is you got no first life genus
nor no second genus..the first 'evolved' from
and putting up survey..from the clever guy
how despirite
if you claim science..use the scientific nomoculture
use the right science words
like have you heard of mendel[a priest]
who revealed the mechanism mendalism
[as in mendelic inheritance]
he exposed the ressesive..versis dominant inheritors
just mendalism...a key biological tool..[refutes evolution]
but talking to a guy who trusts other clever guys
cause it saves having to explain any science
it saves having to learn it
ie have the clever guys
guys and gal's..that ALSO didnt study science
yet developed faith in the sience peers
[just like the deluded..having faith
in the ritualised peers of the church..*and the state}
its usually decidedly clever
to back the clever guys
but if you cant expklain the science
your trusting the science is fact
but its not even proper theory
bonnie..ol day one of your lot
will name the fitst the second genus[that the first may have 'evolved'..from..but till then
all ya got is a theo'suss..that
essentially is only the anti thesus..of
the god done it mob..trouble is both are only by faith
name 2 de genus
make a science prediction
replicate...'the science' the prediction
in short make just one like it
use ya own dust and cell membrain
if you cant make the cell
you got bucklies making life
let alone evolving matter how much ya spin it
ya got bucklies FAULSIFYABLE/proof
bucketloads of faith
in god i trust