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The Forum > General Discussion > Under no circumstances do I want ever see anyone like John Howard as our prime-minister again

Under no circumstances do I want ever see anyone like John Howard as our prime-minister again

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Belly I was simply pointing out that the robin hood situation already exists.

My wealth is not in money, but in the success of my family and that's something you can't buy.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 5 January 2012 5:34:31 AM
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<< Andreas Berg; What a load of rubbish ! >>

Agreed Bazz.

Howard’s primary fault was his promulgation and exaggeration of the continuous expansion mentality at a time when we so badly needed to start heading towards a stable population and a sustainable society. The most significant part of this was his increase to the immigration rate and then its maintenance at records levels for a decade.

Howards wasn’t too bad apart from that.

<< Don't much want to see anyone like any of the PM's we've had during my lifetime as our prime-minister again. >>

Got to agree with that, R0bert.

But the one I’d like to see PM again least of all is the only one that could possibly become PM a second time – KRdudd.

At least a hundred times worse than Howard!!

Rudd immediately boosted the immigration rate upon winning office, without giving us a clue that he would do such a thing in the election campaign.

And he did a heap of other deplorable things.
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 5 January 2012 10:37:20 AM
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I suppose working class income may have increased under Howard - until you take the GST into account. A Great Big New Tax on Everything!
Having more in your hand on payday doesn't matter if you're paying more than ever out before the next pay packet arrives.

The Health Insurance Rebate was more like a handout to private Health Funds in combination with cuts to Public Hospital Funding and was better suited to those who could have afforded it and at the expense of those that could not.

As for "blowing all that money", here we are post GFC near the top of the global economic heap with lower interest rates and unemployment than Howard ever managed to achieve. Some failure.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 5 January 2012 1:14:41 PM
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I recall Howard got unemployment lower than 4%, and we are sitting at 5.3%, and the lower interest rates are only because the economy is struggling, and there is the largest deficit Australia has ever had, from the largest surplus in record time.

If the Labor government wasn't receiving the largest revenues from Mining in history, this country would be in trouble. Labor's economic credentials are torrid, and they haven't produced one successful policy.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 5 January 2012 2:38:02 PM
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We've seen over time on this forum that people
with different political inclinations may
interpret the same phenomenons in very different

In other words, people tend to see things
from a viewpoint of subjectivity. Some people looking
at the current government's key achievements
during their recent short time in office may see the
following positive achievments:

Things like - increased hospital funding
More help for pensioners,
Decisive action during the global financial crisis
Investing in new cancer research treatment centers,
1,000 new nurse training plus 1,300 new GP's.
Single National School Curriculum
Building Trades and Training Centers in our High Schools
Tax cuts in the last 3 budgets
Record investment in infrastructure such as - highways,
roads, and ports
Building a National Broadband Network
Creating 235,000 new training places
Investment in renewable energy
Abolishment of WorkChoices

And so on.

Others of course will only continue to see negativity
because their particular political party is not currently
in office. That's politics.
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 5 January 2012 3:31:35 PM
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record investment in infastucture
ports for exporting our resources
buuilding them gas lines in the desert
building them rail

when the miners shut down
it will all be ripped out and exported
[give or take 30 years]..yeah grwat stuff lexie

and we wasted our money paying double for services and utilities

lexie quote..""Building a National Broadband Network"""

yep billions so far
for 4000 users...!

noting that huge teliscope connected to it
wil no doudt chew up all the bandwidth..cause its too expensive to store it...[in one minute apparently it fills hundreds of megga bits..

enough to fill all the digetal storage
man kind will ever produce]..its folly after folly
but that fibre will help move it on..[to someone]

""Creating 235,000 new training places""

wow i did 3 of them training thingies[under howard]
to gets the dole numbers down..

[while on the course your not unemployed]

plus redefining FULL 2 hours work?
well thats just too clever [and expensive] half

""Investment in renewable energy""

plyus a huge ten billion slush fund
govt still picking winners

[like solandra..who took billions in usa before going bust..or spain bankrupted by green jobs[now with 23% its done..]

""Abolishment of WorkChoices""

oh so your against choice are you
afraid to work are you

[see how clever names is all part of the game]

imagine your great grandkids]
hearing you say...we got rid of choices
so now you must work..where we tell you to work

paying income tax
lol..on wages

while corperate trusts get govt largess and bailout
and plenty of govt assistance

heck recall that 'spill'
they are allowed to spill that mch each two days
its just one day they released a little too much

ammonia..thats healthy right?

or how about..them salty chemical wells..
from them frakking frackers

when the floods wash
their poisened waters..into the inland-sea..[2013]

[plus infastructre]

every excuse
is a further abuse

we trust our own peril
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 January 2012 3:55:31 PM
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