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The Forum > General Discussion > Under no circumstances do I want ever see anyone like John Howard as our prime-minister again

Under no circumstances do I want ever see anyone like John Howard as our prime-minister again

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high rents...excessive bonus...greed
will bring the nation down..a lot faster than high wage's

the more the workers got to spare
the better cut of meat they buy

the more they got to buy aussie..[made owned]
stop blaming them who served you..into your wealth

sure we hate paying what things are worth
but mate if its busibness..expense
govts allowing you a tax deduction

govts paying u..for your business expenses and depriciation
educating/training ya workers..[subsidising their rent]
paying their health costs

maintaining the footpath roads carparking..for you
your just too blind to noticve just how greedy you are

put some more water in ya mince
and cheer up.[get a new life]
at least your work/serfs

dont have to put up with you anymore
so stop worrying about what others are doing
and enjoy your retirement...soon you just might be critizising invesrtment fuind managers...because govt let business go tooo far

and no auditer checked their books
for the same a cleaner cleans your mess up for you

i know kids cleaning up on cleaning up
for 6 bucks an hour..on a contract
or you could move to india
where a cleaner will clean you out for 2 bucks a day

no holydays no leave loading./..
retirement means you can stop your goading
that alone..might prevent your heart exploding
or the stress..[of it all]..causing a your brain
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 8 January 2012 8:42:43 AM
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Thank you dagget your right on the money. Combine this with the behaviour of corporations making decisions about what is right and wrong, and Govts of both persuasions ignoring their appallingly self interested decision making, doing so because if they (Govt's) try to do anything of behalf of the people/workers/consumers it will result in their demise.

Even Labors fundamental link to fairness via its union affiliations cannot save us or our country from this onslaught now, because of changes made in law of all kinds by Howard that at this point remain unchanged and have no prospect of change, no matter whom governs.

I have been trying to make this point on another current post about the loss of individual freedom.

Not only was Howard the worst PM we ever had, but the damage done by his dumb ideological tenure is self perpetuating and excelerating, destroying our living standards by institutionalising the power of the few, to the detriment of freedom of the all.

All one can do now is invoke discussion at the risk of having big brother watching you as was the subject of the front page of the Age Newspaper yesterday. Its not just forgetting how bad it could really be if we let the ideologues (LNP) back in power dagget, but the fact that freedom itself, is a concept not even understood by the young, as they have never really experienced it. This is how much damage the Howard Govt really did.
Posted by thinker 2, Sunday, 8 January 2012 10:36:42 AM
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Nice rant OUG, the little of it I could be bothered to read that is. Boy your posts are had work.

Mate, I always paid my staff what they were worth. At least in my industry, dead wood does not make the grade, usually taken up by the super markets. Very over paid.

As for the fund manager, mate, I have a tree farm that I invested in. No managers, no staff, life's great.

Nobody is in control,of my future, appart from myself.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 8 January 2012 7:46:48 PM
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Ok, so most of you hated Howard, so tell me, is Abbott better, or worse?
Posted by rehctub, Monday, 9 January 2012 5:28:49 AM
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Rechtub, do you truly think Abbott is one tenth of the person Howard was?
Look JWH lost his seat, we have gotten a heard mentality here, we forget why he lost it.
And too how he kept office, he was a politician.
Abbott is not.
He is like a prawn, they in the sea live on carrion.
Like it or not Gillard is his strength, he is hers.
And like it or not, Ostrich's may hide their head but Abbott and Gillard are third class leaders trying to do the impossible, for them, sell rotting raw fish outside the yellow arches
Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 January 2012 5:43:38 AM
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its ok tubbers..i read yours fully to comprehend you fully

ok ya got a tree farm
do you have the means to value add to it's 'product'
[and transport it to market]

and prune it and nurture it
[i recall the 60/70's scams...useless forrests of pine
no one the timber is worthless

heck least a 1000$..cow
doubles its money every year[plus gives milk]
breeding chickens..means everyday you get a new chicken[possable new chicken]

i like to eat
so my investments are in seeds
one seed grows 5 pumpins..every season

you bought a forrest at the top of the market
in an oversaturated market...[how far you carry the trees to their market] a chainsaw..pruning hook..[carbon market?]

noting if sold for carbon
you can harvest

if not bying..for half the asking price
we pay too much[then there is forrest fires]
go figure forrests burn

the ones getting payed..govt funds to clearfell..then plant 'a billion trees'[greening australia]..great idea mate..[but most of them died...[of course the fencing sceme that was great too]

and water buy]
[ya gotta love that]

remember the main rule is diversification
and getting back the signed blue ink copy..of ya mortgauge..the bankers onsold to the securities industry...[cashed in]..long ago

now a '..AAA+..bundled security'...
by some lord in china..[or london]
under written by ya super
Posted by one under god, Monday, 9 January 2012 6:00:18 AM
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