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Nanny State?

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NO! RObert with respect I charge YOU with the crime you charge me with.
A special ability to ignore the truth.
To take a side in an issue,BASED ON POLITICS!
1 Show me, prove to me it is a tax, you can not do so.
2 show me it is aimed at football clubs,they represent 10% of those targeted.
Show me , tell me please, WHY clubs Australia say it WILL NOT WORK.
Yet too, claim it will lead to 40%!? drop in profits, it can not do both.
What, tell me please! do we think this man Wilkie, a man who SHOULD NOT be in Parliament,he ran third but got elected?
Why is he acting like the product of unwed parents? OR IS HE?
Other states may have a problem,NSW has slum Hotels open now! bleeding the true down and outs .
Any attempt to control rich clubs becoming richer on the food dads and mums take from kids.
Any agreement with a Labor policy, get slandered.
And the license! how will that hurt any one? in a place to drink and Gamble even those of us who do not have a problem would have been better for a limit we imposed when not drunk.
I make my claim again stand by it, lies are used to political advantage,and the facts here speak for them selves.
TAX? will/will not work? football? nanny state?
Tony Abbott in power will need to find a closer relationship to truth.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 October 2011 4:15:26 AM
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My caps are not a sign of anger, oh I may be at the time, but it is emphasis not anger.
Frustration too, my thread here,yes was to rebut and some times join the anti or pro nanny state discussion.
In the back ground ABCs the drum, bit out there at times, was on, just before?
Laurie Oaks replay of his address to Honor a now dead great reporter.
Some times sleeplessness rewards.
I can not walk away from a fear, first I trust youth,any one under 40 in my view is youth.
And trust them, to rebuild the broken pipe that public comment/news reporting/twisting/making has become.
But as said on the drum, some of us are not up to sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Is our dislike of Julia Gillard/Tony Abbott?, My FEAR total distrust for Bob Brown,TAINTING our every view.
Are we subservient to the party of our choice?
Do we, any of us,actually let our side do the thinking for us.
I think very few, some but few.
Our problem is we FAIL totally, to think at all about some issues.
Wilkie is no mate of mine, in my view no Friend to any of us.
But his bill is worth at least honest debate.
Tell me, without him,who from what mainstream party,would have put it up.
Mainstream politicians are Spineless.
Are we brave enought to look at this issue?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 October 2011 4:34:27 AM
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Belly I'm assuming that you not are being deliberately dishonest here but just so emotive about the issue that you are not actually reading what others are writing.

I'm not defending the tax claims, they are spin. I am taking a stand against more of government intervention in the lives of those who can otherwise control themselves for the sake of those who chose not to do so.

You don't do yourself any credit when you take that approach. You are so bound up in the politics that you are missing some fundamentals. I really could not give a rats for the politics of this other than the part where it's yet another place where government regulates the majority for the sake of a minority who won't regulate themselves.

Posted by R0bert, Thursday, 27 October 2011 5:08:31 AM
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Robert said: I am taking a stand against more of government intervention in the lives of those who can otherwise control themselves for the sake of those who chose not to do so.

WRT the poker machine proposal, as far as I can see, it won't affect those who can control themselves at all. If you can control yourself by either not playing, or by limiting how much you spend, no probs, you're not affected at all. But it will help problem gamblers to set limits before they are 'under the influence' of the flashing lights etc.

I am astonished by the clubs' campaign. Effectively they are saying, we depend on problem gamblers for our income. They are using a blackmail line: if problem gamblers are limited in their spending, footie teams, community groups will collapse. They may as well say, unless we can serve alcohol to totally intoxicated people then we'll go broke (well, maybe they are saying this, with the demand to keep nightclubs open all night). They may as well say, we want to sell heroin, it would make a good return to support the local footie team, why should the government intervene because some people can't control themselves and get addicted?

Logically, Robert should support the legalisation of marijuana, heroin and all drugs. The laws against these intervene in the lives of those that can control themselves.
Posted by Cossomby, Thursday, 27 October 2011 9:10:38 AM
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I agree with Robert. I know you feel strongly about this issue and i know of the family situations of many problem gamblers. However it is another nanny state regulation.

Worse still, there is no garrantee it will work and there are no details. Gamblers are canny and will find ways around it. How will a person be assessed as a problem gambler and by whom? Personal details will be required. If a linit is reached why can he not go to another pub/club and continue? Will all pubs/clubs and pokies be connected via internet and who will run the website? This will mean EVERY person will have to be registered, and identified, to even put a coin in as they pass the machine. Even I can see great holes in the implementation of the proposal and I am not as cunning as some gamblers.

Am told the cost of conversion of machines will be high and clubs/pubs will have to recoup that cost. This means an increase in all prices or less return to punters from the machines.

Pub and club patrons will not be happy at all about this and will vote accordingly against those to blame for inflicting this on them. The political cost will be high, not a good move by government.

But, what the hell, the present government is gone anyway. what are the odds?
Posted by Banjo, Thursday, 27 October 2011 9:15:28 AM
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govt bailing out capitalists

govt lending at intrerst [ursury]..from bankers
to lol bailout bankers..[mate thats a nanny state]

they get bailout
we get their debt[then pay intrest on it

then give it all to the bankers
then bailout the bankers and start again
but lets take thast here

seems the 'stock exchange is having a 'teqnical glich'


the virtual economy meltdown?

they only trade in promises for share
not actual shares

Ephesians 5:11 And have no fellowship
with the unfruitful works of darkness,..but rather reprove them.

12/for it is a even speak of those things..done in secret..

13/but all things that are reproved..are made the light..
for what ever doth..* of the light

only the real economy egsists

bankers stealing houses

whats the real issue

heck get your own info
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 27 October 2011 9:33:16 AM
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