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Greens Popular?

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Thanks Lexi, I saw a post from you that rightly said I am totally hooked on politics.
Yes true, my wishes if I thought my party or any could be elected with them would be different than my lifetime party's.
But the truth is those 23 years I spoke of are ones in opposition, helped by my party the Catholic Church and its Child the DLP diplomatic Labor Party.
My life journey has shown me some truths a younger me would Punch me for haveing.
It must be the middle ground, no other place is going to grow a government.
I need not fear the refugees from Labor rowing the greens boat.
I know many of them, have fought one very big union all my life who are ATTEMPTING note that not achieving, to take the reigns of the greens.
I Lexi know and fear the loss from Labor to conservatives because of the greens, or perceived green control of Labor.
Labor has self inflicted wounds, a Scottish ex union head , he is not alone, who got a seat because he was and always will be a failure, nonreprsenative swill would best describe.
But we achieve much, be content in ten years even conservatives will remember climate change BER even with ten percent failures, pink bats even with 40 fraud and 100 percent poorly managed.
The 900 dollars and the money spent that saved us from GFC as good.
We right now, live in time of great change.
We may see real horrible depression or just maybe new and better world banking.
But we are in for a fast ride, rational scrutiny should threaten no party of firm government or opposition.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 3:59:14 PM
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For once I agree with you. The Greens are idealism without acknowledging the consequences, peddling influence without accepting responsibility.

I often wonder would have happened if the liberals had not preferenced labor in the seat of Melbourne, and Adam Bandit lost. It would have given labor another seat, and enabled Gillard to govern without selling her integrity with the carbon tax, and possibly a second term.

For the liberals, it meant a government that it could shred but might end up with a tax that is difficult to remove.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 4:22:30 PM
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@ Belly:

This is looking awfully like just another platform for you to repeat negative spin that we've both been over before. One last time, in the spirit of honest and civil communication:

1. The failed ETS didn't get Green support because Rudd arrogantly refused point blank to negotiate with them on it. It would have gone through anyway, but Abbott rolled Turnbull and reversed Opposition support for what had been a bipartisan position.

2. Yes, a preferential voting system can produce some odd results, but in my considered opinion it is a more democratic system than 'first past the post'. I think that's worth a debate on its own merits, and is worth its own thread if you don't understand why I think that.

3. The Marrickville Council beat-up was just that. Personally, I think it was a dumb position to take in the middle of an election campaign - but it's a Labor/Greens council, don't forget. There have been many instances of Labor councils declaring cities Nuclear Free Zones and the like, as I'm sure you're well aware.

4. The Greens' position is that pre-election preference deals should be banned, but while they are the accepted practice it's electorally suicidal not to take part. Many Greens branches hand out 'split-ticket' HTVs, while others refuse to distribute them at all. At any rate, Greens voters are notoriously undisciplined at following HTVs anyway.

OK - that's stuff we've already covered. I obviously don't think that the Greens are abusing such power as they have. It is not a Labor government, it is a Labor/Greens coalition government and it's long-established practice in Coalition governments in Australia that the junior partner has a legitimate say in government. The carbon tax is not controversial policy - indeed, the approach had bipartisan support until Abbott reversed their position. All that's happened since is that a frightened, credulous electorate has been expertly played by the deny and delay brigade.
Posted by morganzola, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 4:27:24 PM
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morganzola:>>It is not a Labor government, it is a Labor/Greens coalition government The carbon tax is not controversial policy - indeed, the approach had bipartisan support until Abbott reversed their position.<<

M by what standard do you gauge a Carbon tax as being not a controversial policy. You give the example of Abbott being for one in 2009, and his back flip since.

As for me, I do not give a bugger what Abbott or Gillard or Brown want in regard to a Carbon tax, they can pair up, divide, or break into segments on the issue for all I care. The FACT is that the overwhelming MAJORITY of Australians do not want a Carbon tax. They recognize that it is all for the gain of the politicians, not the environment. Which brings me to an observation?


As Green as Brown this band of imbeciles you follow morganzola, who are just marionettes to the polluters who are now happily and free of GREEN scrutiny polluting in second and third world nations, In global terms most first world nations only have domestic usage pollution to cope with since manufacturing was stripped from them.

Just so you understand who the enemy is let me submit this:

Resource and manufacturing pollution is 60% of global emissions.
Domestic electricity usage contributes 12% to global emissions.
Other domestic fuels contribute 18% to global emissions.
Transport contributes 10% to global emissions.

The Greens have turned from being the nemesis of environmental polluters to nemeses to the consumer , an enemy to the people
Posted by sonofgloin, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 7:34:02 PM
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@ SOG:

Thanks for the opportunity of posting some Greens' media on CSG. One Google click is all it took - funny how some people here seem incapable of finding accurate information on the Greens,

From my own State:

>< CSG industry the top of Greens' election agenda
By Sam Burgess

The Queensland Greens say the coal seam gas (CSG) industry will be the focus of their next state election campaign.

Posted March 28, 2011

The Greens call for a moratorium on coal seam gas

Posted by Jim on May 23, 2011 ><

Nationally, this is the most obvious proof that you're just plain wrong about the Greens and CSG:

Come on SOG, you just made that rant about CSG up, didn't you? The truth is that no political party in Australia is doing more than the Greens to get some proper regulation introduced to the industry, including calling for a moratorium on 'fracking'.

The ALP and the Libs are firmly behind the CSG industry, apparently regardless of what damage they're causing. I think that there's been concern expressed by some Nationals and some of the Independents, but the Laberals are firmly in Big Coal's pocket these days.
Posted by morganzola, Tuesday, 26 July 2011 8:02:50 PM
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Morgan ease up a bit.
Until recently you and I had been mates.
I doubt that is now the case, and you not I end that.
EVERY one of us who considers them selves to be a political person has every right to think as they wish.
You prod me as sharply and mate AS UNFAIRLY as SM, because I have honestly held views.
Like this or hate it, it is true, as a union official, playing the roll of myself,I met and talked with members who held opinions from every side of politics.
I listened to every one of them.
Here a chance exists Morgan, to burn you, to truly fire you up, just this, if I told you what those middle Australians think of your party.
One last plea mate, brother if you wish,Call every bloke brother still and mean it.
My views are not based on hate/fear/protection of the ALP, every one of those reasons could be given, yes and to some degree I do hold every one of them.
But do not try to turn MARICKVILLE in to the product of the south bound end of a north bound BULL.
It was.that stupid ex maxist fool,even Bob Brown condemned hurt your party the CFMEU a criminal group within it, are promoting your team, tell me Marxists are not among your members.
Your anger is ok I get that way with the tea party types here, but except these things,,,as facts,,, not weapons.
More voters dislike the greens than vote for them, more want no more minority candidates winning on preferences over the wishes of majority's.
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 27 July 2011 6:28:37 AM
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