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The Forum > General Discussion > RSPCA should stick to its knitting

RSPCA should stick to its knitting

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*If it wasn't for knitters farmers would lose a whole market for their wool. :)*

Err Pelican, you are once again behind the times, for of course
some of us modern farmers have sheep with no wool. The only thing
shorn on this farm this year, was a pet alpaca called Percy.

But the term "stick to your knitting" is actually a common business
term, not that you would know that :) It is used in terms of
companies doing what they know about and do best, for when they
go outside their area of expertise, they commonly lose money.

Clearly you haven't the foggiest about what happens in WA, or you
would understand the importance of the live trade to farmers here
and not chant the mantra of the animal liberation movements.

Given that we are really just a cash cow for the East, I am all
for seceding from you lot. When we want a little bit of consideration,
as on this issue, we get zilch. We can't even get staff for our
meatworks either. Then you want to ban the live trade. Pffffft.

Gertrude, we know all about your multiple personalities, we have
seen it all before. But for those who believe every word, well
good luck to them lol. Fact is your writing style gives you away,
even if you have a new spell checker.

OLO remains a magnet for some. They might leave with their tail
between their legs, only to return under another name. Its
quite common. But some of us have good memories.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 13 June 2011 9:18:37 PM
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Aaah... still sticking to ad hominen debating tactics Yabby. While I understand it is difficult to break the habits of a lifetime, as the rational businessman that you are, I would have assumed a more logical and argument-focussed debating style. None of us are ever too old to learn Yabby nor to reflect one's POV.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 13 June 2011 9:23:27 PM
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No ad hominems Pelican, simply pointing out the reality that like
many other posters on here, you are clueless about the ramifications
of your calls for an end to the live trade. We can see that
by what you have posted on the topic.

I can make point after point of reasoned arguments, you have
no answers. Fact is fact.

Uninformed comment from the cheap seats is rather common on OLO.
On this topic, you really don't know much about your subject and
it shows.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 13 June 2011 9:50:03 PM
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Convince yourself my name is Gertude, so be it. I told you who i was.Put even up my phone number even, until i took the advise of another poster because i picked up on a dual personalty. I am posting in my real name too(unlike you). I care about farmers and animals both. I eat meat and I ran cattle as a living. I am no animal libber. Well may you criticize my cousin but you and nobody else knows just what has been achieved. It requires more people because your lot the Government MLA just to mention a few refuse to look at better ways. Its easier to send them live.

I have read so many posts from people who it looks to me have dedicated their lives to educating the public about whats going on with Australian farms animals.
Cracking jokes runs in the family i guess. That does not mean this is not really serious. It doesn't mean I dont sit by myself and cry at the images in my head of cattle screaming crying having their throats cut ten times and more.
You have no right to challenge the RSPCA. They are the authority in this country not you.

Now I believe Gertude has a message you=
Posted by Kerryanne, Monday, 13 June 2011 11:37:49 PM
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No Yabby you just disagree with them.

There are a lot of people who disagree with you. That is why it is best to stick to cogent argument than personal commentary.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 14 June 2011 12:17:02 AM
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*and cry at the images in my head of cattle screaming crying having their throats cut ten times and more*

Gertrude, I'm not going to argue about who you really are, but
I am going to argue about the above, and why you, the RSPCA and
AA are so flawed in your thinking. The whole AA argument about
sending messages etc, is based on a flawed premise. Banning the
live trade tomorrow, will not stop Indonesian cattle, Egyptian
cattle or other cattle in the third world, being slaughtered as
they have been for thousands of years. Those cattle will be
screaming, they will just be a different nationality. Seemingly
you won't care then.

Belly and I put forward a solution, but animal liberation groups
don't even want to think about it, as it involves slaughter and
as vegans they don't want to be involved.

What the third world needs is a well designed, effective crush
where a stun gun can be used. Stun guns, if they are the correct
ones, are accepted by Islam. The total cost of one of these units
would be less then what AA spent on a single full page add in the
national papers.

If one of these had been installed at say the Bassateen meatworks
in Egypt when Lyn White visited, every night animals would benefit.
Egyptian animals, screaming, crying.

They could be Australian designed units, in conjuction with Temple
Grandin. That would be progress for animals in the third world.
I have even suggested an easy funding option, namely just a tiny
fraction of the 4 billion that we spend a year on foreign aid.

That would be progress, that would be sending messages, that would
result in animals in the third world being better off.

But that does not suit the vegan agenda, which is the problem.
Animals are worse off, because of it.
Posted by Yabby, Tuesday, 14 June 2011 7:13:26 AM
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