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RSPCA should stick to its knitting

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*Why should they pay for equipment in Egyptian plants – even if they could.*

Well they clearly could, for they indeed have some rich benefactors
and clearly can take out full page ads in our newspapers, more
then enough to buy a humane crush.

If they could and did not, which seems to be the case, then Egyptian
cows will just have to follow you in your dreams, as they bellow
and scream, because nobody bothered to provide humane equipment
for them. The fact remains, AA could have bothered, but did not.
Animals suffer. If you want to change things in the third world
and make progress, the best way to do it is to lead by example.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 15 June 2011 9:59:10 PM
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OK Yabby,

If your not interested to discuss sensible solutions then i wont waste Kerryanne's time. Perhaps your mate Scott might see the light. The Indonesia hub is the best deal on the table and as good as its going to get. It would be easier if all involved got on board. I am serious. At the end of the day its all controlled by accreditation's.
They cab be moved about to suit peoples agendas. That is why all acceptations for China go through Malaysia. You can still have Saudi accreditation for imports running through Indonesia. Malaysia can still be the hub of exporting Halal from their new ports. Nobody has to lose too much but everybody must make adjustments. Australia would play a big role all round. I asked you for your comments on that idea- not bagging AA thanks.

So again,- deal or no deal.

We make Indonesia the new Halal hub of the world.?
Posted by Kerryanne, Wednesday, 15 June 2011 10:41:43 PM
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Gertrude, I am not interested in halal hubs. I've put forward
a way to improve animal welfare in the third world, where Australia
could play an important role and so could claimed animal welfare
groups. It sounds like some of those groups really arn't that
interested in improving animal welfare in the third world.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 16 June 2011 3:20:10 AM
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Dear Yabby,
From what I observed, Gertrude was putting you on track,
to a multi trillion $ business and growing fast.
HKM is set up to do put improvements in 3rd world countries.
I understood putting equipment in 3rds world countries was HKMs Animal Welfare programe.
However that would be a personal choice for the HKM board to decide. Myself Kerryanne, doesn't think the others you refer to could afford to do that.

Although I heard Peta offered to help with video- something Getrudes pushed for over the years. They can afford it - yes-- well done peta.
Yabby said-
*I've put forward a way to improve animal welfare in the third world, where Australia could play an important role and so could claimed animal welfare groups.*

That is what MLA are already paid to do! with tax payers $!

I too put forward a way to improve animal welfare to make SURE all our animals are handled properly and the trip shortest time possible.

(May the best man win...)

Gertrude would like to thank Yabby for having the manners to finally answer the question- thank you.

Being old fashioned as the name would imply (G) feels its bad manners not to reply to people. That poor man sitting without a reply to his open heart felt letter Yabby- so sad. Just not right.

So Gertude has had the manners to reply to that man Braithwaite. A sincere thank you Yabby for posting his open letter top 4 corners. Who knows maybe he will like the Indonesia halal hub idea.

Reply to Scott Braithwaite 4corners open letter.-

See you in Indonesia Yabby

Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 16 June 2011 8:44:31 AM
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Gertrude, I am not interested in any multi trilion$ businesses,
I am quite happy where I am, doing what I am. I am not interested
in HKM either. So I will not see you in Indonesia.

If you have something to post, right here is where I debate.

Animal welfare in the third world could quite easily be improved,
if local animal groups became involved, even if they put a proposal
to the Govt for money, given that the Govt is scared of them.

There are alot of animals out there, they are seemingly only
interested in the fate of Australian ones, the rest are out of luck.

MLA funds are limited. They spend those funds, they are clearly not
enough. Given that they come under the Minister for Ags power, he
can provide extra funds.

The reality is that most so called animal welfare groups are actually
animal rights groups who are vegans. They want nothing to do with
livestock slaughter equipment, even if that means animals in the
third world will keep copping it tough. That is terribly sad,
but I am well past worrying about the things that I cannot change.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 16 June 2011 9:17:14 AM
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What you are suggesting is preposterous . I suppose you have someone to pick up your dirty towel off the bathroom floor also.
Animals Australia didn’t create live exports and do not approve of putting live animals on a ship in the first place.
You expect them such a tiny little group to finance a multi trillion $ industry.
No if they want live exports the industry must pay.
The others will lobby to have the animals slaughtered in Australia and support the AMIEU as they should.”

Australia is the largest live animal exporter in the world. So Australia must set the example to phase it out.
Oh it will happen make no mistake. Maybe you and I won’t be here to see it-but it will happen
I see no reason why we cant give visas to Indonesia slaughter man under our supervision long term and others.

*MLA funds are limited*.

Pull the other one Yabby.
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 16 June 2011 10:50:43 AM
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