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RSPCA should stick to its knitting

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*The reality is that most so called animal welfare groups are actually
animal rights groups who are vegans. ....

Yabby, you’re possibly correct. Its their choice to be as they wish.
HOWEVER for a so called self imposed Federal Umbrella peak leaders of Animal Welfare we need a body that listens to “everybody.
That has not been the case with PALE or HKM. They have been in my opinion black listed both Australia and worldwide.
You saw the nattiness here yourself even attacking the founder dead father. Which is why ( G) stopped posting in total disgust.
I can say as a member of PALE HKM they have always been very professional. They tried many times to get AA to the table to discuss phasing out live exports with the Heads of the Islamic Councils and Societies.

Not quite a year ago in another attempt PALE HKM offered the title of Australia’s Ambassador for Australian Muslims to Lyn White to try again to bring unity.

Its was Gertrude’s i idea. Again working professionally PALE HKM requested some of AA helpers to assist reps from each state of Australia to help with lodging subs to the inquiry and don’t forget they have a lot to offer.
In their usual manner from AA – NO reply.
Not interested. Of course its never occurred to them that Halal is a Muslim thing. Are they racist perhaps, i don’t know.
Or maybe just plane cheesed off that they didn’t think to ask for a partnership with Australian Muslim Leaders given they had a 20 year head start on my cousin!
In my own opinion I think that is more the case . Hugh Wirth writing under the name of WSPA did ask FINALLY for a meeting with the heads.
The reply was love to – but HKM will be attending.
Never got back after that- So go figure what their real problem is
Personally I don’t give a dam about anything other than farmers and their Animals
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 16 June 2011 10:52:32 AM
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*What you are suggesting is preposterous*

You just don't get it, Gertrude. Australian animals will be fine.
Others born in the third world will just have to holler and scream,
but apparently your dreams don't hear that.
Australian animal groups who claim to care about welfare, clearly
don't care enough to do something about it, even though it is
quite within their power to do so. I remind you that when AA
bothered to get off their butts and approached Jordan, the results
were very good. What I have suggested is a simple project, quite
within their means and influence, I've even suggested the funding
source. But as that will benefit non Australian animals, nobody
is interested. So be it. If the animal is not Australian, nobody
cares, including animal groups.
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 16 June 2011 11:00:31 AM
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* Australian Animals will be fine*


Australian public have seen otherwise.
Our Animals are anything “”but fine.””

Others share your frustration as recent posts reflect. - They dont get involved in anything other than ""exposing the cruelty."" If that’s all they can cope with - fair enough.

They have done more for animals than anybody by exposing it.

I give the credit 100% to Lyn. In 2005 PALE contacted AA to discuss a project with 4 corners. The President Dominique said yes! instantly. Glenyse - no. As so many times before she decided to do it themselves - good .
The Jordan contact was also Gertrude`s suggestion after pales discussions with Amjad the x CEO of AFIC.
Lyn wasn’t too convinced at first but know knows not ALL Muslims are cruel & thats set her on a different path(great) but more needs to done for farmers.

Sadly for Animals after telling them about Jordan when Australian Federation of Islamic Council and HKM wrote to the Princess to invite her to Australia it was ignored. Under no illusions how that happened.
( very disappointing for the animals)
So yes Yabby I agree with you. Some people prefer not to see the Animals get help unless they get all the credit.
I do not however believe that was her ""personal"" doing.

Once a large group in WA was working with PALE . Could have made a huge difference to Australian Animals.
The person then and said- she was told not to speak to pale or work with them or their organization would no longer be a member of Animals Australia.

All that aside, the people responsible for the humane treatment of animals is the *Government of Australia and your industry.*
Not me, or Lyn or the good people of Australia who already pay heaps of taxes.
The funds paid to MLA by the public must be used. MLA must be closed with an independent group to best make sure the money goes where it should- to the animals!

Sue if you wish Gleynse because Kerryanne really isn't Gertude.
Shame on you!
Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 16 June 2011 6:08:15 PM
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Gertrude, yes the Australian animals will be fine. It is not
very difficult to close the supply chain, which is what a number
of companies shipping to Indonesia has already done. The
same can be done elsewhere.

You forget that IIRC quite a few MLA board members are also
processors. Most of MLA funding comes from the local kill,
so they would be unlikely to divert funds from their pet
interest, to animal welfare. If the live trade should close,
there would be nobody to keep local processors honest, they
would cash in, farmers would lose. Its been shown plenty
of times, here in the West.

So the meat processing section of MLA is hardly likely
to divert funds to the live section, which depends on
numbers shipped and levies raised there.

Basically MLA remains a semi Govt institution, but they
say farmers own it, because farmers pay the compulsory
levies. In reality, farmers have little say.

The Minister for Agriculture is the only one with real
power. He can tell them to jump, their only question can
be how high
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 16 June 2011 7:06:13 PM
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Will answer by reading your comment here but posting in own space. We are in different paddocks - I respect you staying where you are to post your comments- Pls allow the same right of respect.

All welcome to post nothing taken off !

If anybody would like to help reopen plants-
* People to locate farmers Australia wide. Ask if they would like to sell direct with buyers- be good to get a few together to form co- ops.

* People in each state happy to assist to establish Animal Welfare groups in Islamic Schools

* People to meet buyers at air port- direct them to farms arranged plants for inspection.

* People happy to assist our Society's in each State with basic Animal Welfare info on web pages etc form a relationship.

* anybody able to put a web page together- probably paid- need 6 of those.

* All suggestions welcome for any ideas or projects 100%cooperation.

There are no bosses - once you adopt a school or council its your baby- but we send a mud map of what they are interested in - you choose.

Do you know somewhere where there is an old plant? ALL! Animals WILL be pre stun.

Later if all goes well there will be plenty of funding for sincere animal lovers. Eat your heart out MLA grubs!

You do NOT have to join anything to help. You can just be a person giving up a bit of time to help animals.

Yes Yabby, I know you provided information a plant was closed in WA and THANKS but we couldn't get anybody to call back. Called a dozen times.
Reply to Yabbys last post -


A sincere thanks to Ammonite,morganzola,pelican,MickC,Poirot,Otokonoko
Yabby too for giving us all the opportunity to debate the issue.
Banjo takes the reward for the biggest goose given he sees something wrong with protecting ALL Animals

Belly is always lots of fun and Yabbys only fan:)

All the best to everybody bye from

Posted by Kerryanne, Thursday, 16 June 2011 11:13:15 PM
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