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Christmas Cards

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Thought this might interet you: among the summer activities organised for the Muslim kids will be (or was, yesterday)

"The Story of Lady Maryam & Issa (a.s) for Little Hearts"

Issa, of course, is the Arabic/Muslim name for Jesus.

true peace to you bro,
Posted by grateful, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:39:05 PM
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gratefull..the link didnt reveal
i tried to ask for some..via comment
but comment didnt work..either

do you have a script...of the teaching?

anyhow i was talking about ursury..[i hate it]
recall jesus upset the tables of the creeds
selling tokens..according to the sin...

[or rather the blood sacrifice..
that would redeem the...'sin']

i suppose on the surface..paying a token-coin
sacrificing better than murder of an innocent beast

never the god all sin is forgiven
as soon as we repent...and seek to do good works
and not before...if we learn nothing...know god needs no intermediator

we can know god to one
simply by loving neighbour as thyself

so lets egsamin the table's incident

Perhaps you would need to be the light.
Sometimes we are in that place in our life
where we are surrounded by darkness, we need to hold up our light, the good..

to serve creation..
just as god serves us..[created]..our living

take a good look all around us
to see where we're going.

But I want you to realize, my brother, that when you're holding up your light, there's a whole host..whose prayers for find yourself..are even stronger than your own.

We are guiding you...Do not doubt that.
And follow your heart...Find your home.

half a shekel of silver,
the amount laid down in the Law of Moses
for the atonement of every Israelite, in Exodus 30:11-16.

In the first century half a shekel was reckoned the equivalent of two Greek drachmas or two Roman denarii.

A laborer could earn that amount in two days.

The priests payment
should be made in coins..of the purest silver...[]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:34:10 PM
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Only one sort was acceptable,..the silver coins of the city of Tyre.

Many of the traders charged very high prices,..taking shameless advantage of the pilgrims who came..from the countryside and from foreign lands.

The traders had to pay
for permission to have their stalls in this area, and they had to pay...the leading priests...their kickback...the reduced sell to the next batch of elites...trying to buy a soul..

It can be estimated that the amount taken to the Temple each year was about half a million shekels. The Tyrean shekel was worth four denarii, so the annual income of the Temple would be equivalent to wages for two million man-days of work, or 5480 man-years of work, on a basis of 7 working days per week.

Let's say the average yearly income of a North American today would be 30.000 dollars. Then you could calculate the Temple income almost as 170 million dollars.

[The Temple was not the spiritual center any more,
it had become big business!]

Very well,..this was the situation.
Jesus entered with us,..and stayed silent for a while,
observing the chaos, the noise, animals bellowing, people screaming, clients haggling with dealers, humble people with scared looks, a tremendous tumult.

And then he took the word, hollering to dominate the commotion with his voice. And suddenly, there was all silence.

Those were the famous words: "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

Jesus didn't mince matters, he uttered openly what he thought and felt. And what..had to happen..happened....see you not what is happening today..?

People got angry.
A great uproar arose.

Everybody knew that Jesus was right,
and they let off their steam over the salesmen.

Jesus didn't incite that incident,..but his words certainly unchained the feelings,..which until then had been the people's hearts...

they simply were blind...
but did they chose to see...?

or did they follow the greed
the their materialism..
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:37:34 PM
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there comes the each one’s life,
when one must find hard words,..when one must pronounce himself clearly,..with all severity,..yet not kill..or interfere with a per-suns free will

in order to be true to himself and true to God.
Jesus knew the risk,..but he was not afraid...
for our fathers house is one..[undivided]..

How could he have disregarded
what was happening before his eyes?

No, he did the correct thing,
but he had to suffer the consequences.

No, they did not put him into jail.
No, they did not do anything, for the moment.

There was no pretext under which
it would have been possible to arrest him.

He had not uttered anything but the truth.

He had not participated in the riot.
We could leave the Temple area..without problems.

Yes, that incident also my decision of betraying him.
[this by judas]In fact, I loved him very much. But for me, he didn't behave correctly.

Jesus had power,..I had seen it,..a lot of power!
He could mobilize people,..he had all the potential of changing things,..*but he didn't do it.

Then,..what I did was to force him into a situation,
where he had to demonstrate his power,..putting an end
to the supreme priest's henchmen,

to show his antagonism openly to the Temple hierarchy
and to launch a rebellion. Yes, these are political, revolutionary ideas, but politics and religion then were one and the same thing, there was not separation between them, that is a modern idea.

I failed,..I didn't understand him.
And you know the rest of the story.

now the ursorers own 90 percent of it all
buy silver gold..with paper...manufacture credit from a computer entry

think they dont need god..nor his creation
indeed seek to kill it all..need fear..need eternal war
allways needy..needing ever more...treating god a slave

not the honourable mercyfull living loving
host all
he allways is
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:46:37 PM
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It is always a temptation..for the mind to seek to have
an understanding..of its relationship to God.

It wants tangible..[material]..external evidence and symbols
to represent..that relationship that is a purely inner-spiritual one.

I my disciples that good of God's will,
that they become at one..*with Love.

But they could see my Love...was his love..reflected..back to them.

They could see Its demonstration..*in our lives..together.
They could have the power of this Love..
as it demonstrated Itself through my hands../.yet via their hearts.

It was not until I left..that they..had to realize the power
was in their own hands..through..his Love..that they prayed for,
through...their do for the good/deed..of God's Will.

I want you to realize how important it is to realize your relationship with God.

He Loves you.
and..He Loves you...
And it is..through your hands..that His Love comes.

Do not look to the material for the assurance
that you have this relationship...Look to your hearts
and feel the your heart reaching out to your brothers
and sisters...who need that Love....not by lips..or words..but works..

you..and Your Father..*are one,
and His manifest through you
to these brothers and sisters..who are all..God's children.

We are all God's children...We are all God.
Is it not the greatest gift..we share – this Love..that God has shown us?

Would it not bring us the greatest joy
to touch someone in the greatest Love that we have,
that is..with the Divine Love..that we have been shown?

Sometimes we ask ourselves..if we are good enough,
if we are worthy..of this tremendous Love,..this Gift
that we this Life..good of God has offered to us.

If you could only imagine God sees you,
the beautiful soul that you are,..the beautiful child that He sees
before you..within/ He loves..with all His Heart,

it would put to shame any jewel,..any treasure that you might on earth.
It would put to shame..any monument that has ever been built by man.

You are the most beautiful creation..of our Heavenly Father.
There is only one of you. You are precious, you are rare
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:50:38 PM
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1) And He said, "Whoever finds
the interpretation of these
sayings..will not experience death."

80) Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the
body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world."

81) Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him
who possesses power renounce it."

the Son of Man has no place to lay his head
and rest."

87) Jesus said, "Wretched is the body that is dependant upon a
body, and wretched is the soul that is dependent on these two."

88) Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you
and give you those things you (already) have.

2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks
continue seeking until he finds.

When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes
troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

"Let him who seeks..not cease until he finds,
and when he finds..he shall wonder;

by wondering..he shall reign,
and by reigning justly..

shall rest....his other body...
br-..*other life spirit...

and the karmic body...of all souls
that reach the atonement...[at one meant]"

3/b..the Kingdom is inside of you,
and it is outside of you.

When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known, will realize
that it is you..who are the suns of the living light/love logic..logus love

one LIFE GIVING Father.

But if you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty

and it is you ALONE
who are that poverty."

the Kingdom of inside of you,
and it is*..outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves]
will find it;

[and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you
will understand THE KNOWING [LOGIC]..OF IT BEING thee...and we


it is you
who are the suns of the living..light source
sustaining all living...via the light...into love thee..
who in being me..
reveals i thee

Father..speake of grace love mercy
upon the least

because that done upon the least
is done to the most..[the of we]..all
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:55:20 PM
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