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Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:22:13 PM
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the fruit..[works]..of the thought..returns to its source,..
re-unites with its source,..and lives the thoughts..and works..of your thoughts.. as we absolute/harmony...of i me.[he].. with all us..[of other thought...] with-in..the eternal..i am..[beyond thought..[knowing] thoughts..*are things...This sounds strange,..but..if we re-formulate say..“all thoughts..can materialize..into tangible things”, will be understand.. thus all material..was begat..within higher-thinking[his] his in him..beyond him/her..into we..[the great i am.. which is/was..and shall allways be....and allways was...the only-cause This happens also..with the even mortals’-thoughts... They materialize..individually..or a whole..'creation'..,... both..on earth..or in the spirit-world...[here-after] We are co-creators; you may still be..unconscious, but we are..*all destined to be..fully Perhaps you may now..better comprehend..the significance of the phrase..“the mind is only..the spiritual evidence of thoughts..that congregate..from with-in..the body of human/being..within your body..within your brain,unto the without[out-side] but which really..are not..a part of..the material-thing which the..'wise men' call..the subconscious self..or mind.” [only cause].. And besides, the word..ego is allowed to be mentioned, take note..that we will soon analyze..more thoroughly.. the question of individuality. Today’s message has-been very difficult, but you received it well...god made heaven.. but we..made hell god is the light its we..who create darkness we can simple know the letting it reveal or we can the darkness...when we seek to conceal; It is always a pleasure to answer the questions and heal..the doubts of my sisters..and brothers on earth. to say that ability... to be forming..a well as form is the fundamental-object..of soul/development... it is often...more important than the answer.. an answer is easy... forming a the key all questions ever asked..shall be answerd.. but what of those one ask? First,..try to achieve your “subconscious”, tuning into..the all being..[after affect]..resonating with eternaly adequate..sources/causes/potentiality/possability and probability. Luke wrote these..wise words: “While the personal Satan..does not exist, yet the idea conveyed by..the necessity of binding him in order to bring about..this millennium of love and a true one,.. and the actual relationship..of the manyfold..thoughts..of mankind...realised into being Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:35:42 PM
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Soul development begins with raising spirituality/and awareness.
to seek question..and frame ask and to get.. The most efficient way is by obtaining the Father’s Love, His own truth..revealing grace/mercy/love “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things..shall be added unto you.” mortal and spirit alike. I realize that as you leave here and you go back to the place that you have called home, you're taking Love home within you..with you. Home is where our heart is. We choose with our hearts..wherever we are. We make our home here..for reasons we're not always aware of, why we we live,..and why we do the works we chose what we do. But our hearts are involved..because we are souls that are seeking to know ourselves. to these evil spirits,..except this,..that in the case of the latter it is not necessary..or even bind them,..but loosen them/set them free -that is to loosen their rapport with..or influence over men, for when that is done, become, it were,, and these evil spirits if..they were not.” To do this, you have to pray. Then, must try to resolve the conflict..between the material mind and the soul’s mind..together with..your good/loving/living..inner voice Do you see the other people? Is there someone you your life that helps you rekindle that knowledge..of who you are as a soul? it may well be the one we despise..the most we often hate that in others we hate within ourselves.. love is the most powerfull force its well worth trying love first what do you have to loose its your choice..your hold your heart's your hands remember gods our heart will never fit on a card this continues on from here began here or here went to here for..the time of good-works..draws near.. so thats all folks we can do it better not year..but now.. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:37:40 PM
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graphic adult content mens business oh dear..horror of horrors Deuteronomy 10:16 says:.."Circumcise the foreskin of your heart," suggesting that ethical acts..(among people)..are as important as materialistic rituals...called lol..spiritual acts..(between people and God). as if god got it wrong [but it looks so pretty]..quiet mum..this is mans business The prophetic tradition..[that looks spelled wrong]..pathetic? emphasizes that God..expects people to be good as well as pious, and that non-Jews..will be judged based on their ethical behavior. ie not by their being chopped/lopped or topped.. Thus,..Jeremiah 9:25-26 says..that circumcised and uncircumcised will be punished..alike by the Lord;..for "all the nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel..are uncircumcised..*in heart." anyhow it seems...the tree must bleed...its sap how this applies to the heart... is that of love without fruit..[works] Hatafat dam brit Medical circumcision alone, the absence of the brit milah ceremony, does not fulfill the requirements of the mitzvah. In the case of a Jew who was circumcised..outside*..of a brit milah, or an already-circumcised convert,..the mohel draws a symbolic drop of blood from the penis...[ooops tree]... Hatafat dam brit..(heb. דם ברית "Drop of the blood.. [sap..of the]..Covenant")..refers to the fulfillment of the mitzvah..of a brit milah... ok sap it is lop the tree are there any special prayers? Blood A brit milah is not considered complete unless blood..[sap from the tree] actually drawn. This is not...the intentional spilling of blood.. OOPS...the lopper's izmel...slipped...[at least it wernt in-tent-ional The standard medical methods of circumcision through not meet the requirements of the halakhah for brit milah,..because they cause hemostasis,..i.e.,..they stop the flow of blood. A brit milah, be conducted properly, requires the use of a specialized surgical knife, called an izmel,..which does allow for..dam brit... Unlike the traditional Jewish method,..when circumcision is performed by a urologist..or other surgeon,..the removed by.constriction,..either with the use of clamps..or a synthetic ring. This non-Jewish method works by crushing..the skin..until it is severed. The nerve endings..NOTE*..and the blood vessels are the same manner,..causing pain..and hemostasis.. oh dear..this Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 4:50:59 PM
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no thats it..!
if you need to know more im over it.. [ the rush of adrenolin.. that causes eternal wars land... does not all land..*belong to god.. is not all land..wholy gods?... the Israelites born in the wilderness.. after the Exodus from Egypt were not circumcised... Joshua 5:2-9,..explains,.. "all the people that came-out"..of Egypt..were circumcised,.. but those.."born in the wilderness"..were not... it should be noted..ONLY THE UN-lopped.. emerged from the deserts.. those who had the rite.. never*..left the desert a sign..for a thinking...'man'. ok the tree gets it... [if abraham can shed the blood of a ram] then this blessed tree.. can shed its sap for me.. im over the whole thing..its just...unnn holy next ya be saying i died for you..[to sin..all you like] next ya be drinking my blood eating my flesh...making ritual..more that aserving the goods of god boy talk about putting it in a card im over putting it into words have a happy new year even if the new after chist year does start 6 days after his birth lol...only on earth this really must be satans realm im off to lop the top off the tree i will put some sap..on ya card have a great year im glad..this is only re-hearse-al if it was..REALLY that impirtant god would have done it he need but say be gone and it is ya want sap get another sap Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 5:00:00 PM
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i seem to recall...egypt..had a blood ritual
[or maybe it was the aztex].. regardless i recall some piercing of the royal tree..[ok penus]... and that the lords/kings/rulers blood..was sacred... i have searched for a referance..but fail to find it anyhow..its revealing..that the bringer of the 10 commands [ok more like 16...but note that mosus...stopped the blood ashedding ritual...the whole 40 years they were in the desert and it was only...those of the tribe levi[the priesthoods]..that initiated it...again*.. JUST BEFORE..they enterd palistein.. [after they left mosus in the desert] no doudt the semites..decended of abraham..cobntinued the rite and as slaves entering into the 'promised land'..took the mark...of the master [apparently slaves got to lop the top off to become those the REQUIRED...7/8th day depending on how you measure a day... [a day begins with...a night] in the begining was night/darness,.. then came the first day.. then the 2 de night..then the 2 de day...etc i sem to recall the blood thing on the door passover..pre exodus...this blood ion the door jamb..must..have made the egyptians a bit suss... they could only referance it back to the sheding of blood from the royal tree..of the ruler..of egypt.. it all sems to get a bit messy but as we hold the ten commands sacred then what mosus done..[or rather didnt..allow to be done] the desert..has to hold..a certain weight.. the law after al is flexable..[or rather was] as a lamb is hardly a ram... and as for being first born.. this can only be a matter of faith..if law is to be law thus the command.. re adulterating..gods words..[commands] ie not commiting adultery...[not watering down]..gods few laws anyhow..the tree is lopped... chopped...or circum-sized i lopped off a symbolical 7 inches..using a stone/flint.. from mount/warning..but the makshift izmel..worked a treat i hacked it..rather begin producing sap..a/plenty but..soon realised..i need not cut-off..the tip only circumsize..the bark...leak the sap be sure..i broke off the tip..anyhow mainly..because my tree..was too big.. to fit in the chapple..[arc-h].. symbolising..the holy of holies.. [from/ we all..get birthed..into this..*reality] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:31:20 PM
for your kind words..and great imagry
may all the good of god..keep you and keep you swell
not just in 2011...but for eternity as well the time i post year shall be here
post limits..oh well we can work within those too
im cleaning up that which was..from last year
then egsamining the 'ritual'..[lopping the top off]
continued from yesterday..
yet even then..
there are the dark-ones..feigning..good
the only way..that we may transform..our inner-voice
into a reliable compass..showing the right via the love filter..
if its really good...its ALL GOOD..[for all]..
especially not alone..good for you..and those you call you from you
Additionally,..there is the effect..[as opposed to the cause]
that just as we will..perceive that being of good
eventually the good spirits’ voice..shall be heard..more clearly,
we can also..listen to..the far-away then..joins with now
that of the very Voice..of the Heavenly Father Himself..,
His Thought,..which lives ever on in us..
like the delicate whisper of absolute Truth...
for in truth..he has before..done all
knows our very inner thoughts..
[its almost like..he was here...
because he is us
lol..all the time]...[and for all time
and via the filtering out of that not of good
even understood,..when we obtained God’s living
love made into Substance,..[life sustained by his light/logic]
then but clothed it..into this materialised form..
his whisper..became a clear thought,..that sustained be...
to be..the very fruit..of his now bear..the fruits..of our own thought
for our soul’s mind..moves toward..with,and with-in..
the origonal thoughts of..the Father.
The thought..which one day left God,..
and became thee..and me..and he..and her...
[we us them..all in one mind..of one mind..]
united into one living loving...good one meant...[at one with the good of god]