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Christmas Cards

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Jesus said,
"Take heed of the Living One..while you are alive,
lest you die..and seek to see Him..[yet have rejected the light]..
and thus be do so."

60)<They saw>..a Samaritan carrying a lamb
on his hudea.

He*,,said to his disciples,
"(Why does)..that man(carry)..the lamb around?"

They*..said to him,
"So that he may kill it..and eat it."

He said to them,
"While it is alive,..he will not eat it,
but only..when he has killed it..and it has become a corpse."

They said to him,..
"He cannot do so otherwise."

He said to them,
"You too,..look for a place for yourself
within the Repose,..lest you become a corpse..and be eaten."

..Jesus said,
"Two rest on a sick-bed:..the one will die,and other will live."
yet both live..regardless of who lives on here..or who lives on there

but its the quality of living
you lived here..that determines the quality of life you live there

61..Salome said to him,,..
"Who are You,,..
that You, though..from the One,..
have come up on my couch..and eaten..from my table?"

Jesus said to her,
"I am He who exists..from the Undivided.
I was given..some of the things of my Father."

"Therefore I say,..if he is..<undivided>,
he will be filled with light,..but if he is divided,..he will be
filled with darkness."

And just who owns..the Federal Reserve Bank?

I will tell you:
1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin;
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris;
3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy;
4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany;
5. Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs;
6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York.

it is these ursurors..who seek to run the world

they make you borrow...every dollar..*into egsistance
but you must..repay..*usury...they dont create

MEANING..someone else..
must default..their debt

just as the bankers..have defaulted..their debt
[and we repay..their debt]..

and still no extra dollars
to cover..the ursury..its a clever judas scam
[but recall the caution..about throwuing rocks]

and so the zionist..conspiricy goes on
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:22:33 AM
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Jesus said,
"It is to those..[who are worthy of My]..mysteries
that I tell My mysteries.

Do not let your left hand..know what
your right hand is doing."

Jesus said,.."There was a rich man..who had much money.

He said,..'I shall put my money to use
so that I may sow,reap,plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that..I shall lack nothing.

Such were his intentions, but that same
night he died...Let him who has ears hear."

64)..Jesus said,.."A man had received visitors.
And when he had prepared the dinner,..he sent his servant to invite guests.

He went to the first one.and said to him,
"My master invites you.'

He said,..'I have claims against some merchants.
They are coming to me this evening.
I must go and give them my orders.
I ask to
be excused..from the dinner.'

He went to another and said,..'My
master has invited you.'

He said to him, 'I have just bought a
house and am required for the day.
I shall not have any spare time.'

He went to another and said to him, 'My master invites
you.' He said to him, 'My friend is going to get married, and I
am to prepare the banquet. I shall not be able to come. I ask to
be excused from the dinner.'

He went to another and said to him,
'My master invites you.' He said to him, 'I have just bought a
farm, and I am on my way to collect the rent. I shall not be able
to come. I ask to be excused.'

The servant returned and said to
his master, 'Those whom you invited to the dinner have asked to
be excused.'

The master said to his servant, 'Go outside to the
streets and bring back those whom you happen to meet, that
they may dine.'

Businessmen and merchants will not enter the
Places of My Father."
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:34:02 AM
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Jesus said,.."Show me the stone..which the builders have
rejected...That one is the cornerstone."

Jesus said,.."Whoever believes..that the All itself deficient."

He said,.."There was a good man..who owned a vineyard.

He leased it to tenant that they might work it..and he
might collect the remainder..of its produce from them.

He sent his servant so that
the tenants might give him..the surplus-produce..of the vineyard.

They seized his servant and beat him,..all but killing him.

The servant went back..and told his master.

The master said,..'Perhaps..<they>
did not recognize..<him>.'

He sent another servant.

The tenants
beat this one as well.

Then the owner sent his son and said,
'Perhaps they will show respect to my son.'

Because the tenants..knew that it was he
who was the heir to the vineyard,..they seized
him and killed him...

and then taxed their labouers...
and made them..under threat..and other ursury

Let him who has ears hear."

Jesus said,.."Blessed are you..when you are hated and persecuted.
Wherever you have been persecuted..they will find no Place....of their lives herafter"..reaping theirbitter harvest...till the last vile has been full

but not with intrest
no ursury

Jesus said,
"Blessed are they who have been persecuted..within themselves.
It is they..who have truly come to know the Father.

Blessed are the hungry,for the things of spirit
for the belly of him..who the good
will be filled."

70]..Jesus said,

"If you bring forth..what within you,
what you..bring forth..[outside you]..will save you.

If you do not..bring forth what is..within you,
what you do not bring forth..will destroy you."

Jesus said,.."The harvest is great..but the laborers are few.
and the landlords too greedy/needy/seedy..

Beseech the Lord,..therefore,
to send the harvest."

He said,.."O Lord,
there are many around..the drinking trough,
but there is the cistern."

cause the govt..gave it to the bankers
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:02:29 AM
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Jesus said,
"Many are the door,..but it is the
solitary..[one by one]..who will enter the bridal chamber."

76)..Jesus said,
"The kingdom of the like a merchant
who had a consignment of merchandise..and who discovered a pearl.

That merchant was shrewd...He sold the merchandise and bought the
pearl alone for himself...You too, his unfailing and enduring
treasure..[of eternal-spirit]..where no moth comes devour and no worm destroys."

77)..Jesus said,.."It is I am..[god]..who am the light
which is above them all.

It is I am..who is the All.

From He..did the All come forth,..and
unto He did the All extend.

Split a piece of wood,..and I am is there.
Lift up the stone,..and you will find allready..there."

Jesus said,.."Why have you come out..into the desert?
To see a reed..shaken by the wind?..And to see a man..clothed in fine your kings..and your great men?

Upon them are the

and they are thereby
unable to discern the truth."

Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world
has found only that of the body,..[flesh]

but he who has found the body within
is the world."

81)..Jesus said,

"Let him who has grown rich be king,
and let him...who possesses power...renounce it."

Jesus said,
"He who is near the fire,
and he who is far..from far from the Kingdom."

Jesus said,
"The images..are manifest to man,
but the them..remains the image of the light of the Father.

He will become manifest,
but his image..will remain his light."
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:13:54 AM
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Jesus said,

"When you see your likeness, rejoice.

But..when you see your images..which came into being before you, and
which neither..die not...nor become manifest,

how will have to bear!"

85)..Jesus said,

"Adam came into being..from a great power and a
great wealth,..but he did not become worthy..of you.

For had he
been worthy,..[he would]..not[have experienced] his 'death'."
[and this material realm..wouldnt egsist]

Jesus said,
"[The foxes have their holes]
and the birds have..[their] nests,
but the..Son of materialistic-Man..had no lay his head
and rest."

Jesus said,.."Wretched is the body
that is dependant..upon a body,
and wretched is the soul..that is dependent on these two."

88)..Jesus said,

"The angels and the prophets..will come to you
and give you those things you..(already) have.

And you too,..give them
those things which you have,..and they too..allready have

and say to yourselves,..
'When will they come..and take what is theirs?'"
[know you not oh man...its allready within you..its for you to give]

Jesus said,
"Why do you wash..*the outside of the cup?
Do you not realize..*that he who made*..
it is...*he inside...

is the same one
who made..the outside?"

Jesus said,
"Come unto me,..for My yoke is easy..and My
lordship is mild,..and you will find repose..*for yourselves."

They said to Him,
"Tell us who You..are so that we You."

He said to them,

"You read the face..of the sky
and of the earth,

but you have not recognized
the one..who is before you,..within you..and without you
you do not to read this his..LIVING moment."


this one..ever live [living-moment]

gods time
all the time

oh how to put it on a card
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:26:02 AM
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40% of all corporate profits
came from the financial services industry.

Not production,
not anything remotely to do...with the needs of the American public.
The truth is we are all part of

Banks,..consumers they are moving the money circles.

We take a buck,..we shoot it full of steroids
and we call it leverage...I call it steroid banking

We are ruled by parasites.

We are ruled by people who not only don’t work..but expect us to work for them.

This is totally irresponsible on our part...And we have been carefully trained to be irresponsible..because responsibility is the key to power.

We can gain total power over our lives

but not without accepting..full responsibility for everything.

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Directors:
A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers

WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000,..Russia was bankrupt.

The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund
while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.

But Putin took advantage of the current boom in world oil prices by redirecting a portion of the profits of Russia’s largest oil producer Gazprom so as to pay off the country’s debt.

The continual surge in oil prices greatly accelerated Russia’s capacity
to restore financial sovereignty.


Does the United States still have a stock market? Not really.
In a real market, when there are more sellers than buyers, prices decline.

And vice versa of course. That is called "price discovery"; or used to be.

Since January of 2010 investors have withdrawn a net total
of 81 billion dollars from U.S. stocks and funds,
this week marking..the 33rd consecutive week of outflows,

work..makes free
or fee?
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:47:27 AM
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