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Christmas Cards

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and in now ritualised tree..stands

we shall next..adorn the tree

so every day we add a bauble... symolise..the christ-childs..teachings

tomorrow i will add..the deer
[its johans family totum/trust]

it keeps the deer boy happy...and his service flowing
the sap has stopped flowing...[in itself the first miracle] the tree is plastic

and since we have to continue with the work,
I will go ahead and write to you..a number of these dealing..with my early life.

Now, the first thing I wish to tell you about
is the Star of Bethlehem, which in reality was not a star at all
but an exploding nova,..or supernova,..which caused considerable the eastern skies..over Tyre and Babylonia..but not in palistein;

and the three Wise Men who saw
this exploding the heavens,

being astrologers with a knowledge of an ancient Chaldean astrological lore,..determined that a great event..was to take place as a result of the appearance..of the great the heavens.

And in their readings of the Hebrew writings
with which they were familiar,..and also with Hebrew circles in Assyria, they determined upon a visit to Judea was predicted that a Messiah of the Hebrews..and for all mankind was to be born.

This seemed to them all the more true..since the light seemed to a westerly direction..and they set out for Jerusalem,..the capital of Judea,..rather than Israel or Galilee.

And it was a long time..before they reached Jerusalem
owing to the preparations for the trip and the actual trip across the Arabian desert;

and the light..was no longer with them,..having disappeared,..having been seen in the eastern skies for several weeks..and caused great excitement..and anxiety in the land.

They purchased gifts of myrrh and addition to a small amount of gold while on their way across the desert in one of the Arabian cities,..

for the three Wise Men felt that since they did not know exactly what to offer..a Hebrew Messiah, offer something that the Arabians,..whom they felt were closer kinship..than to the Hebrews,

I would favor,..and for this reason..

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:42:00 PM
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the gifts that the three Wise Men..offered to me at my birth..were not particularly of a Hebrew the way of newborn infants,..nor were they especially..Persian or Chaldean,..but Arabian.

When the Wise Men entered Jerusalem,
they went first to the Temple..and inquired about the birth
of "the Hebrew Messiah for all mankind,"..

one who would be "King of the hebrews."

And the high priests sent the three astrologers to Herod, for they feared any mention of a "King of the Jews" was political in nature and might be offensive to Herod, with whom they were allied for the maintenance of the status quo in Jerusalem.

Herod took alarm and his queries as to the date of the so-called "Star of Bethlehem" were made in order to determine the ages of the Hebrew children of Bethlehem that he would have put to the sword to eliminate any chance of the appearance of this Messiah from the prophecies.

The three Wise Men were able to make their way to Bethlehem to pay their respects to me at my birth,..but the appearance of them was due to an event that had taken place in the eastern heavens two years before.

At the time of my birth,..which was shortly after midnight of January 7,..there was no star..of great light that guided the three men to Bethlehem..nor did the shepherds who were watching their sheep..see anything unusual,

neither did they see any angels
to announce the birth of a Messiah,..for there was no Messiah
until I had obtained that sufficiency..of the Divine Love
in my soul..that enabled me to have knowledge..of my/our joint immortality

Fixing dates:is a worry

In.."Revelation 33:
The star of Bethlehem..and the Three Wise Men",

Jesus states:

"At the time of my birth,..which was shortly after midnight of January 7,..there was no star of great light ..."

So,..he was born on January 7th..(because the Jews counted a new day starting with the sunset)..or on January 8th..(after January 7th,..less probable)...but hey who knows...right only a practice-run
for next yea
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:48:39 PM
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that the spirit..[within us...
within..Jesus]..gets reborn..Reborn in Us

but was happylly/lopping-day

[that traditionally get followed by..letting go day
worry about the things....before change comes..not after]..

ie..let it go
thus it was so

there the
and this was the i held..and beheld..the chopped off..'bit' my hand

now if it were..a true could be made into interferon..or some other perfume..or cosmetic type/thing..old men..and young woman..smear on their keep the wrinkle-demons at bay..[citation needed]..

but here was i..with a top-off/lop-off..piece
in my hand..and thought..what would issa do

so i put a pot..that has no other use
i stood it..amoung twelve support the branch...lopped/top

but its butt..was too reach..the twelve stones
no worries..i did a quick extension..on the base of it..
using some hose..and an appropriate..usefull length was obtained..and the lopped-top..instaled into..the pot

of course in the end...many more stones were needed
the loose pine-needles...formed a base...[so the rocks didnt bust the top-pot]

if it were a real tree..and real needles..
[not just saw-dust] would smell..*sweet

so now..i have two trees
[ok i letting go..the branches
that the lopped top...allready..had got the lop...long ago

[but i shed clamping the hose the lopped top...
so appropriat sheeding..of sap was the real sap...writing this ccc-[xmas]-rap

of to put it..into card-form
well..thats not my task

also the timming..of lop-off day..[or top-potting day]
and good ridance day...followed by..the lopping off..the

well their reality..for the rest of you
that is..still..too far away

so for now..lets hear from our brother
who like me..was the course in miracles
channeled by jesus..not so long ago...revealing miracles are simply an order diffi-cult-ty.. of course difficult..for many to concieve
at this materialistic stage..of huh-man being
but in will become real

and then the veil
betwixt..heaven..and earth..shall fail

of course while we
seek the heavens
others still realise hell on earth
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 3:47:45 PM
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so keep your heart it..with your hands
all shall turn out..well

filter that you read/ loves-filter
turn junk..into jewels...or fertiliser..into magnificent blooms Allen Watson

Christmas is the time,..traditionally,..
when we remember..the birth of Jesus

Historically,..that event was significant..because it was the entrance..into our world..of a man..[born of woman].who remembered his the Christ,..and brought..the light of that awareness...back IN-to..all of the world.

[a reminder..of that we all are]..

he said..that ye see me do
ye shall* greater

That is certainly an event..worthy of some celebration..and remembrance.

In..A_Course_in_Miracles,..Jesus speaks..of his birth
in another well...He speaks of being reborn..*in us.

Perhaps,..this next Christmas,..we can remember
not only to celebrate..his birth 2011 years ago,..
but to seek for,..and celebrate,..his birth..with/*

Learning..the Way..Out of Pain

My resurrection..comes again..each time
I lead an other..safely to the which
the material-journey..ends and its forgot.

I am renewed..each time an..other
learns..there is a way..from misery and pain..(

What does it have* be re-born in us?

It means allowing allow us
to do..*our good lead us all..out of our materialistic..misery..and..material_isms..*pain.

no more sepperation

He says..*he is.."renewed"..each_time..
any-one of us..*allows lead us..out of..our earthy pain.

This Christmas..give the Holy_Spirit..everything
that would hurt you...Let..yourself be healed completely..that you may join with healing,and let us celebrate..our release releasing everyone..with us..(T-15.XI.3:1-2).

Let us,then,..see
if there are any spots of our minds,
and consider making..a gift..of them..*to the Holy_Spirit.

It's stubbornly..we hold on to..old pains.
The question is,..are we willing..for our be gone?

Are we let ourselves..*be healed

Or do we still foolishly..cling to our pain,..thinking it is prove..*how badly..*someone-else..has hurt us? misery;..are we be free of it?
or does..your plan..of revenge...guilt...make you good?

There is a way out of misery..and pain.
Let us,..this Christmas, our hearts
to being shown...this way out of..the endles_cycle
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 3:57:09 PM
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thus..releasing everyone_else..along with/us,..and in so doing,
allow be reborn..*in us....[heck..why wait..till next year...lets do] Light..within Us all..

I am reborn
each time..a br-other's mind
turns to the light..*in him..and looks for[he]

I am..have
Help me where the journey was begun,

to make..another me..
as i dwell..*in me..(

Another way..the spirit/ us too
is when we turn to..the light..*within ourselves,..and look
for the*in us....that we know..dwells in us all..

Each time I quiet my mind..and turn
to the light/within,..he is me

Each time..I remind myself,.."I God created me..to_be"..(W-pI.94)

or.."I am..the holy_Sun..[light]..of God

he is reborn...As we..begin to find our way
out of pain,..we discover, the Course,..
of amazing thing:

It looks..on the light..of the world!
(See Workbook/Lesson 61,..for instance.)

In the traditional view..of Christmas,..
Jesus was the light..of the world..the only..light of the world.

but we each..*are the same light

The Course intends..for every-one..of us
to discover that light..with...*in..ourselves,
and to shine it..[gods..good/light]..on all the world..around us.

There is a light..that this world..cannot give.
Yet..*you can give it, it..*was given you(T-13.VI.11:1-2).

There is a you..the world..can-not perceive.
And with your materialistic- will not see..this light,
for you are the 'things/thought/feelings/materialism..of..the world.

Yet you have see it.
It is there..for you to look upon.
It be kept hidden..from sight..(W-pI.189.1:1-5).

We can look upon..that ourselves..look upon..our light within other..we do have the see it,..if we choose to see it.

Our looking upon,..and seeing,
the light of Christ in ourselves..
as well as the the way..

we can give birth to..the wholy-Christ..within.. back into..this world. Our Own Grandeur
via seeing..the others

My your awakening
to grandeur...within us all..
but see..its in you..but..* us all..
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 4:11:30 PM
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Welcome..he..not into a manger,
but into the heart-altar..into holiness,
where our whole-i-ness..abides in perfect peace

where hos...holiness..abides in perfect peace.

My Kingdom is not of this world..because it is you.
And you are of your Father...Let us you,
who must remain forever..beyond littleness(T-15.III.9:5-9).

Jesus is reborn,..not in a manger,
but in the hearts.."altar into THE holiness"..within our own hearts

The altar represents which we are devoted,
that which we consider..HOLD..deep be sacred.

The "altar to holiness,"..then, represents
our devotion to holiness,..our dedication to realizing,
recognizing, and manifesting the holiness of God in all His creations..including ourselves. Holiness,

in its turn,..whol-e-ness..within..means divine innocence,
untainted by any shred of sin,..guilt,..or impurity...inside the most vile cup..

When Jesus asks welcome him.."into the altar of holiness,"
he is asking us to recognize..*the divine innocence..with-in..ourselves.

That is where we can be reborn,
and take up he resides in us.

Welcoming our altar of holiness
means our own God's creations.

It means being let go..of all of our guilt.

It means that we stop thinking..of ourselves
as unworthy..of him..and realize that what we are, God created us,

we each are needed for the full story of good of god
to be revealed..not reviled..if it is wholly worthy..of him,[in sin]..
to yet be wholly worthy,..even,..of him...being the dwelling place..of God.

What we are, aware God's creations,
is something grand,..something deserving of great honor...
but who deserving the greater honour...him within..or him..who is allways without?

who cannot even great thou art

All through the Course,..the way to the recognition
of our own through being willing..*to see
that same...grandeur..with/in...all..our sisters and brothers: the body's one..and other...all whom Heaven cherishes,
the angels love..and God created perfect...This is his reality...

And in Christ's vision within us his loveliness a holy and so beautiful that you could scarce refrain
from kneeling at his feet...but who has the glory due...but he within...even you
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 4:54:14 PM
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