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Christmas Cards

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Jesus said,.."I have cast fire..[wild fire;passion of love]..upon the world,
and see,..I am guarding it..until it blazes....its own wisdom..with loves passions"

Jesus said,
"This mortal idea..of heaven will pass away,
BUT..the one will never pass away.

The dead are they not alive?,
and the living sefve good or vile..cannot die.

In the days..when you consumed what is dead,
you made it..what your thoughts sought it to is thus made alive.

When you come to dwell in the light,..what will you do?
but the passions you also then chose to do[make real;make live]

On the day..when you were one with love
you became two.

But when you
become two,..what will you to do?"

Jesus said to His disciples,
"Compare me to someone and tell
Me...whom I am like."

Simon Peter said to Him,.."You are like..a righteous angel."
Matthew said to Him,.."You are like..a wise philosopher."

Thomas said to Him,
"Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of
saying..whom..You are like."

Jesus said,.."I am not your master...Because you have drunk,life's wisdoms
you have become the bubbling spring which I have measured out."

but it is the fathers waters i share
all wells...all beliefs..all creeds
[all wisdoms...come from..the same water source..[good]god

And He took...thomas..the light source of these words..within him
and withdrew..and told him three things.

When..Thomas returned to his companions,
they asked him,.."What did Jesus say to you?"

Thomas said to them,.."If I tell you one of the things which
he told me, will pick up stones and throw them at me;..then..a fire
will come out of the stones..and burn you up."

[this addressed to the sun of the ursuror..[judas]

buzz words...imf...

15 counties/govts must pay...accumulative intrest*ONLY..
of 10.2..TRILLION..which is a large percentage.,.of their total gdp..
not govt intake....[via..odious tax]

comec* silver exchange...holds 107 million ounces of silver..on hand
but has..*outstanding...*contractual-promises..
to deliver silver...of 720 million ounces...

[how many hold..valueless paper promises*]
promise of future pension..
paper promising resources..treasury promises

you cant eat paper

the rich used their buy hard hand
the poor have paper promises..held by some trustee/trust
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 7:50:17 AM
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When you go into
any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you,
eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them.
For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which
issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you."

15) Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman,
prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is
your Father."

16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I
have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is
dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword,
and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against
two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the
son against the father. And they will stand solitary."

17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what
no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never
occurred to the human mind."

18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the
end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death."

19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he
came into being. If you become My disciples and listen to My
words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five
trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and
winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted
with them will not experience death.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 7:52:16 AM
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Mary said to Jesus,.."Whom are Your disciples like?"

He said,.."They are like children who have settled
in a field..which is not theirs.

When the owners of the field come,..they will
say,..'Let us have back our field.'

They..(will)..undress in their presence..[for slaves gain their returning the masters parnments] order to let them..have back..their field and thus..give it them.

Therefore I say to you,..if the owner of a house
knows..that the thief is coming,..he will begin his vigil
before he comes

and will not let him..into his true house
of his domain to..carry away his goods.

to casst pearl before swine
You,..then, on your guard against the worldly spoil.

Arm yourselves with great strength
lest the robbers find a way to come to you,
bearing gifts..powers adorations..material honours

for the difficulty..which you expect

Let there be a man of understanding...When
the grain has ripened,

he came quickly with his his hand
and reaped it...

Whoever has ears to hear,..let him hear."
Jesus saw infants being suckled.

He said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled
are like those who enter the

They said to Him,
"Shall we then, children,
enter the Kingdom?"

Jesus said to them,.."When you make the two hearts..of one living loving mind..two become one,..and when you make the the outside...and the outside like the inside,

and the the below,
and when you make..the male..and the female
one and the same, that the male..not be male
nor the female;

and when you fashion the place of an eye,

and a hand' place of a hand,
and a place of a foot,

and..a likeness in place of a difference;

then will you enter..[the Kingdom]."
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 8:03:35 AM
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His disciples said to Him,
"Show us the place where You are,
since it is necessary for us to seek it."

He said to them,
"Whoever has ears,..let him hear.

There is..light within a man
man is not..the light..but..of the light,
and he..(or "it")..lights up..the whole world.

If he..(or "it")..does not shine,..
he..(or "it") rejecting the light
thus has reside within the darkness..."

2Jesus said,.."Love your your soul,
guard the pupil..of your eye."

Jesus said,
"You see the your brothers eye,
but not see..the beam in your own eye.

When you cast the beam out-of..your own eye,
then you will see cast the mote..[blind spot]..from your brother's eye."

<Jesus said,> "If you do not fast...[limit materialism] regards the world,
you will not find the Kingdom...within us all

If you do not observe..the Sabbath..[the rest-day]..
as a..Sabbath,...[earned/ all]..
you will not see..the you..or them"

Jesus said,
"I took my the midst of the world, and
I the flesh.

I found all of them intoxicated;
I found none of them thirsty.

And My soul became afflicted for the sons of men,..
because they are their hearts and do
not have sight;..for empty they came into the world,

and empty too
they seek to leave the world.

But for the moment they are..intoxicated.
When they shake off their wine,..then they will repent."

Jesus said,.."If the flesh..came into being..
because of spirit, is a wonder.

But if spirit..came into being..because of the
body, is a wonder of wonders.

Indeed,..I am amazed at how this
great wealth..has made its this poverty."

The disciples..said to Jesus,
"We know..that You will depart
from us...Who is to be our leader?"

Jesus said to them,
"Wherever you are, are to go to..[James]..*the righteous,..
for whose sake..heaven..and earth came into being."

[for he above a servant..[righteous-servant]
he..who would lead you..shall serve..*you][not banker'd/ursurers/corpe-rations/state/..or the party

not pauls-peter?
let his works..reveal...

all in gods-time
not mans..
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 8:41:25 AM
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Jesus said,
"It is impossible..for a man to mount two horses..
or to stretch two the same time is impossible..for a servant to serve two masters;
otherwise he will honor the one..and treat the other contemptuously.

likewise..its impossable to change what a man belief's

No man drinks..old wine..[creed]..
and immediately desires to drink new wine...[new ways]

And new wine..[creed/belief] not put into old wineskins,[fixed minds]..lest they burst;

nor is old wine..put into a new wineskin,
lest it spoil it...[this is the lesson..of those who wanderd the desetrts..for 40 years...till ONLY their children..walked upon the

An old not sewn onto a new
garment,..[like with like]..because a tear would result."

48)Jesus said,
"If two make peace..with each this one house,[of one mind]
they will say..even to the mountain,..'Move Away,'
and it will..move away."

[no one likes a crouchy host]
shake the dust of your feet..and leave them be
thus as they chose to be

49)Jesus said,
"Blessed are the solitary..and selective,
for you will find..the Kingdom...within..and they decry it

For you are from it, it you will return."
[as a man he his heart]

50)Jesus said,
"If they say to you,..'Where did you come from?',
say to them,..'We came from the light,..the place where the light
came into being..on its own accord..and established..[itself]

and..became manifest..through their image.'
[lighten up]

If they say to you,..'Is it you?',
say,..'We are its children,..we are the erect..of the Living
Father.'...doing that of love/ he does..for all

If they ask you,..'What is the sign..of your father in
you?',..say to them,..'It is movement..[light life love logic]..and repose.[grace mercy forgiveness..patience]'"

51)..His disciples said to Him,
"When will the repose..of the dead..come about,
and when..will the new world come?"

He said to them,
"What you look forward to..has already come,
to each in their own time..

but not recognize it."

let the dead..tend the dead
for what are dead works
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 6:48:11 AM
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His disciples..said to Him,
"Twenty-four prophets..spoke in..palistein,
and all of them You."

He said to them,
"You have omitted the one your
presence..[ talk of affect]..
and have thus spoken..(only)..of the dead."[affect]

53)..His disciples..said to Him,
"Is circumcision beneficial or not?"

He said to them,
"If it were beneficial,..their father would
beget them...*already circumcised..from their mother.

Rather,..the true circumcision..[of thyne lips]
is in spirit...which has become completely profitable."[has good works]..[not good words]

54)Jesus said,
"Blessed are the poor,
for the Kingdom of Heavenly reperation."

55)Jesus said,.."Whoever does not hate
his father..[good/god]..and his mother..cannot become a disciple to Me...[one gave me..*life
the other..brought me into..all this material-muddle]

And whoever..does not hate his brothers and sisters
and take up his cross..[burden] good for bad..
in My way[by doing as theee see me do]..will not be worthy of Me."

i will say i know him not by his works
he has harvested..but not planted

56)Jesus said,
"Whoever has come to understand..ONLY..the world
has found (only)..a corpse,

and whoever has found..a corpse
is the materialistic being of this world."

57)Jesus said,

"The Kingdom of the like a man..who had..[good]seed.
His enemy came by night..and sowed weeds..among the good seed.

life has many temptations
but are you building your house on firm foundations
[or why evil]

The man..did not allow pull up the weeds;
he said to them,[who judged in hast..

'I am afraid..that you will go..intending to pull up
the weeds..and pull up the wheat...along with them.'

you have removed freewill..for we all change
we are not plants...we all..have grow into wheat

[by loving living..doing good works]
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:03:10 AM
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