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Christmas Cards

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Maybe it's just me, but it seems that the flood of snail mail Christmas cards this year is less than usual, and I'm wondering whether the Christmas card has had its day.

On the business front we'll be sending out electronic cards to our clients, as have a lot of businesses. It is less personal, but it's easier.

With respect to personal friends I'm still tossing-up. There are not too many people that I feel I need to reach out to because I haven't seen them during the year. Most of my friends are on Facebook, or turn-up from time to time in my email in-box.

Is this a common feeling and experience, or have I just been hit by a touch of the Scrooges?
Posted by GrahamY, Friday, 17 December 2010 12:07:09 PM
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I think, or at least I hope, it's a general phenomenon. I confess to giving up sending Christmas cards about ten years ago. After a few years our friends and acquaintances obviously noticed we weren't requiting their Yuletide greetings, and the stream slowed to a dribble until last year we got one - yes one! - pro forma card from some real estate agent I couldn't even remember!

Bah! Humbug!
Posted by Peter Hume, Friday, 17 December 2010 1:02:19 PM
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Phoowey to Christmas!

I wish my friends a good break or a happy holiday or a happy summer solstice. But that Xmess business, nope it went by the wayside years ago!

So Graham, you might be a wee bit of a Scrooge McDuck, but compared to me your scroogery is infinitesimal! ( :< /
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 17 December 2010 1:28:11 PM
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Me too ,and what a relief.
Last year was the first shrinking from about 30 to just a few.
e mail rose but not by much.
I am no fan but have one card this year!
And from a woman I am having trouble remembering!
Merry Christmas every one this is your only card you will get from Belly savings go toward a bottle of Bundy, knew him a long time before he found that while bear.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 17 December 2010 1:48:47 PM
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I usually send out quite a few Christmas cards, mainly overseas, and ones to people that I won't be seeing. And this year I must admit that I did narrow the numbers a bit, as well as thus far we've been getting less as well. So, yes, I would definitely agree that numbers have noticeably dropped.

PS: I don't like electronic cards - you can't hang them up and display them and I must admit I love the old-fashioned cards that add a certain lustre to a room. It's also nice to get a personal hand-written message from a friend. I also love the Christmas-letters that people write - but that's just me.
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 17 December 2010 2:54:48 PM
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I have never been much on sending Christmas cards.

That is perhaps why I have lost contact with quite a few people with whom I would now like to be in contact, even if just occasionally.

It is as you get close to becoming history, that your history, & the people in it become more important to you.

Make the effort to stay in contact.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 17 December 2010 3:12:12 PM
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if its only sending a card...once a year
i fail to see xmass as being more important than their birthday

so the rule of thumb..if you dont care about their body
why make the effort on their soul

business is different
any excuse for them to remember you
[and its tax deductable]

what is the reason...seems to be important
if its hoping to get lots of returns...that reasoning seems wrong

if your buying those charity cards..and just want to impress others about how benevolent to others you are..[again this seems wrong]
better to just make a donation..telling them to send the cars themselves.;..maybe even give them some extra for postage

xmass is a time..for thinking
for remembering..[not to be rememberd]
on this day we saw..the birth of jesus..who brought the new law
[love god by loving neighbour]...

our messiah then went on to reveal..judgment day a conquring death..telling even a thief on a cross..beside him..this day..he too will be in heaven

he further rebutted the concept of judgment 'day'
or else he couldnt have come back..on the 3 rd day

mostly this is about family
reaching out and touching someone

or mending bridges..with a card..
or saying im thinking of ya today

or im thinking of you too...mum

i know..not returning a xmass card..ends the cycle

there is no right or wrong in this,..
do as your heart tells you
allways let your conscience be your guide
Posted by one under god, Friday, 17 December 2010 7:27:29 PM
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Great advice! By all means stay in contact. I'd lost contact with a dear friend and quite by accident I found them on the web and sent an email. Lo and behold I got a reply, and now we're in touch again - it's as if time stood still. We've taken up where we left off - Oh What a Feeling!

Johan (OUG):

It is only once a year - isn't it? So yes. I say make the effort!
It's well worth it! As I've just discovered!
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 17 December 2010 7:54:07 PM
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I send cards to people interstate or overseas only.
I see no point in sending them to people I see regularly.

I also see no point in sending religious cards at all, because a baby's supposed birth 2000 years ago means nothing to me.

I like the holidays and am happy to celebrate good times!
Posted by suzeonline, Friday, 17 December 2010 10:14:40 PM
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Suzeonline that cost me Friends.
Sending non religious cards.
Mums youngest sister a great lady took offense at my card a local beach scene ,nothing bad about it.
It wished every one well said how much I wished mum had lived to see my home and she never spoke to me again.
Seems God is displeased with any joy not related to him.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 18 December 2010 4:47:43 AM
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Merry Christmas beautiful Lexi, your family are extremely lucky to have you in their lives.

I love your story Belly! That has given me a great laugh for the day! No seasons greetings allowed for that particular little lady Belly LOL.

One batch in 47 years I have despatched, no wonder everyone gave up on sending me any each year for the past ten years LOl! I would have loved receiving your beach card!
Posted by we are unique, Saturday, 18 December 2010 10:29:47 AM
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Sorry Graham I am a bit slow off the mark this year. In fact I've only just filled out my Christmas cards this very afternoon. Unfortunately, I seem to have misplaced your address, so you'll just have to accept my seasons greeting through this medium.

Practically everyone on my Christmas card list are those who I rarely see with the exception of one very good friend, although I must confess to waiting to the last week to see if anybody has dropped me from their list.

The cards I send are usually those deemed to be neither religious or overtly the other way and usually consist of store-bought ones with cheap drawings of Christmas bells, Santas and elves. That kind of thing, although if I happened to pick up some religious cards, it wouldn't bother me to send them. After all, they're simply pieces of cardboard that more than likely get tossed in the bin at the end of the season......or before!

If only I wasn't such a recluse and saw my friends more often, then I may not bother with cards, but sometimes the people who receive my cards don't see me for years at a time, so a simple Christmas card at least lets them know I'm still alive. When I finally do drop off the perch, that missing Christmas card might be the only hint to say I'm gone. I'll be one of those types who are found months after my death, just a bit of dry parchment over a frail skeleton :-)
Posted by Aime, Saturday, 18 December 2010 6:12:22 PM
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It seems to me that a couple of things are happening. Firstly
technology change, secondly generational change.

There was an article in today's Sunday Times, to the tune that
Hallmark report flat sales and Australia Post is doing less mail,
due to emails, Facebook and all the rest.

It seems that boomers still send christmas cards, its an old
tradition, but Gen Y are ditching the concept.

I ditched the idea years ago, so I must be youthful of mind :)

The most amusing people I find are those who keep Christmas Cards
and string them up in following years, to show how many cards
they received!
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 19 December 2010 12:17:07 PM
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Merry Christmas Graham and Staff - thank you for giving me the invaluable opportunity to read and learn from other people and express my views in the hope I have offered something to assist some other people.

Merry Christmas to all OLO people for being tolerant of those views and more importantly, thank you for all of your views this year that have assisted myself and children.
Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 19 December 2010 10:51:14 PM
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We're all so terrified of global warming - this being the hottest year of all time, that we have retreated into our caves and are waiting it out!
Posted by bridgejenny, Monday, 20 December 2010 6:26:39 PM
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i have got some unbelievable xmass cards
and recon i will mail them to everyone
who gives grayham...a snail mail adress
[in austraklia only]

there is reason for my madness
see i had a vision

ok yeah sounds like more a christmas visit from 3 wise men
[ok one was a woe-man...but 3 wise guys from everday normal[living]..beings

but no
see the vision..has inspired me to errect the family XCHRIST-mas tree
[the fake one]

see im putting my tree
and pulling it down at easter
[to be never errected[raised from its death]....till this time..NEXT YEAR

its my new[latest] custom
the jesus[christ]xmass tree
that lives on till his 'death'
[you know where he came back...proving there is no 'reserction day...[aas well as no judgment day..[or he too would still 'be there'

but he wernt
because he rose from the dead
like we all shall

just like the xmass putting up about one hour

staying 'up'
till easter

to that time..just like we just 'DID..
go back to how thibngs used to be
loving neighbour
and the NEW year[that rightfully]
and ended in glory on the cross

and came back to proove it
[time to open..the east gate
[and move the cemitry...that alone..Prevents his return

wanna a card
send grayham

[is this ok gray?]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 25 December 2010 10:08:54 PM
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Happy Boxing Day OUG.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 26 December 2010 12:01:06 AM
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3 wise men...advised me of the birth of the saviour
behold the christ child was the setting of the day

his mother [creator] named mary
and father-life giver god

his patriarchal parent shall be joseph
thus..his genetic inheritance..shall be from his mothers side

now comes the concern to circumsize or not
we have 7 days to decide

anyhow..this is the notice of his birth

you shall call him emmanuel..[god within us all]
he shall see no sin..yet see god with us

he shall live from now
till easter..when he dies

he must live 33 3 months
this child was born old

he shall give the serman on the mount
sometime in feburay[valinitines day]

he shall attend a canna
early in the new year

let us rejoice this gift of god
but keep in mind he is man/child..born of woman
that we see him do[over the next 3 months]
we shall yet do greater..for he is but a child

we further would like to recognise..the birth of john..[the eldest]
born to the high priest
and his octagenerian wife

we live in amasing times

john shall wander the deserts for 33 years
jewsus shall wander the desert..for 40 days

john shal eat loquests..and honey
[only the very living animals..[loqusts..resist eating]

i seem to have a head ache..[from excitement..or the celibration with old wine]...but fel for today...the erection of my bound tree[last night]...and this notice of birth..full fills my promises..[for now]

we shall top off
or lop of..the tip of the tree in 7 days

each day we shall add a bauble symbolical..of jesus life

its thought because john shall surely loose his head
we shall lop / the fore skin's of both

but shall leave this for the holy father to decide
this is not womans/mothers business
she mearly deliverd the body...
[house]..for his holy spirrit to reside in for a life-term

just as he shall reside in spirit..with the xmass tree..till the sure day of his death..[the day of the exodus..when he left]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 6:41:37 AM
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happy new year ludwig


he defended his mothers honour*
let others record his words..
which he has spaken

we were just too astounded

the thought is to un-wrap the tree imediatly
to record this event

but the 3 kings...[or is it 3 holy men..]
cant present their top off..lop for 7 days yet
so their trunks remain sealed
and the tree remains bound

the child has now gone well

he appears to look at us all wonder
[its almost like..he can see his father..*in us all]

but he was clear
in his defence of his mum's honour
he really is amasing..but arnt all babies

[when is mothers day?]
...mary says it was last night..when she became mother

but regardless...mary is glowing
says he a dream

saw the nipple and hungerd for its good..ness/of god
[for they are of the same image/vision]
god/good/nurture...thats nature

and joseph..seems content
he is building the shed
we feel..for now we should focus on the christ child
and the glowing new mother..and her mission by permission to the good of god

trouble finding it hard
to put, all into a card/form

none of the cards..seem to have the right words

but lets put 6 days..
on the top-off/lop-off..
cards offer

happy lent..for this but borrowed,..from god
he awaits eagerly his his father[and ours]..

but for now contemplates..the few months
his life sentance incures be with us...

[just as his father is..*with us all

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 7:07:43 AM
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some back ground...

'How can I have a son,..when no man has touched me,
nor am I unchaste?'

He..(the angel) said:

'So (it will be),..your Lord said:
'That is easy for Me:

And to appoint him as a sign to mankind..and a mercy from Us..(from God)',..and it is a matter..(already) decreed(by God).'

(Quran 19:16-21)

In these verses, is described how the pious virgin Mary is visited by angel Gabriel,..who appears before her in a form of a man.

Not knowing who he is, she fears for herself, but he asserts to her that he is an angel,..a Messenger from her Lord,..and he announces to of her miraculous conception of a son.

[you shall call him emmanuel..[god..with[in] all]

In shock,..she questioned,..affirming her chastity.
The angel answers that such a conception,..though the miraculous, easy for The Lord,

all He needs to say is "Be."..and it is.

And that these are matters decreed by Him,
for greater purposes..and to the benefit of mankind.

The Miracle.
And then, miraculously,..Mary becomes pregnant.

The emotional story of her pregnancy follows:
"So she conceived him,..and she withdrew with him to a far place.

And the pains of childbirth drove her
to the trunk of a date-palm...near the manger

She said:

'Would that I had died before this,
and had been forgotten..and out of sight!'

Then a call unto her from bellow, said:

'Grieve not! Your Lord has provided a water stream under you; And shake the trunk of the date-palm towards you, will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you.

So eat and drink and be glad,
and if you see any human being, say:

'Verily! I have vowed..a fast unto the Most Beneficent
so I shall not any human being this day.'"

(Quran 19:22-26
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:47:35 AM
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19:27..Then she brought him to her own folk,..carrying him.
They said:..O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing.

O sister of Aaron!

Thy father was not a wicked man
nor was thy mother a harlot.
Mary, the mother of Jesus,..was the sister of Aaron.
(Apparently,..Muhammad confused Mary with Miriam.)

19:29 Then she pointed to him.
They said:

*How can we one who is in the cradle,..a young boy ?

19:30..THEN...*He spake: Lo!
I am the slave of Allah.
He hath given me..the Scripture
and hath appointed me..a Prophet,

19:31 And hath made me blessed
wheresoever I may be,..and hath enjoined upon me
prayer and long as I remain alive,

19:32..And (hath made me)
dutiful toward her who bore me,
and hath not made me arrogant,..not unblest.

19:33..Peace on me the day I was born,
and the day I die,..and the day I shall be raised alive!

19:34 Such was Jesus,..son of Mary:
(this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.

19:35 It befitteth not..(the Majesty of) Allah..that He should take unto Himself but a single son...for the life giver sustains us all our very living

Glory be to Him!
When He decreeth a thing,..He saith unto it
only: Be!..and it is.

(19:35-37)"Woe unto the disbelievers
from the meeting of an awful Day."

Jesus was not alone..the Son of God.
we are all the suns of the only light

19:36 And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord.
So serve servinmg other..That is the right path.

19:37..The sects among them differ:

19:39..Now they are in a state of carelessness,
and they believe not.

19:40..Lo! We,..only We,[suns of the light of man]
..inherit the earth..and all who are thereon,[born with nothing

taking only our memories...when we crossover
and RETURN..unto Us..[the spirit]..they are returned...
as jesus [emmanuel..hast returned]

19:41..And make mention..(O Muhammad)
in the Scripture..of Abraham.

Lo!..he was a saint,..a prophet
who dared break his minds voices...and realise the good of live of god
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:59:45 AM
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update...mary and emmanuel are doing fine
the occupation refusing to regester his birth details
[or even acknowledge his standing as a freeborn messiah of the lord]

lets us be clear
When one examines the argument against Jesus
this is by virtue of him[and his mother]..being a Palestinian,

one detects a remarkable amount of hostility aimed at both Palestinians and Muslims...One cannot help but wonder, there something threatening about identifying Jesus as a Palestinian?

Professor Jack D. Forbes writes about Jesus’ multi-cultural
and multi-ethnic environment:

When the Romans came to dominate the area,..they used the name Palestine...Thus, when Yehoshu'a..[Jesus]{{emaunuel}}..was born,..he was born a were all of the inhabitants of the region, Jews and non-Jews.

He was also a Nazarene..(being born in Nazareth)
and a Galilean..(born in the region of Galilee)…

Events Surrounding The Birth Of Jesus

4 BC: Augustus Caesar issues a decree that a census of the Roman empire be taken in the spring of 3 BC (possibly for the ultimate purposes of taxation).

Pre 3 BC: Quirinius, Governor of Syria, implements Caesar's decree in a way which will disturb the Jews least.

He conspires with the Sanhedrin to direct the Jews to keep the Passover where their family records are held. Quirinius likely coordinated this action with Herod..(Governor of Israel).

30 Mar.3 BC:Joseph and a pregnant Mary arrive in Bethlehem..(6 miles from Jerusalem)..on Saturday just before Passover begins at sundown and seek shelter.

31 Mar.3 BC: Jesus is born on this Sabbath morning,..the first day of Passover, 8:20 AM.

Danjo deduces that Jesus was born in 3 BC and offers six possible dates and times..(including this one)....the israelie authorities further complicate the issue

but we know better
he was born this previous day[hight]
the wholly holy night...and we know for certain the day he dies

[yet dont die..rebutting judgement/reserction day..being one particular time]

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 10:45:08 PM
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3-2 BC: The Magi visit Herod..seeking the new born messiah/of the true king

They may have deduced the nominal year of Jesus's impending birth by applying the I - Ching astrological the prophecies of Daniel..(appointed master of astrologers by Nebuchadnezzar).

Daniel predicted the year the "anointed one"..(Messiah) would appear.

They compared the manifestation of the Buddha with these predictions,..subtracting 35 years from Daniel's predicted year and arrived at the nominal birth year of the Jesus.

Herod consults Jewish priests (the Sanhedrin) and discover that the "King of the Jews" was to be born in Bethlehem and related this information to the Magi.

The Magi apply Tzu Wei astrological techniques to isolate specific dates when "king like" male children were born in Bethlehem.

They find the record of Jesus' birth[YEAH HOW?}{now..huh?]

and depart for Nazareth.

17 Jun.2 BC:..The Magi..(oriental scientists) from the east, anticipating a unique conjunction of Jupiter and Venus..[love and sport?]

one so close..that the two planets appear to collide..because their positions could not be resolved or separated by the unaided eye),..

the wise mates..coordinate their visit and presentation of gifts to Jesus..because they want to make a lasting impression on an "avatar".

The "stars" may have indeed led them to Jesus,..because the Magi identified Jesus by using the Tzu Wei Chinese astrology.

Polaris..(not then at the pole) the Tzu Wei or king star which gives this Chinese astrology its name.

9 Jan. 1 BC: Herod's soothsayers noted the total lunar eclipse on the midnight of this day and predicted that it bode ill for Herod who was besieged with problems..

(among other things.. he had recently executed one of his sons for trying to usurp..*his throne..and he was suspicious of the other).

A little later:..Herod,..not having access to the Magi's astrology, uses the only information..he has available.

He tries to kill..the new born king..and end the threat..

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 10:51:15 PM
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...of yet another..possible usurper to the quasi authority..of his throne...

He put to death the greater Bethlehem area
back to as far as..January 3 BC.

Jesus..[emmanuel]..may have remained safe in Nazareth..(66 miles north of Jerusalem)..even if his family had not fled to Egypt...buty there are the legalk complications leaving the lands of his birth[to wit a non return policy by the CURRENT-invaders

Herod failed to order..that the records in Bethlehem be checked for the current location of all male children..born during that period.

The Jewish historian Josephus..records the death of Herod shortly after the 9 January eclipse..

i will repeat josephs statement

ther is no significant differns
bettwen the three major religinons from the Midle East.

The danger is when politics and comon greed is mixst in to this, they give the rissing of racism..and oppresion of half of mankind,..our children/ well as our womenn.

The three great religions..faild allready in the beggining,
they are to day, missinterpeded in stuningly selfish ways.

In achiving greatnes,..and to rise up
as a human(menn and women)..they are essensualy same.

Love your self,..and love your nabour.

Everything included.
The truth is that in the end,
its all up to you,..and nobody else.

The path is laid, so its up to you to walk that walk.
[he will be good for emmanuel]

now let eve[the proude great/power]
have last say


"I,..with a deeper instinct,nurture
choose a man..who compels my strength,
who makes enormous demands on me,to be the better me[than he]

who does not courage or my toughness,
who does not believe me naïve..or innocent,
who has..the treat me

like a woman."
not a mother..

[but grandma is fine...too]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:04:27 PM
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oh dear the runours have started

its not bad enough...many think the messanger to be god

there also is a rumour that jesus went to egypt via some tunnel

please people...let the child be a child
let him have some privacy

yes its true..he did visit egypt
via tukk-tooc...that has proved easier to keep up than the don-key

there is also a rumour...about jesus..
joshua/yesuel..[you can call him emmanuel]

told off the stone-throwers
he simply reminded them of the law..
thou shalt not kill

it was the youths who decided not to risk it

people...the messiah...isnt the king
he dosnt think like we do

he sees even those despised bankers
as having good..[god wwithin]
he even talks to tax colecters and revenuers

we must stop making gods from men
there is one good...[god]
recall the god BUT god?

anyhow there are fires starting all over the place
we are keeping one step ahead of herrods party machine

we have recieved hundreds of offers of marrage...
and many taking the cloth claiming to be the bride of christ

folks married to his job
he said he cant go procreating a family
because his realm is not these realms..

he is just here serving the only king..doing his life we all are...

he cant wait to go all a room
in the fathers house...

he isnt intersted in forming yet another crude creed
only asking peopple to get over the messangers message..and feel the good within..know your special..but no more/no less than anyone else

he says we can sek to know to one
let your conscience be your guide

we know that which is not good
has bad fruit..thus he says stick with doing the good..of god

anyhow need to keep ahead of the rumours
Posted by one under god, Monday, 27 December 2010 6:35:44 AM
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there is certainly a bit of a putche on
here is santa bringing his sack/ palisteinians

the photo..of the youth..with 12 rubber coated bullit marks
on his chest..all within a 9 inch spread..indicate the snipers are on usual

jesus says..its much like germ-any..[the nastie natzies/zionista]
but jesus says...HEY IT WERNT US
THAT DID..THAT HOLLOW_CAUST...but it is you doing this one

[just dont be throwing any rocks]
[and be warned..the pictures are GRAPHIC]

joshua..advises..let them build their own walled prison

its not what the father wants
but he does require freewill

we are in the year of transition

so recall its ALLWAYS darkest BEFORE the dawn
we will get it right...[once we see there is no us/them...only us-all]

jesus says this picture isnt of him

but advises the child is with his father now
he advises let the past be past...this occured two years ago
[that we do to the least we do to god]..!

jesua..says it has all been recorded

so dont worry that you missed ANY of it
the records are intact..and every vile must..[in the end] redacted
by works,..not words..

so stop ya bickering and fighting..we got a lot to do..

so lets begin
by cleaning up our own acts first..!

leave the sorting of the tares from the wheat
to those who do it with passion

were still debating wether to lop the top of the josua tree
or his faux..xmass tree..[the parrable of the ram comes to mind]

the rite was betrayed...a long time ago
when one tribe killed an other tribe..recovering from the rite

this broke any being binding

or in jesus own words
"what..!..ya think god didnt make men right?"

god grew it
let him..lopp it off...[or not]

oh mary..just what have we begot?

let the past be..*for*-got....

live this moment..
for the creations..of god...*for*-god
Posted by one under god, Monday, 27 December 2010 8:36:43 AM
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oh dear
mary a sad state..thus morning]
she put the babe in the dry some nappy-rash
[nappies..are on the banned-list apparently]

and went inside..for some shade cloth...
came back..and the babe was gone

as he has..decided to moove arround latly...[by rolling]
using the a initiate the roll


she went down-hill..searching for the little the briar-patch
the poor thing..was in such a state..shedding her holy-blood..looking for her boy

anyhow..we madly rushed about..searching high and low for the babe

even..went to the local mossad-agent/provocateur..for help...
and were made to wait and wait..till in time we simply had to leave..
and eve was sent for phsyc-evaluation

anyhow we got home[eventually]
to find him playing..with his new friends
[thomas..who seems another doudfull character..and his best friend...judas...[we think his a banker..thus feel he might be bankers/scum]...

but jesu loves him non the less,
[he is so like..his father[god/good]

jesus loves..his new deciples
in fact..said to them..he needed to the beach

wanted to meet..fisher men

thomas advised him..of course..that they would have to go
through 6 do this...but jeshua insisted..

so thomas..and judas went to sea...
jesus..was wrapped up in a pea skin boat

luckly judas credit was good...
and they bribed their way to the sea-side..

in less than 8 hours..
what should have been an took-took

only to find out the fishermen...arnt allowed to fish...
but..they had fun playing..'baiting'..with the invaders...

launching the boat..and pretending to fish..then pulling the boat the two israelie war craft zeroed their guns

we had sooo much fun..little jesus lisped..
as he sukkled..his mothers generous engorged soon as his mum came home..from the mossad prison

i think we are going to have to watch this judas and thomas
but jesu..says they are cool...

but were not so sure

anyhow its time to do the rounds
yesterdays yield..seemed rather meagre

its a rather informative article
but trying to be..too fair
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 6:04:25 AM
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oh...jesus has not take the top off
god made it the way it is...

and eve and maries saying it looks more 'pretty'.....
isnt cutting the mustard

well jesus said..
you go first...

and the matter seems settled
the tree..gets the chop...

in a few more days

there is a shortage of land
must need to build more check points

grow more sewrage

to sell at..'farmers marketts'

obama seems to learning..catching on to..the israelie policy fast

georgie porgie is going to canadas

then usa

seems there is a new offensive building

The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel's invincibility in is question.

Despite the triumphant rhetoric in the various media commemorative reports, two years after 'Cast Lead', the sense is that that campaign much of a was the second Lebanon war of 2006.

What is needed now is for the noble..but totally futile energy invested by the Israeli peace camp..and its like in the west in the concept of 'co-existence'..and the projects of 'dialogue'

to be reinvested in the prevent another genocidal chapter in the history of Israel's war..against the Palestinians,..before it is too late.

same same shame

shame sham,_still_in_ruins_largely_due_to_the_reluctance_of_the_international_community_to_stand_up_to_the_bully..html

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 6:22:55 AM
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the news is too depressing
lets hear what jesu learned/taught
to thomas on the first the sea-side

Jesus said,

"Let him who seeks..continue seeking..until he finds.

When he finds,..he will become troubled.
When he becomes troubled,..he will be astonished,

and it is by overcomming astonishment..
he will rule..over himself...and over the All."

Jesus said,

"If those who lead you say,
'See,..the Kingdom is in the sky,'
then the birds of the sky..will precede you.

If they say to you,..'It is in the sea,'
then the fish..will precede you.

Rather,..the inside of you, is outside..of you....within well as me

When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known,

you will realize..that it is you
who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, dwell in poverty
and it is you..who are chosing to live...within..that poverty."

Jesus said,
"The man days
will not hesitate to ask a small child
seven days old..about the place of life,..[heaven]..and he will

For many..who are first..will become last,
and from then on..they will
become one..and the same."

atonement..[at one meant]

Jesus said,

"Recognize..what is in your sight,[our fathers creations]
and that which is hidden..[our father]..for you
will become you.

For there is nothing hidden..[cause]
..which will not become manifest."[affect]

oh how the truth floweth from the mouths of babes
[ok a lot of dribble too]

but look at what the dribble can do
jesu made once 7 ponds of dribble

then made 5 mud swallows...
but this another day

the world is not alone good news...
so recall..the parrable of the lost/found horse
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 6:53:52 AM
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let others inform thee
of the power/parrable..of the horse

Jesus said,

"Do not tell lies,..and do not do..that which/ hate,
for all things are the sight of Heaven.

see haters..*chose to hate
lovers CHOSE* love

For nothing..*hidden
will not become manifest,

and nothing covered..will remain
without being..uncovered."

Jesus said,

"Blessed is the lion..which becomes man..when consumed..*by man;

and the man..whom the lion consumes,

and the no way..becomes a man."

And He said,
"The like a wise fisherman who cast his
net into the sea and drew it up..from the sea..full of small fish.

Among them
the wise fisherman found a fine large fish.

He threw all the small fish back into the sea
and chose the large fish without difficulty.

Whoever has ears to hear,..let him hear."

see the large fish was a breeder
protector..of a safe place..for the grow strong
when the big one was taken away...the other..big fish
ate all the little ones..

why didst he not take half the small
and return..the big-fish..back to its god given duty
protecting the small

Jesus said,

"Now the sower went out,..took a handful..(of
seeds),and scattered them...unthinkingly.

Some fell on the road;..the birds came
and gathered them up.

Others fell on the rock,..did not take root
in the soil,..and did not produce ears...after their kind.

And others fell ammoung the thorns;
they choked the seed(s)..and worms ate them.

And others fell on
the good soil..and produced good fruit:

some in tens..some in hundreds..
but each according to the season

for even a dead seed has life within
just as you have life..WITH-in

worry not about the asdnmixture of good wheat..or bad tares
let the harvest..make the judgment call...and each redeem their odious their own timming
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 7:09:53 AM
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Jesus said,.."I have cast fire..[wild fire;passion of love]..upon the world,
and see,..I am guarding it..until it blazes....its own wisdom..with loves passions"

Jesus said,
"This mortal idea..of heaven will pass away,
BUT..the one will never pass away.

The dead are they not alive?,
and the living sefve good or vile..cannot die.

In the days..when you consumed what is dead,
you made it..what your thoughts sought it to is thus made alive.

When you come to dwell in the light,..what will you do?
but the passions you also then chose to do[make real;make live]

On the day..when you were one with love
you became two.

But when you
become two,..what will you to do?"

Jesus said to His disciples,
"Compare me to someone and tell
Me...whom I am like."

Simon Peter said to Him,.."You are like..a righteous angel."
Matthew said to Him,.."You are like..a wise philosopher."

Thomas said to Him,
"Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of
saying..whom..You are like."

Jesus said,.."I am not your master...Because you have drunk,life's wisdoms
you have become the bubbling spring which I have measured out."

but it is the fathers waters i share
all wells...all beliefs..all creeds
[all wisdoms...come from..the same water source..[good]god

And He took...thomas..the light source of these words..within him
and withdrew..and told him three things.

When..Thomas returned to his companions,
they asked him,.."What did Jesus say to you?"

Thomas said to them,.."If I tell you one of the things which
he told me, will pick up stones and throw them at me;..then..a fire
will come out of the stones..and burn you up."

[this addressed to the sun of the ursuror..[judas]

buzz words...imf...

15 counties/govts must pay...accumulative intrest*ONLY..
of 10.2..TRILLION..which is a large percentage.,.of their total gdp..
not govt intake....[via..odious tax]

comec* silver exchange...holds 107 million ounces of silver..on hand
but has..*outstanding...*contractual-promises..
to deliver silver...of 720 million ounces...

[how many hold..valueless paper promises*]
promise of future pension..
paper promising resources..treasury promises

you cant eat paper

the rich used their buy hard hand
the poor have paper promises..held by some trustee/trust
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 7:50:17 AM
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When you go into
any land and walk about in the districts, if they receive you,
eat what they will set before you, and heal the sick among them.
For what goes into your mouth will not defile you, but that which
issues from your mouth - it is that which will defile you."

15) Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman,
prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is
your Father."

16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I
have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is
dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword,
and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against
two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the
son against the father. And they will stand solitary."

17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what
no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never
occurred to the human mind."

18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that
you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the
end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning;
he will know the end and will not experience death."

19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he
came into being. If you become My disciples and listen to My
words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five
trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and
winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted
with them will not experience death.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 7:52:16 AM
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Mary said to Jesus,.."Whom are Your disciples like?"

He said,.."They are like children who have settled
in a field..which is not theirs.

When the owners of the field come,..they will
say,..'Let us have back our field.'

They..(will)..undress in their presence..[for slaves gain their returning the masters parnments] order to let them..have back..their field and thus..give it them.

Therefore I say to you,..if the owner of a house
knows..that the thief is coming,..he will begin his vigil
before he comes

and will not let him..into his true house
of his domain to..carry away his goods.

to casst pearl before swine
You,..then, on your guard against the worldly spoil.

Arm yourselves with great strength
lest the robbers find a way to come to you,
bearing gifts..powers adorations..material honours

for the difficulty..which you expect

Let there be a man of understanding...When
the grain has ripened,

he came quickly with his his hand
and reaped it...

Whoever has ears to hear,..let him hear."
Jesus saw infants being suckled.

He said to His disciples,
"These infants being suckled
are like those who enter the

They said to Him,
"Shall we then, children,
enter the Kingdom?"

Jesus said to them,.."When you make the two hearts..of one living loving mind..two become one,..and when you make the the outside...and the outside like the inside,

and the the below,
and when you make..the male..and the female
one and the same, that the male..not be male
nor the female;

and when you fashion the place of an eye,

and a hand' place of a hand,
and a place of a foot,

and..a likeness in place of a difference;

then will you enter..[the Kingdom]."
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 8:03:35 AM
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His disciples said to Him,
"Show us the place where You are,
since it is necessary for us to seek it."

He said to them,
"Whoever has ears,..let him hear.

There is..light within a man
man is not..the light..but..of the light,
and he..(or "it")..lights up..the whole world.

If he..(or "it")..does not shine,..
he..(or "it") rejecting the light
thus has reside within the darkness..."

2Jesus said,.."Love your your soul,
guard the pupil..of your eye."

Jesus said,
"You see the your brothers eye,
but not see..the beam in your own eye.

When you cast the beam out-of..your own eye,
then you will see cast the mote..[blind spot]..from your brother's eye."

<Jesus said,> "If you do not fast...[limit materialism] regards the world,
you will not find the Kingdom...within us all

If you do not observe..the Sabbath..[the rest-day]..
as a..Sabbath,...[earned/ all]..
you will not see..the you..or them"

Jesus said,
"I took my the midst of the world, and
I the flesh.

I found all of them intoxicated;
I found none of them thirsty.

And My soul became afflicted for the sons of men,..
because they are their hearts and do
not have sight;..for empty they came into the world,

and empty too
they seek to leave the world.

But for the moment they are..intoxicated.
When they shake off their wine,..then they will repent."

Jesus said,.."If the flesh..came into being..
because of spirit, is a wonder.

But if spirit..came into being..because of the
body, is a wonder of wonders.

Indeed,..I am amazed at how this
great wealth..has made its this poverty."

The disciples..said to Jesus,
"We know..that You will depart
from us...Who is to be our leader?"

Jesus said to them,
"Wherever you are, are to go to..[James]..*the righteous,..
for whose sake..heaven..and earth came into being."

[for he above a servant..[righteous-servant]
he..who would lead you..shall serve..*you][not banker'd/ursurers/corpe-rations/state/..or the party

not pauls-peter?
let his works..reveal...

all in gods-time
not mans..
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 28 December 2010 8:41:25 AM
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Jesus said,
"It is impossible..for a man to mount two horses..
or to stretch two the same time is impossible..for a servant to serve two masters;
otherwise he will honor the one..and treat the other contemptuously.

likewise..its impossable to change what a man belief's

No man drinks..old wine..[creed]..
and immediately desires to drink new wine...[new ways]

And new wine..[creed/belief] not put into old wineskins,[fixed minds]..lest they burst;

nor is old wine..put into a new wineskin,
lest it spoil it...[this is the lesson..of those who wanderd the desetrts..for 40 years...till ONLY their children..walked upon the

An old not sewn onto a new
garment,..[like with like]..because a tear would result."

48)Jesus said,
"If two make peace..with each this one house,[of one mind]
they will say..even to the mountain,..'Move Away,'
and it will..move away."

[no one likes a crouchy host]
shake the dust of your feet..and leave them be
thus as they chose to be

49)Jesus said,
"Blessed are the solitary..and selective,
for you will find..the Kingdom...within..and they decry it

For you are from it, it you will return."
[as a man he his heart]

50)Jesus said,
"If they say to you,..'Where did you come from?',
say to them,..'We came from the light,..the place where the light
came into being..on its own accord..and established..[itself]

and..became manifest..through their image.'
[lighten up]

If they say to you,..'Is it you?',
say,..'We are its children,..we are the erect..of the Living
Father.'...doing that of love/ he does..for all

If they ask you,..'What is the sign..of your father in
you?',..say to them,..'It is movement..[light life love logic]..and repose.[grace mercy forgiveness..patience]'"

51)..His disciples said to Him,
"When will the repose..of the dead..come about,
and when..will the new world come?"

He said to them,
"What you look forward to..has already come,
to each in their own time..

but not recognize it."

let the dead..tend the dead
for what are dead works
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 6:48:11 AM
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His disciples..said to Him,
"Twenty-four prophets..spoke in..palistein,
and all of them You."

He said to them,
"You have omitted the one your
presence..[ talk of affect]..
and have thus spoken..(only)..of the dead."[affect]

53)..His disciples..said to Him,
"Is circumcision beneficial or not?"

He said to them,
"If it were beneficial,..their father would
beget them...*already circumcised..from their mother.

Rather,..the true circumcision..[of thyne lips]
is in spirit...which has become completely profitable."[has good works]..[not good words]

54)Jesus said,
"Blessed are the poor,
for the Kingdom of Heavenly reperation."

55)Jesus said,.."Whoever does not hate
his father..[good/god]..and his mother..cannot become a disciple to Me...[one gave me..*life
the other..brought me into..all this material-muddle]

And whoever..does not hate his brothers and sisters
and take up his cross..[burden] good for bad..
in My way[by doing as theee see me do]..will not be worthy of Me."

i will say i know him not by his works
he has harvested..but not planted

56)Jesus said,
"Whoever has come to understand..ONLY..the world
has found (only)..a corpse,

and whoever has found..a corpse
is the materialistic being of this world."

57)Jesus said,

"The Kingdom of the like a man..who had..[good]seed.
His enemy came by night..and sowed weeds..among the good seed.

life has many temptations
but are you building your house on firm foundations
[or why evil]

The man..did not allow pull up the weeds;
he said to them,[who judged in hast..

'I am afraid..that you will go..intending to pull up
the weeds..and pull up the wheat...along with them.'

you have removed freewill..for we all change
we are not plants...we all..have grow into wheat

[by loving living..doing good works]
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:03:10 AM
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Jesus said,
"Take heed of the Living One..while you are alive,
lest you die..and seek to see Him..[yet have rejected the light]..
and thus be do so."

60)<They saw>..a Samaritan carrying a lamb
on his hudea.

He*,,said to his disciples,
"(Why does)..that man(carry)..the lamb around?"

They*..said to him,
"So that he may kill it..and eat it."

He said to them,
"While it is alive,..he will not eat it,
but only..when he has killed it..and it has become a corpse."

They said to him,..
"He cannot do so otherwise."

He said to them,
"You too,..look for a place for yourself
within the Repose,..lest you become a corpse..and be eaten."

..Jesus said,
"Two rest on a sick-bed:..the one will die,and other will live."
yet both live..regardless of who lives on here..or who lives on there

but its the quality of living
you lived here..that determines the quality of life you live there

61..Salome said to him,,..
"Who are You,,..
that You, though..from the One,..
have come up on my couch..and eaten..from my table?"

Jesus said to her,
"I am He who exists..from the Undivided.
I was given..some of the things of my Father."

"Therefore I say,..if he is..<undivided>,
he will be filled with light,..but if he is divided,..he will be
filled with darkness."

And just who owns..the Federal Reserve Bank?

I will tell you:
1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin;
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris;
3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy;
4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany;
5. Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs;
6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York.

it is these ursurors..who seek to run the world

they make you borrow...every dollar..*into egsistance
but you must..repay..*usury...they dont create

MEANING..someone else..
must default..their debt

just as the bankers..have defaulted..their debt
[and we repay..their debt]..

and still no extra dollars
to cover..the ursury..its a clever judas scam
[but recall the caution..about throwuing rocks]

and so the zionist..conspiricy goes on
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:22:33 AM
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Jesus said,
"It is to those..[who are worthy of My]..mysteries
that I tell My mysteries.

Do not let your left hand..know what
your right hand is doing."

Jesus said,.."There was a rich man..who had much money.

He said,..'I shall put my money to use
so that I may sow,reap,plant, and fill my storehouse with produce, with the result that..I shall lack nothing.

Such were his intentions, but that same
night he died...Let him who has ears hear."

64)..Jesus said,.."A man had received visitors.
And when he had prepared the dinner,..he sent his servant to invite guests.

He went to the first one.and said to him,
"My master invites you.'

He said,..'I have claims against some merchants.
They are coming to me this evening.
I must go and give them my orders.
I ask to
be excused..from the dinner.'

He went to another and said,..'My
master has invited you.'

He said to him, 'I have just bought a
house and am required for the day.
I shall not have any spare time.'

He went to another and said to him, 'My master invites
you.' He said to him, 'My friend is going to get married, and I
am to prepare the banquet. I shall not be able to come. I ask to
be excused from the dinner.'

He went to another and said to him,
'My master invites you.' He said to him, 'I have just bought a
farm, and I am on my way to collect the rent. I shall not be able
to come. I ask to be excused.'

The servant returned and said to
his master, 'Those whom you invited to the dinner have asked to
be excused.'

The master said to his servant, 'Go outside to the
streets and bring back those whom you happen to meet, that
they may dine.'

Businessmen and merchants will not enter the
Places of My Father."
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:34:02 AM
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Jesus said,.."Show me the stone..which the builders have
rejected...That one is the cornerstone."

Jesus said,.."Whoever believes..that the All itself deficient."

He said,.."There was a good man..who owned a vineyard.

He leased it to tenant that they might work it..and he
might collect the remainder..of its produce from them.

He sent his servant so that
the tenants might give him..the surplus-produce..of the vineyard.

They seized his servant and beat him,..all but killing him.

The servant went back..and told his master.

The master said,..'Perhaps..<they>
did not recognize..<him>.'

He sent another servant.

The tenants
beat this one as well.

Then the owner sent his son and said,
'Perhaps they will show respect to my son.'

Because the tenants..knew that it was he
who was the heir to the vineyard,..they seized
him and killed him...

and then taxed their labouers...
and made them..under threat..and other ursury

Let him who has ears hear."

Jesus said,.."Blessed are you..when you are hated and persecuted.
Wherever you have been persecuted..they will find no Place....of their lives herafter"..reaping theirbitter harvest...till the last vile has been full

but not with intrest
no ursury

Jesus said,
"Blessed are they who have been persecuted..within themselves.
It is they..who have truly come to know the Father.

Blessed are the hungry,for the things of spirit
for the belly of him..who the good
will be filled."

70]..Jesus said,

"If you bring forth..what within you,
what you..bring forth..[outside you]..will save you.

If you do not..bring forth what is..within you,
what you do not bring forth..will destroy you."

Jesus said,.."The harvest is great..but the laborers are few.
and the landlords too greedy/needy/seedy..

Beseech the Lord,..therefore,
to send the harvest."

He said,.."O Lord,
there are many around..the drinking trough,
but there is the cistern."

cause the govt..gave it to the bankers
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:02:29 AM
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Jesus said,
"Many are the door,..but it is the
solitary..[one by one]..who will enter the bridal chamber."

76)..Jesus said,
"The kingdom of the like a merchant
who had a consignment of merchandise..and who discovered a pearl.

That merchant was shrewd...He sold the merchandise and bought the
pearl alone for himself...You too, his unfailing and enduring
treasure..[of eternal-spirit]..where no moth comes devour and no worm destroys."

77)..Jesus said,.."It is I am..[god]..who am the light
which is above them all.

It is I am..who is the All.

From He..did the All come forth,..and
unto He did the All extend.

Split a piece of wood,..and I am is there.
Lift up the stone,..and you will find allready..there."

Jesus said,.."Why have you come out..into the desert?
To see a reed..shaken by the wind?..And to see a man..clothed in fine your kings..and your great men?

Upon them are the

and they are thereby
unable to discern the truth."

Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world
has found only that of the body,..[flesh]

but he who has found the body within
is the world."

81)..Jesus said,

"Let him who has grown rich be king,
and let him...who possesses power...renounce it."

Jesus said,
"He who is near the fire,
and he who is far..from far from the Kingdom."

Jesus said,
"The images..are manifest to man,
but the them..remains the image of the light of the Father.

He will become manifest,
but his image..will remain his light."
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:13:54 AM
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Jesus said,

"When you see your likeness, rejoice.

But..when you see your images..which came into being before you, and
which neither..die not...nor become manifest,

how will have to bear!"

85)..Jesus said,

"Adam came into being..from a great power and a
great wealth,..but he did not become worthy..of you.

For had he
been worthy,..[he would]..not[have experienced] his 'death'."
[and this material realm..wouldnt egsist]

Jesus said,
"[The foxes have their holes]
and the birds have..[their] nests,
but the..Son of materialistic-Man..had no lay his head
and rest."

Jesus said,.."Wretched is the body
that is dependant..upon a body,
and wretched is the soul..that is dependent on these two."

88)..Jesus said,

"The angels and the prophets..will come to you
and give you those things you..(already) have.

And you too,..give them
those things which you have,..and they too..allready have

and say to yourselves,..
'When will they come..and take what is theirs?'"
[know you not oh man...its allready within you..its for you to give]

Jesus said,
"Why do you wash..*the outside of the cup?
Do you not realize..*that he who made*..
it is...*he inside...

is the same one
who made..the outside?"

Jesus said,
"Come unto me,..for My yoke is easy..and My
lordship is mild,..and you will find repose..*for yourselves."

They said to Him,
"Tell us who You..are so that we You."

He said to them,

"You read the face..of the sky
and of the earth,

but you have not recognized
the one..who is before you,..within you..and without you
you do not to read this his..LIVING moment."


this one..ever live [living-moment]

gods time
all the time

oh how to put it on a card
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:26:02 AM
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40% of all corporate profits
came from the financial services industry.

Not production,
not anything remotely to do...with the needs of the American public.
The truth is we are all part of

Banks,..consumers they are moving the money circles.

We take a buck,..we shoot it full of steroids
and we call it leverage...I call it steroid banking

We are ruled by parasites.

We are ruled by people who not only don’t work..but expect us to work for them.

This is totally irresponsible on our part...And we have been carefully trained to be irresponsible..because responsibility is the key to power.

We can gain total power over our lives

but not without accepting..full responsibility for everything.

Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Directors:
A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence

Putin’s Purge Of The Rothschild Money Changers

WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000,..Russia was bankrupt.

The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund
while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.

But Putin took advantage of the current boom in world oil prices by redirecting a portion of the profits of Russia’s largest oil producer Gazprom so as to pay off the country’s debt.

The continual surge in oil prices greatly accelerated Russia’s capacity
to restore financial sovereignty.


Does the United States still have a stock market? Not really.
In a real market, when there are more sellers than buyers, prices decline.

And vice versa of course. That is called "price discovery"; or used to be.

Since January of 2010 investors have withdrawn a net total
of 81 billion dollars from U.S. stocks and funds,
this week marking..the 33rd consecutive week of outflows,

work..makes free
or fee?
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 8:47:27 AM
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Thought this might interet you: among the summer activities organised for the Muslim kids will be (or was, yesterday)

"The Story of Lady Maryam & Issa (a.s) for Little Hearts"

Issa, of course, is the Arabic/Muslim name for Jesus.

true peace to you bro,
Posted by grateful, Wednesday, 29 December 2010 7:39:05 PM
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gratefull..the link didnt reveal
i tried to ask for some..via comment
but comment didnt work..either

do you have a script...of the teaching?

anyhow i was talking about ursury..[i hate it]
recall jesus upset the tables of the creeds
selling tokens..according to the sin...

[or rather the blood sacrifice..
that would redeem the...'sin']

i suppose on the surface..paying a token-coin
sacrificing better than murder of an innocent beast

never the god all sin is forgiven
as soon as we repent...and seek to do good works
and not before...if we learn nothing...know god needs no intermediator

we can know god to one
simply by loving neighbour as thyself

so lets egsamin the table's incident

Perhaps you would need to be the light.
Sometimes we are in that place in our life
where we are surrounded by darkness, we need to hold up our light, the good..

to serve creation..
just as god serves us..[created]..our living

take a good look all around us
to see where we're going.

But I want you to realize, my brother, that when you're holding up your light, there's a whole host..whose prayers for find yourself..are even stronger than your own.

We are guiding you...Do not doubt that.
And follow your heart...Find your home.

half a shekel of silver,
the amount laid down in the Law of Moses
for the atonement of every Israelite, in Exodus 30:11-16.

In the first century half a shekel was reckoned the equivalent of two Greek drachmas or two Roman denarii.

A laborer could earn that amount in two days.

The priests payment
should be made in coins..of the purest silver...[]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:34:10 PM
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Only one sort was acceptable,..the silver coins of the city of Tyre.

Many of the traders charged very high prices,..taking shameless advantage of the pilgrims who came..from the countryside and from foreign lands.

The traders had to pay
for permission to have their stalls in this area, and they had to pay...the leading priests...their kickback...the reduced sell to the next batch of elites...trying to buy a soul..

It can be estimated that the amount taken to the Temple each year was about half a million shekels. The Tyrean shekel was worth four denarii, so the annual income of the Temple would be equivalent to wages for two million man-days of work, or 5480 man-years of work, on a basis of 7 working days per week.

Let's say the average yearly income of a North American today would be 30.000 dollars. Then you could calculate the Temple income almost as 170 million dollars.

[The Temple was not the spiritual center any more,
it had become big business!]

Very well,..this was the situation.
Jesus entered with us,..and stayed silent for a while,
observing the chaos, the noise, animals bellowing, people screaming, clients haggling with dealers, humble people with scared looks, a tremendous tumult.

And then he took the word, hollering to dominate the commotion with his voice. And suddenly, there was all silence.

Those were the famous words: "It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

Jesus didn't mince matters, he uttered openly what he thought and felt. And what..had to happen..happened....see you not what is happening today..?

People got angry.
A great uproar arose.

Everybody knew that Jesus was right,
and they let off their steam over the salesmen.

Jesus didn't incite that incident,..but his words certainly unchained the feelings,..which until then had been the people's hearts...

they simply were blind...
but did they chose to see...?

or did they follow the greed
the their materialism..
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:37:34 PM
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there comes the each one’s life,
when one must find hard words,..when one must pronounce himself clearly,..with all severity,..yet not kill..or interfere with a per-suns free will

in order to be true to himself and true to God.
Jesus knew the risk,..but he was not afraid...
for our fathers house is one..[undivided]..

How could he have disregarded
what was happening before his eyes?

No, he did the correct thing,
but he had to suffer the consequences.

No, they did not put him into jail.
No, they did not do anything, for the moment.

There was no pretext under which
it would have been possible to arrest him.

He had not uttered anything but the truth.

He had not participated in the riot.
We could leave the Temple area..without problems.

Yes, that incident also my decision of betraying him.
[this by judas]In fact, I loved him very much. But for me, he didn't behave correctly.

Jesus had power,..I had seen it,..a lot of power!
He could mobilize people,..he had all the potential of changing things,..*but he didn't do it.

Then,..what I did was to force him into a situation,
where he had to demonstrate his power,..putting an end
to the supreme priest's henchmen,

to show his antagonism openly to the Temple hierarchy
and to launch a rebellion. Yes, these are political, revolutionary ideas, but politics and religion then were one and the same thing, there was not separation between them, that is a modern idea.

I failed,..I didn't understand him.
And you know the rest of the story.

now the ursorers own 90 percent of it all
buy silver gold..with paper...manufacture credit from a computer entry

think they dont need god..nor his creation
indeed seek to kill it all..need fear..need eternal war
allways needy..needing ever more...treating god a slave

not the honourable mercyfull living loving
host all
he allways is
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:46:37 PM
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It is always a temptation..for the mind to seek to have
an understanding..of its relationship to God.

It wants tangible..[material]..external evidence and symbols
to represent..that relationship that is a purely inner-spiritual one.

I my disciples that good of God's will,
that they become at one..*with Love.

But they could see my Love...was his love..reflected..back to them.

They could see Its demonstration..*in our lives..together.
They could have the power of this Love..
as it demonstrated Itself through my hands../.yet via their hearts.

It was not until I left..that they..had to realize the power
was in their own hands..through..his Love..that they prayed for,
through...their do for the good/deed..of God's Will.

I want you to realize how important it is to realize your relationship with God.

He Loves you.
and..He Loves you...
And it is..through your hands..that His Love comes.

Do not look to the material for the assurance
that you have this relationship...Look to your hearts
and feel the your heart reaching out to your brothers
and sisters...who need that Love....not by lips..or words..but works..

you..and Your Father..*are one,
and His manifest through you
to these brothers and sisters..who are all..God's children.

We are all God's children...We are all God.
Is it not the greatest gift..we share – this Love..that God has shown us?

Would it not bring us the greatest joy
to touch someone in the greatest Love that we have,
that is..with the Divine Love..that we have been shown?

Sometimes we ask ourselves..if we are good enough,
if we are worthy..of this tremendous Love,..this Gift
that we this Life..good of God has offered to us.

If you could only imagine God sees you,
the beautiful soul that you are,..the beautiful child that He sees
before you..within/ He loves..with all His Heart,

it would put to shame any jewel,..any treasure that you might on earth.
It would put to shame..any monument that has ever been built by man.

You are the most beautiful creation..of our Heavenly Father.
There is only one of you. You are precious, you are rare
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:50:38 PM
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1) And He said, "Whoever finds
the interpretation of these
sayings..will not experience death."

80) Jesus said, "He who has recognized the world has found the
body, but he who has found the body is superior to the world."

81) Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him
who possesses power renounce it."

the Son of Man has no place to lay his head
and rest."

87) Jesus said, "Wretched is the body that is dependant upon a
body, and wretched is the soul that is dependent on these two."

88) Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you
and give you those things you (already) have.

2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks
continue seeking until he finds.

When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes
troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

"Let him who seeks..not cease until he finds,
and when he finds..he shall wonder;

by wondering..he shall reign,
and by reigning justly..

shall rest....his other body...
br-..*other life spirit...

and the karmic body...of all souls
that reach the atonement...[at one meant]"

3/b..the Kingdom is inside of you,
and it is outside of you.

When you come to know yourselves,
then you will become known, will realize
that it is you..who are the suns of the living light/love logic..logus love

one LIFE GIVING Father.

But if you will not know yourselves,
you dwell in poverty

and it is you ALONE
who are that poverty."

the Kingdom of inside of you,
and it is*..outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves]
will find it;

[and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you
will understand THE KNOWING [LOGIC]..OF IT BEING thee...and we


it is you
who are the suns of the living..light source
sustaining all living...via the light...into love thee..
who in being me..
reveals i thee

Father..speake of grace love mercy
upon the least

because that done upon the least
is done to the most..[the of we]..all
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:55:20 PM
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But..if you will not know yourselves,
you poverty...and as long as one is in proverty
we all me

and it is you
who are that poverty."
that allows poverty to egsist in me

For many who are first..will become last,

and they...*will...all in time..
become* and the same."...
and they will become...
a single one."

me was one
before the big bang
as we draw neareer..the unity of one
sets up the next sepperations...with the next big bang

we done it once
lets do it again
collectivly we are

god...[i am/you are...we are]
me became we
with a guge bang

let there be light
behold the light[me/we] good

let the light bring forth life...
for the same is the same..each after their kind

think of a hologram...broken
yet each retains..the image of the whole hollow-gram

or think of me
as WE..revealing me...via we

we each are but like a neuron..
of the big me

or think of like a t cell
cause cause...holding within...all causes

you are the light..have within you the light
but all light has its one source...just like your skin cell
covers the rest of too gods skin is the light...think of it as

a magnetic attraction...where all sparks...create the light
because there is the attraction of the it
obscuring..'it'...cause we can only see the light
not that..who attracts all the light to it

think of like jesus..issa...walking in the dark
but each...of the crowd..has a lamp...
that throws its light..upon him

so drawing back from this vision

see all the individual lights
surrounding jesu...even if we cant see him...
we know there..because of the lamps/...lights..we can see we...
being we...when actually...we are me

the totality of the lamps light
seen collectivly as simply the light

of grace/mercy/good/love/
light/logic/ sustaing life

life from life
[let the dead tend the dead]

he in me...
he in theee....
WE..inverting..our sepperatness...into the oneness[atonment]

[turn ya froun upside down]





i am...because we are
we are..because i am is
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:56:26 PM
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feel all the good..[of god] inside you

yet in truth...god..IN-DWELLS..inside..!* all

where god darkness..[vile]..can be
if god is..with you
who can stand..against you

where the smallest light is
darkness is dispelled

thus is the kingdom
once you loose ALL Fear

turn your fear upside down

we = me...=i am

as you are..
so is he..[within thee]

betwixt...your body me..
and your soul..we

lies..the only distance...

which yet ALL..lies within
the infinate..without measure

without...there is no distance
there is only...the one

no darkness..
no need..nothing to create sepperation

for all there have been all...thus form into one

Recognize what is in your sight,

and that which
is hidden..from you will become plain to you.

For there is nothing
hidden..which will not become manifest."

Recognize what is before your face
and that which is hidden from the you..will be you.
just follow the light..line up in the same direction..feel the force of good

For there is
nothing hidden

which shall not be made manifest,
nor buried which
shall raised."

Do not lie,
and do not do what you hate,

do not adulterate..the words that lead to good..[god]

for all
things are disclosed..before truth.
For there is nothing hidden
which shall not be..shown forth...for all to see/hear/feel/do/correct//make right"

Do not tell lies,..and do not do..what you hate,
for you canm ONLY become that you love

for all things..are plain
in the sight of Heaven...[when seen in the light
or rather the affect of the light..[cause]

For nothing
hidden..will not become manifest,
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:57:33 PM
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and nothing covered will remain

without being..uncovered."

Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion
which becomes man when
consumed by man;

and cursed is the man
whom the lion consumes,
and the lion remains lion..never man."

Jesus said: "Unless you fast [control the glorying of/by]
to the worldly material-istic temptations, you shall in no
way find the Kingdom of God;

and unless you sabbatize the
Sabbath,..equally for all

no exceptions
[god needs his rest..too
and who is not god?]

you shall not see..the Father..the one i am.
for that you the do to him"

that you did for the least
you did..for him

my soul grieved over the souls of men,
because they are blind..[deaf] their heart and see not.

There is light within a man
of light,not the light..but radiating his light from it

and he..(or "it")..lights up the whole materialistic world universal uni-verse.

If he (or "it") does not shine,..from within
he (or "it") is creating the veil..

that suspends lights..revealings
creating thus..darkness....[in its manyfold vairiations]"

Jesus said,.."Love your brother like your soul,
guard the pupil of your eye."
he is a mirror of..[me]...we as one

Jesus said, "You see the mote
in your brothers eye, but you
do not see the beam in your own eye.

When you cast the beam out
of your own eye, then you will see clearly to cast the mote from
your brother's eye."

27) <Jesus said,> "If you do not fast
as regards the world,

will not find the Kingdom.

If you do not observe the Sabbath as a
Sabbath,[all of you].. you will not see the Father."

28) Jesus said, "I took my place in the midst of the world, and
I appeared to them in the flesh. I found all of them intoxicated;

I found none of them thirsty. And My soul became afflicted for
the sons of men, because they are blind in their hearts and do
not have sight;

for empty they came into the world, and empty too
they seek to leave the world.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 30 December 2010 1:58:29 PM
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But for the moment..they are..intoxicated.

When..they shake off..their wine,

then..they repent."

Jesus said,..
"If the flesh..came into being..because of spirit, is a wonder.

But if spirit..came into being..because of the
body, is a wonder..of wonders.

Indeed,..I am how this
great wealth..has made its home
in..this materilistic-realm.. filled..with spiritual-poverty."

Jesus said:.."Where there are..[two,
they are..not]..without God,

and when there is one..alone,
[I say,]..I am with him.

Raise/the stone,..and there you will find me;

cleave/the wood,..and there I am."

When you make..the two one,
and when you/make the the outside

and the the inside,
and the the below
you shall know

no-one..lights a lamp
and puts it under a bushel,
nor does he put a hidden-place,

but rather..he sets it on a lampstand
so that everyone who enters and leaves
will see its light."

[know its workings/deed/good fruits...light]

Jesus said,
"If a blind man leads a blind man,
they will/both..fall into a pit."

[will you see]..the Sun..[light]..of the
Living One,..and you will not be afraid"

Many times have you hear these words
which I am saying to you,..and you have no one hear them

There will be days when you look
for Me..[i am]..and will not find..Me."

"The Pharisees..and the scribes have taken the
keys of Knowledge..of self and cause of self..and hidden them.

They themselves have not entered,
nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to.

You,however, as wise as serpents
and as doves."

For you are from it's materialism,
and to it..[of spirit] will return."

Jesus said,
"If they say to you,..'Where did you come from?',
say to them,..'We came from the light,love..logic..ot the living truth

the place..where the light
came into being on its own accord
and established..[itself]..and became manifest

through their image.'

If they say to you,..'Is it you?',

say,..'We are its children, are his child
we are the elect..of the Living-Father.'

If they ask you,
'What is the sign
of your father..*in you?',

say to them, '

It is movement..*[life]..
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:13:16 PM
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and..when will..the new=world come?"
its been here..all along..
its just some..prepher be hell..[for others]

but there are no...'other'
there is only dreamer..[god]...and dream...[us]

He them,

"What you look forward to..has already come,
but you do not recognize it."

take sabbath...
and it finds you
as you find that..with-in you

You have omitted the one your
presence..and have spoken..(only)..of the dead...[material-matter/s]"

Jesus said,

"Whoever has come to understand the world
has found..(only) a corpse,..and whoever
has found the world..a corpse
is the world."

the greatest shall be the least
yet the yet greater..than the baptism

Jesus said,.."Take heed of the Living One..while you are alive,
lest you die..and seek to see Him..and be unable to do so."

He said to them,.."You too,..look for a place for yourself
within the Repose,..lest you become a corpse and be eaten."

Jesus said to her,

"I am He who exists..from the Undivided.
I was given..some of the things of my Father."

as have you..~given your own lifes gifts..of him

Therefore I say,..if he is..<undivided>,
he will be filled with light,..but if he is divided,
he will be filled with darkness."

62)Jesus said,
"It is to those..[who are worthy of our fathers]..mysteries
that tell..of his mysteries...that they be seen all..

Whoever believes..that the All deficient
is (himself)..completely deficient."

If you bring forth..what is within you,
what you bring forth..will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is
within you,..what you do not bring forth..will destroy you."

Tell my divide my father's..possessions..with me...we"

77)..Jesus said,.."It is I am..who am the light
which is above all...It is I..[who am]..that is the All.

From he did the All come forth, and
unto he..did the All extend...forth from he..

Split a piece of wood,..and I am is there.
Lift up the stone, and you will find...Me is there."

When you see your likeness, rejoice. But
when you see your images..which came into being before you, and
which neither die..nor become manifest, much living you will have to

i give you..those things you..(already) have
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:25:04 PM
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And you too,..give them those..things
which you know..they allready..have,

and say to yourselves,..'When
will..they come..and take what is theirs?'"

89) ..Jesus said,

"Why do you wash the outside of the cup?
Do you not realize that he who made he inside
is the same one..who made the outside?"

you will find repose..for yourselves."

[Jesus said,].."If you have money,
do not lend it at interest.. but give..[it]
to one..from whom you will not get it back."

97) Jesus said,

"The Kingdom of the..[Father] like a certain man..who was carrying a jar..full of flour...While he was walking home with it..still some distance from home,..the base..of the jar broke..and the flour emptied out behind him..onto the road.

he did-not realize it;

he had accident...
his food..for the day..
slowly dribbled away.

When he reached his house,
he set the jar down..and found it empty."

[the our mind..[intent]
the flour is that in our heart..[intention]
setting the jar down...reveals the other works..
we didst not see needed the complete..doing
..of all things...we chose to do]

99) ..The disciples said to Him,
"Your brothers and Your mother
are standing outside."

He said to them,
"Those here..who do the will..of My Father
..are My brothers and My mother.

It is they who will enter the
Kingdom of My Father."

it is he
who sustains our living
and we..who use the gift of life to create good fruit

101)<Jesus said,>
"Whoever does not hate..his father
and his I do..[within love]..with grace/mercy
cannot become a Me.

And whoever does
[not] his father..and his mother
as I do..[by works]..cannot become a..[disciple] to Me.

For My mother..[gave me falsehood],
but..[My]..true..[father]..gave me life." its giving...give be taken away

102) Jesus said,
"Woe to the Pharisees,..for they are like a dog the manger of oxen,..for neither does he eat..nor wake
nor does he let the oxen eat...nor sleep"

104)..They said..[to Jesus],

"Come,..let us pray today..and let us fast."

Jesus said,
"What is the sin..that I have committed,..that needs prayer's salv
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:28:44 PM
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wherein..have I been defeated..from serving the good..of the father
that i need to material rewards..and my earned sabbath?

But..when the bridegroom..leaves the
bridal chamber,..then let them fast..and pray...
only this..can help the on his recierve his fair pay"

107)Jesus said,
"The Kingdom is like a shepherd..who had a hundred sheep.
One of them,..the largest,..[oldest]..matriarchal first born..mother of the flock

..went astray.

He left..the..ninety-nine sheep
and looked for..that one..until he found it.

When he had gone to such trouble,

he said to the sheep,..'I care for
you...more than the ninety-nine...'"

let he who hath ear hear

this..[the largest/oldest]..was the child-sheppards..first charge
he raised it..from a lamb...from it..he learned..the art of sheppards care

from it grew his flock

it knew..where there was good water
it knew..where there was good pasture..
knew where was safty..or the dens..of wolves

it did his job for him..!

the great gandmother..[sheep elder]..knew..what the sheppard knew
led..her safety...and from the good

[think of the protector fish parrable]
108) Jesus said,
"He who will drink..the words..from my mouth..will become like Me....
being like he..[our father]..I myself..shall become as he,..and thee like me

and the things..that are hidden
will become revealed..from thee..and to me"
setting us all free..

109)Jesus said,

"The Kingdom is like a man..who had a..[hidden]..treasure
in his field..without others knowing it...but forgot about it..

and..[after] he died,..he
left his only begotten son.

The son did not know..(about the treasure).

He inherited the field
didnt want to work it
and thus sold [it].

And..the one who bought it went
plowing..and found the treasure.

He began to lend money at whomever he wished."

he bought yet mopre fields...and even for-rests
found often much treasure...but just as often none
in the end..he destroyed all the forrests...had plowed..[mono-culture]..upon every field

grew plenty of green..mono-culture
but none of it fit to eat

he had plunderd the creation of the father
despoiled it all...gained the treasure he could gather
and spent it destroying all god had created...[you can see the desetrts there to this day]

110).Jesus said
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:33:38 PM
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"Whoever finds the world..and becomes rich,
let..him renounce the world's plunder..
lest it bind him into materialism."

having all the blame
getting the blame as his credit

111) Jesus said,
"The heavens and the earth
will be rolled up in your presence.

And one who lives..from the Living One
serving every other works..will not see death."

he will their memory..
for money is soon forgotten

Does not Jesus say,
"Whoever finds the body
within the superior to the world?"

whos soul enjoines with the soul

112)..Jesus said,
"Woe to the flesh..that depends on the soul..
to gain that fruit..of the body..[materialism]..;

woe to the soul..
that depends..on the fruits of flesh."

woe to the flesh...that begets only that of the flesh

113) His disciples said to Him,..
"When will the Kingdom come?"

<Jesus said,>
"It will not waiting for it.

It will not be a matter of saying..'Here it is'..or 'There it is.'

the Kingdom of the Father
is spread out..upon the earth,..and men do not see it."

they feel the wind...yet see not its cause
they feel the heat..yet see only the fire

feel the flame within
see the others

let not any one be fiend]
we must all become as brothers as lovers

114) Simon Peter said to Him,

"Let Mary leave us,..for women..are not worthy of Life."
[seems the church..of peter..hasnt changed a lot,]

Jesus said,.."I myself shall lead order to make her male,..
so that she too..may become..a living spirit..resembling you males.

For every woman..who will make herself male
will enter the Kingdom of Heaven."...{as male}

but every mother..shall enter it by her good works..
with plenty of perks..

the least
shall be the most..

each holds within
the most holy..of holy hosts
come enter into..the holy of holies

its all good
if its not good..

its not of god
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:34:33 PM
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what binds you...
but you?

You all have this common bond in Love to one another.
You all need love...You need to give the love...feel the love..

And as for the diversity of the races..that you see on this planet,
you must realize that the as diverse..[unique]..from another are the grains of sand..and the stars in heaven...or the order's of words..from gods messangers

You need to recognize..

in one another..
this humanity..[gods reflections]..that elevates you
to the status..of being the greatest of gods creations..on this earth.

We are one in the spirit..
of this Love...We are one family.

I want to say..that I am indebted to our Heavenly Father
for having rebestowed..the Gift of His Love...

He did not offer it..just to me;
He offered all of His children.

At the time that God rebestowed this Love,
there were among those spirits..who were awaiting..this Good News,
our first parents – your first parents..who were offered this Gift..upon their creation.

They had many years to finally accept this great Gift..that they had denied.
But if you can imagine,..just for a moment,..what their joy and their gratitude were..

if only for that day.

Try to realise..that our Heavenly Father..
will wait for an eternity to Love..every single one of His children.

His Love has been in the world..all these years.
He has not failed to answer one prayer,..not one.
that was prayed..for good the betterment..[for everyone]

There have been many,..many souls who have recognized their relationship to God.

But my brothers and sisters, you not always feel,
feel this Love..[his] your own life;

just to the small amount that you may be able
to open your how great, powerful and strong..his Love is for you?

As our brother has to do
sometimes,..and close the door – it's so great.
God is with you,..will always be with you...The truth is here; lives in your heart.

There are many
[who know of their immortality]

I will say..that if with your heart, ask God to speak to you,
you will hear His answer..with your heart
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:37:50 PM
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God never answer our heart's questions.
But sometimes we fail trust..the answer.

We may believe that what we decide is not right,
because as you receive your answer, must activate,
put into motion,..and effect,..what it is your heart is telling you.

Do not cut off His voice..from your hands,...
Make your hands say..what your heart..has heard.

Make your voice[hands]..speak..
what your heart has heard.

God Loves your hands,..He Loves your voice,..He Loves your eyes.

Let Him Love you that way...Love His good-instrument....

revealing the unseen..
by to be seen..and felt..known..
and recognised..for what is its true cause..[good of god]

And even though you may not understand..or the reasoning..of things,

..if God's Love has spoken,..have that Love,
have faith that you have Love.

As we became fishers of men,..we picked up our hands,
and we asked God,..what do we do with these hands..that only know how to fish?

Let Love show you..
what to do with your hands.

all creation..every breath breed..herd plant or men,..women..sinmple souls..or human souls, are thoughts of the Father,..EACH..gifted with countless attributes..and liberties, the free nurture..lofic..luife..and man’s own capacity of reasoning...the cause behind it all

God’s pure still ever present...
in each live time/ moment..[now]

I will give you an example.

You read that scientists detected a background radiation,..which astronomy interprets as a feeble remainder..of the radiation produced at the moment of the “Big Bang”.

In other words,..this radiation is like a footprint
left behind in the moment of our universe’s creation,

and it allows follow back the development
until the very moment..of the movement..of creation.

Something similar happens with us.

Our souls possess this “background radiation”, form of a minimum awareness,..which is very weak..and may be covered/forgot/destroyed quite easily...

Part of this awareness is that God does exist,..that God loves us,..also the knowledge of good and evil,

in short, is a trace..which allows us,provided we pay attention to it, find a straight and safe our destiny:..At-one-ment..with one meant..with love grace/

This “background radiation”..forms part of what
scientists call..the subconscious mind
Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 2:41:42 PM
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But the situation..becomes complicated
when we consider that there are..other influences
which act upon..our subconscious mind.

Those are the ideas
and the guidance of spirits.

And they,..too,
form part of..our so-called inner voice.

It those ideas..and this guidance that comes from Celestial spirits
or from higher spirits..of the spiritual realm..and they are in complete harmony..with God’s original thought....or when destructive..only reacting..with your current will

there is the possibility..that dark spirits..convey their thoughts,
and then some conflict will arise....

[but only because your own thoughts.. conflict with theirs..[to begin with]...

see you let the thief..into your mind..
by thinking vile invited more to come in..

In other words,..there may be a conflict
in the subconscious mind..itself.

And to this potential conflict,..the conflict between the material mind..and the subconscious mind..adds futher confusion.

Someday we will analyze..exactly
what..the material mind is...

is not..what the spirit mind is...
but yet it attracts..other spiritual it

As always,..we come back to..the same subject.

From what I have put forth previously,..we can conclude
that listening to their inner voice..does not constitute a priori
..a reliable guidance for men,..due to the possible..negative spirit influence.

So it is tune in to
a reliable source..for guidance and information...
that is ever willing to sort the good thoughts...of god...
from those..not of good..

and feeling god...feels good..
but if hurtfull..TO ANYONE-else..cannot be..of god..

it begins with..seeing no evil
fearing no evil...where god vile can be

then loving neighbour
loving..his he loves us his created

see not the your others eye
look into his eye..and see..only your other self

see god of god..within us all
use every artifice..of human ingenuity
to be the the only that done..of love

one instrument is,..of course,prayer....after loving works

Besides the many benefits..prayer brings to us,..
it also elevates our spirituality...pure prayer[unselfish/prayer]..[block's..negative thinking..that feeds negative act-ions]

To raise the best of the best block the access...where vile thought begets vile works

before spirits of little or negative spirituality
latch onto..then*..into..our astral-soul,

and the good open up..the access for

Posted by one under god, Friday, 31 December 2010 3:02:54 PM
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May your loving guardian angels of God Our Father bathe you in love and light, protection health and safety while delivering His Good Words OUG.

Happiness and Peace for all of 2011.
Posted by we are unique, Saturday, 1 January 2011 1:18:35 AM
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so too..i thank you..we are unique..[you are unique]
for your kind words..and great imagry

may all the good of god..keep you and keep you swell
not just in 2011...but for eternity as well the time i post year shall be here
post limits..oh well we can work within those too

im cleaning up that which was..from last year

then egsamining the 'ritual'..[lopping the top off]

continued from yesterday..

yet even then..
there are the dark-ones..feigning..good

the only way..that we may transform..our inner-voice
into a reliable compass..showing the right via the love filter..

if its really good...its ALL GOOD..[for all]..
especially not alone..good for you..and those you call you from you

Additionally,..there is the effect..[as opposed to the cause]

that just as we will..perceive that being of good
eventually the good spirits’ voice..shall be heard..more clearly,

we can also..listen to..the far-away then..joins with now
that of the very Voice..of the Heavenly Father Himself..,

His Thought,..which lives ever on in us..
like the delicate whisper of absolute Truth...
for in truth..he has before..done all

knows our very inner thoughts..

[its almost like..he was here...
because he is us
lol..all the time]...[and for all time

and via the filtering out of that not of good
even understood,..when we obtained God’s living
love made into Substance,..[life sustained by his light/logic]

then but clothed it..into this materialised form..

his whisper..became a clear thought,..that sustained be...
to be..the very fruit..of his now bear..the fruits..of our own thought

for our soul’s mind..moves toward..with,and with-in..
the origonal thoughts of..the Father.

The thought..which one day left God,..
and became thee..and me..and he..and her...
[we us them..all in one mind..of one mind..]

united into one living loving...good one meant...[at one with the good of god]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:22:13 PM
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the fruit..[works]..of the thought..returns to its source,..
re-unites with its source,..and lives
the thoughts..and works..of your thoughts..

as we absolute/harmony...of i me.[he]..

with all us..[of other thought...]
with-in..the eternal..i am..[beyond thought..[knowing]

thoughts..*are things...This sounds strange,..but..if we re-formulate say..“all thoughts..can materialize..into tangible things”, will be understand..

thus all material..was begat..within higher-thinking[his]

his in him..beyond him/her..into we..[the great i am..
which is/was..and shall allways be....and allways was...the only-cause

This happens also..with the even mortals’-thoughts...
They materialize..individually..or a whole..'creation'..,...

both..on earth..or in the spirit-world...[here-after]

We are co-creators;
you may still be..unconscious,
but we are..*all destined to be..fully

Perhaps you may now..better comprehend..the significance
of the phrase..“the mind is only..the spiritual evidence
of thoughts..that congregate..from with-in..the body of human/being..within your body..within your brain,unto the without[out-side]

but which really..are not..a part of..the material-thing
which the..'wise men' call..the subconscious self..or mind.”
[only cause]..

And besides, the word..ego is allowed to be mentioned,
take note..that we will soon analyze..more thoroughly..
the question of individuality.

Today’s message has-been very difficult,
but you received it well...god made heaven..

but we..made hell

god is the light
its we..who create darkness
we can simple know the letting it reveal

or we can the darkness...when we seek to conceal;

It is always a pleasure to answer the questions
and heal..the doubts of my sisters..and brothers on earth.

to say that ability...
to be forming..a well as form
is the fundamental-object..of soul/development...

it is often...more important
than the answer..

an answer is easy...
forming a the key

all questions ever asked..shall be answerd..
but what of those one ask?

First,..try to achieve your “subconscious”,
tuning into..the all being..[after affect]..resonating
with eternaly adequate..sources/causes/potentiality/possability and probability.

Luke wrote these..wise words:
“While the personal Satan..does not exist,
yet the idea conveyed by..the necessity of binding him
in order to bring about..this millennium of love and a true one,..

and the actual relationship..of the manyfold..thoughts..of mankind...realised into being
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:35:42 PM
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Soul development begins with raising spirituality/and awareness.
to seek question..and frame ask and to get..

The most efficient way is by obtaining the Father’s Love,
His own truth..revealing grace/mercy/love

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God,
and all these things..shall be added unto you.”

mortal and spirit alike.

I realize that as you leave here
and you go back to the place that you have called home,
you're taking Love home within you..with you.

Home is where our heart is.
We choose with our hearts..wherever we are.
We make our home here..for reasons we're not always aware of,
why we we live,..and why we do the works we chose what we do.

But our hearts are involved..because we are souls
that are seeking to know ourselves.

to these evil spirits,..except this,..that in the case of the latter
it is not necessary..or even bind them,..but loosen them/set them free

-that is to loosen their rapport with..or influence over men,
for when that is done, become, it were,,
and these evil spirits if..they were not.”

To do this,
you have to pray.

Then, must try to resolve the conflict..between the material mind
and the soul’s mind..together with..your good/loving/living..inner voice

Do you see the other people?
Is there someone you your life
that helps you rekindle that knowledge..of who you are as a soul?

it may well be the one we despise..the most
we often hate that in others
we hate within ourselves..

love is the most powerfull force
its well worth trying love first

what do you have to loose
its your choice..your hold
your heart's your hands

remember gods our heart will never fit on a card

this continues on from here
began here
or here
went to here

for..the time of good-works..draws near..

so thats all folks

we can do it better
not year..but now..
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:37:40 PM
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graphic adult content

mens business

oh dear..horror of horrors

Deuteronomy 10:16 says:.."Circumcise the foreskin of your heart,"
suggesting that ethical acts..(among people)..are as important as
materialistic rituals...called lol..spiritual acts..(between people and God).

as if god got it wrong
[but it looks so pretty]..quiet mum..this is mans business

The prophetic tradition..[that looks spelled wrong]..pathetic?

emphasizes that God..expects people to be good as well as pious,
and that non-Jews..will be judged based on their ethical behavior.
ie not by their being chopped/lopped or topped..

Thus,..Jeremiah 9:25-26 says..that circumcised and uncircumcised
will be punished..alike by the Lord;..for "all the nations are uncircumcised,
and all the house of Israel..are uncircumcised..*in heart."

anyhow it seems...the tree must bleed...its sap

how this applies to the heart...
is that of love without fruit..[works]

Hatafat dam brit

Medical circumcision alone, the absence of the brit milah ceremony,
does not fulfill the requirements of the mitzvah.

In the case of a Jew who was circumcised..outside*..of a brit milah,
or an already-circumcised convert,..the mohel draws a symbolic drop of blood
from the penis...[ooops tree]...

Hatafat dam brit..(heb. &#1491;&#1501; &#1489;&#1512;&#1497;&#1514; "Drop of the blood..
[sap..of the]..Covenant")..refers to the fulfillment
of the mitzvah..of a brit milah...

ok sap it is
lop the tree
are there any special prayers?

A brit milah is not considered complete
unless blood..[sap from the tree] actually drawn.

This is not...the intentional spilling of blood..
OOPS...the lopper's izmel...slipped...[at least it wernt in-tent-ional

The standard medical methods of circumcision
through not meet the requirements of the halakhah
for brit milah,..because they cause hemostasis,..i.e.,..they stop the flow of blood.

A brit milah, be conducted properly,
requires the use of a specialized surgical knife,
called an izmel,..which does allow for..dam brit...

Unlike the traditional Jewish method,..when circumcision is performed
by a urologist..or other surgeon,..the removed by.constriction,..either with the use of clamps..or a synthetic ring.

This non-Jewish method works
by crushing..the skin..until it is severed.

The nerve endings..NOTE*..and the blood vessels
are the same manner,..causing pain..and hemostasis..

oh dear..this
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 4:50:59 PM
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no thats it..!

if you need to know more

im over it..

[ the rush of adrenolin..
that causes eternal wars land...

does not all land..*belong to god..
is not all land..wholy gods?...

the Israelites born in the wilderness..
after the Exodus from Egypt
were not circumcised...

Joshua 5:2-9,..explains,..
"all the people that came-out"..of Egypt..were circumcised,..

but those.."born in the wilderness"..were not...

it should be noted..ONLY THE UN-lopped..
emerged from the deserts..

those who had the rite..
never*..left the desert a sign..for a thinking...'man'.

ok the tree gets it...

[if abraham can shed the blood of a ram]


this blessed tree..
can shed its sap for me..

im over the whole thing..its just...unnn holy

next ya be saying
i died for you..[to sin..all you like]

next ya be drinking my blood
eating my flesh...making ritual..more that aserving the goods of god

boy talk about putting it in a card
im over putting it into words

have a happy new year
even if the new after chist year does start 6 days after his birth

lol...only on earth
this really must be satans realm

im off to lop the top off the tree
i will put some sap..on ya card

have a great year
im glad..this is only re-hearse-al

if it was..REALLY that impirtant
god would have done it

he need but say be gone
and it is

ya want sap
get another sap
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 5:00:00 PM
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i seem to recall...egypt..had a blood ritual

[or maybe it was the aztex]..

regardless i recall some piercing of the royal tree..[ok penus]...
and that the lords/kings/rulers blood..was sacred...

i have searched for a referance..but fail to find it

anyhow..its revealing..that the bringer of the 10 commands
[ok more like 16...but note that mosus...stopped the blood ashedding ritual...the whole 40 years they were in the desert

and it was only...those of the tribe levi[the priesthoods]..that initiated it...again*..

JUST BEFORE..they enterd palistein..
[after they left mosus in the desert]

no doudt the semites..decended of abraham..cobntinued the rite
and as slaves entering into the 'promised land'..took the mark...of the master

[apparently slaves got to lop the top off
to become those the REQUIRED...7/8th day

depending on how you measure a day...
[a day begins with...a night]

in the begining was night/darness,..
then came the first day..
then the 2 de night..then the 2 de day...etc

i sem to recall the blood thing on the door passover..pre exodus...this blood ion the door jamb..must..have made the egyptians a bit suss...

they could only referance it back
to the sheding of blood from the royal tree..of the ruler..of egypt..

it all sems to get a bit messy
but as we hold the ten commands sacred
then what mosus done..[or rather didnt..allow to be done] the desert..has to hold..a certain weight..

the law after al is flexable..[or rather was]
as a lamb is hardly a ram...

and as for being first born..
this can only be a matter of faith..if law is to be law

thus the command..
re adulterating..gods words..[commands]

ie not commiting adultery...[not watering down]..gods few laws

anyhow..the tree is lopped...
chopped...or circum-sized

i lopped off a symbolical 7 inches..using a stone/flint..
from mount/warning..but the makshift izmel..worked a treat

i hacked it..rather begin
producing sap..a/plenty

but..soon realised..i need not cut-off..the tip
only circumsize..the bark...leak the sap be sure..i broke off the tip..anyhow

mainly..because my tree..was too big..
to fit in the chapple..[arc-h]..

symbolising..the holy of holies..
[from/ we all..get birthed..into this..*reality]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:31:20 PM
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and in now ritualised tree..stands

we shall next..adorn the tree

so every day we add a bauble... symolise..the christ-childs..teachings

tomorrow i will add..the deer
[its johans family totum/trust]

it keeps the deer boy happy...and his service flowing
the sap has stopped flowing...[in itself the first miracle] the tree is plastic

and since we have to continue with the work,
I will go ahead and write to you..a number of these dealing..with my early life.

Now, the first thing I wish to tell you about
is the Star of Bethlehem, which in reality was not a star at all
but an exploding nova,..or supernova,..which caused considerable the eastern skies..over Tyre and Babylonia..but not in palistein;

and the three Wise Men who saw
this exploding the heavens,

being astrologers with a knowledge of an ancient Chaldean astrological lore,..determined that a great event..was to take place as a result of the appearance..of the great the heavens.

And in their readings of the Hebrew writings
with which they were familiar,..and also with Hebrew circles in Assyria, they determined upon a visit to Judea was predicted that a Messiah of the Hebrews..and for all mankind was to be born.

This seemed to them all the more true..since the light seemed to a westerly direction..and they set out for Jerusalem,..the capital of Judea,..rather than Israel or Galilee.

And it was a long time..before they reached Jerusalem
owing to the preparations for the trip and the actual trip across the Arabian desert;

and the light..was no longer with them,..having disappeared,..having been seen in the eastern skies for several weeks..and caused great excitement..and anxiety in the land.

They purchased gifts of myrrh and addition to a small amount of gold while on their way across the desert in one of the Arabian cities,..

for the three Wise Men felt that since they did not know exactly what to offer..a Hebrew Messiah, offer something that the Arabians,..whom they felt were closer kinship..than to the Hebrews,

I would favor,..and for this reason..

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:42:00 PM
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the gifts that the three Wise Men..offered to me at my birth..were not particularly of a Hebrew the way of newborn infants,..nor were they especially..Persian or Chaldean,..but Arabian.

When the Wise Men entered Jerusalem,
they went first to the Temple..and inquired about the birth
of "the Hebrew Messiah for all mankind,"..

one who would be "King of the hebrews."

And the high priests sent the three astrologers to Herod, for they feared any mention of a "King of the Jews" was political in nature and might be offensive to Herod, with whom they were allied for the maintenance of the status quo in Jerusalem.

Herod took alarm and his queries as to the date of the so-called "Star of Bethlehem" were made in order to determine the ages of the Hebrew children of Bethlehem that he would have put to the sword to eliminate any chance of the appearance of this Messiah from the prophecies.

The three Wise Men were able to make their way to Bethlehem to pay their respects to me at my birth,..but the appearance of them was due to an event that had taken place in the eastern heavens two years before.

At the time of my birth,..which was shortly after midnight of January 7,..there was no star..of great light that guided the three men to Bethlehem..nor did the shepherds who were watching their sheep..see anything unusual,

neither did they see any angels
to announce the birth of a Messiah,..for there was no Messiah
until I had obtained that sufficiency..of the Divine Love
in my soul..that enabled me to have knowledge..of my/our joint immortality

Fixing dates:is a worry

In.."Revelation 33:
The star of Bethlehem..and the Three Wise Men",

Jesus states:

"At the time of my birth,..which was shortly after midnight of January 7,..there was no star of great light ..."

So,..he was born on January 7th..(because the Jews counted a new day starting with the sunset)..or on January 8th..(after January 7th,..less probable)...but hey who knows...right only a practice-run
for next yea
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 1 January 2011 9:48:39 PM
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that the spirit..[within us...
within..Jesus]..gets reborn..Reborn in Us

but was happylly/lopping-day

[that traditionally get followed by..letting go day
worry about the things....before change comes..not after]..

ie..let it go
thus it was so

there the
and this was the i held..and beheld..the chopped off..'bit' my hand

now if it were..a true could be made into interferon..or some other perfume..or cosmetic type/thing..old men..and young woman..smear on their keep the wrinkle-demons at bay..[citation needed]..

but here was i..with a top-off/lop-off..piece
in my hand..and thought..what would issa do

so i put a pot..that has no other use
i stood it..amoung twelve support the branch...lopped/top

but its butt..was too reach..the twelve stones
no worries..i did a quick extension..on the base of it..
using some hose..and an appropriate..usefull length was obtained..and the lopped-top..instaled into..the pot

of course in the end...many more stones were needed
the loose pine-needles...formed a base...[so the rocks didnt bust the top-pot]

if it were a real tree..and real needles..
[not just saw-dust] would smell..*sweet

so now..i have two trees
[ok i letting go..the branches
that the lopped top...allready..had got the lop...long ago

[but i shed clamping the hose the lopped top...
so appropriat sheeding..of sap was the real sap...writing this ccc-[xmas]-rap

of to put it..into card-form
well..thats not my task

also the timming..of lop-off day..[or top-potting day]
and good ridance day...followed by..the lopping off..the

well their reality..for the rest of you
that is..still..too far away

so for now..lets hear from our brother
who like me..was the course in miracles
channeled by jesus..not so long ago...revealing miracles are simply an order diffi-cult-ty.. of course difficult..for many to concieve
at this materialistic stage..of huh-man being
but in will become real

and then the veil
betwixt..heaven..and earth..shall fail

of course while we
seek the heavens
others still realise hell on earth
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 3:47:45 PM
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so keep your heart it..with your hands
all shall turn out..well

filter that you read/ loves-filter
turn junk..into jewels...or fertiliser..into magnificent blooms Allen Watson

Christmas is the time,..traditionally,..
when we remember..the birth of Jesus

Historically,..that event was significant..because it was the entrance..into our world..of a man..[born of woman].who remembered his the Christ,..and brought..the light of that awareness...back IN-to..all of the world.

[a reminder..of that we all are]..

he said..that ye see me do
ye shall* greater

That is certainly an event..worthy of some celebration..and remembrance.

In..A_Course_in_Miracles,..Jesus speaks..of his birth
in another well...He speaks of being reborn..*in us.

Perhaps,..this next Christmas,..we can remember
not only to celebrate..his birth 2011 years ago,..
but to seek for,..and celebrate,..his birth..with/*

Learning..the Way..Out of Pain

My resurrection..comes again..each time
I lead an other..safely to the which
the material-journey..ends and its forgot.

I am renewed..each time an..other
learns..there is a way..from misery and pain..(

What does it have* be re-born in us?

It means allowing allow us
to do..*our good lead us all..out of our materialistic..misery..and..material_isms..*pain.

no more sepperation

He says..*he is.."renewed"..each_time..
any-one of us..*allows lead us..out of..our earthy pain.

This Christmas..give the Holy_Spirit..everything
that would hurt you...Let..yourself be healed completely..that you may join with healing,and let us celebrate..our release releasing everyone..with us..(T-15.XI.3:1-2).

Let us,then,..see
if there are any spots of our minds,
and consider making..a gift..of them..*to the Holy_Spirit.

It's stubbornly..we hold on to..old pains.
The question is,..are we willing..for our be gone?

Are we let ourselves..*be healed

Or do we still foolishly..cling to our pain,..thinking it is prove..*how badly..*someone-else..has hurt us? misery;..are we be free of it?
or does..your plan..of revenge...guilt...make you good?

There is a way out of misery..and pain.
Let us,..this Christmas, our hearts
to being shown...this way out of..the endles_cycle
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 3:57:09 PM
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thus..releasing everyone_else..along with/us,..and in so doing,
allow be reborn..*in us....[heck..why wait..till next year...lets do] Light..within Us all..

I am reborn
each time..a br-other's mind
turns to the light..*in him..and looks for[he]

I am..have
Help me where the journey was begun,

to make..another me..
as i dwell..*in me..(

Another way..the spirit/ us too
is when we turn to..the light..*within ourselves,..and look
for the*in us....that we know..dwells in us all..

Each time I quiet my mind..and turn
to the light/within,..he is me

Each time..I remind myself,.."I God created me..to_be"..(W-pI.94)

or.."I am..the holy_Sun..[light]..of God

he is reborn...As we..begin to find our way
out of pain,..we discover, the Course,..
of amazing thing:

It looks..on the light..of the world!
(See Workbook/Lesson 61,..for instance.)

In the traditional view..of Christmas,..
Jesus was the light..of the world..the only..light of the world.

but we each..*are the same light

The Course intends..for every-one..of us
to discover that light..with...*in..ourselves,
and to shine it..[gods..good/light]..on all the world..around us.

There is a light..that this world..cannot give.
Yet..*you can give it, it..*was given you(T-13.VI.11:1-2).

There is a you..the world..can-not perceive.
And with your materialistic- will not see..this light,
for you are the 'things/thought/feelings/materialism..of..the world.

Yet you have see it.
It is there..for you to look upon.
It be kept hidden..from sight..(W-pI.189.1:1-5).

We can look upon..that ourselves..look upon..our light within other..we do have the see it,..if we choose to see it.

Our looking upon,..and seeing,
the light of Christ in ourselves..
as well as the the way..

we can give birth to..the wholy-Christ..within.. back into..this world. Our Own Grandeur
via seeing..the others

My your awakening
to grandeur...within us all..
but see..its in you..but..* us all..
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 4:11:30 PM
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Welcome..he..not into a manger,
but into the heart-altar..into holiness,
where our whole-i-ness..abides in perfect peace

where hos...holiness..abides in perfect peace.

My Kingdom is not of this world..because it is you.
And you are of your Father...Let us you,
who must remain forever..beyond littleness(T-15.III.9:5-9).

Jesus is reborn,..not in a manger,
but in the hearts.."altar into THE holiness"..within our own hearts

The altar represents which we are devoted,
that which we consider..HOLD..deep be sacred.

The "altar to holiness,"..then, represents
our devotion to holiness,..our dedication to realizing,
recognizing, and manifesting the holiness of God in all His creations..including ourselves. Holiness,

in its turn,..whol-e-ness..within..means divine innocence,
untainted by any shred of sin,..guilt,..or impurity...inside the most vile cup..

When Jesus asks welcome him.."into the altar of holiness,"
he is asking us to recognize..*the divine innocence..with-in..ourselves.

That is where we can be reborn,
and take up he resides in us.

Welcoming our altar of holiness
means our own God's creations.

It means being let go..of all of our guilt.

It means that we stop thinking..of ourselves
as unworthy..of him..and realize that what we are, God created us,

we each are needed for the full story of good of god
to be revealed..not reviled..if it is wholly worthy..of him,[in sin]..
to yet be wholly worthy,..even,..of him...being the dwelling place..of God.

What we are, aware God's creations,
is something grand,..something deserving of great honor...
but who deserving the greater honour...him within..or him..who is allways without?

who cannot even great thou art

All through the Course,..the way to the recognition
of our own through being willing..*to see
that same...grandeur..with/in...all..our sisters and brothers: the body's one..and other...all whom Heaven cherishes,
the angels love..and God created perfect...This is his reality...

And in Christ's vision within us his loveliness a holy and so beautiful that you could scarce refrain
from kneeling at his feet...but who has the glory due...but he within...even you
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 4:54:14 PM
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What you"so holy..and so beautiful..that..if I saw it,
I could scarce refrain..from[your]feet."
we_are..all so unique..

That' awesome..statement,..isn't it?

Yet..that is our reality.
That is..*what we all..are.

The tradition..of Christmas is often,..,
filled..with expressions of awe..that Good..should come to dwell with/ mankind;

exclamations of amazement..and wonder
at the incredible significance..of what was in
that..tiny child,..lying in a manger....YET..lies..within_us..*all

" the world!...The one!...EVERY-one"
"Silent night!..Holy night!

Sun..of God,..Love's..pure Light!"

"O holy night!..oh the darkness gone..…
O night..when Christ..*in us..was born!"

I think what suggesting to us
in this passage..about his birth..

of an altar..into that all
of that..awe,..all..of that wonder,..wonder for all..

all..of that breathtaking_glory..that righfully thee..*with-in us..all!

For we are..the birth-place of..*Christ..within.
What traditionally is having taken shape
with-in..that a manger..

is actually taking shape..
within..each and every one of us....all the time..

within gods..ever living/
Christ is me...Hallelujah!

Demonstrating.,.that He Us
What does it have us?

Well, isn't like..the reincarnation..of some Tibetan-Lama
in a young Seattle..(a story a recent movie);

it doesn't mean..that all of us are..(or become), some literal sense,..the re-incarnation..of Jesus...

Yet in a figurative sense,..that is exactly..what it means:

In our lives, our thinking, our behavior,
in our compassion, our kindness, our forgiveness,
and most of all, our love,..

we can reproduce..or.."reincarnate"..christ..within.

We become..what he was,..a human being.."who remembered..his..*spirit..inheritance..its knowledge"
and the need..for its application..into everday living...(T-3.IV.7:3),

and..who.."saw the face..of Christ
in all..his others..and remembered God"
saw god in him...

see me see my father..sustaining..the goods..of life..(C-5.2:1).

Teach not..that I vain.
Teach rather..that I did not demonstrating..that I you..(T-11.VI.7:3-4). reborn in us..when we remember..*WE ARE..spirit.
Jesus is us..when we remember..*God our heart.

We remember choosing,to Jesus chose,to do..good

to see..the face of all our others.

Those words,.."demonstrating..that I you,"..never fail to move me.

They awaken..a deep my heart,..
a longing..that the apparently..ordinary events..and encounters,
of my daily life..would become ways..of demonstrating..that he..the ALL/ me...and thee..
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 5:13:44 PM
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[Deleted. Looking at the thread it is apparent that One Under God has been flouting the word limits so I have suspended him for a month.]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 9:35:26 PM
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oops..doubled post
continued..from previous/post will take..his love..and express that hidden..[unseen]..
from the minds-eye..[image]..hidden/within..using your hand..and make it seen..

instead of,..the good..being unseen...the unseen becomes seen

for you..are like..your the sight..that the mind/sees..
it creates..that..unseen..into that the will..that say' is..[see?]

see him thus..
not alone..within..
and..not only...without..
but the means..and the way..of things..becoming..being/seen..(W-pI.161.9:1-4).

Many years ago,..Charles Sheldon..wrote,..a book of inspiration,..titled,.."What..Would Jesus Do?"

It told..of a man..who ask himself
that..deceptively simple every situation..of his life.

It innocuous decision,..and yet it revolutionized his life.

In A Course in Miracles,..Jesus makes..a similar us.

He suggests..that we go through our days..asking the Holy Spirit,
"What would You..have me do?..Where would..You..have me go?

What would You..have me say,..and to whom?"

We are told..that the Holy-Spirit,..the Voice for Good,..can direct our every step:

"Seeing your strengths..exactly as they are,
and equally aware..of where/how..they can be best applied,
for what, whom..and when,..He chooses and accepts..your part..for you"..

and you chose the part..
even..can play any part..and he loves you still..(W-pI.154.2:2).

Jesus tells us..that he is our model..for learning.
that the aim of teaching...
the teachers the teaching..

If we are to demonstrate..that he lives in us,..
we must the he did.

be the
not the darkness obsuring..that good/true..

He says,

"I have enjoined the one..within you
enjoin behave..[do] I behaved..[to do]..,that of the good
but we must the same good..within do this

This the Holy Spirit,..
Whose for the Good..always...good.."(T-5.II.12:1-2).

So the way we be/have/ he behaved/did/
to listen to the same Voice, decide,that he did, hear only..the good..of the Holy-Spirit...
that the done..and seen to be done well

If we listen..only to the judgment..
of the un-Holy..Spirit's,

we will ever another..
or perceive one...and..another;
and not the way of not the truth...[not good]

anything not not real..
unless we make it real..

[we give it reality..
to that..we decide to..bring into reality..]..[do]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 10:02:10 PM
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when we..will to see..the face of Christ, neighbour
which symbolizes the innocence..of a Sun of Good.

It is our forgiveness..of our sisters and brothers
that demonstates..that Jesus us.

Just as he..did not perceive those who crucified him,

we—if we the same Voice..Jesus listened to..will see only the innocence,

only the call..for love, those..who seemingly attack us.
Demonstrating that he way..we can celebrate his birth.

by..Becoming the Manifestation of good..of the Holy Spirit

You are..His this world.

Your FATHER calls to be His Voice..without..along with him..who attends that within.

Alone..we cannot be..the Helper of God's Son..for he..alone is functionless.
But joined with you..he is the shining Savior..of the world,..Whose part in its redemption you have made complete..(C-6.5:1-4).

We honor him.

The great significance..of the birth of Jesus, Christians,
is that God..was manifested in the flesh...and the flesh knew it
though most..of the flesh..even now..know it not..

a sun of Good..took birth,..and lived among a man...right here on earth..
The Course Jesus as.."the manifestation..of the Holy Spirit"..
but so too is he within us all..( T-12.VII.6:1; C-6.1:1).

So, a certain sense, agrees with Christian tradition;
Jesus was the manifestation..of God in this world...but so too are WE ALL..

"Manifestation"..means a form..
in which an unseen idea,..or divine being,
that only by revealed;

the American Heritage Dictionary definition
includes these very applicable words:

"The materialized form..of a spirit."

That is exactly what Jesus was, egsactly..what WE ALL ARE..

"the materialized form"..of the Holy Spirit.

That is what made his significant.

The Course,..however,tells us,.."You are His..[the Holy Spirit's] this world."..Jesus is..the materialized form..of the Holy Spirit,..

but so are we!

That is, me,..what it give our body
to the fulfillment of the purpose of the Holy Spirit.

It means that you..and I can become,..quite literally,
the embodiment of God..[good] this world,..the expression,..
in material form,..of God's Love...

This is not something you..or I can do..alone,
however; is only we join..with one/another,
in recognition of..that same Christ-spiritus..within us all
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 2 January 2011 10:08:05 PM
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Dear One under God, happy new year to you.
You must surely be suffering from repetitive strain injury after all the typing above?

Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 2 January 2011 10:21:54 PM
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bless you..suze
long..may you be..on-line

your give energy
but recall..these arnt my words im typing
im only adding what others..labouriously wrote

just joining..the dots..listening to my i read and re-read..others thoughts..that they too read..and re-read..then writ by rote

so here the last of..of but one..of Allen Watson's
many writings..inspired by study..of a course in miracles..[link at the end]

I..can become the Voice..for Good..for my brother..[ he has]
as I allow become..the Voice for Good..for me...[as he was..for me]

And the[us all] you all that you see...[the light with]

When the you..has been encompass everyone,
the Holy Spirit's function here..will be accomplished..(T-19.IV.3:4-6).

As I behold my sister's,..
and the silences of my I learn to hear..God's-Voice/speaking..through her..longing to hear..him

to tell me..*of thy innocence,..[and them..of theirs]..
so too..I will come to innocence..and experience..the Holy-Spirit..working..through heal my others.

The process of a holy relationship is,
at least in part,..a process of learning..into perceiving

my relationship a my own innocence,..
rather than a bringer..of guilt...blame..shame..or condemnation..

I learn to recognize
the Holy Spirit in her,..or in him...
see the way to recognize your many..other
is by recognizing..the Holy all..(T-5.III.1:1).

You cannot see..the Holy-Spirit,
but you can see..your he is..

simply by being..who you are..just as he is be him

In turn,..I began to realize..that my brother..or sister
is calling to be voicing..God's/good Voice..for him..or for her...for now.

The pain,..the guilt,..the attack,.the anger..and the fear
that I those around calling God's me, work quickly..[thus..the many errors in typing..and..cutting/pasting/trimming/lopping and chopping]

calling hear the words..of divine Love..
I have heard in was in he..speaking to me..
to be heard? be voiced?

As I the possibility..that I/we..really am/
to save the world,..with be a savior..*from guilt/fear/blame/ those..around us,

I come..*to know myself..
as what I am:..only..huh?-man..

being..the Love of God materialized form.

And thus is..Christ born me...and thee
Posted by one under god, Monday, 3 January 2011 4:04:53 PM
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What does it mean
to have Jesus..reborn in us?

It means that:

•..we allow show us the way..out of our misery and pain;..via active fliltering all through loves filter..[rose coloured glasses if you will]

•..we turn to the love/light..within us,all
and seek his face;..outside myself..feel his light within you..

•..we open ourselves
to awaken to the grandeur..of the Christus-spiritus..within us all;

•..we begin to demonstrate..that christos/spiritus..lives..within us all;

•..and we become, him,
the manifestation..of the WHoly Spiritus...brings spirtus/logus..good/logic reason back..into this world....that we allready had hidden..deep within..

As this Christmas season approaches,
then,..let every carol,..[sing]..and remember this
in every manger scene,..every Christmas card, every xmass greeting

and every time..we hear someone say,.."Merry Christmas,"
be to us..a reminder of the Christus/with-in..who is daily us all.

Let each such occurrence, matter how may appear,
no matter how insincerely offered,..remind us
to turn to the light within us..and look for well as within..

Let our walk through the shopping mall/park..beach or the for-rest
let every act..become a prolonged..holy instant...ever gods now..

Let each string of lights..on houses we drive/walk or stumble by
speak of the light..within us...all.

Let all of a constant reminder:
"He has come!..He lives in me!"...just as he lives/loves/ thee

want more..

till now i have the blanks
but there is much more to learn..from the paths./.others have walked before us..the true seeing...a place to plant thy own flower
or..pull thy own weeds..or plant..thy own seeds

the heavey
the workers are few

What Is the Christmas Story For?

by Greg Mackie

In this article,..I want to compare the original Gospel writers'..purpose
for writing what became our Christmas story..with the reinterpretation of that story's imagery in A Course in Miracles.

As we will see, the author of the Course—
who,..of course, to be Jesus himself
[not quite right greg]...mary channeld..jesus dictated it

she had great accepting the whole course
that it even got a miracle..

but back to your quote..[from previous link]

jesus speaking in acim..—has a radically different view
of what..the luke/mathew xmass for
Posted by one under god, Monday, 3 January 2011 4:12:01 PM
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While the Gospel/writers..wrote exalt Jesus,
the Jesus..of the Course..uses exalt everyone.

He transforms..this beloved story..from a celebration
of the birth..of Jesus_Christ..into a celebration..
of the birth..of of us

the fundamental purpose..of what became
our Christmas exalt Jesus.

Scholars have suggested..a number of which the various elements..of the birth_narratives..were serve this purpose.


Jesus' a_course_in_miracles..[acim]..
is for..*our Christmas/ exalt..*everyone

Jesus, he does..with so many the Course,
turns..the traditional Christian view..of him..on its head.

While traditional Christianity..regards Jesus..with the awe befitting a superior-being,..*he the Course..that this attitude toward profoundly mistaken:

Equals*..should not be in awe..of one another..
because awe..implies inequality.

"It is therefore
an inappropriate..reaction to me...."

"There is nothing about me..
that you..cannot attain."(T-1.II.3:5-6,10)

The affirmation..that..we_are_*all
equals..with a huge the Course.

One way Jesus..expresses this to take..a biblical quote that was..originally..about him,..and apply it..*to us...

For instance,..he adapts..the biblical words..
that acclaimed him..the_Son..of his us,

"You..are [God's]..beloved Son..
in whom..He is well pleased"(T-4.I.8:6)

He redirects..the self-exalting words..attributed..*to him
in the Gospel..of John..

to say to us,.."You*..are the way,
the truth..and the life"..(T-7.III.1:9).

And he plays off of..the biblical confession..of Peter
that Jesus was.."the Christ,..the_Son/of..the living God"

to say to us..
(in the third person),.."Is..[Jesus]..*the Christ?
O yes,..along with ALL..of you"(C-5.5:1).

It should no surprise,..then,..that Jesus
does the same thing...with the Matthew..and Luke.

He shares the evangelists'..lack of concern..about the historicity
of those..narratives..he never renders..a historical verdict..on the Course—

but..does_not share..the evangelists'..purpose..*for them.

As he so many..of his biblical/references,
he uses..the imagery..of our traditional Christmas/story
not to proclaim..a message..about who*..he is,..
but about..*who..we-all*..of us..are,..[including him.]

Let's look at..some examples of this..from the Course.

The following Jesus has shifted
the purpose..of Christmas-story/imagery..

from exalting exalting..all of us.

Each ""..pairing
in the points below..expresses this shift.

As you read..these passages,..I encourage you
to actually apply yourself,..even inserting your various points,

to capture..the sense of*..majesty..and grandeur
that Jesus..*is awaken* all*..of us.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 3 January 2011 4:23:42 PM
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From..the celebration..of Jesus'..physical birth
to the celebration..of our..spiritual_birth.

This is the season..when you would birth..into the world...Yet you know to do it...Let the Holy_Spirit teach you,..and let me celebrate..your birth..*through Him.

The only gift..I can accept of you
is the gift..I gave to you...Release I choose..your own release.(T-15.X.1:5-9)..[thats deep]..

The original story,..of course,
is all about..the birth..of Jesus.
That's what we celebrate..during the Christmas season. this passage,..Jesus turns this..completely around:
for him,..the a which he celebrates..*our birth—

the birth..of Christ..*in us.

All he that we do our bring..*that birth about,
by giving him..and..all of our brothers..the same-gift..of freedom.

I see another parallel..with the Christmas/
In the original story,..the wise men..gave Jesus gifts.
Here,..we are als.. to give him..*a gift,[us]

but once again..Jesus turns it completely around,
for in this case, is a gift..that he has..already..given to us.

From the a stable
to the holy_altar..*within us all.

My birth in your awakening
to the grandeur...we all*..are.

Welcome me not..into a manger,..but into
the altar to holiness,[heart]..
where holiness perfect peace.

My Kingdom is not..of this world..because it is..*in you.
And you your he is..with-in you.

Let us honoring you,
who must remain forever..beyond littleness.(T-15.III.9:5-9)

In the original story,..Jesus is a manger.
Here,..he is the altar of holiness..within us.

This inner*birth..opens our the indescribable holiness
and grandeur..of our true*Self...within.

Again,..we see a dramatic reversal:
Christmas is normally a which..we honor Jesus,
but here..Jesus wants to honor us...

We are eminently worthy of such honor,
for we are..the Suns of which..the King..of Heaven abides.

What is true of Jesus
is also true..of us.

From the newborn Bethlehem
to the newborn*all*..our holy relationship

Behold this infant, whom you gave..a resting place
by your forgiveness..of your br-other,..

and it..the Will of God. the babe of Bethlehem..reborn.(T-19.IV(C).10:7-8
Posted by one under god, Monday, 3 January 2011 5:12:29 PM
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In..the original/story,..the baby..Jesus is Bethlehem.
Here,..the "babe" the Christ..born..within a holy inclusive..relationship...with god.

He is no individual/ distant land..from long ago,..but is instead..*a living-presence..who enters any which we forgive..a brother/sister..other..and join with a truly common_goal.

This the relationship..the goal..of holiness
and immediately begins..shepherding it..towards..its lofty/goal.

"the babe/of Bethlehem..*reborn."

From the proclamation..of God's glory
to the proclamation..of our glory

Glory to the highest,..and to you..because He..*has so willed it.

Ask..and it shall be given you,..because..*it has already been..given.

Ask for light..and..learn..that you are..the/light.(T-8.III.1:1-3)

In the original-story,.."Glory to the highest"
is the angelic choir's..hymn of God..for the precious gift..of Jesus.

Here,..the glory..*of still proclaimed,
but..with a significant_addition:..

our well.
And just/as the light..of the world, are we;
all we need ask reveal to us..the light*..that He created*be.

From the star..of Bethlehem
to the light..of Heaven..within* ALL*..

The sign of a star,..a darkness.

See it..not*..outside..yourself,..
but the Heavenly -host..*within,
and accept*the sign..the time of Christ..has come.(T-15.XI.2:1)

In..the original story,..the star/of Bethlehem
is the light*..that leads the the place..where Jesus was born.

Here,it is not* all,
but..the light/of the heart..of our one..[at-one-ment]..with the only..1

As..we accept..t-his_inner_light,
the* born..*again.

From the angels..witnessing..the birth of Jesus
to the angels..witnessing..the birth of*us..all*


Watch with me,..angels, me*
Let all God's..holy_Thoughts..surround me,..

and be still
with me..while Heaven's born...Let earthly quiet/stilled,

and the which I am accustomed..disappear.
Let welcomed..where He

And let Him hear..the sounds..of love..He understands,
and see..but sights..that show all..His Father's

Let longer be a,..
for born

In the original/story,..the angels of God the birth of Bethlehem.

Here, a passage..that is surely meant to evoke
the peaceful nativity scene..that inspired "O Holy Night" and "Silent Night,"

the angels of the birth of Christ
in the stillness..of our hearts.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 3 January 2011 5:25:02 PM
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