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Christmas Cards

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happy new year ludwig


he defended his mothers honour*
let others record his words..
which he has spaken

we were just too astounded

the thought is to un-wrap the tree imediatly
to record this event

but the 3 kings...[or is it 3 holy men..]
cant present their top off..lop for 7 days yet
so their trunks remain sealed
and the tree remains bound

the child has now gone well

he appears to look at us all wonder
[its almost like..he can see his father..*in us all]

but he was clear
in his defence of his mum's honour
he really is amasing..but arnt all babies

[when is mothers day?]
...mary says it was last night..when she became mother

but regardless...mary is glowing
says he a dream

saw the nipple and hungerd for its good..ness/of god
[for they are of the same image/vision]
god/good/nurture...thats nature

and joseph..seems content
he is building the shed
we feel..for now we should focus on the christ child
and the glowing new mother..and her mission by permission to the good of god

trouble finding it hard
to put, all into a card/form

none of the cards..seem to have the right words

but lets put 6 days..
on the top-off/lop-off..
cards offer

happy lent..for this but borrowed,..from god
he awaits eagerly his his father[and ours]..

but for now contemplates..the few months
his life sentance incures be with us...

[just as his father is..*with us all

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 7:07:43 AM
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some back ground...

'How can I have a son,..when no man has touched me,
nor am I unchaste?'

He..(the angel) said:

'So (it will be),..your Lord said:
'That is easy for Me:

And to appoint him as a sign to mankind..and a mercy from Us..(from God)',..and it is a matter..(already) decreed(by God).'

(Quran 19:16-21)

In these verses, is described how the pious virgin Mary is visited by angel Gabriel,..who appears before her in a form of a man.

Not knowing who he is, she fears for herself, but he asserts to her that he is an angel,..a Messenger from her Lord,..and he announces to of her miraculous conception of a son.

[you shall call him emmanuel..[god..with[in] all]

In shock,..she questioned,..affirming her chastity.
The angel answers that such a conception,..though the miraculous, easy for The Lord,

all He needs to say is "Be."..and it is.

And that these are matters decreed by Him,
for greater purposes..and to the benefit of mankind.

The Miracle.
And then, miraculously,..Mary becomes pregnant.

The emotional story of her pregnancy follows:
"So she conceived him,..and she withdrew with him to a far place.

And the pains of childbirth drove her
to the trunk of a date-palm...near the manger

She said:

'Would that I had died before this,
and had been forgotten..and out of sight!'

Then a call unto her from bellow, said:

'Grieve not! Your Lord has provided a water stream under you; And shake the trunk of the date-palm towards you, will let fall fresh ripe dates upon you.

So eat and drink and be glad,
and if you see any human being, say:

'Verily! I have vowed..a fast unto the Most Beneficent
so I shall not any human being this day.'"

(Quran 19:22-26
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:47:35 AM
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19:27..Then she brought him to her own folk,..carrying him.
They said:..O Mary! Thou hast come with an amazing thing.

O sister of Aaron!

Thy father was not a wicked man
nor was thy mother a harlot.
Mary, the mother of Jesus,..was the sister of Aaron.
(Apparently,..Muhammad confused Mary with Miriam.)

19:29 Then she pointed to him.
They said:

*How can we one who is in the cradle,..a young boy ?

19:30..THEN...*He spake: Lo!
I am the slave of Allah.
He hath given me..the Scripture
and hath appointed me..a Prophet,

19:31 And hath made me blessed
wheresoever I may be,..and hath enjoined upon me
prayer and long as I remain alive,

19:32..And (hath made me)
dutiful toward her who bore me,
and hath not made me arrogant,..not unblest.

19:33..Peace on me the day I was born,
and the day I die,..and the day I shall be raised alive!

19:34 Such was Jesus,..son of Mary:
(this is) a statement of the truth concerning which they doubt.

19:35 It befitteth not..(the Majesty of) Allah..that He should take unto Himself but a single son...for the life giver sustains us all our very living

Glory be to Him!
When He decreeth a thing,..He saith unto it
only: Be!..and it is.

(19:35-37)"Woe unto the disbelievers
from the meeting of an awful Day."

Jesus was not alone..the Son of God.
we are all the suns of the only light

19:36 And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord.
So serve servinmg other..That is the right path.

19:37..The sects among them differ:

19:39..Now they are in a state of carelessness,
and they believe not.

19:40..Lo! We,..only We,[suns of the light of man]
..inherit the earth..and all who are thereon,[born with nothing

taking only our memories...when we crossover
and RETURN..unto Us..[the spirit]..they are returned...
as jesus [emmanuel..hast returned]

19:41..And make mention..(O Muhammad)
in the Scripture..of Abraham.

Lo!..he was a saint,..a prophet
who dared break his minds voices...and realise the good of live of god
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:59:45 AM
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update...mary and emmanuel are doing fine
the occupation refusing to regester his birth details
[or even acknowledge his standing as a freeborn messiah of the lord]

lets us be clear
When one examines the argument against Jesus
this is by virtue of him[and his mother]..being a Palestinian,

one detects a remarkable amount of hostility aimed at both Palestinians and Muslims...One cannot help but wonder, there something threatening about identifying Jesus as a Palestinian?

Professor Jack D. Forbes writes about Jesus’ multi-cultural
and multi-ethnic environment:

When the Romans came to dominate the area,..they used the name Palestine...Thus, when Yehoshu'a..[Jesus]{{emaunuel}}..was born,..he was born a were all of the inhabitants of the region, Jews and non-Jews.

He was also a Nazarene..(being born in Nazareth)
and a Galilean..(born in the region of Galilee)…

Events Surrounding The Birth Of Jesus

4 BC: Augustus Caesar issues a decree that a census of the Roman empire be taken in the spring of 3 BC (possibly for the ultimate purposes of taxation).

Pre 3 BC: Quirinius, Governor of Syria, implements Caesar's decree in a way which will disturb the Jews least.

He conspires with the Sanhedrin to direct the Jews to keep the Passover where their family records are held. Quirinius likely coordinated this action with Herod..(Governor of Israel).

30 Mar.3 BC:Joseph and a pregnant Mary arrive in Bethlehem..(6 miles from Jerusalem)..on Saturday just before Passover begins at sundown and seek shelter.

31 Mar.3 BC: Jesus is born on this Sabbath morning,..the first day of Passover, 8:20 AM.

Danjo deduces that Jesus was born in 3 BC and offers six possible dates and times..(including this one)....the israelie authorities further complicate the issue

but we know better
he was born this previous day[hight]
the wholly holy night...and we know for certain the day he dies

[yet dont die..rebutting judgement/reserction day..being one particular time]

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 10:45:08 PM
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3-2 BC: The Magi visit Herod..seeking the new born messiah/of the true king

They may have deduced the nominal year of Jesus's impending birth by applying the I - Ching astrological the prophecies of Daniel..(appointed master of astrologers by Nebuchadnezzar).

Daniel predicted the year the "anointed one"..(Messiah) would appear.

They compared the manifestation of the Buddha with these predictions,..subtracting 35 years from Daniel's predicted year and arrived at the nominal birth year of the Jesus.

Herod consults Jewish priests (the Sanhedrin) and discover that the "King of the Jews" was to be born in Bethlehem and related this information to the Magi.

The Magi apply Tzu Wei astrological techniques to isolate specific dates when "king like" male children were born in Bethlehem.

They find the record of Jesus' birth[YEAH HOW?}{now..huh?]

and depart for Nazareth.

17 Jun.2 BC:..The Magi..(oriental scientists) from the east, anticipating a unique conjunction of Jupiter and Venus..[love and sport?]

one so close..that the two planets appear to collide..because their positions could not be resolved or separated by the unaided eye),..

the wise mates..coordinate their visit and presentation of gifts to Jesus..because they want to make a lasting impression on an "avatar".

The "stars" may have indeed led them to Jesus,..because the Magi identified Jesus by using the Tzu Wei Chinese astrology.

Polaris..(not then at the pole) the Tzu Wei or king star which gives this Chinese astrology its name.

9 Jan. 1 BC: Herod's soothsayers noted the total lunar eclipse on the midnight of this day and predicted that it bode ill for Herod who was besieged with problems..

(among other things.. he had recently executed one of his sons for trying to usurp..*his throne..and he was suspicious of the other).

A little later:..Herod,..not having access to the Magi's astrology, uses the only information..he has available.

He tries to kill..the new born king..and end the threat..

Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 10:51:15 PM
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...of yet another..possible usurper to the quasi authority..of his throne...

He put to death the greater Bethlehem area
back to as far as..January 3 BC.

Jesus..[emmanuel]..may have remained safe in Nazareth..(66 miles north of Jerusalem)..even if his family had not fled to Egypt...buty there are the legalk complications leaving the lands of his birth[to wit a non return policy by the CURRENT-invaders

Herod failed to order..that the records in Bethlehem be checked for the current location of all male children..born during that period.

The Jewish historian Josephus..records the death of Herod shortly after the 9 January eclipse..

i will repeat josephs statement

ther is no significant differns
bettwen the three major religinons from the Midle East.

The danger is when politics and comon greed is mixst in to this, they give the rissing of racism..and oppresion of half of mankind,..our children/ well as our womenn.

The three great religions..faild allready in the beggining,
they are to day, missinterpeded in stuningly selfish ways.

In achiving greatnes,..and to rise up
as a human(menn and women)..they are essensualy same.

Love your self,..and love your nabour.

Everything included.
The truth is that in the end,
its all up to you,..and nobody else.

The path is laid, so its up to you to walk that walk.
[he will be good for emmanuel]

now let eve[the proude great/power]
have last say


"I,..with a deeper instinct,nurture
choose a man..who compels my strength,
who makes enormous demands on me,to be the better me[than he]

who does not courage or my toughness,
who does not believe me naïve..or innocent,
who has..the treat me

like a woman."
not a mother..

[but grandma is fine...too]
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 26 December 2010 11:04:27 PM
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