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What was it?
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Posted by jinny, Thursday, 18 November 2010 8:08:32 PM
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TPP: Please don't bring the discussions here into another thread. It's not fair for the other readers. I have never said you are not happy. Are you? only you know. I just state facts of my view on life, and it's merely my opinion. that is all, whether or not others want to read it, is up to them.
I can see you care a lot that is your it. maybe you need to grasp a hold of reality and understand that you cannot change everything. If we all had magical wands, maybe we could. In the mean time, while you do the things that means the most to you, don't forget to do things for yourself. don't forget to look after your needs. as long as you know you have put you heart and soul into making a change, whether or not you succeeded of fail, goes back to: u tired your best. some worked, some didn't. can't change that. just have to accept it. How about another thread: what is the best way we can leave our mark in our lifetime? My dad always used to say he wanted his ashes scattered back in the ocean so he goes back to nature. lately he changed his mind :P. He said he wants a buddist funeral(he is not buddist) because he can have a tomb stone that we can all go give our respects to.. NONSENSE... love him too much, but sometime he's just so full of C**P Posted by jinny, Thursday, 18 November 2010 9:29:54 PM
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I don’t know what that one is Otokonok, it’s sort of a moment of praise or recognition. Someone was watching your actions and judged who you were. Wherever he is now I am thinking he’ll be pleased to know he got it right.
Jinny they will be in their 30’s before a decent conversation will be had. And that’s if you’re lucky. Two weeks ago the phone rang; my son was hurt down the road and an ambulance on its way. Over the phone the message was it did not look hopeful. Got to the scene and he had already gone in the ambulance, the police officer I talked to there I later found out could not even look at him, he was such a mess. In the emergency room I found him lying in a pool of blood, his right hip not recognizable as one anymore and a huge gaping wound in his side as well as many other injuries, broken elbow, sprained ankle, road rash etc. Clothes cut off and saturated with blood. He’s fine now, but for a moment, just one, all I was desperately thinking was if he was happy until now, because he might be leaving. Mother is god in the eyes of a child Jinny. Your criticism will hurt them the worst. Posted by The Pied Piper, Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:17:46 PM
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TPP: am sorry to hear. Don't see how you can related to my kids. I've been brought up disciplined(no one in our family ever had the chance of that as a teen), so have my kids. If you hv read what some of the other poster share about upbringing and discipline, maybe you will 'get' me.
My only regret with my kids are when I chose after 3 years of bringing them up, to work because i couldn't handle reality, and thus, i have the behavioral problems, because I did wrong. I can only imagine the pain of a mother having to see her child in that situation, and i hope i never will have to. i hope he gets better and will be more careful next time. i must say, i find the children here a lot different then the children i am used to. i reckon that is an influence to mine as well. so this was your it 2 weeks ago... I enjoy my kids as they are. i don't hv to wait till they turn 30, that's just a big bonus. Posted by jinny, Thursday, 18 November 2010 10:51:21 PM
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Houellebecq,..some things are just sharing them
i levitated once...[only a few years ago]..but the instant i tried to figure out how i was doing stopped i think its left brain...right brain...logic is the killer anyhow i can still do it in my sleep..[dreams] but somehow..the left brain logic..prevents its returning clearly...after doing it..the first time you convinced the right couldnt have done it and never again did...imm not sure it's a victory...but such is minds conditioning..[for us all] there was a famouse levitating saint the sceptics said..she was just a great jumper asomehow i tend to feel sorry fotr those needing to explain everything..[filter it though their unbelief/diss-belief..left brain- logic] i too am amased about peli-CANS not flying at 8 years old but then logiclly speaking...old pelicans...must learn..the left brain logic thing too...[by the same measure..though...i would not encourage...any child to try it]... they are so.. TOO..left-brain..{minded]..... so young seems...a deliberated plan not sure if people know..about the pshycic..accupuncture point egsactly..under where we got that tb children [thus..the scare tissue...disipates..any our generation]..i still think it was nullify some prophecy or other.. Posted by one under god, Friday, 19 November 2010 5:41:49 AM
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UOG: You're not staying on the thread. How about starting one up about analyzing(OVER), and explaining yourself, and the whole universe? What is your IT? At least the others have taken the effort and time to share theirs.
Who here has watched Earthlings? Jeez, what a downer. Alot of you characters are in it. There's hitler, pelican(i thought of your flying story and just had to laugh), sexist, racist, the rest of the 'ist' basically going back to speciesism. Great.. looks like somebody's is not happy with me again. Why are there so any laws? Posted by jinny, Friday, 19 November 2010 6:19:43 AM
TPP: LOL, it amazes me how a child's mind works. They can tell lies over lies, disappointing but true. I try not to react, but I know the have the genes. I can't help wanting them to be prefect. They get plenty of praises tho, it's just that I have high expectations for them and I want them to know how the way the world works. I learn from mistakes, and I practice them on the kids coz I don't want them to suffer the way I do. Better for them to suffer from mom's critics now, then when they get out in the real world i reckon. Can't wait till they grow up a bit so I can sit an enjoy a decent conversation with them. Mine have nightmares, and get upset, because of the past. But i know the tricks to pick them up, and do the best I can as a mother. I hope they grow up strong, i hope they never get hurt, I can only hope.
The its that are important will be the good things you have done, that you did without expecting anything back from anyone/thing. That is what makes you different, that is what is important, that's why you remember them.
it is: helping the elderly because we are more capable, others because we can.
when i go bk to nature, everything is forgotten n pure joy comes to mind when i focus on the veins of the leaves, the pattern on a bark, the different insects and their beauty, the silence apart from nature, the moss growing on a rock the fresh air. That is a big IT