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The Forum > General Discussion > New Liberal Leader . . . . . bye bye Tony Abbott.

New Liberal Leader . . . . . bye bye Tony Abbott.

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In an earlier post I mentioned 1975 and the Dismissal.

I have now realised that (what we just experienced in the current leadership coup in the Labor Party)
is exactly the same as the dismissal with one fundamental difference.
Both sides of politics are on the same side.

I believe In 75 the Govt was removed by the interference of external forces and democracy was trashed because that was only way for vested interests to force their will upon Australia at that time, because our governing party (Whitlams Labor)was solidly behind it own twice mandated agenda.

Whitlam ended the Vietnam War by withdrawing Australian troops as promised in the 72 election, thereby upsetting the US Gov't in the process.

Another thing Whitlam did was indicate to the Americans that he felt Australia
should have greater participation at Pine Gap.

The lease for Pine Gap Base was due to expire Nov/ 11/ 1975. After being elected, upon becoming Prime Minister, the very first thing Malcolm Fraser did as PM was to sign the renewal of this lease.

To be fair to Malcolm, you could say he thought this was in the national interest at the time, I don't know for sure either way.

In the 75 election, we counted votes(first time) computers or electronically. During the count the Labor vote was 10 % ahead of the Libs early. Then the new counting system failed, and did not come back on line for an hour or so. When it did eventually come back on line, the situation had reversed and the Libs were 10 % ahead. Make your own conclusions

I conclude, it's possible, that with both sides cow towing in unison too external vested interests,
(whom have managed to dismiss our PM and replace him with one more co-operative),
and have also struck a deal ( too their liking) over our financial future and resources.
that we should all consider voting a farce and democracy an illusion.

Is polling making the news again and not reporting it as past experience has taught me?.
I think I smell a rat (or 2)
Posted by thinker 2, Wednesday, 7 July 2010 4:24:30 PM
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As usual you are seeking cover in the smoke. Watch out for black lung.
Liberal policy (?) is return to the past pure and simple. And they have the audacity to to claim labor simply changed the salesman not the rancid, fetid policy.

In truth all it will achieve(?)will be the clearing of Australian news broadcasts. The deaths misery et al will remain. hasn't that blonk learned anything from history? If one wants conflict deny large masses of basic life needs and hope. Talk about political BS that whistles up bigotry.
Have you ever been to a refugee camp? clearly not.

If Aust's population level your primary concern as you constantly say, then why are you ignoring the other far greater numbers of REAL ILLEGAL and economic refugees? Could it be they're white? They certainly breach the integrity of our borders.
Sure it will stop people smugglers but will increase exponentially crime and degradation/prostitution, exploitation etc. It will exacerbate not solve anything meaningful. Make us safer ....humf dream on.The policy is obscene as are the pathetic minds that allowed the lesser end of humanity to lead. Leaders are supposed to lead not pander to the mental gutter.
Posted by examinator, Friday, 9 July 2010 5:54:08 PM
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Foxy, the person to whom you refer might have balls, but a brain??

C'mawwn, that’s pushing it! ( :>)
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 10 July 2010 9:01:37 AM
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Fair go! I’m just not too sure what you are trying to say, but it all sounds way over the top!.

<< The policy is obscene… >>

Which policy exactly?
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 10 July 2010 9:10:43 AM
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Dear Ludwig,

I'm not the one "pushing it."
It's the guy you so
admire - Scott Morrison, who is!

As a matter of fact he's pushing
a barrow with Howard in it as well
as Tony Abbott on the side!

But you're right - it's not having
a brain that matters - like most things,
its how you use it that counts! ;-)
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 July 2010 6:03:42 PM
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The point I was making was the policy (off shore processing) espoused by both Labor and Liberals. Scott whatsis (in your post of lateline) justification is 1 part BS and 2 smoke and mirrors.
Both versions of the the policy treat a symptom not the problem.
My criticism of your and Scott's arguments are that it is about population numbers and integrity of our borders respectively. Both are fatally flawed and in Scott's case disingenuous in that we have a far bigger issue with the other sources.
As for his 178 lives lost argument he should, as an intelligent person, be ashamed of the pathetic logic.

Clearly neither he or You have any real concept of what goes on in these camps particularly in corruptible 3rd world countries.

Put simply both your arguments are intellectually and logically moribund. Pathetic cover for NIMBY on steroids or shallow thinking and concern for people.

While as individuals we have little control over such short term reasoning, we are able to choose the party policies that are so thin and immoral by our standards
Posted by examinator, Saturday, 10 July 2010 7:06:39 PM
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