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Sport and sex scandals

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I thought you know me! I am tired from this simple, clear, legal, event, group sex!
We started with a simple story where both parties agreed for the sex and now we speak for a difficult to recognize mental problem.
It was an innocent joke!

You wrote "ASymeonakis, do we know if the “ugly one” is getting counseling? Compensation? Poor bugger."
I knew from your first writting that there was a little problem with you and I wrote to you that you are "walking on a slipery ground" Today I learned that you had some very bad experiences in your life. I am very sorry.
You missunderstand me I try to protect the very basic human rights because we have problem with them and every time we have a problem some grabs the opportunity to violate them.
About the "Ugly" man I supposed you understand that it was a simple, innocent joke and of cause a reminder that the 19 years old woman had full control on her acts, Come you go ok, you too, No! You Go!
You understand what I say do not you?
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Friday, 22 May 2009 5:12:52 PM
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How come? some females think good manners are only for men?
Ginx often uses her words to flog men, even insulting terms like tinker?
Hardly fits but needlessly rude, compare her insults.
Yes I know better, I took the bait ...........again.
But try Ginx to understand, on the evdence in your posts your self confidence is miss placed.
Yes our fair lady did knock back the ugly bloke, love to know who he is, then invited[read the reports] Johns back.
Why skip around the sex of days before?
The bragging?, the warning she intended to do just what she did bonk that team.
Never get her in the record books, it happens every day.
Every sport , in places young gather and not so young.
Get the boots on Ginx, its expected of you but I will retreat and not answer again.
Strange but true last weekend a rash of women trying to get into NRL [that,s what its called ARL is the international game] dressing sheds.
They will need a tank from now on .
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 May 2009 5:34:50 PM
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Hello Antonios, Yes I got the joke about the ugly one. I am also getting that basic human rights are missing in this country, maybe they were missing back in NZ just the same but I was seeing things differently then.

I think I was witness to a lot of other people’s bad experiences. I used to try and tell these girls to go, I tired many different ways to tell them to leave, the men are watching you, stop flirting, the boys are getting too drunk now.

We (I am 41) were raised as girls and taught about rights and women’s lib and that we can get what we want. Our working mothers did not teach us about boys/men in groups - just about how we are all equal now.

They taught us what a crime rape is – they forgot to say not to be stupid and wear short skirts while walking down dark alleys. I do blame mothers, and their mothers.

Gosh was a long time ago now… but no, then and now I don’t see a 19 year old as a “woman”. Maybe a100 years ago at 19 they had better maturity, not the last few generations. The last few with men and women are all confused.
Posted by Jewely, Friday, 22 May 2009 5:43:07 PM
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it seemes that you have a problem with the " casual sex generally and especially group sex"
Probably I have bigger problem with this kind of sex than you.
BUT what You or Me believe about these kinds of sex is one story, our personal story and what other people believe and what are the human rights for the sex it is an other story.
Because you or me do not like the group sex it does not give us the right to try to block other people for group sex, OR TO TRY TO SCARE THEM FOR THE CASUAL OR GROUP SEX.
Today a huge part in our society are singles, men or women, their sex relations are casual in high degree, if we said them "Be carefull in the other side there are many with mental problems which it is difficult to recocnize then we create A HUGE SOCIAL PROBLEM PLUS WE OPEN THE DOORS FOR VIOLATION OF THE SEX RIGHTS.
Do you understand me Pynchme?

It was a joke only the following "If he( Ugly man) takes to the court the rest of the team I will understand and support him! He was the real victim!"
Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Friday, 22 May 2009 5:58:36 PM
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As we stumbe towards the end of this thread may I ask?
Why has the word rape found its way into this thread?
And why have some female contributors failed to address the questions in my last post?
I refuse to believe some think 19 years old is not adult.
Try telling your 15 year old daughter she is not grown up.
Remember the invited sex, the bragged about conquests and intent to bonk a team.
It seems some look for the worst not the facts.
Yes if females did not want sex then its rape, even the so called victim did not say it was rape, did she?
Laws based on sexual wish based on what Churchs view of our bedroom have always failed, homosexuals suffered badly [yes I understand some think its ugly but it is none of our business]
Groupies, heard how many mothers tell their children one of the Beatles is their father? after just short stay in Sydney its a fact they exist groupies in all walks of life and sex is the result often group sex.
Way back up the thread I said a person looking for sex based problems would find the thread interesting, even I see signs some do not want to live in the world as it is.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 23 May 2009 5:15:14 AM
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Belly baby a gang bang is rape. I believe it was a gang bang. How it started doesn’t matter to me.

Her personality and stupidity doesn’t matter to me, how special the boys thought they were and how they were used to screwing groupies doesn’t matter to me.

Actually I just realized none of it matters to me, I have been there done that and was kind of just wanting to get you all to understand how real it is.

“Try telling your 15 year old daughter she is not grown up.”

My daughter is 17. I may have taken the whole “stand up for yourself and others” too far with that one. You tell her! Where we live, well... I bought the house on the internet without comming over to see it first.

I was woken up at 3am last week to shouting in the street and there is my girl facing off with my 40 year old drunk and angry male neighbor. She’s telling him to get in his house and get his dogs off the street, loudly and colorfully. I got quite scared for the dude and managed to get her to leave him alone.
Posted by Jewely, Saturday, 23 May 2009 9:52:17 AM
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