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Now, We are A Police State

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Youre right Steel the final One World (persecuting) Church (the Whore) is as yet to manifest in its full form.
The RC Empire though is the only large worldwide church wooing everyone over to their group. Big cultures, small minority groups, other christian churches....all are the target.
Some years ago the now Australian Christian Churches went and formed their group in opposition to what was apparant and being built by Rome.
True christian believers will stand apart.
I prayed for rain for the gayboy Mardi Gras.
I will do it for the occasion of such a powerful recruitment drive as the RC Empire/One World Church world youth day:)
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 4 July 2008 3:23:09 PM
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If Gibo were to express his sentiments on a t-shirt during the coming Catholic Haj, he'd be potentially subject to a $5500 fine...

Not that Gibo'd be interested, but Catholic priest Fr Frank Brennan has written a good article on the issue, at .
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 4 July 2008 4:31:34 PM
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For once I agree with the general thread of your post. It is true that many evangelical/pentecostal leaders have failed (sinned) miserably. It is especially sad that in many cases they have failed to live up to what they preached to others. They along with all other humans (whether atheist, Buddhist, earth worshippers, global warming cultist, hindus. doctors, priests, sports coaches) have demonstrated how hopelessly lost humanity is without the Lord Jesus Christ.

The very fact that you seem to delight in their downfall shows that you at least admit adultery, hypocrisy and lying is wrong. Thank God that His Son paid the price for sinners. Without Him we are all hopelessly lost.
Posted by runner, Friday, 4 July 2008 4:54:25 PM
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'afternoon to you - COL ROUGE...

Sorry for the delay in responding to your 'post'. Anyway here I am.

Of course you're absolutely correct in saying the police must/should serve their employers, the public. I have no arguement with you on that point COL.

The difficulty is, in the ideal world police could and would serve those who pay them, the community. However, I'm sure you'll agree that we are living in very troubled times where often, there's no clear line of delineation between police service to the community and the sometimes nebulous and ambiguous directions of their political masters (also servants of the public I believe).

You can be assured COL that I could cite, ad infinitum, incidences in which I was either directly or indirectly involved. Matters that were ultimately 'signed off'. And in my opinion, definitely NOT in the service of the public, nor in the public interest either.

Another correspondent OLIVER, stated herein, (words to the effect) "...if coppers, had any conflict in their minds, apropos the morality or legality, of direction/s given to them by their political masters, then they should either resign or strike..." !

Idealism, in it's purist form. However impractical or quixotic it
may be. Must admit though, I totally agree with him, fanciful or not!

COL, unfortunately I don't possess the necessary intellectual 'where with all' to mount any sort of persuasive arguement in support of the coppers. I, and the VAST majority of police, have tried to stay on the straight 'n narrow during their careers. Unfortunately, a few fell by the wayside. And those few are enough to besmirch and sully the good fame and reputation of the majority. And I reckon that's pretty sad !
Posted by o sung wu, Friday, 4 July 2008 5:09:15 PM
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"The photo in the SMH clearly portrayed the Pope taking the worship."

That is inconsistent with the religion. The Pope was not the object of the worship.*sigh*

"Committed christians by the way wont be found on their bellies before any leader extending their worship."

Not even for Jesus Christ like the priests do?

"The line between worship of the man out front and worship of God would be too vague."

C'mon God is pretty cluey. Even I can figure it out. He would have no problem.

"It could be misconstrued so easily...and by God."

He doesn't misconstrue.

"Any worship we do will be with hands the air direct to God."

They'd better not get photographed glancing at the pastor while they are doing it or someone from another denomination with your approach might start making accusations.

"Pope also means papa or father and Jesus told His followers never to call anyone on earth father...Matthew 23:9."

That is clear hyperbole if you read the scriptures. That does relate to what we have been discussing but not in that literal sense that you are trying to impose on it. I don't have time right now but do pentecostals seriously refrain from calling their own Dad father or using the word "teacher" which Jesus would be prohibiting a few verses away or variations such as "doctor"? If you do call someone on earth these things contrary to your above assertion that isn't wrong because there is no reason to refrain. What you are asserting is nonsense. You are distorting Jesus' message by imposing a literal interpretation that neither suits the obvious hyperbole nor other scriptures. That is a classic Jehovah's Witness tactic. This isn't the forum for that type of thing but if you really want to go there (with perhaps a warning statement/explanation for those who don't like seeing scriptures in here)...
Posted by mjpb, Friday, 4 July 2008 5:15:59 PM
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I know about Jimmy Swaggart RObert.
And about Jimmy Bakker.
And I know that they didnt give up but got their counselling and went back to preaching.
AAwww just cant keep good men down!
When did you last sin against Bible standards. We all do from time to time. Im sure I do it daily.
Christs' followers go to Jesus and ask for their forgiveness... and get it.
Posted by Gibo, Friday, 4 July 2008 5:22:53 PM
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