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Now, We are A Police State

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Does a citizen being charged for refusing a Police order to work on a farm [US, 1940s] or strip [Australia, 2008] indicate State protection of Police, and "involunary servitude" [legal trem] by citizens at the behest of the State?

o sung wu

1. Sir Robert [nee Robin] Askin.

2. The police not have to fire the politicians bullets they can resign or strike.

3. A little history: A few months before the October 1917 Russian Revolution [April?, 1917], the police under orders from authorities opened fire on protestors. The military present, opened fire and killed the police.
Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 3 July 2008 7:20:03 PM
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1.pelican,Bronwyn,etc Why are taxpayers funding it?

2. Laws need to be as tightly defined as possible. What means ‘annoyance’?.
I agree with you.

3.Belly "Can it be the Catholic church is above criticism?" "why my government needed to change laws that stop me saying what I think? WHY?

4. Foxy
It would bother me that people were fined for wearing
t-shirts with messages, or carrying placards...
Me too!

5. Col Rouge
You are very sensitive for the freedom of expresion! I like that! I hope you are not so "generous " because State government is ALP and only for Catholic church. "Finally, the police exist to serve the public, not to censor them and""Separation of Powers" is one of the cornerstones of any democracy" Col Rouge, You are advanced!
I agree with you!

Antonios Symeonakis
Posted by ASymeonakis, Thursday, 3 July 2008 9:15:49 PM
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It is rather strange that our police have to suffer abuse from ferals who produce nothing in our society,yet are instructed to persue only those who have an opinion and the capacity to pay fines.

It is the subjugation of the very people who who make our society function.I was born a Catholic,but the Pope is far from being infallible.This is Gestapo tactics and the Iemma Govt can go and get stuffed!
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 3 July 2008 11:02:27 PM
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ASymeonakis “You are very sensitive for the freedom of expresion! I like that! I hope you are not so "generous " because State government is ALP and only for Catholic church.”

I select my political and church allegiances based on the values I hold.

My views are not formed by the values of any incumbent government and it probably explains my complete mistrust of theorocrats and the authoritarian preferences of organized religions, the Church of Rome being a particularly despicable example.

“Col Rouge, You are advanced!
I agree with you!”

My ethical and cognitive evolution is entirely independent of any empathy you may feel but thank you anyway.

Arjay “This is Gestapo tactics and the Iemma Govt can go and get stuffed”

I agree.

I am not sure which state you reside but I suggest, consider it when you next cast your vote, before the police start to decide who should be allowed to vote and who not.

I recall Lenin’s words which, strangely, will find support among the cardinals of Rome

“Freedom is so precious, it must be rationed”

Of course Lenin also said

“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever”

which compares closely to the Jesuit maxim

“Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man".

When I see the RC dictatorial expectations for worldwide anti-contraception, anti abortion laws and the internal corruption of the Church of Rome, I fully understand how the depravities encourages by despotism can take many forms.
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 3 July 2008 11:32:19 PM
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A S do not get too self righteous in your defense of the NSW ALP no man! none ! is more ALP than me.
Constantly my zeal is reason some within the movement give me a hard time.
This party this leadership over ruled state conference, told the 5.6 who voted against every one for the power sale we did not matter.
I note the thread is lost in a religious fog.
No longer questioning why did we need harsher laws than ANY EVENT held in Sydney ever?
Would it be a crime to have a shirt that asked the church to say sorry to its victims of sexual abuse?
Or its crimes against Aboriginals?
Or to ask how did it get so wealthy in so many very poor country's?
Yes it may well be.
Mate AS you clearly are from the very left here in this thread you appear to say protest is wrong?
I will never understand how freedom of speech is only sometimes for so many.
I am no supporter of the event or that church in fact any church that needs governments to change laws to protect it.
At some time in the future if Muslims ask to just March in Sydney on a weekend , watch the same people who see no wrong in changing laws change their minds.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 4 July 2008 6:32:43 AM
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"The Pope has also, already, put himself above The Lord.
I have a photo from the Sydney Morning Herald some months back showing a group of young priests on their bellies in worship before a seated Pope.
He was lapping it up like a sponge takes in liquid.
Herold got the worms and a slow death for receiving worhip due to God."

For crying out loud Gibo that is like saying that a photo of a bunch of pentecostals visibly praying in front of a pentecostal pastor must be praying to their pastor.

I couldn't find the photo but my guess would be it was an ordination and the young priests were prostrated in worship before the Lord. The Pope was probably there to remind them to fan into flame the gift of God, within them through the laying of his hands on them. There are other possibilities but it makes little difference.

In our religion it is specifically required that worship is to God only. That is mandatory. Even an angel in heaven cannot be worshipped. Certainly not the Pope.

The problem is that you have been reading too many fairy stories about Catholics and you are expecting it so you interpret pictures that way.
Posted by mjpb, Friday, 4 July 2008 10:55:00 AM
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