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Now, We are A Police State

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“Much of my knowledge mjpb re: the RC global empire, incorporating their (coming) ONE WORLD CHURCH (theyve been building it for decades) and its persecution of true christian believers who worship outside of the RC Empire, comes from Chic Publications in the USA and from the testimony of an ex-RC Jesuit named Alberto Riviera.”

Then you now know who is feeding you bunk. There are a lot of bad Jesuits who hate Catholicism in particular and Christianity in general. He is probably masquerading as a Pentecostal to lie and stir up strife within the Christian family. Divided we fall.

Yes I didn’t say anything about the black Pope. I believe Cardinal Arinze would have made a good Pope but he didn’t get in and the current one is also pretty good. Read Runner’s post about Masonic stuff.


”It is true that the RC history is atrocious. Many believers were martyred due to wicked leadership. This is not denied by many Catholics themselves. I am not sure how helpful it is to the gospel to focus on past atrocities.”

There is still a lot of poor leadership in the Church to this day even if the atrocities are normally spiritual. You would be aware of the role of the Pope yet you get Jesuits who openly reject any Christian teaching of the Pope and even Bishops who do things like the following:

”I find it interesting that you link the Masonic Lodge with Rome. Generally they dislike each other immensely. Masons unfortunately have infiltrated many mainline churches.”

If a Catholic joins the Masons they get excommunicated.

“That that is one demonic organisation!”

Here here. But I think all Christians (including Gibo) know that and that is why that Jesuit knew making up that story would hit the mark.
Posted by mjpb, Thursday, 3 July 2008 11:29:44 AM
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"I thought special police powers were "a once only" for APEC. It's a bit like the ANZ Bank back in the 1970s saying that there were only going to be seven or eight ATM machines in Victoria. The thin edge of the wedge, wherein those in power will set a precedent, now, only to expand the rare, now, to become the common day, later."

Here here. "Once only" aberations are normally the thin edge of the wedge and trial changes typically drift into permanence.
Posted by mjpb, Thursday, 3 July 2008 11:33:13 AM
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Regarding the denigration of the US Thirteen and Fourteenth Amendments:

"In short, the application of the criminal sanctions to the protection civil rights has come to be restricted mainly to cases in which officials [Politicians and Police] participate, or misuse their power, or situations involving rights granted directly to individuals [Citizens against Police] and guaranteed against infringement [of the Amendments] by the Federal Constitution or laws [sic. Laws]." - Biddle citing Brodie, supra note 9, at 374 n.35. [circ. 1940s]

The issue being, that Slavery is abolished [in the US], yet, in the US then/in Australia now; agents of the State, the Police, can insist on "involuntary servitude", i.e, strip searches in Oz. In the US, the Police State case in history related to negros being arrested by police for refusing to work for economically down-trodden farmers, during the Great Depression.

A citizen charged for refusing a Police order to work on a farm or strip, would indicate State protection of Police, and involunary servitude by citizens at the behest of the State.

Relatedly, regarding protest;

"We must distinguish between censorship to prevent military information ... from reaching the enemy, on the one hand, from, on the other hand, censorship to prevent criticism or discussion of governmental acts. The excuse for the latter is that such criticism and discussion encourages enemy." - Pound (1941)

Key citation: Risa L. Goluboff; Duke Law Journal, Vol. 50, 2001.
Posted by Oliver, Thursday, 3 July 2008 12:52:32 PM
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I don't believe any church is absolutely right. There are many fine Christians in all denominations including the Roman Catholic Church. Chick publications are rather extreme and are somewhat considered cultish - they are stories, not based on facts. I know of ratbag Pentecostal churches both small and large. Young people attend these churches because they like the music, (Hillsong is more like a rock concert than a church service) and they ignore Jesus. As I've said before, I attend a Pentecostal Church but I don't follow all Pentecostal teachings - (I disregard their prophecies, as I've discovered many of these to not come about and therefore cannot be from God, I treat "words of knowledge" with caution. Speaking in tongues is allright as long as its only done one at a time by two or three people with an interpreter - although in most Pentecostal Churches up to 90% of the congregation will all be speaking in tongues at once and there will be no interpretation given. When I disagree with any Christian on any matter, usually we can agree to disagree, and that's what I like to do with my Roman Catholic freinds. Sadly some Christians insist everything they believe is right and won't accept anyone elses opinion, and I give these people (some whom are members of my own congregation) a wide berth.
Posted by Steel Mann, Thursday, 3 July 2008 12:55:34 PM
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No worries Runner.
This was mostly a one-off on some of the RC system.
Im not happy about the Pope coming here for recruits for One World Church.
Most people dont know that the Vatican wants to rule all other churches and religious systems and is working at it steadfastly. Theyve already gobbled up English Anglicanism.
The Pope has also, already, put himself above The Lord.
I have a photo from the Sydney Morning Herald some months back showing a group of young priests on their bellies in worship before a seated Pope.
He was lapping it up like a sponge takes in liquid.
Herold got the worms and a slow death for receiving worhip due to God.
Some good webchecks might include...
Revelation tells us that between the two endtimes figures of the antichrist (the beast) and the false prophet many thousands will die.
Decapitations will occur to many who refuse the mark/microchip on either the right hand or forehead. Revelation 20:4 speaks about beheading.
Still its better to refuse the new ID than to have God Deal with you for receiving it....Revelation 14:9-11.
Posted by Gibo, Thursday, 3 July 2008 3:03:10 PM
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Goodevening to you C J MORGAN...

I agree with you on this one C J. As it often happens, our well meaning politicians make the bullets and have the hapless coppers fire them. Problem is, that many decisions made without first carefully considering the implications or the unwanted consequences of that decision/s, can often lead to a very sticky situation for police during execution.

You may well remember the then NSW Premier (sorry, name escapes me)or was it PM Harold HOLT, when meeting with the US President Lyndon B. JOHNSON, was confronted with a massive demo involving folk against the war in Vietnam, muttered to his security adviser and driver " the bastards over..." !

You can imagine what sort of position the NSW Police were put in !
Myself, I was actually 'in country' at the time and only heard about it on an ABC Relay broadcast. Though must confess, most of the blokes got a pretty good chuckle out of it, nevertheless!

No C J, the many years that I was in the job, I often reflected on the long held view, that the coppers were merely the 'play things' of the Politicians. Simply, unquestioningly to do their bidding and try to keep a lid on any politically sensitive matter, that may reflect adversely on their administration.

Look my friends, I'm not making any excuses for the coppers per se. However, sometimes it really is, as they say...'between a rock and a hard place' ?
Posted by o sung wu, Thursday, 3 July 2008 6:29:43 PM
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