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Now, We are A Police State

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"In the RC empire you can find anything."

Not surprisingly with 1.5 billion there are many individuals yet you identify with a tiny pentecostal church that apparently doesn't identify with the larger pentecostal churches and their political actions. I suspect you wouldn't find a great deal in your little church. There aren't enough people.

"...very little preaching of faith in Jesus Christ and heaps of preaching of faith in the Pope and "the church""

Funny I've been going to a Catholic Church for many years and the Pope only ever gets a mention in prayer or if they die or come to the country. Is that what your pastor is telling you? Perhaps his fibs derive from a problem with size envy? Where it would derive from is anyone's guess.

"the worship of Mary that displaces her Son Jesus and all that He did,"

Nonsense. I notice the evangelicals recently 'discovered' Mary but neither group worships her.

"the worship of idols"

I seem to have misplaced my golden cow.

"the exhaltation of mere men they call "saints""

You mean holding apostles of the Lord and pious individuals in high regard as opposed to those who exhalt "Christian singers" at rock concerts?

"secret societies and all they do"

Like the fiction version of opus dei or perhaps the Jesuits?

"a Black Pope"

I do believe that Cardinal Arinze would make a good Pope but we got a pretty good one anyway. Pope Benedict is white.

"a global plan to keep third world countries poor and bound to the church by drawing the people to priests for the forgiveness of sins..."

I have heard JWs arguing scriptures to claim that confession is not legitimate but never this type of mythology.
Posted by mjpb, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 3:48:13 PM
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Oow Steely, you seem a wee tad hung up on the views of ol Luddles.

I’m sure if you really tried, you could convince yourself that he is a very baaaad dude. Hold on, I think you have done just that!

On the other hand, if you wished to, you could see things the other way and support the poor fellow……which you actually did on one occasion some time ago on a totally different subject….much to his absolute amazement and prolonged light-headedness ( : ~ |)

You need to stop jumping to conclusions and asserting things about other people that you really can’t assert and indeed don’t have clue as to whether they are true or not. But then, Luddie has told you that before…and so have several other posters.

Do you really think that a strong and effective policing ‘regime’ (what other word would you use?) is a bad thing, per se, without delving into the appropriateness or inappropriateness of certain laws? Don’t you think that a uniform obedience of the law is good and a uniform treatment of those who break the law is also a positive thing?

Ludnuts not going to address the points that you assert about his position in your last two paragraphs (of your first post today), coz they is tooo ridiculous.

He wishes you a nice day, or what is left of it.
Posted by Ludwig, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 3:53:28 PM
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Ludwig, I based my comments on some of your words and i did forget about the point you made in the henson topic so i retract my comment. The two parts of your comment that i looked at closely were probably misinterpreted. Those were "policing regime" and your focus on the vagueness rather than the inherent ideas and restrictions. I guessed that in the absence of vagueness you would be ok with these laws, as they would 'clearly define' themselves, so i'm sorry about that Ludwig. i have done this before with your comments...i guess i find it easy to misinterpret some people on some occassions...another person for whom i have done this a couple of times was Vanilla.
Posted by Steel, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 5:03:19 PM
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But were indoctrinated from an early age... and as one priest is known to have said, "If we get them in the first seven years, we have them for life". Were you got?
The Holy Bible is VERY clear... the focus is to be on the Man Who was on the Cross but is now Risen.
HE is what Christianity is all about!

I read a story a few years ago that the Jesuits were gun running in Africa to aid the spread of "church" doctrine.
Pitting one side in a guerilla war against the other...isnt that what they do?

My little church really jumps because The Holy Spirit is moving in miracles, healings and Words of Knowledge.

You wont find that in the RC Empire.
Its all the Vatican, the Pope for world leader of ONE WORLD CHURCH etc etc.
Posted by Gibo, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 6:23:48 PM
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Hi all...

I don't necessarily agree that by conferring additional public order powers on police, is symptomatic of a 'Police State' as some folk have inferred.

The upcoming visit of the Pope (Youth Day) would indeed represent a massive planning and logistical responsibility, for those who
have carriage of preparing the necessary responsive protocols.

You see, if the coppers adopt a more relaxed and conciliatory posture towards the public, particularly in the planning mode, and something does go wrong. Then everybody is up in arms, followed by loud demands that 'heads should roll'. And, led by our illustrious media, everybody and his dog will start baying for some poor coppers blood !

Moreover, if police adopt a 'zero tolerance' attitude, and nothing happens. More than likely, they'll be accused of being too heavy handed ! Followed contemporaneously of allegations of spoiling the whole event and spectacle.

It's the old story folks, you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't ?

My own humble experience in these matters - there is always the perception of far too many cooks, in my opinion ! The higher ranks running around (should read, 'blundering' around) giving orders. A moment later, another boss revokes or rescinds the order, thus ensuring utter confusion for all and sundry !?

It's not that easy, believe me. And of course there's the media with their cameras. Taking lots n' lots of footage, particularly of some of the more violent exchanges between police and public.

As I said, it's not that easy. I'd love for some of our more vocal armchair critics to come and show us how to do it correctly ! Instead of 'sniping' at us from the sideline
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 8:17:57 PM
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Much Ado AboutNothing.

So B17 has been given his hour in the sun.Big deal!!

Reading all the billious claptrap from different sections of the religious right would make most of us puke.

Get ready to now grant the same courtesy to religious leaders from the Hindu,Muslim and whatever else to descend on us to call monster meetings over what...
Much ado about NOTHING

Posted by socratease, Wednesday, 2 July 2008 9:11:08 PM
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