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Animal Welfare

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Yabby and I have been nominated to pack your backpack for this trip to the Middle East..

Any requests or should I just go ahead?

Socks, jocks,..mouthwash..oh and mouthguard Ive been instructed by Wendy..

R>I>P> Yabby....

Posted by OZGIRL, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 10:52:24 PM
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Actually I thought he was talking about cattle.

We are not jumping ship Robert Just acting on legal Advise.

Although I sincerly hope it does not come to that.

Comments made many times on the OLO are very serious against our organisation.

I have not contacted the editor yet despite legal advise to do so.

It may well be Robert for the sake of the Animals we do not post here for a while.

We will still be working on a Free Range Share Farmers Robert if you are interested to help.

INT pig Farms and Live Exports are Australias greatest Shame.

I will also add by the way the Pig Farmer is not an intensive pig farmer.

Just So there is no misunderstanding.

We are totally committed to Animal Welfare and there are two extremes.

Yabby has that part right at least Robert
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Tuesday, 19 September 2006 11:06:31 PM
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OZgirl – and I thought I had developed tunnel vision. Go back and read were you and wendy brought us into the thread. A bit of hypocrisy don’t you think? The only great job done is to alienate every government department, every other animal welfare organization dealt with. (past tense now of course) There is one that deals with her but there is a method in their madness. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just don’t take liberties with peoples livelihoods to further your own agenda. I don’t want anyone with a reputation like that having anything to do with free range farmers.

WENDY – you are the one that brought PALE into the forum, constantly trying to cram it down peoples throats, making false claims about your activities. In a funny way, you have defamed PALE all by yourself.
Posted by pigfarmer, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 6:46:54 AM
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I am really disappointed at the turn this thread has taken, instead of being a think tank for ideas for humane treatment of stock animals it has turned into something quite vicious.

Yabby clearly has a problem with the gender of participants - not relevant to animal welfare.

And now pigfarmer seems intent of defaming the organsiation PALE, with statements like: "Heres one farmer that would like to recommend that you burn any bridges linked to PALE, and make it very public that I have no association...."

People, EVERYBODY has a right to a voice - just because you have a personal grudge against someone is no reason to slander someone. If you have problems with an organisation then take it up with that organisation and keep this forum free for it is intended - ways to protect our animals from cruel treatment.
Posted by Scout, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 8:18:30 AM
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Wendy, I'm hoping that we are talking about all farmed animals when we discuss standards for care.

I've not followed some of the interactions closely, I tend to just move on when a post looks mostly like a personal attack.

Rather than not post how about trying to work with the points of agreement. From my perspective the respective viewpoints about live shipments have been extensively covered as have your views of some posters and their views of you. Someone has to choose to move on from the conflict and see what can be gained from this.

Maybe we can thrash out some broad guidelines on what posters thing should be in a midrange standard that can give a consumer confidence that they are shopping responsibly in terms of animal welfare and their own health.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 8:55:43 AM
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"Combine the best of both worlds. Use as many natural inputs as possible, look at everything like it starts from the soil up."

Pigfarmer, yup, thats the idea! Its a win-win all around, including
for consumers.

Organics creates its own whole set of new problems, like when
serious foreign weeds move into broadscale farms. I've seen
some overrun with them in the end.

As with the example of the eggs, costs can also become prohibitive,
so much that consumers can't afford the products.

Thats why my suggestion for a standard in between the two extremes.

Scout, I happen to use colourful and descriptive language :)
Nothing that people don't use everyday. Perhaps the real problem
is your chip about men.

If this forum is used to promote Pale, then I see no reason why
people can't use it to criticise Pale. Life is a two way street,
not a one way street
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 20 September 2006 10:01:55 AM
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