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Accountability in Government?

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I first met you through Andrew Bartletts web site. I thought you bright. I started to think that as Senator or even a person he could have said 'something to you. ( I dont know what)

You were asking for advise help. This contiuned for a very long time. He ignored. I thought that was unfair. I admired the fact that you never once asked him direct for help.

I posted a few comments in support ( Sort of) They were never posted. I wondered why but pretty much knew it wasnt you it was my involvement with upsetting the libbers. IMOP

I didnt want to make a issue because of the Animal Welfare. As happens when forum owners get upset people get banned.
I offered you some legal asistance.

Now I need you advise please. I look up and see people who have no regard for us but I see them through new eyes. Here they are taking their time because they actually really care.

To be really honest I guess that annoys me a bit but only because I am who I am I guess.
As you know my way of thinking is always so what the kids got picked on but thats nothing compaired to milllions of Animals having their eyes pulled out while alive and skinned alive in ME and worse.
( I am not trying to offend you know that.)

So I get cranky. Cranky with the Church leaders the mothers of proud kids I guess cranky with humans all together.!

Then how come It worries about these same people waisting their time here perhaps. Should I care? I was wondering if YOU would comments on the teachers involved and how this may have effected their lives please?
I was wondering if YOU could disclose the letter sent to me from a retired Education Senior and what she alledged. It bothers me because I am honest and I do care for others. I think that is fair rather than I raise it Are you Happy to do that?

Now *I await 'Your Advise"
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 25 February 2008 7:18:28 PM
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PALE. When I originally made the complaints in 2000 I didn’t include the treatment of my children by teachers. I actually felt a bit sorry for the teachers because I believed that they had their work cut out for them and that the set up of the system made things very difficult indeed. I didn’t think that what they did was right, but in a system that is designed to dumb down the students there is a culture and a practice that is very hard to go against and break.

I didn’t let the District Office know specifics about instances with regard to teacher’s behaviour until after the complaints were ignored and I went to visit the District Office. I have never perused the complaints against the teachers. I only spoke about them once. I only let the District Office know that there was more to this complaint than just educational neglect.

The only person that I have pursued complaints about is the Leader of the Selective schools unit whose name is on all the documents where there are discrepancies and evidence of bias and manipulation and against the bureaucrats at the DET.

The teachers went on with their life as if nothing had happened. They probably were not even told of my complaints. It is my children and family who paid the price.

The kids were more than picked on – they were systematically victimized, bullied, harrassed, neglected, vilified, marked down, put down, humiliated, denied appropriate education and opportunities and denied their rights. It is psychological abuse and psychological abuse is as harmful, and some say even more harmful, than physical abuse. That you can feel nothing for my children and justify it because animals are being abused is very sad indeed.

I had a little difficulty understanding what you were trying to get at. A while ago my computer crashed and I lost everything. So I am sorry but I cant help you with what you request.
Posted by Jolanda, Monday, 25 February 2008 7:59:48 PM
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I did not say I didn’t care about your children. Please do not take a honest account of my deepest feelings and misuse them.

I mentioned my morals and the way in which I think as I have shared with you before and I was very honest about it. If I didn’t care for you and especially the kids then why was I the only one to offer to help and free legal advice from my family?

If I didn’t care about people in general and especially your children I can assure you I have many other pressing issues. OLO is NOT our Animal Work as such but simply a small area of it.

You are aware the person who contacted my said there were a few teachers who were very upset for along time and some ill over it- She actually stated their lives were destroyed.

I am in a position to know one way or the other however she also said she was seriously concerned for your children and was outraged the department had not taken steps to protect them from mental abuse. (Again I am not alleging anything because I do not know.
That is why I asked you to put up the letter.

I have a copy still here. Would you like me to send it so you could include this information and dispose of any misunderstandings?

I am asking you this because I am concerned for 'You and your Children and fellow posters time and efforts.

I am trying to get some answers for your children. I may love Animals however I am not without compassion.

Nor Am I trying to be unkind because many people may have simply posted the letter and said Jolanda what about this retired School
Masters letter.

So What am I supposed to Do/
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Monday, 25 February 2008 8:47:25 PM
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Pale- did this person signed their name on the email because I identify myself and I am prepared to support everything I say with evidence. Can the writer support what she says with evidence? Without knowing who she is, why should we believe anything that she says?

This person should be asked which teachers she is talking about because when I first brought the matter to the attention of the District Office in the Year 2000 I focused on the neglect of the education of gifted children, not what some teachers had done or hadn’t done to my kids.

When I did notify the DET that certain teachers were bullying the children and treating them unfairly I actually did it separately to the complaint and it was not lodged as a complaint or a matter to be pursued by anyone. I just wanted to let the DET know what was going on as I thought it would mean that they would be more concerned for the children and their welfare and provide support and counseling. No document produced under FOI refers to any complaint against a teacher.

The initial allegations of bias, victimisation, bullying and corruption were made against bureaucrats in the Selective Schools Unit on 29th December 2002 after we received documents under FOI in relation to my children’s OC applications in the year 2000, 2001 and two Selective High school applications in the year 2002 that showed alarming amounts of evidence of extensive evidence of bias, tampering, discrimination and manipulation.

Further allegations were made in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 after documents produced under FOI in relation to our other children’s school applications and other matters showed clear evidence of systematic bias, victimization, manipulation and discrimination.

Sure there might be a few bureaucrats feeling sick because I pursued complaints but hey there were a few kids and a family very sick too. These bureaucrats were trying to destroy people who were innocent. The DET didn’t want to deal with the issue of my children’s mental abuse because they were to blame and that is the truth
Posted by Jolanda, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 7:18:55 AM
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you make intesting reading.

I would love to see evidence that supports what you said below:

"A few weeks later their response was to target my son. They do this so as to create another situation and move the attention away from the situation at hand and confuse things. This wasn't the first time they targeted my son, my children have been targeted relentlessly."

and evidence about

Teachers humiliating my children and making sarcastic comments about my children’s intellect in front of the whole class and continuously criticizing them.

and evidence about

Teachers regularly totally ignoring my children when they are the only kid with their hand up wanting to answer a question and instead making a point to ask them to answer questions when they didn't have their hand up so as to put them on the spot and embarass them.

you claim you can "support everything I say with evidence", would be interested to see what evidence you have to support these claims.
Posted by Annoyed Parent, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 7:41:13 AM
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I wish that you had taken my post in the spirit of advice rather than as a challenge. I'm not debating whether your children are gifted - to be honest I don't care - I'm just saying that your credibility will improve if you prove it rather than bang on about it. Gifted doesn't mean very intelligent. I was streamed in the "opportunity group" at primary school and got a scholarship to a private high school and believe me, no one ever suggested I was "gifted". (Brainy, yes. But then I discovered boys.)

What evidence to you have that your children's test scores were tampered with other than the fact that they didn't achieve as highly as you expected? If you have it, why not post it on your website?

Your highly emotive language is weakening your case. So are clear irrationalities like "Why are so many people happy to deny children their right to be protected from harm?" I think you need to be sensible - obviously no one wants to deny children that right. What people are debating is the veracity of your claims. Likewise: "These bureaucrats were trying to destroy people who were innocent." This sounds extremely unlikely. People need strong motivation - usually money - to risk their whole career in order to "destroy" innocent people. You do not appear to have any evidence to back up this claim at all.

I'm not saying that events as you describe them did or did not happen. I'm saying the reason people on this board doubt you is that you use extremely emotional language and make extreme allegations without backing it up with evidence. If you can't make most people on OLO believe you (who by and large love a conspiracy theory), why would DET? Why don't you consider changing your approach? There is no doubt in my mind it would benefit your children.
Posted by Vanilla, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 9:02:42 AM
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