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The Forum > General Discussion > Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

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On the other hand, the female Italian PM is well ahead of the girly-man Albanese, as she kicks out of Italy Islamists and anti- Semites.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2024 7:47:43 AM
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"He" is actually a "she": a 65 year old woman.
_ If that's the only thing I got wrong, well no big deal.
The other things I discussed are probably more important.

"Armchair Critic needs to try to control his anti-Semitic hate speech before the hate speech legislation is up and running. Particularly in Victoria, where new legislation banning everything is in the offing."

- Maybe.
Maybe I should self censor and NOT say what I really think...
And then I can carry on with the fake 'Yay Australia, what a great country we live in' hysteria, as the country slides further and further around the S-bend.

Maybe the laws around antisemitism are just as vague and suspect as these disinfo and misinfo laws.
I've said plenty of things over the years which Jews might not exactly be impressed about, but I've never said anything that wasn't without merit, do you all support putting me before a magistrate on that basis?

Lets cut through the bs...

What if I said 'I hope Iran lights up the sky with incoming warheads and sends this apartheid ethnic-cleansing land-stealing religious-fanatical-genocidal terrorist state back to the stone age.'

Is that antisemitic?
Is it unlawful?

People talk about Iran being a terrorist state.
- But Iran targeted Israel in response to Israels targeted assassinations on its consulate and territory and they didn't kill ANY civilians.

On the other hand, the people you say are the good guys have absolutely no respect for human life.
Think about that.

What sort of nation is this, that holds celebratory chicken killing festivals to absolve themselves of all sins - during a genocidal mass slaughter on innocent women and kids, and are conscripting their kids into the military to rule over, subjugate and oppress the biblical amelekites (because its an apartheid state that can't exist without conflict) and it's true religious goal requires the facilitation of land theft.
What sort of person does one become
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2024 8:20:49 AM
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On the subject of girly-men and wimps who won't defend their countries and their people, I have just this minute read a piece going back to 1985, when Soviet diplomats were kidnapped by Islamist terrorists. The Russians responded by castrating a relative of the Lebanese Shia leader to whom they sent the organs, then shot the relative in the head. The possibility of a nuclear accident was also mentioned.

The hostages were released, and no Russian has since been kidnapped in the Middle East.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2024 8:28:48 AM
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Dear Nathan,

«As for the insinuation of 'if they crack down on certain people, say neo-nazis, they'll crack down/silence/ban me', please spare me the rhetoric. It's not going to happen and if anything it's nothing more than hypothetical.»

But it is true.
Neo-Nazis are a minority and so are we, vegetarians.
Today they crack down on one minority - tomorrow it could be another.
They might label vegetarianism as "unAustralian", then order us "eat this meat or I cut off your next finger".

Better suffer those idiots who raise their arm in the air, so long of course as they do not physically touch us.

«Also, people need to be responsible for what they put out»

And indeed they are, whether they know it or not.
Don't you have faith in God's divine justice?

«That being they've fallen for or taken in someone else's lie/false information etc. when they could be getting good quality information provided to them - and learn something at the same time.»

Psalm 1 verse 1 (in other words, Wisdom 101):
"Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers"

- Just avoid social media and all will be well!

«It doesn't all have to be by the Government, but can include people speaking out for example and calling out their appalling behaviour.»

Sure - name and shame them, do not allow them on your premises, do that and may God bless you!

«but it's at the expense of those directly affected by the actions of neo-nazi's.»

Like who?
How can one be directly affected by some idiots merely raising their arms in the air?

Yes, some graziers might be financially affected by us not purchasing their meat, but that is only an indirect effect.

Here we have Armchair Critic effectively wishing my family in Israel dead ("What if I said 'I hope Iran...sends this...state back to the stone age.'")
- so what? Just rumbling so, God will not listen to his prayers!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 13 October 2024 9:19:38 AM
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As stated in "The New KGB":

" There is no dispute about the enormity of Hitler's
Holocaust. But it is equally important to be as aware
of the accomplishment of the Soviet secret police and
the Soviet regime, which brought death to as least four
times as many Russians, Poles, Jews, Latvians,
Lithuanians, Estonians, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese,
Gypsies, and Romanians, as Hitler did in his eleven
years as a leader of the "1,000-year Reich".

While half of the criminals, the Nazis, have been pursued
all over the world for their crimes, the other half, the
the communist criminals, were allowed to go free.

They were, in effect, given tacit permission to continue
the operation of their concentration camps, to expand their
draconian systems to include psychiatric wards, thereby raising
torture, suppression, and murder to a science.

The fact that the process persisted was vividly disclosed
to the West was by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn.

And today, we have atrocities still being committed - in the
Ukraine, the Middle East, and elsewhere around the globe.

The cry - "Never again" should be - never again for anyone.
And if we're going to ban one set of acts and symbols - we
should ban them all not just a select few.

Where do we draw the line?

And what will banning really achieve? It may have the opposite
effect - of forcing activities underground and making them
stronger. It's more effective to have things out in the open.
Where everyone can see them for what they are - spreaders of
hatred and evil.

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 13 October 2024 10:47:59 AM
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Hi NathanJ

I am not defending the use of nazi symbols – quite the opposite. I just think making them illegal is wrong and counter-productive.

In my dim and distant youth in the UK I was a member of the Anti-Nazi League, and remember waving a banner which equated the National Front to Nazis with the image NF = [swastika].

You can see a copy of the image here:

I don’t think that should be a criminal offence.
Posted by Rhian, Sunday, 13 October 2024 1:04:43 PM
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