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Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

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Hi Rhian,

Thanks for your stats.

In our Prime Minister's election campaign we saw a PM
who thought he'd "successfully manage an idealistic,
collaborative, and positive "New politics" that would
bring people together to work for the good of the
country. The PM went to the 2022 election with his
"new politics"- a collaborative style agenda that
sought to bring all Australians, including business,
labour, Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

Unfortunately the old politics of culture wars, of "them"
and "us" remained with us. The PM's strategy was based on
assumed common interests, kindness and compassion rather
than divisiveness. However the strategy was easier to
implement as an election strategy than in government.

Australian politics has become so polarized - especially
over the developments in the Middle East. The government is
accused of so many things by the Opposition, the Murdoch
press, and as we can see some posters on this forum.

Blaming migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers is so unfair.
Especially when so many are running from oppression,
and persecution. From injustice and inequality. As we know
in the many cases that we as a country have accepted, they
would have joined the millions murdered by the regimes
from which they were fleeing.

I therefore care deeply about refugees and asylum seekers
and that they should be met and welcomed by us all. They
are not criminals - and end up contributing so much to our
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 12 October 2024 10:26:49 PM
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I can't believe some of the things I am reading here. It's like I'm reading things from neo-nazi apologists.

As for the insinuation of 'if they crack down on certain people, say neo-nazis, they'll crack down/silence/ban me', please spare me the rhetoric. It's not going to happen and if anything it's nothing more than hypothetical.

Also, people need to be responsible for what they put out, and no we shouldn't have to put up with people who put out lies, misinformation and utter rubbish under some sort of free speech guise. We've seen that far too often at the expense of people actually learning something and people improving their life. That being they've fallen for or taken in someone else's lie/false information etc. when they could be getting good quality information provided to them - and learn something at the same time.

So, I really have no problem with banning nazi acts and symbols. It doesn't all have to be by the Government, but can include people speaking out for example and calling out their appalling behaviour. If some of it is though from government - so be it.

I think often people not affected by the actions of neo-nazi's stand some sort of high moral ground about personal freedoms and feel great about themselves, but it's at the expense of those directly affected by the actions of neo-nazi's. There's no care or compassion shown at all.

We've also just had on Saturday a Victorian Police officer suspended over alleged neo-nazi salutes and heil Hitler comments.

Nazi Germany committed mass murder on an unprecedented scale. The Nazis and their allies and collaborators killed millions of Jewish people. Please let's not forget that everybody with your defense of neo-nazi symbols and the like.
Posted by NathanJ, Sunday, 13 October 2024 12:12:31 AM
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That's very anti-German of you NathanJ
You know if I stand back and take it all in, it's completely ridiculous.

Israel's an irrational death cult thats gone mad and reckless and is led by sociopathic maniac who has committed genocide in accordance with international law and is still going ahead and committing war crimes in Gaza in Lebanon, in the West Bank, in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen and he's also threatening that he can reach everywhere across the world so we're definitely not talking about a rational actor we're talking about a reckless genocidal entity led by a sociopathic lunatic and backed by the United States.

So we've got that happening, right.
Ever since this bs happened on Oct 7 2023, it's like everyone has been walking on egg shells trying not to offend Israel or Jewish people.

And you people are worried about Nazi salutes?
Hey everyone, lets not offend 'God's chosen people'
It's funny how 'anti-race' only applies to them.
Probably every Jew on the planet needs a NAZI salute right now.
Go get your own house in order, you can't because you're a racist apartheid state that has caused nothing but conflict.
Stop telling us how to live in our own countries.

Israel starts genociding women and kids, blowing up hospitals, apartment buildings, targeting medics, journalists etc. and all you lot can do is lay there on the ground in the fetal position pissing your pants, too scared to say shite.
And what, we all pass new laws that protects the Jewish people from living in fear, when people start jacking up about what they see on the TV?

Give me a break.

If I was to NAZI satute a Jewish stranger it wouldn't be because I want them frightened that someone will hurt them, it's because of what they're nation is DOING RIGHT NOW.

What they're doing in 2023 is worse than what Hitler did in 1939.

It didn't start on October 7.

I grew up watching TV shows that made fun of NAZIs, you neutered lapdogs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2024 2:31:54 AM
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An Australian police sergeant likely to be charged over a Nazi salute
'An Australian state police chief has apologized to the Jewish community after a sergeant allegedly performed an outlawed Nazi salute'

Read differently:
'An Australian police officer has publicly laid on the ground in the fetal position and peed his pants in a typical display of loyalty, regret and public embarrassment for upsetting the pro-genocide Jewish community'.

I think maybe this officer needs some good 'Australian' punishment.
Send him to holocaust education, like they did to the girl at Officeworks.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2024 3:08:16 AM
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"He" is actually a "she": a 65 year old woman.

All the fuss about a comical Nazi salute, when the entire Victorian police force actually behaved like Nazis during Covid. Or, rightly the
Stasi, the Leftist version of Nazi. Victorians should be worried about the Allan Stasi government, not a couple of Gilbert & Sullivan Nazis.

Armchair Critic needs to try to control his anti-Semitic hate speech before the hate speech legislation is up and running. Particularly in Victoria, where new legislation banning everything is in the offing.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2024 7:26:33 AM
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Female police. Female sailors. In New Zealand a lesbian naval Commander sank 1/6th of NZ's navy on a reef.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 13 October 2024 7:40:23 AM
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