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The Forum > General Discussion > Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

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Hi Rhian,

All far right organisations and political parties in society develop a common persona regardless of what name they trade under, Nazi, National Action etc, or in Australia One Nation, they all embrace the treats of Fascism and Nationalism. Flags, uniforms, symbols etc, form part of that glorified persona. The far right always love a good marching band!

They are all the same; Authoritarian, Nationalistic, suppressive, regimental, racists, anti-minorities, oppressive, economic and social interventionists, anti-libertarian. The often begin in a fairly moderate fashion claiming to support freedom, democracy, social justice, even liberalism. They generally need a charismatic leader to gain traction, they often feed off other political ideologies such as Conservatism and will to some degree seem reasonable to moderates and a hedge against other extremist, such as Communists. Given the right social, political and economic condition far right radicals will gain support from the general public.

p/s, If One Nation was ever to gain any kind of political authority in Australia, Pauline Hanson would be sidelined in an instant
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 13 October 2024 2:06:23 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
"Here we have Armchair Critic effectively wishing my family in Israel dead ("What if I said 'I hope Iran...sends this...state back to the stone age.'")
- so what? Just rumbling so, God will not listen to his prayers!"

Don't conflate one thing for another Yuyutsu.
I never wished your family dead.

I have said consistently for an entire year and more that I support diplomacy, negotiations and compromise over conflict.
I have said consistently said that I oppose the killing of innocents.

But I've had it with Israels religious fanatic leaders and their Greater Israel plans, and their genocide, the murder of women, kids, elderly, journalists, doctors, medics, humanitarian aid workers, UN staff, torture, starvation, political assassinations, enless moaning about their dead (they are the chosen ones) but a complete lack of concern for anyone else, because you see the whole world as your enemy, and you know what many are.

If you have a 'God's chosen people' attitude and level of wank*r hubris that surpasses all normal people, it's no wonder you don't make friends easily.

My position is if your family CHOOSES to stay, then they put THEIR own lives at risk, unlike the Palestinians, they can leave, and I genuinely hope for yours and their sake things don't turn out badly if they stay.
As far as I'm concerned your family's lives aren't worth anymore than anyone else's,

The world has tried diplomacy, that didn't work.
Next is military intervention on a basis of human rights, isn't that how it goes?
I copped a year of your lot murdering kids.
Enough to see what type of people the Israelis really are, and it's no surprise Oct 7 happened in the first place when the Abraham Accords would've put an end to a Palestinian State.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2024 2:50:12 PM
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As far as I can see the ONLY people defending the lives of the Palestinians kids are Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.

I'm sick of Israel carrying a big stick and putting it's middle finger up to the world and international law.
Right now Israel is trying to starve the Palestinians again.

I support whatever it takes for Israel to stop killing women and kids.
Israel wanted to stop giving the Palestinians food and water.

I'd support a total blockade of Israel.
It's the same rules Israel is playing by.
I wouldn't care if the 5 power plants in Israel were blown up, then their water purification blown up as well, and let your warmongering state wallow in your own stinking sewerage for a while.

- Let your people finally find out that God's chosen peoples shite really does stink just the same as anyone else's.

I don't care anymore if Palestinians and Lebanese do to you, what you've been doing to them.
In fact only when the Israelis pay a price themselves might the Israelis see sense in all this foolishness.

What they need is a good serving of 'regret'.

Israel chose the sword on Oct 8, they can reap what you've sowed or leave.

I never wished your family dead, you drew that false conclusion yourself when I said the state of Israel needs to be stopped in what its doing to innocent people.

Look at the list of things Israel stands accused of.
With a list like that, was Hitler wrong?

It's not my fault Israel is ruled by fanatics.
I made my choice, I stand in defense of the innocent.
Those people who are no longer here to speak for themselves.
- Because of what Israel has done and continues to do.

Sorry, but you can't expect me to put your familys lives above anyone else's so the slaughter of innocents can continue for another year.
It's your job to protect your family, not mine.
If they were my family, I'd be telling them to get on the next canoe out of there.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 13 October 2024 2:59:51 PM
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the ONLY people defending the lives of the Palestinians kids are Hamas,
Armchair Critic,
Palestinians only require defending because of Hamas from what I get to see from the media..
Sort of like arsonists playing hero after they started a blaze.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 13 October 2024 7:31:57 PM
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Hi Paul

I agree with much of what you say about the far right, but would add that most of it applies equally to the far left. They have their uniforms – how many LNP members in Australia do you think wear a keffiyeh? They have flags (usually red). They have symbols (e.g. the hammer and sickle).

They are also authoritarian, suppressive, regimental, oppressive, economic and social interventionists, and anti-libertarian. They too often begin in a fairly moderate fashion claiming to support freedom, democracy, social justice, even liberalism. They also gravitate around charismatic leaders. And they can shade into racism, as the blurred lines between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism show.

I would add other similarities. Both feed on a sense of grievance and victimhood. Both are collectivist ideologies seeing the world through the lens of conflict between groups – national identity and culture for the far right, class for the traditional left, and identity markers such as race, gender and sexual orientation for the “woke” left.

As Foxy has pointed out, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of even more innocents than Hitler. Yet no-one, so far as I know, has called for the hammer and sickle to be banned.
Posted by Rhian, Sunday, 13 October 2024 8:22:08 PM
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Dear Rhian,

Thank you for another great post.

«how many LNP members in Australia do you think wear a keffiyeh?»

May I note that the first Zionists that came to Israel in the early 20th century wore keffiyehs?

They admired the local Arabs, they wanted to learn from them, to be connected to the land like them, they wanted to invite them to be part of their Zionist project as valuable brothers and sisters, not to kick them out.

The Zionists were then rejected, but not because they were Jews (there were Jews in Israel beforehand too), not because they were aggressive or anything, but because they brought modernity with them, they brought progress, innocently they thought the Arabs would love it and thank them, and thus challenged the rule of Muslim clerics who incited their flocks against the Jews.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 13 October 2024 9:23:16 PM
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