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The Forum > General Discussion > Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

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These play “Nazis” that we see occasionally - pushing in on the Deeming/Parker real women-only rally was the last time they got any press - in their baseball caps and shorts (probably with plumber's cracks showing) are good for a laugh. I'm sure they offend some people, but they can be offended, and I'll have a laugh. The idea that these w..ckers are dangerous is the biggest laugh of all. The half-wit/useful idiot section of German Nazis wore brown (why they were called Brown Shirts). The galahs prancing around in Melbourne and Sydney can't even get the dress code right.

Happily for me, the idiots are attracted only to Melbourne and Sydney in numbers, like the Muslim extremists. They should all be trucked to Canberra to hold their riots.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 9:25:47 AM
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Got a flier in the mail that says Crisafully wants to give $10 Billion/year to multinationals. Well, seeing that they employ people it's still wiser than wasting it on Arts & incompetent bureaudroids etc.
It doesn't say that the flyer is from Labor. It only says authorised by Kate Flanders, Brisbane. They haven't even got the decency of saying that the flyer is a Labor leaflet.
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 9:35:50 AM
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What is more, we don't need Nazis when we have so many anti-Semites in the Green and Labor parties. Banning them might be a better idea than banning a few scungy faux Nazis. Albanese exhorts Jewish Australians to ‘stay at home: don't cause trouble’, while the ones causing trouble strut our streets, full of hate for Jews: and yes people, hate for the West in general.

As Tony Abbott says, “Israel is fighting for everyone, because ‘death to infidels’ Islam, is potentially coming for us all.” And Canberra keeps letting them in. Albanese's immigration is a stark reminder of what he thinks about Jews. 3,000 Palestinians straight from Gaza, most of whom voted for Hamas.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 9:47:49 AM
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Here's a link for anyone interested:

It gives the current situation of terrorism in Australia,
The history of the extremist groups. The incidents that
have taken place, including in various states. And,
legislation and enforcement.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 10:11:33 AM
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My apologies for the typo.

Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 10:15:39 AM
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While we are on ratbags and threats to Australia from within, one Dr. Randa-Abdel Fattah of Macquarie University, has pronounced that NSW police colours are Islamophobic because they are the same colours as the Israeli flag.

This batsh.t crazy female is a researcher on Muslim social justice movements on our dollar. She is an “expert on hatred directed Muslims”.

I hate to think how crazy the in-expert dills are!

During visits to Sydney University, little kids are taught to squeal ‘intifada’ an ‘Israel is a terrorist state.

The “expert”, Dr. Fattah asserts that this exercise gives innocent children “agency”, whatever that means.

The nasty piece of work shares in Albanese's (taxpayers’) grant of more than $800,000 to to PROMOTE ACTIVISM.

Now, there is a visa that needs checking. A gaggle of ridiculous people playing at Nazis can't hold a candle to this sort of Fifth Columnist and West-hating anti-Semite, who shouldn't be with a bull's roar of our society.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 October 2024 10:20:14 AM
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