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The Forum > General Discussion > Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

Banning Nazi Acts And Symbols.

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Dear Critic,

«I've had it with Israels religious fanatic leaders and their Greater Israel plans,»

So has my family.

«If you have a 'God's chosen people' attitude and level of wank*r hubris that surpasses all normal people, it's no wonder you don't make friends easily»

Agreed - but neither myself nor my family have such attitude.

«if your family CHOOSES to stay, then they put THEIR own lives at risk»

For the time-being, they choose to stay in their homes and farm, near their children and grandchildren, their schools and kindergartens, near friends, near everything they built, planted and accumulated in their lives, their birthplace - not to wonder aimlessly around the world as beggar refugees.

Can you blame them for that?

They meanwhile also work on obtaining European passports, just in case.

«I copped a year of your lot murdering kids.»

MY lot?

Neither myself nor my family killed anyone, let alone kids.

«Enough to see what type of people the Israelis really are,»

Israelis, like Australians, are of many different types.

«it's no surprise Oct 7 happened in the first place when the Abraham Accords would've put an end to a Palestinian State.»

Which I and my family favour.

And who was murdered, wounded, raped and kidnapped on Oct 7?

Mainly peace-loving people like my family, because generally they're the kind of people who live in kibbutzim or attend outdoor music festivals (especially on a Jewish festival when those identifying as Jews attend synagogue instead). Netanyahu and his Nazi fellows' types were few between the victims.

«As far as I can see the ONLY people defending the lives of the Palestinians kids are Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran.»

They RUIN their lives, making them miserable, homeless and dead, and when not at war, they oppress their people with Islamic restrictions, especially the women.

«I support whatever it takes for Israel to stop killing women and kids.»

In your mind.
Your attitude does nothing for women and kids, but encourage the Islamists into more violence and pushes Israel into desperate acts to defend itself, including with nukes if needed.

Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 13 October 2024 10:53:10 PM
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What you actually support, is Netanyahu and his Nazi gang against normative Israelis who only want to survive.

«I'd support a total blockade of Israel.»

My family lives there - how about a total blockade of Australia?

«I wouldn't care if the 5 power plants in Israel were blown up, then their water purification blown up as well, and let your warmongering state wallow in your own stinking sewerage for a while.»

MY warmongering state? Australia?

So you wish my family to have no electricity and wallow in their stinking sewerage - and what do you expect them to do in turn? kiss your bottom perhaps?

«Let your people finally find out that God's chosen peoples shite really does stink»

My family does not need you to "find" that stench they already knew and helplessly smelt all their lives.

«I don't care anymore if Palestinians and Lebanese do to you, what you've been doing to them.»

Yes, do tell me, what have I ever done to them?

«In fact only when the Israelis pay a price themselves might the Israelis see sense in all this foolishness.»

Those who always saw sense, will continue so.
Those who haven't aren't going to change their skin.

«Israel chose the sword on Oct 8»

Israel chose to not surrender. Would you?
On Oct 8, Israel was still clearing its own territory from Hamas terrorists and did not yet even access all its corpses and the wounded.

«I never wished your family dead,»

Israel now has almost 10 million residents.
How many could the land carry in stone-age conditions?

«With a list like that, was Hitler wrong?»

Yes he was!

«It's not my fault Israel is ruled by fanatics.»

Nor mine, nor my family's.

«I made my choice, I stand in defense of the innocent.»

And my family, you claim, are not innocent?

«If they were my family, I'd be telling them to get on the next canoe out of there.»

To Indonesia or PNG, I presume... would you do the same or you wish them to drown?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 13 October 2024 10:53:16 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
There's a lot there to think about and respond to.

First of all, I'm sorry about the Hitler comment.
Those people didn't deserve that, any more than these people deserve this.

But do you kind of understand why I said it?
Israels score card is not looking too good right now.

'Israels religious fanatic leaders and their Greater Israel plans, and their genocide, the murder of women, kids, elderly, journalists, doctors, medics, humanitarian aid workers, UN staff, torture, starvation, political assassinations, withholding medicines etc'

How do you think normal people in the world see this?
- And not the religiously inclined Israel-firsters.
Right now the LNP's position is that they support the genocide, ICJ be damned - and they will only support a ceasefire when Israel itself wants one, fun fact.
You do realise Israel has actually been committing suicide, right?

You'll have the Jewish holocaust museum, blame the moustache man
Then you're going to have the Palestinian holocaust museum right next door, committed by Jewish people.

What I said about Iran going to send Israel back to the stoneage, you do realise that this isn't just my 'opinion' right?
It's Iran's stated contingency plans if Israel attacks, which it looks certain to do.

Have you been keeping track of what each side has been saying to each other?
Do you understand that Iran is more or less a nuclear armed state now already?

What if Iran targets Israels power stations, its water treatment and pumping stations, industries, communications towers?

These are Irans plans not mine.
Chances are pretty good that's what will happen this week.

I'm sorry, but there's a limit to how many atrocities I can sweep under the rug, I've seen too much footage of dead kids.
Then I had to see all the tears and crying on Oct 7 like were starting some yearly memorial.
Well here's your memorial:

This is what the world will remember.
What happens when the war stops, the worlds not going to forget what Israels done.
Jews are the NAZIs now, do you not understand?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 14 October 2024 12:08:56 PM
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Israel could've gotten ALL its hostages back.
Hamas specifically took them to trade for their own.

Israel initiated it's Hannibal doctrine, killed a large part of those 1200 itself in Oct 7 itself.
Then all the lies and bs about 40 beheaded babies.
Just the thing to get the people to support a genocide.

Israel has gotten used to the U.S. protection and have become a horrible nation of hate and death.
It carries the big stick.
Wat's going to happen hen Irans say 'No, screw you'
Then Israel has to try and beat everyone over the head to remind them.
They can't show weakness and must escalate the hate and hostility.

I'm just watching Israel committing suicide.
They are literally driving themselves off a cliff.
You think that somehow all this will end well?

Palestinians are under occupation, they have a provision under international law were they have a legal right to fight their oppressors, and just about every Israeli has done military service and is a reservist.
That pretty much makes most Israelis legitimate military targets.

Israel is an occupier, it has little rights under international law.
But it does have responsibilities including treating the Palestinians with decency whilst under occupation.

I wonder if Israel is going to have to force the Gazans out after all this, how can Israel retain a right to manage the security and welfare of these people, when it's been willfully starving them?

It's like Ukraine, they bombed their own for 8 years, then lost any moral right to rule over them.

China, Russia and the entire global south are against Israel.
They've become the pariah of the world, but they will try to blame everyone else.
And every other nation has to bear the cost of pissed off Muslims.

Australia should send Israel the bill.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 14 October 2024 12:44:25 PM
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Until Israel officially states its border, rejects its biblical land claims and puts an end to the oppression of the Palestinian people, it will continue to have problems and be a cancer upon the world.

As long as this continues, I will stand up for the innocent.

Whether Israel knew about Oct 7 in advance is speculative, but what is certain is that they tried to use it to further their own land theft / genocide aims, not wanting a good crisis to go to waste.

In doing this they sealed their own nations demise.
I said it a year ago, reap what you've sowed.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 14 October 2024 1:00:59 PM
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Israel claims a right to defend itself.
Who has the right to defend itself?
- The occupier, or the occupied?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 14 October 2024 1:05:49 PM
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