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The Forum > General Discussion > What if the Law Overules Science ? What are the Implications ?

What if the Law Overules Science ? What are the Implications ?

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In my discussions, sadly even people highly qualified in Political Science don't seem to understand Political Philosophy. I referred one person to Hegel's relationship with Marx and Classical Fascism and they didn't know what I meant. This seems fairly fundamental evolutionary Political Philosophy to me, but there you go. It seems that the progressive university academy doesn't want people to actually think. Not that I am a giant of political understanding, but I believe I deserve a better standard of experts.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 29 August 2024 11:36:09 AM
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"you mean to tell me that you never even hinted at the issue of rape or sexual assault?"

Yep. Didn't use the word rape or sexual assault. Didn't insinuate it. Didn't imply it. Didn't think it relevant. Only you thought otherwise.

Its worse to have trans women with cocks in female bathrooms because women (really trooly women) are more likely to get offended at seeing a hairy set of balls in their change-rooms than men (really trooly men) are likely to be offended seeing a vagina in their change-room.
Still its interesting that you are so anxious to rebut something I never said. Obviously you are concerned about the documented rapes by people claiming trans status in female only areas.

"Try engaging with my argument..."
You don't have have assertions. In a practical sense, these days, someone's gender claims are used to trump their biological reality. You deny this without evidence or even argument, just assertion.

Effectively you are saying blokes who call themselves sheilas should be allowed into all female areas but want to avoid that point by diverting to claims about rape etc.

You might be comfortable about people with cocks getting an all access pass to female areas just because they say they're a women. I'm not
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 29 August 2024 11:36:57 AM
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Making judgements as an alpha male on the behaviour of
how a transgender may or may not behave in a female WC - is a rather
narrow- one-sided - limited view. You have no way of knowing.
And you are pre-judging according to your own views.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 29 August 2024 11:43:59 AM
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I wonder if John Daysh thinks that "archetypal hierarchies that underpin the metaphysical substrate of Western civilisation" are a type of "ideological principle". Just a different principle than Marxism. Nietzsche talks about the Genealogy Of Morals- and morality evolved within Western civilisation, rightly or wrongly. I suppose that John Daysh thinks he knows more than I, he believes he is right, great , he can believe that, I haven't learned much new from his words. Teach before preach.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 29 August 2024 11:51:42 AM
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Despite the fact that safety would have to be the number one concern for critics of trans-inclusive restrooms - particularly where the safety of cisgendered women is concerned - I’m expected to believe that that’s not what you had in mind in your talk of bathroom use?

No, being the gentleman that you are, you were mostly concerned about the discomfort cisgendered women may feel in seeing male bits - and specifically in their “changerooms” now?


But it doesn’t end there. This all started with what was nothing more than an attempt from you to diminish my credibility and distract from arguments that you have no sound rebuttal to. None of this makes any difference at all to who is in the right when it comes to transgender issues, yet you’re doubling down anyway because you’ve backed yourself into a position where you have no choice but to double down.

This is what happens when people get tangled up in a web of their own lies.

//In a practical sense, these days, someone's gender claims are used to trump their biological reality. You deny this without evidence or even argument, just assertion.//

My pointing out the difference between biological sex and gender isn’t a mere assertion. It’s a fact.

But if you could let me know how this “trumping” affects others so negatively that we can’t treat these people with dignity and respect, and how exactly it negatively affects others, then by all means let me know and I’ll do my best to address your concerns.
Posted by John Daysh, Thursday, 29 August 2024 1:36:42 PM
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Foxy wrote: "Making judgements as an alpha male on the behaviour of
how a transgender may or may not behave in a female WC - is a rather
narrow- one-sided - limited view. "

But but but....I wasn't making any judgement, ya dill! Kindly redirect your silly assertions to JD.


You want to know how this silly transgender malarkey affects women who are actually women (the people you call ciswomen)? Well go no further than read the issue that started this - women being forced to open public spaces created for women to people who are pretend women. We also know of sports where women have been cheated out of prizes, medals and accolades by people with penises who claim to be female. And do I need to mention the TERFs again?

Here's an interesting conundrum. Caitlan Jenner used to claim to be a bloke named David Jenner. In that guise, David won praise and gold at Olympics. Now David says she's a sheila and its impolite and, in some places, illegal to refer to her previous guise. So when he/she/it won gold was she/him/it a bloke or a woman? Should she now return the medals incorrectly won as a bloke when she was always a woman?

Or an actor now known as Elliot Page who used to be Ellen Page -am I allowed to say that? This Ellen Page (who never existed apparently) won best actress Oscars for his/her films. Yet we are now told the actress was really a bloke and therefore won best actress awards by theft!

You see, when we go down this path of catering to the delusions of a few, everything becomes completely screwed up and nonsensical
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 29 August 2024 2:50:19 PM
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