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The Forum > General Discussion > The NDIS debacle

The NDIS debacle

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According to the Integrity Chief of the National Disability Insurance Agency ('integrity chief - now there's a misnomer!) 5% of the NDIS budget of $42 billion (yep 'B' billion) is stolen by criminals and rorters of the scheme. That is $2.1 Billion is stolen.

And that's just the theft they can identify. No one knows how much more is stolen that goes unnoticed. You know we a re a very rich country when we can piss this sort of money up against a wall and everyone just shrugs and treats it the cost of doing business.

When it was first introduced, we were assured it was going to cost less than $15 billion per year and would be highly controlled to ensure the money was well spent and benefited the most needy members of society.

Yeah well now its trebled in cost and is obviously not in the slightest tightly controlled. But its a government run scheme so what would you expect?

And what is their solution. Well now they are going to have a registration scheme for all the providers - administered by the government. As usual, we have a big government scheme that wantonly wastes taxpayer funds and the only solution they can think of is more government.

The NDIS was always going to be a money-pit. How could it be otherwise? No public servant or government is going to say no to any group or individual claiming to be needy or a victim.

But fear not, in a decade's time, only losing $2 billion a year will seem like a bargain.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 7 June 2024 5:01:08 PM
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We know. We know. It's all over the news - for a week. After that, there will be some other government f...k up that the politicians we vote for have engineered. Only people in the public eye can do anything about it. We just don't have those people in this increasingly rooted backward corner of the West.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 8 June 2024 12:20:45 PM
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Here we go again. Rather than acknowledge that the NDIS is a worthy and worthwhile scheme which helps the most needy in our society, the RWNJ's pile on it's problems. They never, ever acknowledge or accept that the rot and rorting occurred over the last 10 years when it just so happened to be under the watchful stewardship of the LNP coalition government. It's a (expletive) side easier for them to bitch and moan from the sidelines about the cost, rather than do something constructive about fixing it. You lot make me sick.
Posted by Aries54, Saturday, 8 June 2024 12:33:38 PM
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Thank God (G-d) the Lesbian horror story didn’t succeed in taking away our old clunkers from us…it was close.

Maybe the NDIS distracted the bit#h long enough to forget the scheme and abandon its concept of only the wealthy travelling to work by car, “It” was happy enough for the poor to ride a donkey or walk.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 8 June 2024 2:03:49 PM
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How long before it'll be admitted that NDIS & ROBODEBT were Labor orchestrated fiascos ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 8 June 2024 2:08:22 PM
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I specifically didn't mention either party in my original post for two reasons:
1. Because the failures in the system aren't caused by either party, or more exactly are caused by neither party. This is a failure of the bureaucracy not the parliament.
2. Because I knew some bozo would try to subvert the issue into a Lab v Lib thing, when its not.

I specifically didn't call for a reappraisal of the NDIS or call for funding cuts or criticise the rationale behind the scheme for two reasons:

1 the NDIS is a fundamental worthwhile project and something a rich country can afford and should do
2. I knew some bozo would use any claim for reappraisal as an excuse to attack the sincerity of those calling for the scheme to be made more efficient.

The scheme is generally supported by the public and both sides of the divide. But it will only remain thus so long as the public is sure that they aren't being taken for fools by the failures of the system. As usual, the bureaucracy has badly dropped the ball on this and allowed vast sums of money to be pissed up against the wall. Expecting the bureaucracy to fix it is a fool's errand
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 8 June 2024 4:50:48 PM
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