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Colonisation Of The West

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Do we want that? I don't ..mhaze.

Do you get a choice? No way do you!

It’s how the Democrats survive and flourish in the US; and likewise for the Australian equivalent Labor Party.
A simple policy to rust themselves in for the long term future.

If you are a Democrat or equivalent in the Western Democracies, mass immigration of the MENA variety is a shoe-in for winning elections.
You would know this fact of course: Are you a racist objector to mass immigration? Tut tut.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 16 May 2024 9:55:27 PM
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Migrants to any country face challenges both during
migration and settlement. Many come seeking a better
life for themselves and their families. Others come
because of war and other challenges, including political

People from minority groups often face settlement
challenging for many reasons, including a lack of
support services available. It also does not help
to have certain groups , be they African, or Middle
Eastern, regularly portrayed and publicized negatively
in the media. These groups then get viewed negatively
by many.

If only the media could publicize positive achievements
and what unites us instead of spreading negativity, fear,
and division. A better result may be achieved all round.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 16 May 2024 10:37:32 PM
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These Islamic migrants come with a different mindset.
As far as moslem girls are concerned they are not at much risk of rape.
If they did rape, except during war or raids, they would be killed
by the girls family.In the case of raids etc, she who is held by the
right hand may be used as a sex slave.
It is not a crime.
Infidel girls are simply fair game.
Remember the Xmas eve sex attacks in Cologne ? Literally hundreds !
Not heard of Rotheram UK? That was what that was all about.
Why do you think they are already calling for Sharia Law in Europe ?
Posted by Bezza, Thursday, 16 May 2024 11:44:20 PM
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Dear ttbn,


You denounce what you consider to be the “Colonisation Of The West” by Third World mass immigration, deploring that “Westerners and our values and democracies are being replaced”.

That sounds like a playback (in reverse gear) of “Colonisation by The West” 236 years previously when Captain Arthur Phillip sailed into Botany Bay with a fleet of 11 ships full of convicted criminals, to colonise the Aboriginal country we Westerners later called Australia.

Judging from your previous posts here on OLO, ttbn, I have the impression you think that the replacement civilisation is necessarily superior to the one it replaces, and that “the victor’s law”, values and democracy, apply.

If that’s the case, you have nothing to fear. It would seem to be in line with your ideas.

Unless, of course, you have changed your mind – which I doubt !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Friday, 17 May 2024 2:39:44 AM
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Heads in the sand.
If only the likes of Foxy would realise that ! Random & Paul1405 are exploiting that to the fullest to further their agenda !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 17 May 2024 8:21:23 AM
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Banjo Paterson

Why not gather a few of your like-thinkers together, and erect a tent embassy in front of the Italian embassy to protest the treatment of indigenous populations by the Romans.
That would make as much sense as your carping on about the treatment of the Indigenous Australians, who in the vast majority of cases were left to their own devices and ignored by the new settlers.

As an aside to your worship of DEI, I prefer the rearranged acronym to appear as “DIE”, since it is past the point of proof, the worshiping brain dead adherents are well down the path of murdering our Western culture.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 17 May 2024 8:22:11 AM
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