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The Forum > General Discussion > Screams before Silence.

Screams before Silence.

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"But what it does mean is that the reaction of Israel are understandable."

No mate, you don't get to sell that bs story unchecked.
It's all propaganda and bullshite, another one, just like other one.
Just like Israels '40 beheaded babies' story
Did you think we all forgot?

Deliberately manipulate the global public into a feeling of 'something must be done about Hamas!' to try and justify the revenge and retribution Israel was already planning to inflict upon ALL the Palestinians collectively.

Israel has to maintain control over any escalation.
Palestinians kill 1 Israeli, Israel has to kill 10 or 100 in response.
So that the Palestinians would hate those amongst their own who even try to resist the Israeli oppression.
Israel kills them and inflicts such misery upon them such that they would fight amongst themselves disunited rather than support resistance against the oppression.
Ben Gvir issued an order to lock up (and beat and torture) any Palestinian in the West Bank that even cheered about Oct 7.

Israel is a nation full of fanatical lunatics, who are desperate to throw off and trick everyone into thinking the only fanatical lunatics are Palestinian.

Did I not just tell you that you can't fool everyone all the time?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:35:12 AM
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"If I was an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement
with Israel. It is normal, we have taken their country.
It is true God promised it to us, but how could that
interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been
Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that
their fault? They see but one thing, we have come and we
have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

(David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel).

" Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves -
politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves.
The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want
to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to
take away from them their country. Behind the terrorism (by
the Arabs) is a movement which though primitive is not devoid
of idealism and self sacrifice."

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 assuring his fellow Zionists
that Palestinians will never come back to their homes.

"The old will die and the young will forget."

There's more on the web.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:38:26 AM
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Ok Christians, take note.
Israel is using it's objections to 'antisemitism' to censor you from your own bible.

While it has manipulated you with lies and used you as good little useful idiots to support it's clearly un-christian murderous interests...
- While you are looking the other way it is attacking your religion and your interests.

See this - Jews use 'genocide criticism' to lobby and impose new laws against Aussies

And see here

House passes antisemitism bill as Johnson highlights campus protests

>>After stating “antisemitism is wrong,” Greene said in a post on X that she would not vote for the bill because the definition of antisemitism adopted by the bill includes “claims of Jews killing Jesus” - claims that she argues are true.

She wrote on X that the Christian gospel says, “Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews,” an interpretation of the Bible that has been used historically to justify antisemitic attacks on the Jewish community. <<

So, if you say 'Jews killed Jesus', you'll soon get a knock on your door by the cops for hate crimes.

True story.

And how did it all happen?
- Because you let your 'democracy' be corrupted and conquered, see here

Israeli 'donations' buy congress, get congressmen to send Israel Americans money, and then entraps the United States into Wars it shouldn't be in;
i.e. If stealing money from Americans wallets isn't enough, they want Americans sons and daughters to come home in bodybags for Israel as well.
You people have a real strange way of viewing the world if you think sending your own kids to die for a foreign country is an idea worth defending.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:56:44 AM
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"Israel is a nation full of fanatical lunatics,"

And Foxy goes back to long dead Israelis to justify her anti-semitism.

Truly they are becoming insane, not just inane. Its pretty funny really although just a little sad as well.

When you can't make a logical argument, throw a tantrum.

"Israel is using it's objections to 'antisemitism' to censor you from your own bible."

Truly, AC will fall for anything. But this fits with his "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" idiocy, believing the evil Joos are behind everything. But don't say he's antisemitic, nosireee.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 10:25:56 AM
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Do you really believe that the crimes visited on the
Jewish people in the 20th century precludes people of
Jewish descent from committing crimes in the 21st

Or is it merely that they should be excused the
accusation because of their past sufferings?

Should the world turn a blind eye to collective
punishment, massacres of men, women, and children, and
indiscriminate slaughter? To the mass displacement of
civilians, to the bombardment campaigns in Gaza. To the
targeting of hospitals, refugee camps and ambulances.

Shouldn't all of us instead of accusing one side or the
other, or each other, all agree that the crisis is dire.
That the tragedy of the Palestinians is also the tragedy
of the Jews. That "My Country Right or Wrong," should not
work for any of us. And that war crimes are taking place.
That too many civilians have suffered greatly or lost
their lives.

This debate is not going away.

Amid mass death and suffering as well as sky-rocketing rates
of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia it is critical not to get
lost in a war of words and neglect the desperate need to
find a path to both short and long-term peace.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 11:03:59 AM
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Once again, thanks for the thread and video. I'm off. The hate-filled crap by OLO's top 2 leading nutters is too much for my stomach.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2024 11:22:15 AM
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