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Screams before Silence.

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Hi Random,

You wrongly attributed a quote to me:

Saying - Foxy said:

"Teaching kids to hate and believe it is their duty to
commit genocide is the heart of the problem and thanks to
Albo and PenPen Australian taxpayers are funding the
hatred and terror via UNRWA."

I did not say that.

Fester did on page 22.


Hi Fester,

According to the Sydney Jewish Museum:

"Jewish Kapos played a pivotal role in the history of the
Holocaust. Imprisoned in concentration camps Kapos were
enemies and victims of the Nazis. They were Jewish inmates
who were forced by the Nazis to serve as "stand-in" guards.

Being a Kapo blurred the lines between collaborators,
perpetrators, and victims."

I tried to tell you that the Gestapo used informers,
collaborators, and assistants from among the very people
they set out to enslave
or destroy. Some assisted voluntarily, while others
because of fear or weakness. I also spoke about those
men and women who refused to participate in the subjucation and
destruction of the targeted groups and individuals.
They died along with their entire families or accepted their
fates in the concentration rather than betray their fellow
human beings.

I can only be responsible for what I post - based on historical

I can't be held responsible for how you interpret things.
I would also appreciate it if you would stop using terms like -
Jew hatred - which is so wrong and divisive. And only adds
to unproductive discussions and the hurling of unnecessary

There's enough hatred as it is. We don't need to add to it.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:41:55 AM
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Hi Random,
You wrongly attributed a quote to me:

So I did stuff it up, sorry about that. This is a seriously tedious forum software and that contributes to that.

A simple Reply of Quote function would be so easy the even the uneducated RWNJ chattering masses here could use it. Maybe even I could.
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:59:22 AM
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:38:10 AM
Nothing, even the most horrific evidence of Hamas/UNRWA/Gazan/Islamic animalism will convince the "bother-siders". There would would have been no war, no atrocities, noone killed,

Wow, what a RWNJ you are. Maybe you should tell that to the Iraqis who did absolutely nothing to America, but millions of them were murdered anyway.

Anyone who votes for Pauline Pantsdown is expected to be a biggoted on-eyed racist, that's you to a Tee.
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 12:03:53 PM
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"I can't be held responsible for how you interpret things.
I would also appreciate it if you would stop using terms like -
Jew hatred - which is so wrong and divisive. And only adds
to unproductive discussions and the hurling of unnecessary

That's a good sentiment, Foxy. My interpretation is describing a kapo as a guard is a bit like describing a midden as a rubbish dump: There might be some common functions, but not to the extent you would think them the same. You might also be aware that there are people who claim that Jewish people collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for massacres of their own people such as the sinking of the MV Struma. To me it's crossing into the realm of holocaust denial.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 3:59:31 PM
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Hi Fester,

I merely present facts. It isn't my place to make judgements
or either excuses, not having lived during those times or
walked in their shoes. There are many stories about Kapos
and their experiences. All rather horrenduous. World War II
produced tens of millions of victims.

Some were combatants, some civilian casualties of the war.
Others were victims of genocide planned by the warring
powers. Both the Nazis and the Communists had committed
unheard of cruelties. Concentration camps - on both sides
of the front operated at a high pitch prior to and during the
war years.

While half of the criminals, the Nazis, have been pursued all
over the world for their crimes, the other half, the communist
criminals, were allowed to go free.

They were in effect, given tacit persmission to continue
the operation of their concentration camps, to expand their
draconian systems to include psychiatric wards, thereby
raising torture, suppression, and murder to a science.

The fact that the process persisted was vividly disclosed to
the world by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 May 2024 4:26:54 PM
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Hi Foxy,

It's depressing reading. I take the simplistic view that when societies fill themselves with fear and hatred, their existence tends to become miserable, and when they abandon the same their lives improve greatly. I would like to see OLO function as a positive example of my simplistic view.

Having a difference of opinion should not be a source of conflict. I rarely agree with AC for example, but am always in awe of his politeness and the great amount of knowledge evident in his responses.

The best thing I find about learning of the horrors of war is in reflecting on how much nations can change by adopting a different outlook. I don't think that can be said of Russia, and I don't think the outlook of Palestinians is helping them much either.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 5:05:48 PM
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