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Screams before Silence.

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Israel will go downhill over the next decade.
Global sentiment has turned against it, the world doesn't see Israel the same way as it did.
Western coalition cannot stop the attacks on Israeli shipping and ports.
They'll struggle economically, and Israelis will leave.
The population will shrink.
Israel no longer holds deterrent superiority in the region, Iran has shown an ability to strike Israel hard if necessary.
Netanyahu really needs a wider conflict to survive, Iran and Hezbollah know it, and they're not going to give it to him.
Russia and China will work on getting Hamas and Fatah to make peace, Hamas who holds political sway will force Fatah to concede, they will join, Hamas and Fatah will cease to exist and there will be a new entity.
Netanyahu will be gone.
(Depending on who wins the 2024 US election) America might force Israel to make peace with the new entity or back away from giving Israel the military support it has historically enjoyed, and Israel will concede.
All the murderous thieving settlers will go back to Brooklyn.
And occupied territories in West bank will be given back to the Palestinians.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:50:40 PM
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"Fortunately, Israel is stronger, and it is to be hoped that Hamas and its supporters will be put down, now and forever."

No, they're not stronger, in some ways they're actually mortally wounded.
And Hamas isn't going to be destroyed, so Israel won't achieve it's goals.
But Netanyahu doesn't have many options except to go into Rafah.

You want to know something ttbn?
All the western countries are literally committing suicide.
- Like, they're actually doing things that are going to hasten they're own demise.
It's time the collective West had a full leadership cleanout.
It needs to be purged of many old snouts.

Russia, China, Iran... etc, they're literally all sitting back saying
'Thank God for making my enemies so stupid'.

They literally don't have to do anything.
It's like the West is trapped in quicksand, it's struggling and making the situation its got itself in worse.
These nations can literally all just sit back while the US destroys itself.

Even China knows that sanctions against its banks are coming, knows the Wests playbook and is well-prepared.
They will respond in a way the West doesn't expect when the West makes it's move, and it will blow up in the Wests faces just like it did when they tried it on Russia.

The West is digging it's own grave, falling into its own trap.
Right now they're advertising their desperation, demanding China stop helping Russia in Ukraine (admission that they're losing)
And complaining and making demands about 'overcapacity', (admission they can't compete) and moving towards protectionism.
The west cannot compete in key areas like EV's and solar panels, manufacturing and other high end technologies and they won't have any significant stake in the energy of the future.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2024 12:18:26 AM
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"I'll say it again. If the Arab animals had not done what they did on October 7, there would have been no deaths in Gaza."
- Yes there would be, there would still be murderous settlers supported by the IOF, executions, indefinite detention without charge, torture and ethnic cleansing at a minimum, and no-one in the world would be paying attention.

Well October 7 did change everything, the world paid attention.
Israel fell into Hamas trap with it's hardline rhetoric and hubris.
They knew what Israel would do, and that Netanyahu and his right wing lunatics would be foolish enough to lash out in front of the whole world, they had to.

Israel's been hoisted by it's own petard.
It's not going to live down the genocide in the eyes of the world anytime soon.
You fools don't get it, because of your blinkers-on bias.
No-one cares much for the Israeli victims (which is sad for the genuine ones) and you know why?
- Because Israel slaughtered far too many Palestinian women and kids in revenge, that's why.
Got caught out assassinating innocent people too many times.

I bloody well told you what was going to happen, so no point getting mad at me for saying it.
Why are Israelis leaving in droves if Israel won?
Answer = They didn't win anything, but they may have lost everything.
We'll see how things pan out as they move forward.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2024 12:47:11 AM
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So we'll put AC in the "its OK to rape and mutilate women" camp. shall we?

Well OK so long as they're Jews. What a guy.

And somehow is this addled mind, while its OK to rape and mutilate, its not OK to try to stop the rapes and mutilations from ever happening again. Because .....Jews.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 7:00:16 AM
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"Thankyou for bringing attention to that video. My wife and I have just finished watching it."

Yep and my family sat through it as well. I suspect if more of those cheering for Hamas were required to see it, the world would be a very different place.

But alas, the world is full of ACs.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 7:02:51 AM
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Not only did Hamas and assorted Arab savages deliberately - not accidentally - murder civilian men, women, children, and babies: they raped the women, cut off their breasts and threw them away, mutilated their genitalia, cut off feet and hands and heads, shot their faces to pieces so they could not be identified.

That should make the hearts of the Gazan fanboy/girl on OLO swell with pride. Let's see if they can dredge up similarities with the IDF on their beloved Google, Guardian or ABC.

Society doesn't need to be kept “safe” online by Madam Censor; it needs to be kept physically safe from the loonies living among us, a couple of whom infest OLO, apart from the couple of thousand “refugees” from Gaza that Albanese has fast-tracked in.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:14:37 AM
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