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Screams before Silence.

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Much of the world is trying very hard to forget that the current mayhem in Gaza was bought on by the most horrific massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

We even see some now denying that the events of 7 October 2023 even occurred.

I know there are many here who will avert their eyes and not want to see the truth but I just thought it was important that this documentary receive as wide a distribution as possible. So watch it/don't watch it. Its your conscience.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 30 April 2024 6:14:44 PM
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Dear Mhaze,

It is not possible to watch the clip you pointed at which demands to first "confirm your age" - not unless one is willing to get in bed with those filthy internet corporations.

«the current mayhem in Gaza was bought on by the most horrific massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.»

That massacre had nothing particular to do with Jews: Arab Israelis, including devout Muslims, were murdered too, as well as Buddhist Thai agricultural workers and a Christian Philipina carer of an elderly Israeli.

Hamas hates the Israelis because they introduced modernity and liberalism into the region, and unlike the German-Nazi holocaust, not specifically because most of them also happen to be Jews.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 7:52:16 AM
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We should not ignore the violence against Israelis
and exclusively focus on the plight of the Palestinian
people. The same as we should not ignore the violence
against Palestinians and exclusively focus on the plight
of the Israelis. Hamas's horrific attack, which included
physical and psychological torture, mass rape and the
taking of more than 200 hostages left Israeli society
deeply traumatised.

On the other hand Israel's land grabs, occupation and
the mistreatment of Palestinians for decades, and now
the bombardment of Gaza and the travesty going on there
leaves the Palestinians also deeply traumatised.

The responses that focus only on either Palestinian or
Israeli victimhood and dismiss either Israel's or Palestine's
experiences of violence and terror are likely to contribute
to both sides senses of isolation and anger.

The more that both sides feel abandoned by the international
community the harder it is going to be to bring a workable
and lasting peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The situation is dire enough without making things worse
and the situation bad by taking sides.

My heart goes out to the innocents on both sides.
Revenge does not amount to victory.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 9:27:19 AM
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Nothing, even the most horrific evidence of Hamas/UNRWA/Gazan/Islamic animalism will convince the "bother-siders". There would would have been no war, no atrocities, noone killed, if the disgusting animals from Gaza had not committed their filthy crimes against Israeli non-combatants: innocent people just leading ordinary lives. Slaughtered, raped and mutilated by cowardly hyenas just because of their religion - not bullsh-t about 'stolen land'. Just pure hatred.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:38:10 AM
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Apparently "hatred" is not considered an appropriate
answer to what motivates Palestinians in this conflict.
The Israelis need to control their habit of pissing
the Palestinians off.

Some people really suck the nice out of others.

Just saying,. And trying not to take sides.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:13:31 AM
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Dear Ttbn,

«Slaughtered, raped and mutilated by cowardly hyenas just because of their religion»

What's religion to do with it?

Fatima Abu-Arar, a 32 year old mother of 9, was murdered on October 7th by Hamas at an Israeli road intersection close to Gaza.
She was shot multiple times by a convoy of Hamas motorcycles who could easily see that she was Muslim woman wearing the Hijab, each shooting her in turn as they passed.
On her last dying moments she repeated the final Muslim recitation: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet".

The Quran forbids killing women and children.
The Quran forbids intoxication: those Nukhba motorcyclists were on amphetamines.

No, there could not be a religious motive for these murders.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 1:37:56 PM
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Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert tells us
that a two-state solution is the only viable option.
However he reminds us that "it isn't fashionable to
trust Palestinians, any Palestinians." he says that
"This is the time when you're meant to hate them.
But this is BS."

"When I argue with people, I say, what is the solution?
What do you think can be done? Do you think that we can
continue to control 4.5 million people without rights,
with unlimited occupation, forever? Do you think that
can work?"

"Then, they of course don't have an answer," he adds.

But are the Israelis in the mindset to even discuss a
two-state solution?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 1:52:15 PM
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Dear Foxy,

"it isn't fashionable to trust Palestinians, any Palestinians."

So what? Israel is not being asked to trust them, Israel is only being asked to give them a state, then let them have it!

By doing so, Israel can make peace with Saudi-Arabia and nearly all Middle-Eastern countries (bar Iran) as well as with the rest of the world, including with nearly all American and European progressives, including even with Foxy and several other OLO members!

The wars will no doubt go on - the so-called "Palestinians" will continue to use their state to attack Israel, but once Israel is united within and once it also regains the support of rest of the world, it will always be ready and will never be caught off guard again like it did on Yom Kippur 1973 and on October 7th.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 4:27:16 PM
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It is said that 27 women have been murdered in Australia this year (120 days). 27 out of a female population on 13 million. And the entire nation has gone berserk with rallies, protests and demands that the whole legal system be upended to ensure it never happens again.

Around 600 Israeli women were murdered in one day. 600 out of a female population of around 5 million. And not just murdered but raped, tortured, breasts cut-off while alive and dead, genitals desecrated, gang rapes, bullets to the head and/or vagina, foetuses cut out, some kidnapped and raped later. Yet Israel is urged to not try to ensure it'll never happen again. Instead they're urged to forget what happened and move on.

Imagine a politician in Australia in the current political climate telling women they need to forget those 27 murders and move on; forgive the perpetrators, understand what motivated them; live with it and wait for the next murder. A quick way to the end of a career if not worse.

Yet that's what the anti-semitites want from Israel.

Fortunately for Israel women (and men) the Israeli government isn't going to forget and is going to do all within its power to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 5:11:18 PM
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Thankyou for bringing attention to that video. My wife and I have just finished watching it.

"The screams will echo forever". And so they should.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 9:11:15 PM
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"Around 600 Israeli women were murdered in one day" - A regrettable loss of life.
- But sadly IDF are legitimate targets and that would be about half the number quoted

(But many of these IDF girls brag about killing Palestinians from the safety of their tank or camera operated machine guns on the wall)

* Israel killed on average 135 children per day, for months, by dropping bombs on them and turning them into mince - the same kind of outcome if you threw those same kids live into a woodchipper.

Still killing them now.
October, November, December, January, February, March, April....

Don't make out the screams are only happening on one side.
- Or that the screams on the Israeli side are louder.

I'm sorry about the Israeli women, and any other innocent person harmed.
(Some of those Israeli IDF women weren't innocent)
But the scumbag Israel supporters couldn't give a toss about dead Palestinian women or kids.

I remember seeing at least a dozen 14-storey buildings being flattened within 30 seconds, within the first week after the attack
Don't try to tell me Israel didn't kill 600 civilians just in that single attack on Northern Gaza.

Israel is deliberately mass killing civilians and journalists.
You know why?

They wish to put the hand of death on every single innocent Palestinian to send a message to not support any kind of resistance to the boot Israel keeps on their throat.
And they don't want the sick things they are doing making the papers.

Israel is a terrorist nation that routinely conducts assassinations in foreign nations and bombs embassies and consulates, and that's not even mention the crimes against the Palestinians.

Hopefully Netanyahu will be considered a war criminal by the ICC this week and the USA will not be able to send them any more bombs.

Israel's desperate to try to gain some moral high ground to distract away from or justify the deliberate mass killing of civilians, especially at a time when the ICC is about to make a judgement.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:33:42 PM
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I'll say it again. If the Arab animals had not done what they did on October 7, there would have been no deaths in Gaza. Further back, if the "innocent" Gazans had not supported Hamas, as they did and still do, they would have been alive today. But no: at least 75% supported terror, and a good many of them took part in the atrocities against young Israelis just doing what young people do, in their own country.

Fortunately, Israel is stronger, and it is to be hoped that Hamas and its supporters will be put down, now and forever.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:06:13 PM
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Israel will go downhill over the next decade.
Global sentiment has turned against it, the world doesn't see Israel the same way as it did.
Western coalition cannot stop the attacks on Israeli shipping and ports.
They'll struggle economically, and Israelis will leave.
The population will shrink.
Israel no longer holds deterrent superiority in the region, Iran has shown an ability to strike Israel hard if necessary.
Netanyahu really needs a wider conflict to survive, Iran and Hezbollah know it, and they're not going to give it to him.
Russia and China will work on getting Hamas and Fatah to make peace, Hamas who holds political sway will force Fatah to concede, they will join, Hamas and Fatah will cease to exist and there will be a new entity.
Netanyahu will be gone.
(Depending on who wins the 2024 US election) America might force Israel to make peace with the new entity or back away from giving Israel the military support it has historically enjoyed, and Israel will concede.
All the murderous thieving settlers will go back to Brooklyn.
And occupied territories in West bank will be given back to the Palestinians.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:50:40 PM
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"Fortunately, Israel is stronger, and it is to be hoped that Hamas and its supporters will be put down, now and forever."

No, they're not stronger, in some ways they're actually mortally wounded.
And Hamas isn't going to be destroyed, so Israel won't achieve it's goals.
But Netanyahu doesn't have many options except to go into Rafah.

You want to know something ttbn?
All the western countries are literally committing suicide.
- Like, they're actually doing things that are going to hasten they're own demise.
It's time the collective West had a full leadership cleanout.
It needs to be purged of many old snouts.

Russia, China, Iran... etc, they're literally all sitting back saying
'Thank God for making my enemies so stupid'.

They literally don't have to do anything.
It's like the West is trapped in quicksand, it's struggling and making the situation its got itself in worse.
These nations can literally all just sit back while the US destroys itself.

Even China knows that sanctions against its banks are coming, knows the Wests playbook and is well-prepared.
They will respond in a way the West doesn't expect when the West makes it's move, and it will blow up in the Wests faces just like it did when they tried it on Russia.

The West is digging it's own grave, falling into its own trap.
Right now they're advertising their desperation, demanding China stop helping Russia in Ukraine (admission that they're losing)
And complaining and making demands about 'overcapacity', (admission they can't compete) and moving towards protectionism.
The west cannot compete in key areas like EV's and solar panels, manufacturing and other high end technologies and they won't have any significant stake in the energy of the future.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2024 12:18:26 AM
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"I'll say it again. If the Arab animals had not done what they did on October 7, there would have been no deaths in Gaza."
- Yes there would be, there would still be murderous settlers supported by the IOF, executions, indefinite detention without charge, torture and ethnic cleansing at a minimum, and no-one in the world would be paying attention.

Well October 7 did change everything, the world paid attention.
Israel fell into Hamas trap with it's hardline rhetoric and hubris.
They knew what Israel would do, and that Netanyahu and his right wing lunatics would be foolish enough to lash out in front of the whole world, they had to.

Israel's been hoisted by it's own petard.
It's not going to live down the genocide in the eyes of the world anytime soon.
You fools don't get it, because of your blinkers-on bias.
No-one cares much for the Israeli victims (which is sad for the genuine ones) and you know why?
- Because Israel slaughtered far too many Palestinian women and kids in revenge, that's why.
Got caught out assassinating innocent people too many times.

I bloody well told you what was going to happen, so no point getting mad at me for saying it.
Why are Israelis leaving in droves if Israel won?
Answer = They didn't win anything, but they may have lost everything.
We'll see how things pan out as they move forward.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 2 May 2024 12:47:11 AM
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So we'll put AC in the "its OK to rape and mutilate women" camp. shall we?

Well OK so long as they're Jews. What a guy.

And somehow is this addled mind, while its OK to rape and mutilate, its not OK to try to stop the rapes and mutilations from ever happening again. Because .....Jews.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 7:00:16 AM
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"Thankyou for bringing attention to that video. My wife and I have just finished watching it."

Yep and my family sat through it as well. I suspect if more of those cheering for Hamas were required to see it, the world would be a very different place.

But alas, the world is full of ACs.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 7:02:51 AM
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Not only did Hamas and assorted Arab savages deliberately - not accidentally - murder civilian men, women, children, and babies: they raped the women, cut off their breasts and threw them away, mutilated their genitalia, cut off feet and hands and heads, shot their faces to pieces so they could not be identified.

That should make the hearts of the Gazan fanboy/girl on OLO swell with pride. Let's see if they can dredge up similarities with the IDF on their beloved Google, Guardian or ABC.

Society doesn't need to be kept “safe” online by Madam Censor; it needs to be kept physically safe from the loonies living among us, a couple of whom infest OLO, apart from the couple of thousand “refugees” from Gaza that Albanese has fast-tracked in.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:14:37 AM
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Just a quick one on the 'sameness' of mainstream politicians.

The ABC reported yesterday on a ASIO revelation of a nest of Indian spies and (yes, not Chinese) that infiltrated Australia under Dutton's Ministership.

Just like Albanese, Dutton 'couldn't-comment-on-that', but yabbered about about ASIO getting enough funding as a clumsy and obvious cop out from fronting up and answering the question.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:44:04 AM
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Oops. That should have been in the Immigration thread. Never mind. Most of you don't give a sh-t anyway..
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:46:13 AM
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For those of you who do give a sh-t, this week's Spectator features a piece on the Albanese “train wreck” and how things could be better if the Coalition “actually opposed Labor” instead of falling in behind Labor like a good cattle dog”
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:54:34 AM
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I find it beyond bizarre that whenever the Hamas attack
on the 7th October is being discussed the moment one
mentions the need to understand the circumstances in
which it took place one gets accused of either being
anti-Semitic, a Jew hater, not giving a sh-t or supporting
or justifying terrorism. And Israel is presented as a
victim reacting to aggression.

Israel's occupation of the West Bank and it's iron
encirclement of the Gaza Strip. It's continued bombardment
is justified. Israel is presented as a victim reacting to

When Yoav Gallant, the Israeli Defence Minister describes
Palestinians as "Human animals," He loses his own humanity.
Surely we as human beings need to see the complexity of the
situation in the Middle-East and listen to both sides?

Unless Israel's tactics change - it will never get rid of
groups like Hamas. Innocents will continue to suffer.
The world is asking for a two state solution. Demonstrations
are increasing around the world and in the Middle East.
They should be heard by both sides. Finger-pointing is not
going to produce anything productive. Destruction and the
loss of human lives will continue and increase.

Can this go on forever? As I stated earlier - revenge is not
victory. It's time to say - " Enough!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 10:17:36 AM
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No Foxy, you don't understand and I suspect you never will.

Israel did suffer aggression on 7/10. Israel is reacting to that aggression. But most importantly, and most often forgotten by the Hamas cheer-squad, Israel is seeking to ensure that these attacks on its people can never happen again.

In the same way as the various authorities in Australia are demanding action, including overthrowing the presumption of innocence, in order to protect women and ensure it never happens again - a stance I'd assume you support - Israel is and Israelis are seeking action to ensure it never happens again.

Unfortunately that action means eliminating Hamas and unfortunately Hamas is using their kids and burka clad women as human shields.

Supporting any action to protect Australian women while objecting to action to protect Israelis is straight up hypocrisy. And averting eyes to the wonton barbarity of the 7/10 attacks is straight up anti-semitism.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 1:20:50 PM
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I'm not an expert on this conflict.
I'm trying to make sense of it.

From what I've read, the general consensus seems to be

At its most basic level the Israel/Palestine conflict
is over who gets what land and how the land is

We're told that:

There are 3 main reasons the conflict feels more
complicated than it actually is:

1) It's been going on for several decades.
2) Each side has a very different narrative of this conflict.
3) Pro Israel and pro Palestine partisans push their own
agendas - sadly, trying to shut down conversations.

We're told that:

Each side tends to ignore their own preferred side's abuses.
With the effect being - to yield the conversation to the
most vehement partisans. Which is one of several reasons
why this conversation is so toxic. This helps to save the
status quo of perpetual conflict and is great for extremists
on both sides.

There's more at the following link:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 2:10:40 PM
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Sorry. Once again - I made a mistake and left out
a number. Here's the link again:

The link is an old one - but the issues are still very relevant
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 2:17:28 PM
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Sadly, it again is you who does not seem to understand.
And judging by your posting record, probably never will.

No one is objecting to protecting Israelis. No one is averting
their eyes from the barbarity of Oct. 7th attacks. On the contrary.
My posting record speaks for itself.

"Never again," must mean never again by anyone, against anyone.
If this call is not applied to Palestinians there can never
realistically be a hope that others will apply it to Jews,
especially in an era in which so much real anti-Semitism goes
ignored because it does not fit into the pro Israel/
pro Palestine dichotomy.

Hatred must be fought everywhere and in all its guises,
including among those whose fight against anti-Semitism is
dependent upon how it relates to Israel.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 3:11:27 PM
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"My posting record speaks for itself."

Yes it does, sadly.

You keep calling for a two state solution. But when I point out that its been offered at least five times to those you call Palestinians and rejected each time, you ignore it and go right on saying its up to Israel to give them the two state solution.

And you keep suggesting Israel was suppressing Gaza which in your mind justifies the 7/10 attacks. Yet when I point out that the Israelis freely gave up Gaza and handed it over to rule by the people you call Palestinians, even forcing Israelis to give up their homes, you ignore it and continue to claim that Gaza is suppressed by Israel and deny that its suppressed by Hamas.

Your posting record is one of ignoring anything detrimental to those you call Palestinians and placing all the blame on Israel. Shockingly you can't even bring yourself to comment on the evidence of inhuman treatment of Israeli women by the people you call Palestinians.

You fell for the hospital bombing story. You claimed no tunnels were found under the hospitals and refused to retract when proof of tunnels was revealed (the very next day).

Yes your posting record speaks for itself.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 3:41:31 PM
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Historian Mervyn Bendle describes as “Hitler's grandchildren '' the louts in universities, on the streets and online pumping out anti-Semitism and aligning themselves with authoritarian and racist ideologies. The new Hitler Youth.

Those too old for Hitler Youth? Well, their brains never developed past the ignorance and self-deceit of their youth, as they continually demonstrate. We know a couple of them.

The only difference lies in the Jew-free dream run by an Aryan super race, and the new dream of freedom from Jews run by “an ultra-repressive theocratic absolutism ….. regulated by Sharia law. Hitler stated that he was comfortable with Islam; so is the far-Left today.

A war stopped the former set of lunatics. Let's hope we don't have to deal with the current lunatics in the same way.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 3:48:34 PM
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Again you are selective with the facts. I do not intend
to argue with you. But again you are wrong.

Israel's bombing campaign and the ethnic cleansing of
Gaza could ultimately result in the death of Hamas's
military leaders. Hamas may cease to exist as an
organisation. But will this really solve the problem?

I don't think so. Hamas was formed in the 1980s and has
ruled Gaza only since 2007. Violence between Israelis
and Palestinians long predates the group's formation.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 10:34:45 PM
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Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz that :
"Rejectionism is embedded in Israel's most primal beliefs.
There, at the deepest level, lies the concept that this
land is destined for the Jews alone."
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 11:07:28 PM
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So we'll put AC in the "its OK to rape and mutilate women" camp. shall we?
- No it's not ok to rape and mutilate women, you know my feelings on this subject, but why should Israel care it prefers to blow them up.

You present unsubstantiated claims.
Then you want to attack people who don't react the way you want.
Which is exactly the psy-op Israelis planned by making the video.
Millions of pro-Israeli supporters sharing this video, and then attacking anyone who doesn't react with sympathy for Israel.

I watched some different videos,
I saw many other videos actually...
Not just 30 min viewing but a nice healthy 6 months of viewing.
Really get your teeth into it kind of stuff.
I've seen more than enough... but wait there's still more.

The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See

The World's Most Documented Genocide in History

Meet The Wrong Type of Jew, Israel Doesn't Want You To Know Exists

Seriously mhaze, I'm sorry for any and ALL innocent people that are caught up in this endless mess, but if your hope was that I have sympathy for 'The State of Israel' and it's government, you're mistaken, that ship had already sailed by October 8 when Israel started killing everyone - (Israeli's included) in revenge.

You want me to have solidarity and sympathy with the State of Israel over the topic of raped and mutilated women, but you stupid fools are too dumb to realise that I know perfectly well that Israel itself is continuing to mutilate heaps of women on a daily basis.

You present me a 'factual' video when Israel has been documented assassinating hundreds of journalists?
Now you want people to know 'the truth'?
Are you freaking kidding me? [Rolls eyes]

Israel has been lying it's arse off since Oct 7.
- 'Move along there's no genocide to see here' -

You and your Israeli friends must think people are stupid.
Sad part is you're right, because many of them are.
But you can't fool everyone all the time.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 6:41:46 AM
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"You keep calling for a two state solution. But when I point out that its been offered at least five times to those you call Palestinians and rejected each time, you ignore it and go right on saying its up to Israel to give them the two state solution."

None of the offers of peace were genuine.
Israel was funding Hamas to ensure there was no solidarity or agreement between them and Fatah.
And Hamas only came about as a response to the killing of Palestinian civilians by Israelis.

If Israel won't settle for a 2 state solution, maybe it will end up with a 1 state solution - Palestine.

"A war stopped the former set of lunatics. Let's hope we don't have to deal with the current lunatics in the same way."
The current lunatics are 'Christian Conquistadors in Washington'
- They provide weapons and diplomatic immunity to the occupiers / genociders...

Oh, you meant Islam - my mistake.

"No one is averting their eyes from the barbarity of Oct. 7th attacks."
- Yes we are, stop being nice.

We don't care anymore.
Israel killed too many innocent people in revenge.
Killing Palestinians is what Israel does, it's what caused Oct 7.

None of this is 'anti-semitic'
The Palestinians would be right to try to rise up against their occupiers no matter what race they were:
No matter if they were occupied by the Greeks, the Italians, the Turks the Chinese and yes, even the Australians.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 7:33:22 AM
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"You.....must think people are stupid."

No. Just you.

"but if your hope was that I have sympathy for 'The State of Israel' and it's government, you're mistaken,"

Like your vulpine BFF, you still don't understand. Although it would behove anyone claiming to have any degree of humanity to react with anger and sorrow at the suffering of all those on 7/10, that doesn't mean one needs to translate that into sympathy for the country itself.

But what it does mean is that the reaction of Israel are understandable. The state has a duty to protect its people - indeed its one of its primary functions and raison d'etre. As such Israel should, must, move to ensure it will never happen again. Destroying Hamas is a path to that end.

Now I appreciate that you don't care if it happens again, indeed will cheer if it does happen again. But the state of Israel does care.

You can't hope to understand the conflict if you refuse to understand that point
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:04:12 AM
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"The current lunatics are 'Christian Conquistadors in Washington".

Lord love a duck, AC. You need a good rest.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:13:15 AM
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'Move along there's no genocide to see here' -

" the ethnic cleansing of Gaza"

Only in the most addled of minds can this be called a genocide or ethnic cleansing. Those who use these terms show that they have precisely no understanding of their meaning.

When Gaza was formed (and remember it was formed following a unilateral act of generosity by Israel -sorry to remind you of things you'd prefer to forget)....when Gaza was formed there were around 1.2 million people in its boundaries - all so-called Palestinians. Now there are more than double that number even after large numbers left when Hamas took over. Its the most curious of genocides or ethnic cleansing that the subjects of the genocide double their numbers while they're supposedly being wiped out. Addled minds indeed.

Besides AC, I remember you being in favour of genocide - at least as regards the Uighurs.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:16:14 AM
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Israeli extremists have historically been opposed to
the peace process. Gideon Levy writing in Haaretz
made it quite clear that Israel does not want peace. In
fact Israel has never wanted peace - they fear that
Israel would be forced to give too much land in the
peace agreement and therefore they show their
opposition by using the threat of terrorism as a
real threat to any Israeli government pursuing peace.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:29:37 AM
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"But what it does mean is that the reaction of Israel are understandable."

No mate, you don't get to sell that bs story unchecked.
It's all propaganda and bullshite, another one, just like other one.
Just like Israels '40 beheaded babies' story
Did you think we all forgot?

Deliberately manipulate the global public into a feeling of 'something must be done about Hamas!' to try and justify the revenge and retribution Israel was already planning to inflict upon ALL the Palestinians collectively.

Israel has to maintain control over any escalation.
Palestinians kill 1 Israeli, Israel has to kill 10 or 100 in response.
So that the Palestinians would hate those amongst their own who even try to resist the Israeli oppression.
Israel kills them and inflicts such misery upon them such that they would fight amongst themselves disunited rather than support resistance against the oppression.
Ben Gvir issued an order to lock up (and beat and torture) any Palestinian in the West Bank that even cheered about Oct 7.

Israel is a nation full of fanatical lunatics, who are desperate to throw off and trick everyone into thinking the only fanatical lunatics are Palestinian.

Did I not just tell you that you can't fool everyone all the time?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:35:12 AM
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"If I was an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement
with Israel. It is normal, we have taken their country.
It is true God promised it to us, but how could that
interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been
Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that
their fault? They see but one thing, we have come and we
have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?"

(David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel).

" Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves -
politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves.
The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want
to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to
take away from them their country. Behind the terrorism (by
the Arabs) is a movement which though primitive is not devoid
of idealism and self sacrifice."

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948 assuring his fellow Zionists
that Palestinians will never come back to their homes.

"The old will die and the young will forget."

There's more on the web.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:38:26 AM
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Ok Christians, take note.
Israel is using it's objections to 'antisemitism' to censor you from your own bible.

While it has manipulated you with lies and used you as good little useful idiots to support it's clearly un-christian murderous interests...
- While you are looking the other way it is attacking your religion and your interests.

See this - Jews use 'genocide criticism' to lobby and impose new laws against Aussies

And see here

House passes antisemitism bill as Johnson highlights campus protests

>>After stating “antisemitism is wrong,” Greene said in a post on X that she would not vote for the bill because the definition of antisemitism adopted by the bill includes “claims of Jews killing Jesus” - claims that she argues are true.

She wrote on X that the Christian gospel says, “Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews,” an interpretation of the Bible that has been used historically to justify antisemitic attacks on the Jewish community. <<

So, if you say 'Jews killed Jesus', you'll soon get a knock on your door by the cops for hate crimes.

True story.

And how did it all happen?
- Because you let your 'democracy' be corrupted and conquered, see here

Israeli 'donations' buy congress, get congressmen to send Israel Americans money, and then entraps the United States into Wars it shouldn't be in;
i.e. If stealing money from Americans wallets isn't enough, they want Americans sons and daughters to come home in bodybags for Israel as well.
You people have a real strange way of viewing the world if you think sending your own kids to die for a foreign country is an idea worth defending.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 8:56:44 AM
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"Israel is a nation full of fanatical lunatics,"

And Foxy goes back to long dead Israelis to justify her anti-semitism.

Truly they are becoming insane, not just inane. Its pretty funny really although just a little sad as well.

When you can't make a logical argument, throw a tantrum.

"Israel is using it's objections to 'antisemitism' to censor you from your own bible."

Truly, AC will fall for anything. But this fits with his "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" idiocy, believing the evil Joos are behind everything. But don't say he's antisemitic, nosireee.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 10:25:56 AM
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Do you really believe that the crimes visited on the
Jewish people in the 20th century precludes people of
Jewish descent from committing crimes in the 21st

Or is it merely that they should be excused the
accusation because of their past sufferings?

Should the world turn a blind eye to collective
punishment, massacres of men, women, and children, and
indiscriminate slaughter? To the mass displacement of
civilians, to the bombardment campaigns in Gaza. To the
targeting of hospitals, refugee camps and ambulances.

Shouldn't all of us instead of accusing one side or the
other, or each other, all agree that the crisis is dire.
That the tragedy of the Palestinians is also the tragedy
of the Jews. That "My Country Right or Wrong," should not
work for any of us. And that war crimes are taking place.
That too many civilians have suffered greatly or lost
their lives.

This debate is not going away.

Amid mass death and suffering as well as sky-rocketing rates
of Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia it is critical not to get
lost in a war of words and neglect the desperate need to
find a path to both short and long-term peace.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 11:03:59 AM
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Once again, thanks for the thread and video. I'm off. The hate-filled crap by OLO's top 2 leading nutters is too much for my stomach.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2024 11:22:15 AM
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BREAKING: The "antisemitism" law that just passed in the House does NOT just make it illegal to criticize Jews.

It makes it ILLEGAL to preach the GOSPEL.

The House of Representatives just voted to make Christianity illegal in America. Let that sink in.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 12:03:50 PM
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"Once again, thanks for the thread and video. I'm off. The hate-filled crap by OLO's top 2 leading nutters is too much for my stomach.

Freedom of speech means other people get to say things you don't like.

Freedom of speech does not protect the speech we love, it doesn't need protection
- it protects the speech we hate because that speech has the right to challenge us.

- So before you nod off, have a thought for eKaren and what it's really all about.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 May 2024 12:15:59 PM
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You quote Ben-Gurion and think (for want of a more appropriate word) that it proves something. It doesn't. Way back, around the time when Ben-Gurion was leader of Israel, Arthur Caldwell, leader of the ALP, said, in regards to the white Australia policy..."Two wongs don't make a white". Does that prove that Australia is for all time racist? If some dill dug the quote up and used it as evidence against current Australian policy, would you agree it proves Australia is forever racist? No? Same with your inane Ben-Gurion quote.


you've got to learn to stop falling for these twitter fools.
"The House of Representatives just voted to make Christianity illegal in America. Let that sink in."

That's not even close to what they did, Just a few morons who opposed the bill making up idiotic stuff about it to try to reel in the usual dills. They'll be please that in your case it worked.

FYI, the bill, which hasn't passed Congress yet(!!), merely defines 'antisemitism'. Nothing else. It doesn't ban the Bible or Christianity. The definition is a widely used one running into some 500 words. Perhaps they could have saved time by just putting one or two of your posts up to define antisemitism.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 1:49:28 PM
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Your accusation against me of being Anti-Semitic in
quoting David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister
of Israel is low. Even for you. You continue to

Your reference to the man as a "dead leader," does
not make sense in this context. People quote from
all sorts of leaders to make a point. In this case
Ben Gurion's words were relevant. They were meant
for us to try to start relating to the conflict in
human terms.

But, at least you haven't referred to the Palestinians
as beasts or called for a second Nakba or the use of
nuclear weapons.



I'm not sure who the lunatics are that you've referred to
in your post - but if they have offended you with their
opinions - you should hear the ones they keep to themselves.

I smile because I post on this forum. I laugh because
there's nothing you can do about it.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 2:25:28 PM
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"Your accusation against me of being Anti-Semitic in quoting David Ben-Gurion, "

I didn't make that accusation. I have observed that you are antisemitic but not for quoting a long dead leader as though his views have relevance today. That's not antisemitic, just idiotic.

"But, at least you haven't referred to the Palestinians as beasts or called for a second Nakba or the use of nuclear weapons."

Huh? I'm sure you think that makes sense or is relevant byt alas you'd be wrong.

I have however called for an end to the conflict, but just on terms that you and your ilk find unacceptable ie the surrender of Hamas.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 2:49:01 PM
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Hamas has asked for Israeli forces to get out of their
occupied territories. Israel refuses. And the blame game

Jews and Arabs, Israelis and Palestinians have to see
each other as fellow human beings entitled to equal
respect, rights, and protections.

" The only way to eliminate war is to love our children more
than we hate our enemies."

( Golda Meir).
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 3:19:40 PM
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Your denial of - "I didn't make that accusation..." regarding
Ben Gurion?

"And Foxy goes back to long dead Israelis to justify her
anti-Semitism." (pg.7)

And " Your inane Ben-Gurion quotes." (pg.8).

Back peddling as always.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 3 May 2024 5:12:26 PM
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Its good to see you rereading my posts since it may yet sink in. But in neither one of those quotes do I say that quoting Ben-Gurion makes you antisemitic. That'd be illogical and we all know I'm not that.

Just to help your understanding, I said that your used the Ben-Gurion quotes to justify your already proven antisemitism.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 5:52:22 PM
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Netanyahu has advise the US that irrespective of whether the hostages are returned or not, the eradication of Hamas in Rafah will proceed. He is willing to trade the hostages for a 40 day ceasefire, but Hamas seems unwilling or unable to agree to that. Given what we know about how the hostages who have returned were treated (eg raped while in captivity) its likely few if any survive.

In a further blow to those who think they understand the situation, it seems that, following Israel's successful repelling of the feeble Iranian attack, Netanyahu's opinion poll standings have significantly improved.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 3 May 2024 5:58:17 PM
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"antisemitic. That'd be illogical and we all know I'm not that."
antisemetism = no criticism of Israel allowed
no criticising of Israel allowed: 'genocide in progress'
OMG 'Anti-semetism up 500%' - 'Something MUST be done'


I'm curious.
When you hear the word 'anti-semitic', do you like pee a lil bit?
Do you get frightened?
Do you think God is watching?

What makes your sphincter tighten up so much with the mere thought;
- That criticising the murderous state of Israel is inviolable?

I don't get it.
I have no more problem calling out Israels dumb shite any more than I call out anyone elses dumb shite.
dumb shite is dumb shite regardless of who does it.
For you lot though, it's like you're petrified the invisible hand of God will reach down and smite you.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2024 3:51:30 AM
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"In a further blow to those who think they understand the situation, it seems that, following Israel's successful repelling of the feeble Iranian attack, Netanyahu's opinion poll standings have significantly improved."

you mean unsuccessful
and not by anyone that matters
Israel does more harm to itself while he stays so who cares

The cost of defending against that attack was estimated at 2 to 3 billion.
Israel had prior warning, the US had everyone in place to try to shoot them all down, but could not do so.
Also there is no defence against hypersonic missiles.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2024 4:06:43 AM
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If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2024 8:58:42 AM
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"He is willing to trade the hostages for a 40 day ceasefire"

Netanyahu: 'I'm willing to offer 40 days ceasefire for these hostages'
Advisor on phone: 'The Palestinians say they'd like 50 days for the hostages'
Netanyahu: 'Bloody Hell. How much do these people think 40 Israelis are worth? Tell 'em no deal, 40 is all I'm paying. They can take it or leave it!'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2024 9:20:29 AM
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Iran fired around 1000 rockets.
3 got through.
No damage of any significance.
But one Bedouin child was injured. But she's Israeli so that doesn't matter in AC-land.
Israel retaliated with a few rockets, hit what they wanted, took out a few anti-rocket batteries and showed Iran what would happen if they really wanted to hurt them.
Iran was suitably chastised.
Worse for Iran was that several Arab states helped Israel take down the Iranian rockets.

AC calls this an Iranian success. Dill.

"When you hear the word 'anti-semitic', do you like pee a lil bit?"

Not quite as creepy as yoour sex-dungeon comments, but up there.

Foxy wrote: "If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging."

I've explained to you before, sitting in the bleachers firing spit balls isn't a good look. Even for you.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 4 May 2024 9:22:27 AM
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"‘Screams Before Silence’ Must Be Seen and Remembered"

"It was even worse than you heard, than you read, than you feared."
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 4 May 2024 9:24:10 AM
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The "spit balls" are your own sad attempted defences of Israel's
actions. Which are not and should not be defencible by any
rational human being. and of course it's not a good look.

But then again - you thought Cardinal Pell was innocent,
that Biden molested his daughter, and you are still pro Trump
and making excuses for the man's behaviour. So of course
You buy into
all the Israeli propaganda. As I said - stop digging
you are standing in a hole and making it deeper.

Israel has now switched to full genocide in Gaza. It needs
to be stopped for humanities sake.

A UN expert told the
global body's Human Rights Council on Tuesday that Israel's
military campaign in Gaza since October 7th amounted to
genocide and called for countries to immediately impose
sanctions and an arms embargo.

Many people feel that Israeli leaders should be tried before
a world tribunal for their war crimes.
Yes, Hamas has also committed crimes in
revenge against Israel. your quote of Arthur Calwell is
apt here. Two wrongs don't make it right. It just means
everyone loses. But if the Germans could be tried at
Nuremberg, while the Soviets who had also committed
atrocities - sat in judgement. The same rules could be
applied in the case of Israel.

Israel has occupied the Palestinians for decades and
when the Palestinians strike out against their occupation
the Israelis slaughter civilians in the thousands.

The imperialism against Palestinians should not go
unanswered either by the world communities or by Israel's
own population whom Netanyahu has betrayed.

And these are not "spit balls," nor is it anti-Semitism.
These are facts. And they don't change despite your not
liking them.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2024 10:04:55 AM
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Of course the film that you want everyone to see is
dreadful and should not be excused. But there are
also so many other films showing the crimes done
by Israelis - that continue to this day. Showing
films of atrocities done by either side will only
flame more hatred one against the other.

"Atrocities done to me are greater than the ones
done to you" - shouldn't work for any one. They simply
need to stop immediately - not continue as a form
of justification or excuse to continue doing them.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2024 10:14:10 AM
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I want to make something clear.

To hate and attack Jews because of one's feelings
about Palestine is NOT acceptable. It is the
Israeli government's persecution of Palestinians
that's the evil - not being Jewish.

Those who speak out against the behavior of the
Israeli government are slurred with the labels
of - anti-Semite or Jew-hater. These people
need to visit the Occupied Territories and
East Jerusalem and experience for themselves the
the trials of being Palestinian.

They might modify their views and perhaps encourage
a change of behavior in Israel. The climate in
Israel is not changing for Netanyahu and his
government. However there is some hop in the
worldwide demonstrations now taking place, including
in Israel. We can only hope that it will result
in positivity for all concerned.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2024 11:21:54 AM
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In any case - I'm finding this subject too distressing
to continue. It's affecting my health.
For those reasons - I'm out.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 May 2024 11:37:19 AM
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When you want to steal the land they live on you have to dehumanise them to justify what you're doing.

They're animals!
Treat em that way and they'll act that way.

Put me in a cage and humiliate me whilst out of arms reach and I'll probably resort to crapping in my hand and throwing it at you at some point, at the expense of a beating.

Means 'Palestinian resistance'
If it wasn't Hamas... it would be ANY OTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE.
- Because NO-ONE would put up with being treated like that.

Starving People like barbarians...
What year does Israel think it is?

If Palestinians were occupied by any other group of people
Be it Mexicans, Albanians, Japanese or even Irish people.
They would still have every right to tell those people to FECK OFF.
- Nothing anti-semitic about it at all -

And lets face it.
If a fly were to land on a Jews arm...
That Jew would pronounce that fly an anti-semite.

I don't give a rats bum WHO the criticism applies to.
The only factor that matters is TRUTH
The only factor that matters is 'whether the argument holds merit'

It doesn't matter if it's the dirty laundry of someone you do like or someone you don't.
It's just dirty laundry.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2024 7:50:36 PM
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Screams before Silence

what a load of bs.
I'll tell you something moron.

You want us to cry for the innocent dead from Oct 7.
- Tears ain't going to bring them back.

What about tears for the people Israel is going to kill tomorrow?

But. They. Will. Be.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 May 2024 7:55:58 PM
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"you thought Cardinal Pell was innocent,"

So did the courts.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 5 May 2024 7:44:57 AM
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Israel should've quit while it was ahead.
They've gone and stirred up a hornets nest now.
Student protests on Western University campuses globally with students demanding 'Divest from Israel!'
- Just like that which put the US adventure in Vietnam to an end.
- Only these protests have gone global.

These students aren't going to quit the Palestinian cause with global solidarity in a hurry.
There's no stopping it now without a heavy handed approach.
The West will have to act like 'dictatorial regimes' 'lead by authoritarians' when they act against students 'exercising free speech to oppose genocide' to try and stop it - and everyone will be filming.

And you all know these student protestors are stubborn and annoying little pests.
They will go and glue themselves to the road on a bridge or something idiotic and shut the whole city down.

It's like the equivalent of the whole student climate change movement globally has something new to get together and scream about.

Israel has created a shitestorm of biblical proportions.

Not to mention the ICC story.
They have come out against US and Israeli threats against them.

'Stop Threatening Us': ICC Blasts Israel, USA Over Potential Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu

If the ICC does not issue arrest warrants, it will lose all credibility.
If the ICC does issue arrest warrants, Israel will be labelled a terrorist and genocidal state, Western countries will not be able to trade in weapons for Israel as it will go against out national laws to provide support for a nation engaged in acts of genocide.
And there will be calls from Western citizens for their countries to cut diplomatic ties with Israel.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 May 2024 9:53:35 AM
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No. Pell was not found innocent.

The facts are:

He got off on a legal technicality. The High Court
did not exonerate Pell. And the High Court's decision
undermined confidence in our legal system especially
in child sexual abuse persecutions.

Pell was convicted by a unanimous jury verdicts of
guilty which were further supported by a court of appeal
majority of 2 judges.

Pell may have won on a legal technicality but his
reputation was tarnished. In contrast the complainant
was believed by a jury, by a majority judgement and
by a substantial body of public opinion.

Okay, we get it.
You'll continue to make mistakes - and will keep digging.
You can't help yourself.
But STOP reminding us.
Thank you.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 5 May 2024 9:55:44 AM
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Benjamin Netanyahu: 'Suicide by hubris'
- And maybe not just his own suicide, but that of his entire nation.

He probably shouldn't have thought he was so smart.
Did he allow the Oct 7 attack to happen or was it really a surprise?

His well publicised objective was to 'Destroy Hamas'.
He hasn't achieved it.

What he's achieved is worldwide demonstrations and condemnation against himself, his nation, and his government (Don't forget anti-semitism is up 500%) - including by a world court that has jurisdiction over war crimes, and the Palestinians (the victims) are signatories.

AND, I might add...

Is completely deserving of that criticism and condemnation.

Not only has he foolishly embarked on a recruitment drive for Hamas;
- But now numerous people inside of Western countries themselves are openly supportive of them.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 May 2024 10:19:33 AM
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Why do ISRAELI TERRORISTS keep wearing the clothes of GAZAN women they've killed?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 May 2024 3:11:35 PM
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I just came across an old saying among Jews: “The antisemite does not accuse the Jew of stealing because he thinks he stole something. He does it because he enjoys watching the Jew turn out his pockets to prove his innocence.”

Since 7 October, more and more Jews are being told to turn out their pockets and are refusing to do so.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 5 May 2024 3:27:11 PM
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"Pell was not found innocent."

No. He was found 'not guilty'. He was already innocent.

I've explained this to Foxy more times than you'd think necessary, but courts don't find people innocent. They find them guilty or not guilty. They are already innocent. This is the beauty of the British justice system. I don't know if this is beyond Foxy's capabilities to understand or if its just another in the long list of things she doesn't want to be true and therefore rejects despite the facts.

"The High Court did not exonerate Pell"

Well in fact they did. Indeed its the very definition of exoneration. Found guilty by one court, exonerated by a more senior court.

"Pell may have won on a legal technicality"

This is quintessential Foxy. She didn't want Pell innocent, so she looks for a reason to reject his innocence. This is how Foxy always works. Form a view and look for something to give it a veneer of research. In this case she found some hack who told her what she wanted to hear, and Foxy always, ALWAYS, falls for that. But when I showed her an article by an extremely qualified QC explaining that he was exonerated because the evidence didn't support a guilty verdict, she ignored it. Believe the hack, ignore the qualified QC. Foxy to a tee.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 5 May 2024 4:21:42 PM
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AC, desperately searching for some reason to hope that Hamas might yet be saved, pins his hopes on university kids.

These are the kids who, having occupied a building in Cambridge, asked that their protest be catered!!

These are the kids who, when the police started arresting them, cried that they needed to be allowed to go home to mummy because exams were next week.

These are the kids who, at "U. Wisconsin Anti-Israel Protesters Chant[ed] ‘Heil Hitler’ at Jewish Students.

Oh, now I see why AC feels affinity with them.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 5 May 2024 4:26:59 PM
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The Pell case has been covered so many times on this
forum. I am a skilled, trained, professional in gathering
facts and presenting them in discussions

In the case of Pell? Law Professor Ben Matthews and
Senior Lecturer in the School of Law at the University
of Queensland - gave full
explanations of Pell's case which I cited in the past.

It is important to note as the two academics tell us
"That the high court appeal did not aske whether Pell
committed the offences.

It asked whether the two judges in the Victorian Court of
Appeal, in dismissing Pell's earlier appeal, made an error
about the nature and application of correct legal

Anyway. I'll be kind and won't argue with you about this
case any further.
The cardinal is dead. Hopefully he's now at peace.

I'm going now - to watch "Compass" Antony Loewenstein is on
discussing the Middle-East conflict.

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 5 May 2024 6:33:10 PM
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"AC, desperately searching for some reason to hope that Hamas might yet be saved, pins his hopes on university kids."

I'm not motivated by Hamas being 'saved' sorry.
I'm more motivated against innocent lives being taken needlessly.

And you know what, I thought about it earlier...
All of those on the right, who are complaining about these university campus protests, there's and ugly, sinister quite disgusting side of it...

The truth... and it is actually really ugly;
Is that those who stand in opposition to the protests...
- Are actually supportive of the continuation of the genocide.
You won't come out and say it, but it's true.

Sometimes, it's not what a person says,
You have to stand back and look at what's missing.
What's missing here, I'll tell you.

Not one word of compassion, regret or sympathy for the innocent lives lost on the Palestinians side.
Those lives just don't count to you, it doesn't even register.

Your whole entire view of the subject is one sided.
You make claims about things that happened on Oct 7,
But the fact that 35,000 innocent people, mostly women and kids have been exterminated...
Blown to bloody pieces in deaths at least as equally heinous as anything Hamas is accused of.
- Well they just don't exist to you, only an Israeli life matters.

If the university kids weren't a concern, the coalition wouldn't be calling to legislate financial penalties upon universities that fail to break up encampments protesting the Gaza invasion.

- sanctions -

They can't have this university thing.
Israel won't be able to continue it's genocide.
They'll use claims of racism and student safety to justify putting an end to their free speech, but you know young people the more you try to tell them no, the more they will deliberately defy you, just to make a point.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 5 May 2024 8:08:55 PM
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I watched "Compass" last night.

Here's the following link for you:
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 May 2024 8:15:35 AM
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Interesting article Foxy.
It's funny how the anti-trumpers had Trump Derangement Syndrome. (sorry)
But the pro-Israel brigade just can't see they also have a form of derangement syndrome too.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 May 2024 10:25:06 AM
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Hi AC,

While watching "Compass" last night and seeing the
footage of Gaza - I couldn't help thinking what a
beautiful place it must have been once - what a shame
that the beauty can't return and that people could
live together peacefully. If only they could see each other
as human beings.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 May 2024 11:06:09 AM
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"It is important to note as the two academics tell us
"That the high court appeal did not aske whether Pell
committed the offences.

It asked whether the two judges in the Victorian Court of
Appeal, in dismissing Pell's earlier appeal, made an error
about the nature and application of correct legal

Yep. And as I previously proved to the satisfaction to anyone not named Foxy, the High Court found that the Appeals Court was wrong to have not overthrown the original finding because there was NO evidence that the rapes ever took place and the "cascading improbabilities" provided evidence that it was highly likely that the witness for the prosecution lied.

Pell died an exonerated and free man. The legal system finally made the only just decision which was always going to happen once the case got out of the Victorian system.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 May 2024 12:40:43 PM
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Foxy keeps telling us she's "out" and then posting the very next day.

But I'm out. Even a cat playing with a mouse finally gets bored and making fools of AC and Foxy is growing wearisome.

They keep making claims that are ridiculous and when shown to be ridiculous, they don't defend, retract, or alter their ridiculous views...just move onto more ridiculous claims.

eg AC tells us the Iranian attack was successful. I show how unsuccessful it was. Response.....crickets.

Half of Foxy's posts are telling us she doesn't want to talk about this or that issue, having found out that her original claims of said issue are ridiculous.

Making clowns look clownish eventually wears off.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 6 May 2024 12:46:47 PM
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Sydney Criminal Lawyers tell us that:

"The overturning of Cardinal Pell's convictions by the
High Court of Australia on the basis of a legal
technicality after a jury had found him guilty, plus
the majority of two judges served to expose the deep level
of corruption that the Catholic religion wields when the
conservative grip of the church is strong."

"The outpouring of grief paid by the political class since
Pell's passing fuels disdain for a system that sees the
likes of John Howard, Tony Abbott, and Peter Dutton
lamenting the death of a "saint" like Pell, who was happy
to let children be raped by his colleagues."


Some people need a shock collar and I need the remote.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 May 2024 1:17:24 PM
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Most women are afraid of clowns but somehow they
still end up having to deal with them.

I have the right to remain silent, but I don't have
the ability - especially when I see misinformation
spread. It goes against my training and values.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 6 May 2024 1:34:00 PM
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False Flag.

Israel funded Hamas, they wanted to take Gaza for themselves, sick of the west bank creeping invasion so they did a real one.

Oh and there is the thing about gas reserves off the coast too.
Posted by Random, Monday, 6 May 2024 1:34:28 PM
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"eg AC tells us the Iranian attack was successful. I show how unsuccessful it was. Response.....crickets."
- Because you don't listen anyway...

Both sides tested each other.
Iran tested their offensive capabilities and Israel tested their defensive capabilities.

If Israels defense was 'successful', none of Iran's missiles would have gotten through.

What if Iran, which has now calculated Israels defensive capabilities, sends twice as many drones and cruise missiles at a time unannounced?
- And 5 or 10 times as many ballistic and hypersonic missiles?
Don't expect to have the same defensive capabilities if its a surprise attack, and Iran already knows how many Shahed drones to send in order to use up all the interceptors in Israels launchers.

They will time it precisely so that there will be no time to reload the interceptors while the ballistic and hypersonics (which cant be hit anyway) fly to their targets.

Israel can't defend against an attack against Iran.
Hezbollahs 150,000 missiles can hit anywhere in Israel anyway though, Israels missile defense can be overwhelmed.

- And don't assume Israel was honest in regards to the damage it sustained in the attack, that's why the response was so weak that Ben G'vir considered it pathetic and the Iranians ridiculed it.
- Also don't assume that Iran used the best it has.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 May 2024 1:41:30 PM
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"Some people need a shock collar and I need the remote."
- Lol
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 6 May 2024 7:27:40 PM
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Israel are the new Nazis.

But even the Nazis didn't invade the concentration camps.
Posted by Random, Monday, 6 May 2024 7:33:03 PM
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The israelis are the new nazis.

What happened nearly a century ago does not justify behaving in the same way. Gaza was a concentration camp, now it is burial ground.
Posted by Random, Monday, 6 May 2024 7:44:21 PM
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Your understanding of history is a bit odd, but you got the country right. No, the situation in Gaza with the last Hamas terrorists in Rafah is like the last of the Nazi terrorists hiding in their tunnels under Berlin. After years and years of indoctrinating their people, especially their children, with hatred and blood lust, and foisting hatred and terror upon people who wanted peace and coexistence, they now stand to be brought to account by the IDF.

After this is accomplished I hope the inhabitants of Gaza will abandon their hateful ideology and thrive as West Germany did after the war, and as East Germans did after the fall of the wall and unification.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 6 May 2024 9:11:35 PM
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The israelis are the new nazis
Wrong ! The woke are the new Nazis, just more stupid than the originals.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 6 May 2024 10:12:43 PM
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Concentration Camp = Gaza

Extermination = Level Gaza
Posted by Random, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 4:11:16 AM
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Random = moron.

Learn a little history and stop making idiotic and highly offensive comparisons. Like Nazi Germany, Gaza's downfall is the consequence of embracing an ideology of hatred.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 7:35:47 AM
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So you are 'offended'?

Posted by Random, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 7:37:57 AM
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Hi Indyvidual
"Wrong ! The woke are the new Nazis, just more stupid than the originals."
- Good news, I've actually heard a few rumours over the last week or so that 'wokeness' might actually be on the way out.

Bed news, we just got another step closer to nuclear war with France sending their Foreign Legion to Ukraine, which are considered NATO forces.

Created in 1831, the French Foreign Legion is an integral part of the French (Land) Army (Armée de Terre) and thus an element of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces.

Putin has stated that if NATO troops enter Ukraine
Russia would employ tactical nukes, the West says 'Putin is bluffing' almost daring Putin to fire the first nuke.

If he doesn't there will likely be an escalation of increased NATO forces in Ukraine, which means we are at risk of this thing getting out of control and going nuclear, as in strategic nuclear weapons, as in Sarmat.

Russia warns Britain and plans nuclear drills over the West’s possible deepening role in Ukraine

Will Putin fire tactical nuclear weapons at French Foreign Legion in Sloviansk?
- Chances are pretty good.

Xi is headed to France.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 7:43:20 AM
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Here's an interesting thought exercise for you Foxy,
I notice over on the other forum we have this new poster 'Random'
- Welcome to the forum, Random.

You'll notice the temperature just rose slightly between Fester and Random, with Fester calling Random a moron, and Random responding asking if Fester is offended and so what if he is...

Now, like you I support the 'let the Palestinians be free of genocide' side of the argument, and I'm fine with Randoms comment on Israel, but the second he's gotten niggly back at Fester, (even if it's a kind of valid response) I kind of feel this need to chime in and say 'go easy newcomer' in Festers defence.

It's as if....

The people from within the 'established long term group' would 'rally around their long-term peer' in defence and opposition to the 'cheeky new upstart'.

Here's the curious thing right: Would that comment have resembled 'racist' behavior?

Like if we could all see the colours of each others skin, and we could all see that I was white, and if hypothetically Random was brown skinned, and I just said 'go easy newcomer', would that be considered to be said with 'racial undertones'?

'Rally around their long-term peer' (like I almost did for Fester) might be similar to the same type of behavior which relates to racism

But really, it would have nothing to do with racism, but more about 'newcomer initiation' into the existing ways things are done around here...

Not sure if anyone will follow me here... [smiles]
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 8:38:19 AM
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Oh, sorry mhaze.
I meant to put that comment above over on Foxy's 'Australia, then and now' thread.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 8:41:28 AM
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Yes. I just has a quick look, surprised that the thread was still going; and sure enough,the loonies are running amok. Madam's "health" has miraculously improved; there's a new nutter called Random, and AC is still covering the pages with 'references' as if they will change opinions.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 8:48:21 AM
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No matter what the ignorant indoctrinated masses think, were there anyone else in Putin's place the situation would be far more serious by now.
The T in NATO stands for a far more sinister word than Treaty & the Ukrainian misery is due to many conniving bureaucrats in that outfit.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 11:54:34 AM
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No matter what the ignorant indoctrinated masses think, were there anyone else in Putin's place the situation would be far more serious by now.
The T in NATO stands for a far more sinister word than Treaty & the Ukrainian misery is due to many conniving bureaucrats in that outfit.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 11:54:34 AM

I completely agree,

"NATO Chief Admits NATO Expansion Was Key to Russian Invasion of Ukraine
The continuing U.S. obsession with NATO enlargement is profoundly irresponsible and hypocritical. And now Ukrainians are paying a terrible price."

BTW, this forum software is really crap. Not even a basic editor window.
Posted by Random, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 12:48:35 PM
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You'll notice the temperature just rose slightly between Fester and Random, with Fester calling Random a moron, and Random responding asking if Fester is offended and so what if he is...

Not sure if anyone will follow me here... [smiles]
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 8:38:19 AM

Hi AC, where I come from being offended does not make you right, nor is it grounds to attack someone with school-boy name calling.

People here need to watch this ...,vid:ceS_jkKjIgo,st:0

Anyway, how do I do something simple like italic? How about an easy way to quote someone?
Posted by Random, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 1:00:52 PM
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70 years old dancer, Louis Har, is now back dancing after being taken hostage by Hamas and rescued from Rafah in a mission-impossible style operation by Israeli special forces.

While in captivity he was not allowed to dance.
He once tried a warm-up dance routine, but his captors did not approve of a man moving "like a woman". They told him: "you should move like a soldier - if you require a warm-up, do push-ups!".

And this is what the Middle-East wars are truly about.
Not about territory.
Not about ethnicity.
Not about national-identity.
Not about religion.

It is a clash between the old patriarchal, some call it "conservative", lifestyle AND the new liberalism where no gender roles are enforced and everyone is free to sing, dance and make love with whoever they like (mutually agreeing).

Perhaps it was wrong for the Zionists to settle in the Middle East.
Perhaps they should have sought a different place.
Perhaps they should have left the patriarchal-conservatives there to continue their millennia-long slumber uninterruptedly.

But they did.
The liberal Israelis were born and belong there. None of the presently living had a say in the decision of their ancestors to move there.
And they face the conservative rage of those their very presence disturbs, those who are provoked by independent women and dancing men, those who would kill in order to prevent their own women from following that example.

That's it in a nutshell.
And my family is caught up in that rubbish.
Even while they just want to live their lives peacefully, they tragically have no way to defend their lives other than by some coalition with Jewish conservatives they have little in common with, including some disgusting Nazis of the Jewish variety that are no better than those across the border of the Muslim variety.

Please, please, please, don't keep saying "Israel wants X", "Israel did Y", etc.: there is no coherent or sentient entity called "Israel", only people like you and me that are caught up in their place of birth in a war that is not really theirs.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 1:17:11 PM
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Please, please, please, don't keep saying "Israel wants X", "Israel did Y", etc.: there is no coherent or sentient entity called "Israel", only people like you and me that are caught up in their place of birth in a war that is not really theirs.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 1:17:11 PM

Not sure you have the same Atlas as I have.

Mone says there is a Nation State called Israel It is an entity, with a government. Are you ok bro?
Posted by Random, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 8:53:46 PM
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Dear Random,

Until the 6th of October 2023, Israel was on the brink of a civil war with plans to split it into two.

It temporarily and reluctantly kind of united in order to ward off the vicious Hamas attack, but after the war the struggle within will resume, in fact there are signs that it does already now.

A "Nation State" is not a sentient being, thus have no will of its own.
The wills of the people who happen to live in Israel (mainly because they were born there), are totally different - it is wrong to tar them with the same brush.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 10:56:26 PM
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[i]"Fatima Abu-Arar, a 32 year old mother of 9, was murdered on October 7th by Hamas at an Israeli road intersection close to Gaza.
She was shot multiple times by a convoy of Hamas motorcycles who could easily see that she was Muslim woman wearing the Hijab, each shooting her in turn as they passed."[i]

Yeah that's tragic. But at least they had the guts to do it personally, unlike the gutless drone pilots.
Posted by Random, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 6:54:41 AM
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Dear Random,

«Yeah that's tragic. But at least they had the guts to do it personally»

It was not guts - it was the amphetamines they were on: in a way they were not completely there in person.
Unlike sober drone operators, they were so blind they didn't even TRY to avoid killing innocent civilians and people of their own faith.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 7:47:45 AM
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Hi Random,
"BTW, this forum software is really crap. Not even a basic editor window."
- The forum was built with an outdated software, which means it's not easy to upgrade without losing all the old thread content, so I've been informed (when asking the same kind of questions you did)
There's no italics or quoting available, just basic text.
You can quote others in your comment as I've done above.

News for the day: US Threatens ICC and their famalies

‘You have been warned’: GOP senators caution ICC over Israeli arrest warrants

>>In a letter led by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), the senators warn ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan, citing reports that the court may be considering issuing international arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

Such actions are “illegitimate and lack legal basis,” the lawmakers wrote, warning they would result in severe sanctions against Khan and the ICC.

“Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States,” the senators wrote in the letter sent April 24.

“You have been warned,” the letter concluded.<<

Link to letter below.

So much for 'international norms' and the 'rules-based-order'...
- 'The rules are what we say they are!' [rolls eyes]
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 9:39:44 AM
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It was not guts - it was the amphetamines they were on: in a way they were not completely there in person.
Unlike sober drone operators, they were so blind they didn't even TRY to avoid killing innocent civilians and people of their own faith.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 7:47:45 AM

I had no idea you had the drug tests on the assassins. You must be either well connected or just pull information that suits you out of your rectum.

Which is it?
Posted by Random, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 4:21:49 PM
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Armchair Critic said:
The forum was built with an outdated software, which means it's not easy to upgrade without losing all the old thread content, so I've been informed (when asking the same kind of questions you did)
There's no italics or quoting available, just basic text.
You can quote others in your comment as I've done above."

Then at some stage you have to make a call, do you let the forum die because it is so hard to use, or upgrade and keep it running?

Given the right wing agenda here, maybe you should just let it age out, like most of the posters will.
Posted by Random, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 5:50:41 PM
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Dear Random,

«I had no idea you had the drug tests on the assassins.»
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 6:14:11 PM
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I'm calling bullshite.

What you got?
Posted by Random, Wednesday, 8 May 2024 6:55:49 PM
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Hi Random,

Random = moron

Yes, highly offensive and silly, but is it any less offensive and silly than your equality, concentration camp = Gaza? Beyond the people in each instance being brutalised by blood lusting terrorists (Hamas in Gaza's case) I don't see how the equality holds. Concentration camps didn't have Jewish guards. They didn't bring up their kids to believe it their religious and civil duty to exterminate a people. They didn't have tunnel networks containing military hardware used to kill people outside the border. They didn't conduct raids on the surrounding people, raping, murdering, mutilating, taking hostages, then returning to their homes to celebrate their atrocities and be lauded for them. Nor did Albo and PenPen use Australian taxpayers money to fund the terrorism and abusive indoctrination of children via donations to UNRWA.

Are statements true because you believe them or because you have reasons to believe them?
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 7:41:04 AM
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Hi Yuyutsu,
From your article:
"Some of the Hamas militants who attacked southern Israel on October 7 were fueled by a synthetic amphetamine called Captagon, which U.S. and Israeli officials believe..."


I did however come across similar info.
I don't find it unreasonable that Hamas could've been on amphetamine-based stimulants.

Hamas Killers in Israel Reportedly Fueled by Captagon

Hi Random,
"I had no idea you had the drug tests on the assassins. You must be either well connected or just pull information that suits you out of your rectum."
- This isn't facebook, no need to go bullet a gate with hate.
You're getting closer to me asking you 'very politely' to stop being a jerk.
Did you ever hear the story about the old bull and the young bull?

"Then at some stage you have to make a call, do you let the forum die because it is so hard to use, or upgrade and keep it running?"

It's not our call to make, you're preaching to the wrong choir.
We're all just commenters here the same as you.
It's up to the forum owner to decide what he wants to do with the forum going forward.
It doesn't have all the features that come with modern forum software and more advanced text editors, and the site looks somewhat outdated, but it's not that difficult to use.

It could be better, sure.
But it still works and still does the job originally intended.
I agree with you in that OLO could be more than it is and could attract further commenters.

"Given the right wing agenda here, maybe you should just let it age out, like most of the posters will."
- This probably just reflects the fact that most commenters here are older Australians, and not the brainwashed university indoctrinated.
You're more than entitled to your opinion on any given topic, just as other commenters are entitled to theirs.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 May 2024 8:01:04 AM
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US could stop funding UN over Palestine – Reuters
The General Assembly is expected to vote on a draft resolution backing Palestine as eligible for full membership

>>The US government could suspend all funding for UN agencies if a resolution recognizing Palestine as qualifying for full membership is adopted, Reuters has reported.<<

- Seems like the US (and it's bought-and-paid-for corrupt congress with AIPAC money) is blackmailing the whole entire world over Palestine.

>>“It remains the US view that the path toward statehood for the Palestinian people is through direct negotiations,” Evans said.<<

How the hell do the Palestinians negotiate?
- Seems more like they're supposed to die or be quiet while Israel conducts its decades long land theft and genocide project...
Truth be told.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 May 2024 8:21:12 AM
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Hi Fester,

"Concentration camps didn't have Jewish guards."
- The ones in Palestine do.

"They didn't bring up their kids to believe it their religious and civil duty to exterminate a people."
- The settlers raise their kids with a mind to kill the Palestinians, don't fool yourself into thinking they don't.
They're as equally hateful and radical at heart as anything on the other side.

They didn't have tunnel networks containing military hardware used to kill people outside the border.
- They don't need to, they have F-35's and the United States smart bombs as well as their UNSC veto, and all because Israel has US Senators in their pockets, and AIPAC doesn't have to register as a foreign agent.

"They didn't conduct raids on the surrounding people, raping, murdering, mutilating, taking hostages, then returning to their homes to celebrate their atrocities and be lauded for them."
- Are you sure about that one?
Maybe because it's being going on for decades you've allowed yourself to think it isn't happening when it is.

Nor did Albo and PenPen use Australian taxpayers money to fund the terrorism and abusive indoctrination of children via donations to UNRWA.
- No but they did use taxpayers money to provide weapons to Israel and support against the Houthis which resulted in effectively assisting the Israelis in their murder of thousands of kids in Israels genocide.

And cutting the funding to UNRWA showed a willingness to assist Israel and take sides in a humanitarian crisis - with respect to Israels forced starvation and withholding of essential medicine;
- Even though there was no guarantee the food, water or medicines would've even been allowed in by the genocidal Israaeli government anyway.

There will never be peace if people can't be honest about the true state of affairs?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 May 2024 8:48:40 AM
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"Concentration camps did not have Jewish guards?"

That's actually not true.

Google - "Kapos" and do your research.

Historically, the facts are that:

Both the NKVD and the Gestapo used informers, collaborators,
and assistants from among the very people they set out to
enslave or destroy. Some assisted voluntarily, while
others collaborated because of fear or weakness.

There were also, of course, numerous courageous men and
women who refused to participate in the subjugation and
destruction of the targeted groups and individuals.

There were Christians who died in their attempts to save
Jews. There were Jews who interceded with their lives to
save persecuted Christians.

These people both Christians and Jews died, some along
with their entire families, or accepted their fates in
concentration camps rather than betray their fellow human
beings. Some are known, but most perished and are known
only to God. These heroes embody human nobility in its
highest form and they stand as beacons to the otherwise
bleak history of World War II.

In order to better understand the Israel/Palestine conflict
The following two books are recommended:

"The Political Laboratory," by Antony Loewenstein.
Which won the People's Choice Award at the 2024 Victorian
Premier's Literary Awards.

"A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," by Nathan Thrall.
Which won the 2024 Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 9:50:56 AM
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"Google - "Kapos" and do your research."

Thanks Foxy. Paid up members of the Gestapo were they? More like terrified people doing anything to survive the brutality of blood lusting fanatics. Kapos were recruited from the camp inmates. They were informants, not SS recruits, and very much a minority compared to the SS guards. "The camps weren't run by Jews." would be a better statement, and like the other statements, I doubt it would have attracted comment from you.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 10:11:07 AM
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Read my entire post.

I can't be held responsible for your lack of understanding
in what I write.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 11:05:17 AM
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"Read my entire post.

I can't be held responsible for your lack of understanding
in what I write."

Foxy, the problem is that you started your reply with a false statement.

I can't be held responsible for your inability to reason.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 11:24:05 AM
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No. I did not start my earlier post with a false

Kapos were appointed as guards to oversee other prisoners
in various tasks.

There were 3 main types of Kapos.
1) Work supervisors.
2) Block elders ( one per block).
3) Camp administrators.

Kapos were given preferential treatment (extra rations).
Not having to do physical labour and more hygienic and
larger sleeping spaces.

They were unpopular and disliked because in regards
to punishing or informing on other fellow prisoners.

Do your own research. I am not interested in continuing
discussing this discussion with you until you do
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 11:41:05 AM
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This is not about reason - but facts!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 11:43:08 AM
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Back on 6 May Foxy had a post that started... "Sydney Criminal Lawyers tell us that:...".

She then quoted a few paragraphs from these lawyers.

But she didn't include a link. I know why. I thought I'd give her a chance to explain. Over to you Foxy.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 11:55:39 AM
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Perhaps this link will clarify things for you.
There's plenty more on the web on this subject:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 12:50:42 PM
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It's ok, don't panic We forgive them !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 9 May 2024 1:08:47 PM
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Good girl.

1. This shows that, despite putting these things in quotes, you liberally altered the actual words, phrases and intent of the article.

2. These people are shown by the rest of the article to be hopelessly biased and unqualified to be making judgements.

No wonder you wanted to hide the link.

Meanwhile I'll report the facts I showed last year...

eg "Even assuming that the jury assessed A’s evidence as ‘thoroughly credible and reliable’, the ‘compounding improbabilities’ caused by the unchallenged evidence required the jury, acting rationally, to have a doubt about Pell’s guilt (at [119]). Put another way, notwithstanding that the jury found A to be credible and reliable, the evidence as a whole was ‘not capable of excluding a reasonable doubt’ as to Pell’s guilt (at [58]). Echoing the formulation used by Deane J and later Mason CJ in years past, the Court referred at three points in the judgment to the ‘significant possibility that an innocent person has been convicted’ (at [9], [119], [127])."

Read the full paper to see what those 'compounding improbabilities' were.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 1:45:54 PM
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No. You are wrong.

It's been explained to you
many time, by myself and others.
Repaating things will not make them
factual. As I've told you - stop digging. The
hole is getting deeper. All we're seeing is more dirt.

Besides the man is dead. Unfortunately many of his
victims are still paying the price of his actions.
They can't and should not be defended.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 2:03:10 PM
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Dear Critic,

«The settlers raise their kids with a mind to kill the Palestinians, don't fool yourself into thinking they don't.
They're as equally hateful and radical at heart as anything on the other side.»

Yes, there are those.

But let us make a distinction:
Most Israelis are not settlers.
Most Israelis hate them.

And even among the Israeli settlers in the West Bank, about half are opportunistic - they came there because land is cheap, because they received interest-free mortgages from government, because they can live in a large free-standing villa rather than crammed in small high-rise apartments, and they will more-than-gladly return home to Israel-proper if offered an appropriate financial compensation.

Now we are talking about the other half, the hard core of the settlers, then yes, they are dangerous Nazis of extreme Jewish-Messianic expectations. Most of them are immigrants who brought their craziness from America.

«They didn't conduct raids on the surrounding people, raping, murdering, mutilating, taking hostages, then returning to their homes to celebrate their atrocities and be lauded for them.»

No they never raped. Their early education strongly repels them with contempt from non-Jewish women, they cannot even think of touching them.
They do not mutilate either, nor interested in keeping hostages: that is not part of their culture.

But they do raid, beat, wound and kill, they do burn homes, cars and orchards, they do damage property and they do steal land, and they do celebrate it.

Now the hard bit is, that Israel has no means to stop them, not even if it had the best government in the world (now of course it has the worst). They are simply too strong for the IDF, they threaten military officers to hurt their families if they dare try to stop or remove them. The IDF may not be afraid of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, but is terrified of them because of what they can do to the IDF officers' children.

Israel needs extensive international help just to physically remove the hard-core settlers and send them back to America (or directly to hell).
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 9 May 2024 2:11:05 PM
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I'll match your link with the following:

Case closed.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 2:15:12 PM
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Oh dear Foxy. Despite what the learned authors of this article say, it is not a technicality to say that the jury couldn't have found him guilty beyond reasonable doubt, it is a damning indictment of three judges in Victoria that they allowed matters to get this far that they had to be overturned by a unanimous High Court rather than settled at first or second instance.
Posted by Graham_Young, Thursday, 9 May 2024 2:40:10 PM
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Hi Graham,

With all due respect. We shall have to agree to disagree
on this issue. I'm not going to argue as sexual abuse
cases are different and the jury and judges who found
the Cardinal guilty did so having weighed everything
presented. The High
Court decision I believe was influenced by the power of
the Church.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 9 May 2024 2:48:31 PM
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"No. You are wrong."

Well we can all read and compare your quote with the actual text. Just asserting I'm wrong doesn't make it so. You, as you always do, tried to enhance your failed views with doctored quotes and then take offence at it being highlighted.

In the end, as the lawyer in my link explained or as you'd see if you read the actual decision from the High Court that I linked to earlier, Pell was exonerated because the High Court found that there was reasonable doubt. And reasonable doubt in our system means not guilty. I know that you wanted him punished for things he wasn't even charged with as your doctored quote tried to explain but that's not how a just world works.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 May 2024 4:57:20 PM
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No, Kapos were not guards. They were inmates who cooperated with the Nazis in order to stay alive.

"Himmler told the Generals:

“A Kapo gets special privileges. The minute we are not satisfied with him he stops being a Kapo and goes back to sleeping with others. He knows only too well that they will kill him on the first night”."

SS guards at concentration camps were there voluntarily. They were paid and did not face death if they refused to follow orders.

Only a dyed in the wool Jew hater would equate a Kapo with an SS guard, much as a fool would equate Gaza with a concentration camp. From the same link:

"In 1950, after the birth of the Jewish State, the Israeli Parliament passed the Nazi and Nazi Collaborator Punishment Law (NNCPL). It enshrined not only the charges of ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ but also a new legal code: ‘crimes against the Jewish people’. Over a period of two decades, 40 trials were conducted in the district court of Tel Aviv and the Supreme Court in Jerusalem. Two thirds of the accused were convicted, sent to jail from ten days up to six and a half years. One death penalty was handed down, but was rapidly overturned. Most of the trial records have been placed under strict lock and key, sealed for a period of 70 years. In the wake of the highly controversial Kapo trials, especially against the backdrop of the Eichmann tribunal, the view on Kapos shifted. Initially seen only as evil collaborators, traitors and co-perpetrators, they are now also viewed as victims of Nazi terror."
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 6:09:11 PM
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Pell got off on a technicality.

That makes my eyes roll too. Convicted on the testimony of one person of an alleged event decades earlier. The prosecution only needed to establish the event might have happened. The onus on Pell's defence lawyers was to establish that the event did not happen beyond a reasonable doubt. Effectively, Pell faced justice on the basis of being guilty until proven innocent, which is why the High Court allowed Pell an appeal and quashed his conviction.

I find it interesting that people who found the evidence against Pell so compelling will dismiss almost anything linking Hamas or UNRWA to atrocities against Israelis and Palestinian children.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 6:37:49 PM
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I find it interesting that people who found the evidence against Pell so compelling will dismiss almost anything linking Hamas or UNRWA to atrocities against Israelis and Palestinian children.
Posted by Fester, Thursday, 9 May 2024 6:37:49 PM

I find it interesting that someone would side with a child molester over the victims of genocide.

I find the murder of 35,000 innocent people pretty compelling evidence.
Posted by Random, Thursday, 9 May 2024 8:02:31 PM
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"I find the murder of 35,000 innocent people pretty compelling evidence."

A hundred and fifty thousand civilians died in the allied invasion of Okinawa. That's what happens when people adopt genocidal and hateful ideologies and foist terror on their neighbours, e.g. Manchuria. Look at the wasteland the Japanese islands became for adopting that mindset, and realise that people have a choice when you look at beautiful and peaceful nation Japan is today.

Teaching kids to hate and believe it their duty to commit genocide is the heart of the problem, and thanks to Albo and PenPen Australian taxpayers are funding the hatred and terror via UNRWA.


Here is a story based on the life of a kapo in Auschwitz. I don't think him much like an SS guard. Do you?
Posted by Fester, Friday, 10 May 2024 8:22:25 AM
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Australia joins 142 nations in backing Palestinian statehood in UN vote

Israeli Ambassador is displeased, nice theatrics...

"Declaring that the nations supporting the resolution had shredded the UN charter, Erdan theatrically inserted a miniature copy of the UN charter into a transparent paper shredder during his speech."

"The resolution 'reaffirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, including the right to their independent State of Palestine'.

It was supported by 143 nations with nine voting against and 25 abstaining.

Australia’s yes vote contrasted with its AUKUS partners the United States and United Kingdom, which voted no and abstained respectively."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 11 May 2024 6:24:31 AM
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foxy said:
Teaching kids to hate and believe it their duty to commit genocide is the heart of the problem, and thanks to Albo and PenPen Australian taxpayers are funding the hatred and terror via UNRWA.

Well, dropping bombs on schools and hospitals is a pretty effective way for surviving kids to learn about hate. But the Israelis know that, so they are killing as many as they can, along with the breeding mothers. And about Okinawa civilians? Americans don't give a fark about non-Americans.

This is one of my favorite examples of their attitude to the rest of the world.
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 6:30:18 AM
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"The price is worth it"
Sounds eerily familiar to those parents who lost all their children in terrorist suicide attacks & stated they "wished they had more children for more attacks" !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 11 May 2024 7:42:59 AM
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And what of Ukraine then Random? Ukrainians don't bring up their kids with a genocidal ideology to exterminate Russians. Ukrainians have not waged a war of terror against Russia.

How is it that you are so incensed that your terrorist friends are being brought to account in Gaza, yet you are silent about an unprovoked invasion that has killed or wounded over a million people and displaced about ten times that number?

Australia's support of Palestinian statehood is an endorsement of hatred and terrorism.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 7:43:17 AM
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"Americans don't give a fark about non-Americans."

So you oppose hatred and discrimination in the world, yet you engage in the same? What does that say of you?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 8:29:43 AM
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Your link was related to Saddam Hussein's claim after America kicked his forces out of Kuwait. The figure is highly contested.

Some Palestinians in Kuwait supported Iraq's invasion and all Palestinians were expelled from Kuwait after Iraq's defeat. I don't see you crying injustice or calling for their return for that event. I think that a few hundred thousand had to leave. Where did they go?
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 8:46:59 AM
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Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 7:43:17 AM
Australia's support of Palestinian statehood is an endorsement of hatred and terrorism.

Hahahaha the part I like the most is that racists will be swallowing their tongues over this one for a long time. It's about time Australia showed some balls! Good one Penny!
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:33:57 AM
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Hi Random,

You wrongly attributed a quote to me:

Saying - Foxy said:

"Teaching kids to hate and believe it is their duty to
commit genocide is the heart of the problem and thanks to
Albo and PenPen Australian taxpayers are funding the
hatred and terror via UNRWA."

I did not say that.

Fester did on page 22.


Hi Fester,

According to the Sydney Jewish Museum:

"Jewish Kapos played a pivotal role in the history of the
Holocaust. Imprisoned in concentration camps Kapos were
enemies and victims of the Nazis. They were Jewish inmates
who were forced by the Nazis to serve as "stand-in" guards.

Being a Kapo blurred the lines between collaborators,
perpetrators, and victims."

I tried to tell you that the Gestapo used informers,
collaborators, and assistants from among the very people
they set out to enslave
or destroy. Some assisted voluntarily, while others
because of fear or weakness. I also spoke about those
men and women who refused to participate in the subjucation and
destruction of the targeted groups and individuals.
They died along with their entire families or accepted their
fates in the concentration rather than betray their fellow
human beings.

I can only be responsible for what I post - based on historical

I can't be held responsible for how you interpret things.
I would also appreciate it if you would stop using terms like -
Jew hatred - which is so wrong and divisive. And only adds
to unproductive discussions and the hurling of unnecessary

There's enough hatred as it is. We don't need to add to it.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:41:55 AM
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Hi Random,
You wrongly attributed a quote to me:

So I did stuff it up, sorry about that. This is a seriously tedious forum software and that contributes to that.

A simple Reply of Quote function would be so easy the even the uneducated RWNJ chattering masses here could use it. Maybe even I could.
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 11:59:22 AM
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:38:10 AM
Nothing, even the most horrific evidence of Hamas/UNRWA/Gazan/Islamic animalism will convince the "bother-siders". There would would have been no war, no atrocities, noone killed,

Wow, what a RWNJ you are. Maybe you should tell that to the Iraqis who did absolutely nothing to America, but millions of them were murdered anyway.

Anyone who votes for Pauline Pantsdown is expected to be a biggoted on-eyed racist, that's you to a Tee.
Posted by Random, Saturday, 11 May 2024 12:03:53 PM
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"I can't be held responsible for how you interpret things.
I would also appreciate it if you would stop using terms like -
Jew hatred - which is so wrong and divisive. And only adds
to unproductive discussions and the hurling of unnecessary

That's a good sentiment, Foxy. My interpretation is describing a kapo as a guard is a bit like describing a midden as a rubbish dump: There might be some common functions, but not to the extent you would think them the same. You might also be aware that there are people who claim that Jewish people collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for massacres of their own people such as the sinking of the MV Struma. To me it's crossing into the realm of holocaust denial.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 3:59:31 PM
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Hi Fester,

I merely present facts. It isn't my place to make judgements
or either excuses, not having lived during those times or
walked in their shoes. There are many stories about Kapos
and their experiences. All rather horrenduous. World War II
produced tens of millions of victims.

Some were combatants, some civilian casualties of the war.
Others were victims of genocide planned by the warring
powers. Both the Nazis and the Communists had committed
unheard of cruelties. Concentration camps - on both sides
of the front operated at a high pitch prior to and during the
war years.

While half of the criminals, the Nazis, have been pursued all
over the world for their crimes, the other half, the communist
criminals, were allowed to go free.

They were in effect, given tacit persmission to continue
the operation of their concentration camps, to expand their
draconian systems to include psychiatric wards, thereby
raising torture, suppression, and murder to a science.

The fact that the process persisted was vividly disclosed to
the world by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 May 2024 4:26:54 PM
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Hi Foxy,

It's depressing reading. I take the simplistic view that when societies fill themselves with fear and hatred, their existence tends to become miserable, and when they abandon the same their lives improve greatly. I would like to see OLO function as a positive example of my simplistic view.

Having a difference of opinion should not be a source of conflict. I rarely agree with AC for example, but am always in awe of his politeness and the great amount of knowledge evident in his responses.

The best thing I find about learning of the horrors of war is in reflecting on how much nations can change by adopting a different outlook. I don't think that can be said of Russia, and I don't think the outlook of Palestinians is helping them much either.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 11 May 2024 5:05:48 PM
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Thank you Fester for your civility.

I was just talking to my husband on this subject
over dinner. If only we all could learn to treat
each other as fellow human beings.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 May 2024 5:31:02 PM
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"I rarely agree with AC for example, but am always in awe of his politeness and the great amount of knowledge evident in his responses."
- Your too kind Fester.
'Politeness' - I'm sure that Foxy and a few of the others here can attest that I've had my moments...
And I'm not really all that knowledgeable, flattered that you think so.
If I've been shown to be correct on some war-related topics it's really the creators of the content I follow that deserve that credit.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 12 May 2024 10:31:43 PM
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Hi AC,

We may not always agree but I think you are one of
the shinning lights on this forum. You challenge all of us
and you've certainly made me question some of my thinking.
You are a challenge and I feel - you're admired by us all.

So there!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 13 May 2024 9:34:31 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Thanks for the kind words.
If that's true, it may only be by default;
It seems many of our shining examples or no longer present, and it saddens me.

"You challenge all of us and you've certainly made me question some of my thinking."
- That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me on the forum.

It almost feels like an accomplishment in this day and age.
- To have an opposing opinion, to speak your mind - and not be hated for it.
I know many of you disagree with me, and that's perfectly fine.
- Because we all disagree all the time anyway.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 May 2024 11:57:50 AM
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What a lovely way to end a discussion. What OLO is at its best is much more about a sense of goodwill between participants than the software it uses. Goodwill does not forgo the prospect of hard fort argument, but it does imply that the sharing of opinions is a privilege and not a means of divining evildoers.
Posted by Fester, Monday, 13 May 2024 7:54:21 PM
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the sharing of opinions is a privilege and not a means of divining evildoers.
Thumbs up for that !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 17 May 2024 10:41:50 AM
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Once people take up that quest I think they are riding the big snake to the bottom.

People are people the world over, but immersing them in a propaganda advocating hatred and genocide as is happening in Gaza will guarantee a violent and tragic outcome.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 18 May 2024 8:51:02 AM
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