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Screams before Silence.

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Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert tells us
that a two-state solution is the only viable option.
However he reminds us that "it isn't fashionable to
trust Palestinians, any Palestinians." he says that
"This is the time when you're meant to hate them.
But this is BS."

"When I argue with people, I say, what is the solution?
What do you think can be done? Do you think that we can
continue to control 4.5 million people without rights,
with unlimited occupation, forever? Do you think that
can work?"

"Then, they of course don't have an answer," he adds.

But are the Israelis in the mindset to even discuss a
two-state solution?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 1:52:15 PM
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Dear Foxy,

"it isn't fashionable to trust Palestinians, any Palestinians."

So what? Israel is not being asked to trust them, Israel is only being asked to give them a state, then let them have it!

By doing so, Israel can make peace with Saudi-Arabia and nearly all Middle-Eastern countries (bar Iran) as well as with the rest of the world, including with nearly all American and European progressives, including even with Foxy and several other OLO members!

The wars will no doubt go on - the so-called "Palestinians" will continue to use their state to attack Israel, but once Israel is united within and once it also regains the support of rest of the world, it will always be ready and will never be caught off guard again like it did on Yom Kippur 1973 and on October 7th.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 4:27:16 PM
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It is said that 27 women have been murdered in Australia this year (120 days). 27 out of a female population on 13 million. And the entire nation has gone berserk with rallies, protests and demands that the whole legal system be upended to ensure it never happens again.

Around 600 Israeli women were murdered in one day. 600 out of a female population of around 5 million. And not just murdered but raped, tortured, breasts cut-off while alive and dead, genitals desecrated, gang rapes, bullets to the head and/or vagina, foetuses cut out, some kidnapped and raped later. Yet Israel is urged to not try to ensure it'll never happen again. Instead they're urged to forget what happened and move on.

Imagine a politician in Australia in the current political climate telling women they need to forget those 27 murders and move on; forgive the perpetrators, understand what motivated them; live with it and wait for the next murder. A quick way to the end of a career if not worse.

Yet that's what the anti-semitites want from Israel.

Fortunately for Israel women (and men) the Israeli government isn't going to forget and is going to do all within its power to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 5:11:18 PM
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Thankyou for bringing attention to that video. My wife and I have just finished watching it.

"The screams will echo forever". And so they should.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 9:11:15 PM
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"Around 600 Israeli women were murdered in one day" - A regrettable loss of life.
- But sadly IDF are legitimate targets and that would be about half the number quoted

(But many of these IDF girls brag about killing Palestinians from the safety of their tank or camera operated machine guns on the wall)

* Israel killed on average 135 children per day, for months, by dropping bombs on them and turning them into mince - the same kind of outcome if you threw those same kids live into a woodchipper.

Still killing them now.
October, November, December, January, February, March, April....

Don't make out the screams are only happening on one side.
- Or that the screams on the Israeli side are louder.

I'm sorry about the Israeli women, and any other innocent person harmed.
(Some of those Israeli IDF women weren't innocent)
But the scumbag Israel supporters couldn't give a toss about dead Palestinian women or kids.

I remember seeing at least a dozen 14-storey buildings being flattened within 30 seconds, within the first week after the attack
Don't try to tell me Israel didn't kill 600 civilians just in that single attack on Northern Gaza.

Israel is deliberately mass killing civilians and journalists.
You know why?

They wish to put the hand of death on every single innocent Palestinian to send a message to not support any kind of resistance to the boot Israel keeps on their throat.
And they don't want the sick things they are doing making the papers.

Israel is a terrorist nation that routinely conducts assassinations in foreign nations and bombs embassies and consulates, and that's not even mention the crimes against the Palestinians.

Hopefully Netanyahu will be considered a war criminal by the ICC this week and the USA will not be able to send them any more bombs.

Israel's desperate to try to gain some moral high ground to distract away from or justify the deliberate mass killing of civilians, especially at a time when the ICC is about to make a judgement.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 10:33:42 PM
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I'll say it again. If the Arab animals had not done what they did on October 7, there would have been no deaths in Gaza. Further back, if the "innocent" Gazans had not supported Hamas, as they did and still do, they would have been alive today. But no: at least 75% supported terror, and a good many of them took part in the atrocities against young Israelis just doing what young people do, in their own country.

Fortunately, Israel is stronger, and it is to be hoped that Hamas and its supporters will be put down, now and forever.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 May 2024 11:06:13 PM
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