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The Forum > General Discussion > Screams before Silence.

Screams before Silence.

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Just a quick one on the 'sameness' of mainstream politicians.

The ABC reported yesterday on a ASIO revelation of a nest of Indian spies and (yes, not Chinese) that infiltrated Australia under Dutton's Ministership.

Just like Albanese, Dutton 'couldn't-comment-on-that', but yabbered about about ASIO getting enough funding as a clumsy and obvious cop out from fronting up and answering the question.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:44:04 AM
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Oops. That should have been in the Immigration thread. Never mind. Most of you don't give a sh-t anyway..
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:46:13 AM
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For those of you who do give a sh-t, this week's Spectator features a piece on the Albanese “train wreck” and how things could be better if the Coalition “actually opposed Labor” instead of falling in behind Labor like a good cattle dog”
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 2 May 2024 8:54:34 AM
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I find it beyond bizarre that whenever the Hamas attack
on the 7th October is being discussed the moment one
mentions the need to understand the circumstances in
which it took place one gets accused of either being
anti-Semitic, a Jew hater, not giving a sh-t or supporting
or justifying terrorism. And Israel is presented as a
victim reacting to aggression.

Israel's occupation of the West Bank and it's iron
encirclement of the Gaza Strip. It's continued bombardment
is justified. Israel is presented as a victim reacting to

When Yoav Gallant, the Israeli Defence Minister describes
Palestinians as "Human animals," He loses his own humanity.
Surely we as human beings need to see the complexity of the
situation in the Middle-East and listen to both sides?

Unless Israel's tactics change - it will never get rid of
groups like Hamas. Innocents will continue to suffer.
The world is asking for a two state solution. Demonstrations
are increasing around the world and in the Middle East.
They should be heard by both sides. Finger-pointing is not
going to produce anything productive. Destruction and the
loss of human lives will continue and increase.

Can this go on forever? As I stated earlier - revenge is not
victory. It's time to say - " Enough!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 10:17:36 AM
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No Foxy, you don't understand and I suspect you never will.

Israel did suffer aggression on 7/10. Israel is reacting to that aggression. But most importantly, and most often forgotten by the Hamas cheer-squad, Israel is seeking to ensure that these attacks on its people can never happen again.

In the same way as the various authorities in Australia are demanding action, including overthrowing the presumption of innocence, in order to protect women and ensure it never happens again - a stance I'd assume you support - Israel is and Israelis are seeking action to ensure it never happens again.

Unfortunately that action means eliminating Hamas and unfortunately Hamas is using their kids and burka clad women as human shields.

Supporting any action to protect Australian women while objecting to action to protect Israelis is straight up hypocrisy. And averting eyes to the wonton barbarity of the 7/10 attacks is straight up anti-semitism.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 May 2024 1:20:50 PM
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I'm not an expert on this conflict.
I'm trying to make sense of it.

From what I've read, the general consensus seems to be

At its most basic level the Israel/Palestine conflict
is over who gets what land and how the land is

We're told that:

There are 3 main reasons the conflict feels more
complicated than it actually is:

1) It's been going on for several decades.
2) Each side has a very different narrative of this conflict.
3) Pro Israel and pro Palestine partisans push their own
agendas - sadly, trying to shut down conversations.

We're told that:

Each side tends to ignore their own preferred side's abuses.
With the effect being - to yield the conversation to the
most vehement partisans. Which is one of several reasons
why this conversation is so toxic. This helps to save the
status quo of perpetual conflict and is great for extremists
on both sides.

There's more at the following link:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 2 May 2024 2:10:40 PM
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