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Why is religion blamed for the Gaza conflict?

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I've seen ample videos of Jews and Israelis expressing their own hate.

What about all the Palestinian Christians being bombed and killed by Israel in the holy land, and who would be spat upon by Orthodox Jews in Israel for being 'idolators'?

Your moral compass is spinning wildly like a ship in the bermuda triangle, sorry Josephus.

Do unto others as they would have them do unto you?
Thou shalt not kill?
Love thy enemy?

None of it matters anyway Israel is not going to achieve anything except piss them off more...
- And so this vicious cycle of neverending crimes against humanity will continue.

Pull up a chair and grab some popcorn and enjoy the killing of Christians in the cursed Holy land that you and your kind are helping to facilitate.
Go celebrate the murder of Christians and women and kids.
You're a fake Christian.. In name only.
I can see it, and I'm not even religious...

Here's why it won't matter:

Blinken said to warn war cabinet Israel may not have months to topple Hamas
US diplomat says Israel must change way it is fighting, set up safe zones, avoid hospitals, UN facilities: ‘Massive loss of civilian life’ in north Gaza must not be repeated in south
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 4 December 2023 10:11:33 AM
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This entire conflict is ridiculous.
That's the only word I can find for it.

I'll draw a different but similar picture here metaphorically...

Let's say I head over to your place Josephus
Pitch my tent in your front yard, and proclaim this is my land now, God gave it to me.
I've got a little indigenous in me, and my ancestors lived here 2000 years ago.

Now for some strange reason, you're displeased with this forced arrangement.
You come out the front to threaten and attack me.

Well 'God' gave it to me you know, and I need to protect myself.
Sorry Josephus, I'm going to have to nail your front and back doors shut, and put bars on your windows - to protect myself from your aggressive behavior.

Then you start throwing things at me out the window..
And I think my myself, "I've just been TOO KIND to these people, I just don't understand why they act this way, they are yelling obsenities out the window at me, saying they want to kill me"

Your daughter throws something at me, so I cart her off to the back shed...

"These people want to kill me and they hurl things at me" I say.
- I just don't understand why, these people are such animals.

"Do you want me to turn your water off and stop allowing your online food deliveries" Josephus?

"Stop resisting!"

So in order to protect myself I board up all your windows.

You scream that this is an injustice, you call the cops and the local council, saying this situation is completely outrageous and that you have rights.
But your calls go unheard...
You see I pay off the cops and the local council. (US)
I've got them in my back pocket...

- And I also have the support of the Christians who won't say a bad word about all this, if fact they agree with me that I need to defend and protect myself from you.

There, that's how ridiculous this bs is.
And that's why 'ridiculous' is the only word for it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 4 December 2023 11:42:47 AM
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As is usual, the problem arises because people don't use reason to control and direct instinctive behaviour.
I think we need more or better education about this?
And we most certainly should not take 'sides' when there is conflict.
People are fighting.
This is destructive and damaging in both the short and long term.
For us as well as for them.
So they need to stop.
All draw back, and realise they need each other.
And direct their energy towards constructive projects which will benefit all.
But they are blind to this?
So an external force is needed to direct them towards this goal.
Fortunately, it is there, and active.
But human nature doesn't like reason.
So this conflict will probably run a destructive course.
I feel for the parents trying to protect their children.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 4 December 2023 12:29:03 PM
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Dear Josephus,

«Those include what the group described as Israeli settlers’ desecration of the al-Aqsa Mosque, a Muslim holy site near sites also holy to Christians and Jews."»

This provocation was a filthy political show-off by members of Israel's Nazi party, which I totally condemn.


Dear Critic,

«My mistake, 'Home for the Jews' and all that
It's hard for an outsider to always find the correct term for each instance.»

That was the later compromise they had to accept when the United-Nations started messing around. The original Zionists didn't come to Israel in order to remain Jews, nor wanted any "Home for the Jews" - they only wanted like-minded people of working age (be they Jewish or otherwise) to join them in renewing the Hebrew culture on the land.

«Some might've sold their land, but I'm not convinced they'd sell their childrens futures to make way for another nation.»

Some did, others did not, it was completely up to them and those who wanted could join that new nation too.

«Was it one of these 'Godfather' type scenarios?
'Well make you an offer you can't refuse'?»

The offers were quite generous, but nobody was compelled to accept them.

Had the local Arab militias and the armies of surrounding Arab countries not attacked Israel in 1948, there would have been no Naqba and Israel would have remained a very small country indeed... unless of course more local Arabs wanted to sell off their lands at a later date.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 4 December 2023 3:53:01 PM
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Well all I can say here is that:
Say a person of Chinese descent buys a house in Australia.
Just because they own it, doesn't mean they can form a new country or that the land is now under the jurisdiction of China.

I think your a reasonably decent person Yuyutsu.
You'd have to be, to come from Israel, cop my criticism of Israel, and Jews, IDF and settlers and understand I just want this endless conflict and the needless lives taken to stop.

Thanks for enlightening me about things as you do.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 4 December 2023 6:58:15 PM
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Dear Critic,

Just prior to October 7th, there were serious conversations of splitting Israel into two states, a moderate "Israel" on the north and west with Tel Aviv as capital, and a fanatic Jewish-Messianic "Judea" to the south and east with Jerusalem as capital, which would also include the West Bank. The two groups found it harder and harder to live together, especially with Netanyahu at the helm.

Apart from my deep concern for those who would have to relocate their homes as a result, I considered that plan a good idea, but the 7th of October turned the tables and wiped off any such plans since Hamas makes no such distinctions between sheep and goats.

In today's news, a Jewish-Israeli man who tried to defend Arab shepherds in the West Bank from settlers, was wounded by rocks and nearly died. Another was attacked by the settlers with pepper spray straight into his eyes.

Not all Israelis are the same, not even all who see themselves as Zionists, and some can be quite hurt when collectively accused for the disgusting crimes of the Jewish settlers who are their own enemies.

«Say a person of Chinese descent buys a house in Australia.
Just because they own it, doesn't mean they can form a new country or that the land is now under the jurisdiction of China.»

Well this China example is different for security reasons, because China is a hostile empire which wants to take over Australia and enslave its people. Denying that is an obvious case of self-defence.

But suppose a BENIGN group of people who own a contiguous territory, peacefully wishes to secede from Australia and form their own country, then I always held the view that they should be able to do so, that it is wrong to force a state, any state, over people who never wanted to be part thereof. And yes, bar security reasons, and once these security issues are resolved, the same goes for the West Bank and Gaza.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 4 December 2023 10:58:17 PM
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