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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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Nah mhaze, if he was in the Liberal MP Moira Deeming electorate, she seems to like Nazi's, in fact she supports them, then he'd vote for her, she speaks their language. The 'National Socialist Network' are always looking for new members. Deeming was critical of what she called; "Extreme left counter protesters".."A group of conservative Liberal party members on Sunday threatened to quit the party if Deeming is expelled. Two of Dud Duttons Snnators voiced there support for Deeming, Jacinta Price and Claire Chandler, have issued statements offering Deeming their support.. Don't have to look too far to find the Nazi's!

Then there is the NSW Liberal Premier Nazi Dom, who is known to slip the old swastika are the arm on special occasions.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 5:07:25 PM
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I tend to also agree with comment from david f:

"To be a terrorist you have to plan or commit terrorist acts. I find Nazi salutes are offensive, but they are not terrorist acts. Free speech is not free speech if speech or gestures that some may find offensive is not allowed."

I'm not a Neo-NAZI nor do I support them,
- But I look at it in the context of black-only groups are allowed.

Take the SBS for example.
They have a tv program called 'Living Black"
- If there was a tv program called 'Living White' it would be deemed racist.

Where's the equality there?
"Black Lives Matters' is perfectly fine and supported.
'White Lives Matters' is deemed racist, opposed and would be banned.

So whites say 'All Lives Matters'
- And even that is attacked.

Where's the equality?
You can't scream support for equality, and not see the contradictions.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 March 2023 9:12:54 PM
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Once again you post your opinion as facts no matter how idiotic or defamatory, they are. The neo nazis are as likely to be associated with One nation as the greens with ISIS.

The only people burning books or committing violence are the left-wing parties such as the greens and their violent wing Antifa. Parties that should be deemed terrorist organisations are those that commit terrorist acts not just because you don't like them.

It is conservatives that don't consider the Aus population morons that can't make up their minds for themselves. Free speech is not only to share ideas but to expose extremists as extremists.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 10:47:19 AM
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Two were arrested when a mob supporting One Nation's NSW Leader Mark Latham, according to some accounts, men again from a far right group, surrounded a small number of LGBTQI+ protesters outside a church where Latham was speaking. The protesters claim; "they were "attacked" and pelted with rocks and bottles by hundreds of men". If true, this is the kind of thugs, supporters of One Nation on this forum believe are deserving of peoples votes.


Posie Parker (Kellie-Jay Keen) is said to have links with neo-Nazi groups in Britain and the US. Parker has defended Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming who spoke at her rally outside Melbourne's Parliament House on Saturday. It was at this rally that Parker and therefore Deeming supporters gave the Nazi salute. If you lie down with dogs you get fleas. A vote for One Nation is ultimately a vote for the Liberal Party, as One Nation directs preference to the Liberals.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 2:30:58 PM
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Nazis in shorts a t-shirts. Certainly not dressed for success.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 3:21:43 PM
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" A vote for One Nation is ultimately a vote for the Liberal Party, as One Nation directs preference to the Liberals."

Paul claims to have been involved in politics for decades yet utterly misunderstands how preferential voting works. Well, it is Paul!!

Parties can suggest how their supporters direct preferences but they can't determine it. Its perfectly possible to vote say, One Nation and then direct your preference away from the Libs. But it seems this goes over the heads of many. (also in NSW you can 'exhaust' your preferences by not directing them to anyone other than your first preference).

Moira Deeming spoke at a rally called "Let Women Speak". A bunch of men turned up, uninvited and unwanted and paraded around down Heil Hitler salutes. The women at the rally immediately and unequivocally rejected and criticised these interlopers. Now a bunch of men have decided that rather than letting the women speak they are going to silence Deeming by kicking her out of the party. They might be the Liberal Party but they definitely aren't a liberal party.

BTW, the police at the rally were able to keep large numbers of the QWERTY++ crowd separated from the women's rally but decided to let the Black Shirts through. Smell a rat? Only if you've got two brain cells to rub together
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 22 March 2023 3:29:54 PM
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