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The Forum > General Discussion > A Million Or More Refugees From Ukraine And China

A Million Or More Refugees From Ukraine And China

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Armchair Critic- I thought you were being ironic- but no- and thanks- see below... explains a lot...
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 10:33:21 PM
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Just for the record- comparing someone to a communist isn't calling someone a communist. Paul1405 could do everything a communist does in theory and still identify as something else I suppose- but if you see Paul1405 supporting certain things- at some point you have to say that it's suspiciously like Communism. I'll leave it up to others if they agree with me.

Many organisations on the contemporary far-left seem to identify with Trotsky as the more authentic form of Communism- despite Trotsky's extremism- and this seemingly informs the wider leftist movement.

Many of the acolytes of these organisations see themselves as the embodiment of goodness and so it's impossible to help them see the contradictions (of for example equality and fairness). While others read both Marx and others like Ayn Rand, etc, etc- those of the far-left seemingly only only read one side.

Paraphrasing Jordan Peterson- based on the fact below it should be obvious to anybody the evils of communism- except those that actually are evil.
"One Hundred Million dead under COMMUNISM!"
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 10:54:35 PM
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Anyway Paul1405 throws enough stones himself. If his feelings are hurt I think it's sort of self inflicted. I don't really care what he calls me because I don't respect his judgement- but that's just my feelings- they shouldn't matter to Paul1405.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 10:59:03 PM
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Kudos Kid,

Your continual referencing the likes of Arsethrottle and those from the long distant past, are frankly boring in the extreme. Have you ever noticed no one replies to your quotes from Arsethrottle and so on, no one is interested. Posting such might make you feel you are a superior nob, but the reality is you have no original thought processes of your own, just this regurgitating clap trap that is of no interest to anyone on here, otherwise they would reply. You've just posted a dozen links, the reality is your links, stink!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 8 March 2023 11:45:28 PM
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That's paul's usual incoherent bollocks.

As for the Ukrainian refugees, while most of them would be welcome additions to Australia, the reality is that most of them consider their refugee status to be temporary and feel more comfortable in neighbouring countries where they understand the language, can remain in touch with their families remaining in Ukraine and can easily return. So moving 1m Ukrainian refugees to Australia is not only impractical but probably unwelcome.

As for the Uighers, I don't see China letting them go.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 9 March 2023 4:37:42 AM
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So you're completely opposed to lines on a map that cause war and want new lines except that when I point out the illogicality of that, you decide that you don't want new lines drawn. That corner you're painting yourself into is getting smaller.

There are all sorts of Putin apologists around but when you declare that the votes in Donetsk, Crimea etc were democratic you reveal yourself as the most gullible of Putin apologists. Hint: people voting at the point of a gun isn't democracy.

I couldn't help but notice that after claiming that Hilary would have been tough on Putin despite a decade of being the exact opposite, you can't defend those claims when challenged. As I expected.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 9 March 2023 6:11:12 AM
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