The Forum > Article Comments > Israel - created by terrorism > Comments
Israel - created by terrorism : Comments
By Anne Alexander and John Rose, published 30/5/2008The state of Israel was founded 60 years ago out of a monstrous crime - the expulsion of nearly a million Palestinians from their homes.
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Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:30:39 PM
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"These truths are:
1. Israel can do no wrong." The truth is, the heading of this thread is an open lie. Israel was not created by terrorism. In fact, the following is the truth: 1. Israel was created a 1000 times more legally than any Arab state. Israel was established via the UN, unlike any Arab state, which was hoisted on oil. In fact, all the Arab states actually voted in the UN Motion, and when the results favorured Israel, they flaunted the UN and made a multi-arab state attack, with a declared goal of genocide. 2. There were no muslims called palestinians when the arab states attacked in 1948. 3. The west bank and Gaza were in arab hands in 1948. Today's muslims are hardly concerned with the Pretend pals or with land - they just cannot accept another any non-muslim states in the middle-east. But Jews predate islam and the Arabrace, as do the copts and the kurds. 4. The arab attack constituted the greatest violation in the UN's history - but still the UN Madarasa issued no Resolution. 5. Not one of the Arab states which Briton created are based on historical borders, as is Israel. Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and all the gulf states are new states made from oil borders. The Muslim regimes are responsible for 100s of 1000s of deaths all around the world, by appointing poisonous clerics to produce killer zombies - as a deflection. When the Regimes reject democrasy and free multi-party rule, theyare in fact rejecting LAWS. Posted by IamJoseph, Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:52:15 PM
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6. Jordan is an illegal state. It was created by corruption for oil contracts.
7. Muslims are not palestinians - this name was Jewish for 2000 years, and it is a shame for muslims to wear this name. 8. jews have never stolen anyone's lands in all their 4000 year history - despite being the world's most dispersed people. In fact, the jewish homeland was stolen from jews 2000 years ago, and the pre-islamic people were hired as paid mercenaries in Rome's army, and were in the front rows destroying thre jewish temple. [The Josephus documents]. Today the muslims openly lie that the jewish temple was a zionist myth - so what does this say of their belief - it is also based on lies. 9. The silence of christians here makes them even more guilty than the Muslims, and it will make a mockery of the gospels which says the truth will set you free. This guarantees European christians to become 100% guilty in th judgement of the Holy One. 10. the silence of christians to take the muslims to task will eventually backfire. When christians remain silent Moses being called a Muslim, it soon becomes accepted muslims also call Jesus as a Palestinian - which is historically impossible: Jesus died in 30 CE, and the name Palestina was dumped on the jews of Judea 40 years later, in 70 CE. So how could JC be a Palestinian? That is the price christians pay when they remain silent of falsehoods made about Jews. 11. Quote: '..In his 1st-century Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius Josephus described Jerusalem in the Gospel era, stating that the Herodian Temple was "incredible". Set within a complex of over 35 acres, where the El-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock now stand, it was the most magnificent construction of the era - far bigger than the Acropolis in Athens. However, the mighty edifice was destroyed by Titus and the Roman legions in AD 70 when the Jews became the only state which rejected the Roman decree to worship its emperor'. <t Posted by IamJoseph, Saturday, 31 May 2008 9:55:10 PM
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To Iam Joseph: Yes, it is hard to argue with historic fact, but you are looking for a perverted justice from history. Obviously you feel deeply on the subject of justification for the Jewish state and I ,least of all, wish to condemn you for that. But the rest of the world looks on in wonderment at the atrocities now committed by the Israelis against Palestinians (irrespective of who Palestinians are historically) They are desperate and in need of compassion and that in the broader sense is the treatment their cause will get. Can you understand that simplicity?
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 31 May 2008 10:35:04 PM
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Diver Dan,
'They are desperate and in need of compassion and that in the broader sense is the treatment their cause will get. Can you understand that simplicity?' These people have a philosophy that is rooted in a book thousands of years old. These people have never revised nor added to this book. These people cannot assess the modern concept of human rights or apply this concept to others because this book doesn't take into account modern history or ... development. Just in case you, in error, assume I am talking like a Muslim hater, I'm refering to The First Testament Bible. These people can only operate in line with their books beliefs. eg God bequeathed them the land of Zion from the Nile to the Euphrates, an eye for an eye, the Chosen People, etc etc etc. None of them can recant these stupidities on any level. As an exercise just ask any of them to do just that. Then watch the more idiotic dodge and weave and claim that they really are Liberal Democrats... and follow western philosophies. That's really amusing. Stupid people, especially fundamentalist christians, support them in their beliefs and defend them on the basis of their self serving book. These same Fundi christians overlook the 'Sermon on the Mount' and how Christianity is compassionate, simple and giving and so is fundamentally different from their book and their beliefs. These same fundi's exhibit an unnatural hate for Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. Posted by keith, Sunday, 1 June 2008 8:51:42 AM
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iamjoseph ,you thought to remove this post?
thethirdchoice , implies 3 or morechoices ,so guess what they are [love doing good ,love doing bad , or love doing nothing] by your deeds i know yours is love doing evil [the 3rd choice [the realm of the sleepers] , but,you arnt a 'sleeper are you you chose to do your vile live time serving two_masters dosnt-work] You say the scriptures contradict each-other , give NO egsamples you say they contradict EXPLAIN WHERE BRO rebut DONT JUST get CENSURE YOU are missing the point [god] the messengers/messages/rituals get elivated above god the ritual or the messengers subvert us away from the live time realisation of HIS love and HIS grace [his=logus=god] Thus did the people of mosus build a calf , treasure an arc ,build a temple [note all material things] yet even knowing the spiritual essence underlying they like you miss the living loving celestial truth , thus was the rite [circumsizion betrayed by the slaughter of-a whole tribe , because one fell in love and allowed his 'physical' passions to run amuck , please note that israel was but one of the tribes ,further that isra-EL , literally means wars with god , thus jesus can tell a crowd [intent on stoning an adulteress] by writing in the sand 'thou shalt not kill' then further revealing the further teaching of let ye without sin... etc] note the followers of the 'last' messenger [may-gods-peace-be upon-them-all ] note_they obey the 'rule' not to make graven images [this needed to be highlighted because mens seem to allways be putting holy texts ,holy ritual ,unholy religious i-cons , miricles, holy prophets and messengers before the ever-present [ever-loving ]ever-living god of grace. ye shall have no god before him [nor after] but most of all not above HIM It is god_who gives us ALL life [GOOD] death in no way serves the life giver [GOD] DEATH can only 'serve' the evil/vile/veil of the death maker] [or those serving-2-masters[or_material-gain] god>good>life death>bad>d-evil [lift the veil , see de-evil is truelly vile Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 June 2008 9:47:58 AM
We sure could use some Israeli dry land farming expertise here in Australia. Shift the bloody place out here, and try to live in peace. Fetch over the Israeli nuclear arsenal as well, saving us the expense of the inevitable nuclear arming of Australia (American benefit). And a bit of American foreign aid too ; another windfall for Australia.