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'Four Corners' blames non-Muslims for extremism : Comments

By Leon Bertrand, published 14/3/2008

To deny or ignore the anti-social behaviours which have caused hostility towards Muslims will not help anyone.

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CJ Morgan,

You find it difficult to know what I am asking?? Very interesting...Ummm...

Let me make it even simpler for you:-

"Tell us why, despite AN ABSENCE OF SOCIAL ALIENATION in Afghanistan under the Taliban, nonethelss we found the worst extremists, fundamentalists right there ??"

This is just a simple question of logic...

Things are getting clearer all the times about you:-

1. Mentally feeble in terms of logical reasoning
2. A hypocrite - Calling me names and swear but have the cheek to say I am ill-mannered.
3. Disingenuous and deceptive - Why did you answered my "off-topic" question previously??
4. Either ability to comprehend (English) is doubtful or you indulge in false pretense.

It is possible to make the question simpler, of course. But chances are I will answer it for you.
Posted by gz, Sunday, 16 March 2008 11:02:49 PM
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You obviously don't live in Sydney, or if you do, you are very selective in what you read or hear.

The Cronulla "riots" were the result of years of abuse from Lebanese thugs who tried to take over the beach, and prevent the residents of Cronulla from peacefully enjoying their own local beach.

The police did not take the matter seriously enough, and did not take steps to stop these Lebanese Muslims. Perhaps because they knew that they would be lambasted for "racism" by the PC crowd and people like you. On top of that, the legal system is infested with bleeding heart liberals, who give the Police no support in their attempts to protect law abiding people from being molested.

Your refusal to consider this and many other factors and incidents to do with the behaviour of the Lebanese Muslims, and not only in relation to Cronulla, says to me that you are trying to occupy some "moral high ground", for some unknown reason.

Do you consider the acts of the Lebanese over the previous years to be right? Do you think they were right to take their revenge subsequently on innocent people in suburbs far away from Cronulla?

You are certainly not being even-handed in your consideration of this matter.

If the Muslims continue in this way, they are asking for a far worse reaction in the future.
Posted by Froggie, Monday, 17 March 2008 6:08:03 AM
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It’s funny that CJ can make apologies for a lunatic who buys a gun and goes and makes a video declaring jihad. Poor fella had been victimized by someone breaking into his house and calling him names and making threatening gestures. D’Ya think that the residents of cronulla might not have felt they were the ones being victimised? Perhaps? The left seems to have lost any sense of personal responsibility, except of course if you’re middle class and white. In that case everything is your fault.

CJ says “young Muslims … feel … marginalised in their own country”

CJ, how many other migrant groups suffered a sense of alienation in their first few generations here. Did you see any of them raving on about jihad and plotting to kill citizens of the country that houses and feeds them? The emphasis on your quote is that they “feel” marginalized, whether or not they have a sound basis for that feeling. Certainly discrimination of the magnitude suffered by Italian, Greek and Vietnamese migrants has not afflicted the newer Islamic arrivals. Their greater sensitivity has been fanned by radical imams and the grievance mongers of the left. How do you think muslim youth is going to turn out if they go to mosque and hear foreign, and local, imams tell them how disgusting our society is and that its their responsibility to god to fight it?

Take Britain for example. The protections enjoyed by the muslim communities over there are far more advanced than they are here, yet they have had far more problems. There have been recent demands from the Muslim Council of Britain for all schools to "ban 'un-Islamic activities' like dance classes, teach contact sports in single-gender groups, allow Muslim children to wear all-encompassing garments while swimming, and to limit certain school activities during Ramadan ..". There have also been calls for an introduction of sharia law and for Muslim holidays to become British national holidays. British flags are no longer flown in many places as muslims are offended by St Georges cross and its links to the crusaders.
Posted by Paul.L, Monday, 17 March 2008 4:39:33 PM
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In Australia, Muslim university students have called for lectures to be rescheduled to fit in with prayer timetables and separate male and female eating and recreational areas”.,,23269447-2702,00.html?from=public_rss

Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, the first Muslim peer, has called for Muslim women to stop wearing the face veil as “The face veil is a barrier to integration in the West. The veil is now a mark of separation, segregation and defiance against mainstream British culture.”

The problem as many of us see it, is that our western way of life is under the concerted assault of islamification by stealth. This represents a serious problem as there is little support for this outside muslim communities and the multi-culti soft-left. Muslims in Australia need to be heading towards integration with the rest of us, not asking for yet more accommodations at our expense.

GZ’s question is simple and obvious and it is clear you don’t want to answer it because it doesn’t fit neatly into your “white guilt” view of the world. The re-emergence of pan-Islamism and the associated violence can not be neatly explained away by pointing to the actions of the west. The already numerous and increasing number of battlefronts which radical Islam has opened cannot be explained away in this simplistic manner anymore. Wealthy Islamic kids, many with university education are involved in the new global jihad, so poverty and deprivation are not realistic causes either. Of course this completely discredits the left tired old explanation of “class” as a catchall. Race is out as well, since muslims are from a myriad of races.

Islamic head hackers are hard at work on just about every continent. From Sudan and Nigeria, Kenya and Tanzania, across the whole of the middle east, Britain, France, Spain, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, through Former soviet republics like Chechnya, South Ossetia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, In Asia, India, Pakistan, the Phillipines, Indonesia, Malaysia and more recently in Canada, the US and Australia. The death lovers are everywhere and there not going to wait quietly for the demographic changes that will inevitably deliver them more political power.
Posted by Paul.L, Monday, 17 March 2008 4:41:57 PM
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CJ, teenagers often express their individuality by joining little 'gangs' or groups, dressing alike, speaking alike with their own little slanguage and generally being anything but individuals.

Alienation and a sense of disenfranchisement goes with the territory. Along with puberty comes chest beating...... ah shoot CJ, you know all this stuff. Why can't you see that Cronulla was a) a genuine protest against rampant criminality and b) a rallying cry for every half-baked racist south of the Mason-Dixon- all 2-3 thousand of them, and c)a mob like any other mob.

I'll be explicit in one pre protest incident I saw- a group of 5 Lebs(as they describe themselves) sneering at a young girl passing by asking would she like to come for a ride- in the climate created by the Skaff brothers this was a threatening invite to rape and a gang bang.

Our craven govt. and police service were unwilling to keep order- they had dismantled the unit set up to eliminate known about Lebanese car rebirthing rackets, drug rings and gun dealing- effectively giving the criminals in that community a green light. And remember that Iemma owed his political survival to the Lakemba Lebanese.

CJ, I took the time to talk to Shire kids before and after that Sunday and there was nothing racist in their comments; and they were Islamophobes to the degree that they rejected the prevailing "cat-meat' attitudes of this group of kids,(sexism gone wild) and some were genuinely confused as to why these youths were so anti them, anti australian and so focked up.

Late last year my then 16yo daughter worked in the local seafood shop owned by 2 Leb Moslem brothers. One day she came home with a copy of Islam For Everyday Use or some such to show me the following gem about divorce "...should not do so in the period of mens because the women is liable to become ill-tempered.....this physical disability may lead her to act indecently and cause the male frustration'.
Posted by palimpsest, Monday, 17 March 2008 7:13:49 PM
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"The Four Corners program attempted to explore how Australian intolerance, Islamophobia and racism might be implicated in the production of 'home-grown' terrorists. While it's not the whole story by any means, I think that its overall point was valid."

It's amazing that CJ says that after the article effectively demolishes that argument by pointing out that the English terrorists were not marginalised, and how there are many others reasons for anti-Muslim sentiment in Australia.

Can this guy read at all? He doesn't seem able to take a trick at all. The article rebuts a theory, and all he can do is dogmatically repeat the theory, as though that's a satuisfactory response to the rebuttal. Whoeever said that this guy can't reason was spot on.

Also, notice how he accuses Australians of racism whilst also refusing to consider why there was so much fury directed at 'Lebs' in Cronulla. The continual bullying by Lebanese Muslim gangs in the area is a reality that this lunar leftoid does not want to face.

Whilst calling others racist, he has the nerve to disregard facts in favour of siding for the Lebanese thugs who had terrorised the beaches at Cronulla for years at the expense of their non-Muslim victims, who had simply had enough.

Like Sheik Al-Hilali, this guy prefers to blame the victims for being victimised.

How low. And racist.
Posted by AJFA, Monday, 17 March 2008 7:41:57 PM
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