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'Four Corners' blames non-Muslims for extremism : Comments
By Leon Bertrand, published 14/3/2008To deny or ignore the anti-social behaviours which have caused hostility towards Muslims will not help anyone.
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Posted by goodthief, Monday, 17 March 2008 9:27:51 PM
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I quoted the 11,000 incidents figure since 9/11, because of the role played by the religion of Islam itself and how some choose to interpret it. Whether it is Muslims killing other Muslims as is the case between Shias an Sunnis or Al Quaida against the Shia it matters not. I cited this in the context of the feature article which criticises 4Cnrs for implying that it it is non muslims creating the extremism in Muslims, when the evidence world wide is demonstrably not the case. Indeed one would do well to read Major Coughlin Treatise "It is to our Detriment". You will find it here,a very definitive and thorough piece of research. If you dont like that, try reading Dr Bill Henderson's (Univ Melbourne School of Historical Studies) letter in Saturdays Australian.This highlights the role of the Mufti of Jerusalem,Amin Al Husseini in Hitlers genocidal rage against the jews,all supported by texts in the Koran. So much for being a religion of peace, and why there are 11,000 incidents. The Lebanese portrayed in the program are just another small example of the particular mindset that has developed over the last 1400 years. Posted by bigmal, Monday, 17 March 2008 9:44:13 PM
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I don't think it matters to the victim whether he or she gets shot by a frightened marine at a checkpoint or by an untrained contractor or blown up by a domestic car bomb. The point is that we are the ones who let the genie out of the bottle. We are the ones who dismantled the police, army and civil service soley because of their possible former political party membership and started all this chaos. We (the silent allies) are also the ones who helped Saddam put down the populist uprisings urged by Bush Senior after Desert Storm because he favored a military coup rather than an uncontrollable and possibly sectarian civilian government. He wanted another Saddam that would follow orders. We also allowed Turkey to kill thousands of Kurds along the border because of the imposition of the no-fly zone that stopped the Iraqis from defending their own territory. You may also be interested to know that the majority of all recorded terrorist incidents between 1968 and 2008 have come from seperatist/political groups and not religious ones. The incidence of recorded attacks in South America was (until recently) greater than those in the Middle East. And as for ("don't generalise") BOAZ, didn't our very own AWB contribute to Saddam's efforts to overcome the sanctions? The UN and the world knew what was happening for years, yet let it continue. Two senior UN representatives resigned in protest over these sanctions. It was the banning of various chemicals such as chlorine to disinfect drinking water and basic medicines that led to many deaths - especially children - and not just Saddam's covert diversion of funds to other areas. It's these sorts of things that fan hatred across generations. Finally, your assumption that I am female is (typically) incorrect. Posted by rache, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 1:12:13 AM
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This all seems a lot like the anti-Asian sentiment that was rife pre-2001.
Only then it was all triads, drug-running, non-integration, racial enclaves, street gangs, refusing to speak English and adopt our values.We had all sorts of threats of social upheaval and being out-bred by foreigners and rabid shock-jocks warning us of the danger. There was probably a 4-Corners programme about it at the time too. Maybe when the Muslims are able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of us and attack some other group, they will finally be accepted as part of the community. Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 1:23:19 AM
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The sock puppet speaks.... :) Green slime? Ginx.. we can always rely on you for very 'creative' abuse .. one of these days, it will tweak to you that it only reflects on 'you' 0_^
ISLAMIZATION OF AUSTRALIA. Yes.. this is me being hysterical....xenophobic...and ranting. I checked out that article Paul.L gave us and just about kacked my dacks! HOW DARE .. let me repeat that HOW DARRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Muslims students try to restructure our whole educational time tables at Uni's to 'suit their prayer times'? Good GRIEF.. there is not enough space in 350 words for all the exlamation marks I WANTED to put after those words. Howwwww many times, have we said "Thin end of the wedge"... 'Camels nose inside the tent'...etc... how dull, thick headed, lacking in basic common sense and intellectually challenged does a person need to be...NOT to see that all we have been harping on over the years now, is actually ....'true'... I can't recall the thread, but I did once say "Muslims in community will seek to re-structure their host community in TERMS OF their own value system." MORE IMPORTANTLY... is that we identify the "mindset" behind these bizzare requests. 1/ Islam is the ONLY true religion. 2/ The WORLD and all in it belongs to Allah AND his messenger. 3/ Islam is a POLITICAL system. "A way of life". The truly bizzare nature of these requests, is that they are a declaration of WAR against our established norms, they are just doing it by 'our' means of freedom, to establish THEIR non freedom. Can anyone imagine the outcry if, for example prayer times WERE allowed, and some activist piped up with "Muslim prayer times are discriminatory" ? Oooooh the howl would be heard in Mecca. "Islamophobia"..... PS."times" don't make a scrap of difference for a Christian. We are called to FREEdom.... NOT "LAW" Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 7:37:07 AM
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yep.. here it is. THEM. Lets examine some double speak/spin/propoganda from the one described as: “Australia's most prominent female Muslim leader” GOOD COP.(Aziza) 2005 "Among them is the president of the Muslim Women's National Network Australia, Aziza Abdulhalim, who says all imams need to have grounding in Australian law and the Australian way of life." BAD COP (AZIZA) 2008,,23269447-2702,00.html?from=public_rss Islamic leaders yesterday backed the push by Muslim students to have their lectures arranged to accommodate prayer sessions, but said such a move would be essential only for congregational Friday prayers. <<Female Muslim leader Aziza Abdel-Halim said yesterday it was a religious duty for those who followed Islam to preach with their fellow believers on Fridays.>> COMMENT. Who (aside from those who have had long stints in Larundel psychiatric facility) thinks that 'just friday' adjustments would be the end of this ? At THIS point in time, there is no 'accomodation' (for that read 'Islamification') but it is being requested. At some FUTURE point in time, a further request for 'fitting in with daily prayer times' might seem like a minor adjustment only. "Oh.. but you already allow friday prayer times.. why not daily"? CALL TO ARMS.. haha. .gotcha... the 'arms' I'm talking about are spiritual..and social. We can all take individual or group action of a protest nature about this, as long as it's peaceful and lawful. RMIT sounds like a good place to start. Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 8:10:30 AM
CJ Morgan, I'm glad you wrote that last post. You often write so heatedly, that you sometimes sound more partisan than [I think] you intend.
We don’t have to take an “either/or” approach to this. It's very unlikely that one side is all right, and the other all wrong. We waste valuable time thinking this way, and trying to work out who "started it". (Actually, I would love to know "who started it", but I think the time spent finding out would not be time well spent - if only because you'd have trouble convincing the guilty side that it was them.)
The Cronulla Police, and Australian governments and the community generally, need to uncover whatever is wrong – without fear or favour – examine it and address it. No favouring the locals, and no favouring newcomers. Each side must treat the other with respect, regardless of history and regardless of their wishes. Some won’t like it, and will try to make excuses: too bad, it should be insisted on.
And, of course, it's not just a matter of law enforcement. The communities need to meet and have serious, courageous, honest and civil discussions. But, if the dialogue fails, the law should be enforced.