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The Forum > Article Comments > Racism is not simply black and white > Comments

Racism is not simply black and white : Comments

By Ghassan Hage, published 16/6/2006

Discrimination and bias can exist among minority groups too.

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Dear Ranier
hey I'll meet up with you some time.. email me and we can tee it up. just give your mobile number and I'll give u a call.

I'm probably coming to Sydney in the not too distant future.

I'd consider a coffee and chat a delight. Bring along a couple of students also :)

Don't worry, I'm more bark than bite, and while I'm passionate about issues, I thoroughly enjoy human interaction with thinking people.

You still haven't responded to my other post that I can see, don't take all the time responding to Reddy, you know his position already.
Just answer his question and move on for crying out loud.

In the mean time, keep up the good work. Your interaction is always appreciated even if not agreed with.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 24 June 2006 6:07:41 AM
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Boaz D, that would be good, i'll drop you a line.

Oh come come on Redneck, write to OLO admin. They have my name and address ready for you. Don't worry about travel, I'll come and see you, anywhere, anytime. It would be my pleasure.

You're not scared of me are you? I'm a nice bloke, no criminal record, peaceful and non-violent. I just want to meet you and see what you look like, hear what you have to say and move on.

Are you so petrified to meet a black fella? If so that's not very Australian is it?
Posted by Rainier, Saturday, 24 June 2006 5:28:32 PM
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To Rainier.

You can meet me right here on this site, mate. Your obvious lack of integrity during this particular debate does not inspire trust in your personal ethics.

I'll bet you are glad that you and I did not have that formal debate? I managed to get you ducking and weaving on this topic in only 4 or 5 posts. Were you going to get your Artz class to watch the debate and see Rainier do over a redneck? Well, you sure had a narrow escape if you were going to do that.

I have not bothered to reply to your many interjections during debates on other topics because I do not consider your work up to standard. Most of the time you just do "hit and runs", interjecting with sarcastic remarks and what is called "rhetoric". "Rhetoric" are statements which tell people what to think, instead of telling them why they should think that way.

But in any case, I now have you pretty well where I want you, and if you try to get in my face again on another topic, I will simply ask you to explain the obvious contradiction in your own stated position again. Since you can't do that without exposing your own self interest, I think that you will look for an easier target than me.

That, of course, depends upon how smart you are.
Posted by redneck, Sunday, 25 June 2006 5:51:24 AM
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I have to confess I detect a bit of 'ducking and weaving' in your corner now :) why not meet Ranier ? I'm happy to do so.
Neutral ground, safety in numbers at Macca's or something in a Mall,... what's to be afraid of ? (grow a big beard b4 u do for 'identity camoflage' :)

Rainer does not strike me as threatening in any way at all, just pig headed :) sorry R, nothing personal.

This is a worthwhile discussion, and I'm just glad that we are able to have it.
I think you should be more prepared to reach out to your debating opponents beyond OLO.

Hope everyone's weekend is going well, my son (18) scored TWO GOALS at Soccer yesterday "Dat's ma boy" which made up for the travel distance to Heidleberg from the Outer East. His team includes a Jamaican dude, some 'wogs' and his mixed self. Very multi cultural, but mostly 'white scum' like me :)

In fact, the other team had blokes as old as FIFTY TWO on it... though most of them were late teens/early20s. I'm going to sign mySELF up soon :)

I had a sticky beak at a house being built. ARRRRGH.. the bloke who did the slab must be brain damaged. One load bearing wall has the bottom plate sticking out OVER the edge of the slab by 70% of its width...into thin air ! Council will NOT be pleased. The builder's sign said

"Another house by Green*_*s Builders, we go on 'reputation'"

whereupon reading that I almost choked.

Final thought.

Race does not determine intelligence or proclivity to crime.... culture and history do. Oppressed minorities would be less likely to respect the law of 'invaders'. The racial factor is purely coincidental. If their oppression includes less access to education, you might falsely take this to indicate lower intelligence.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Sunday, 25 June 2006 3:55:18 PM
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Redneck, you give yourself lots of credit for a debate that really has not happened or been resolved.


Well part of the reason is because you haven’t really challenged me to explain anything other than your own racisms.(ie, the bleeding obvious) They don't belong to me, its your baggage, and so its not my place to provide explanations on why your can't see this to be the case.

I can only say this. You're a confused bitter lonely little man with an ordinary kind of intellect that clearly frustrates you no end. Couple this with being barely literate [and obviously not well read] and you end up with ‘redneck’ online luddite write large, who fails to even comprehend how embarrassing he is to others.

Is OLO your only social interaction?

Do you have any friends at all?

That you can’t understand why you are a blind racist is not my problem. It’s yours. Do the world a favour - grow up, get a real life and deal with it. We are all waiting for you to join us.
Being an anti racist is much more fun and your get to meet all sorts of wonderful people.
Posted by Rainier, Sunday, 25 June 2006 5:06:40 PM
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To David Boaz.

I have no wish to meet any of the people I debate with on any debate site. That even goes for people who share my views. Subject closed.

You have made a statement “Race does not determine intelligence or proclivity to crime.... culture and history do.”

The first thing I would point out is that your statement is simply rhetoric. It is not supported by any argument which indicates why people should accept your view. For you to make such a statement, you must support it with some sort of evidence, either direct, indirect or circumstantial. The more that people can accept your evidence because they can confirm it from what they know is true, or what they divine is probably true, the more likely they will be to accept your statement. But simply making unsupported declarations is hardly likely to convince anyone, especially somebody who has good reason to think the opposite.

If you accept that breeds of dogs exist with different physical characteristics and different temperaments common to their breeds, how is it you will not accept that the same COULD apply to human beings? Especially when everyday reality clearly displays that some human ethnicities are most definitely far more prone to serious criminal behaviour than others? Is your conviction simply another article of faith?
Posted by redneck, Sunday, 25 June 2006 5:15:33 PM
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